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Expat Survey Shows 84% Happy In Thailand, Thaksin Not Popular

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I'm 27 so I guess I count in this "young people living in Thailand".

I love it here. The weather, the food, the shops, the people, prices and the nightlife. I feel I can have a much better life here than in Europe.

I normally read the headlines from Thaivisa but dread scrolling down to the comments.

The comments are on league with Youtube comments just from older people.

Some people are so negative here and go way off-topic just to make noise, depressive, so I avoid it. But this applies to so many other forums on the Internet :)

Personally I work in Bangkok and I fund my own way.

I do wonder about how some other people my age make their money from having low paid jobs in Bangkok, but no one ever questions it.

A lot of young people working here are either teachers or something to do with the web, be it designer, developer or some type of social networking "guru".

Many of them seem to be on the web and in front of their computers. It's not possible to be going out every night and partying :)

Thank you for your message.

You bring fresh air in our home for elderly.

The word I'll remember is "depressive". You are right the comments about Thai politics sound like coming from "depressive" and aggressive people. Nothing to be ashamed for tenants of an old dears' home.

Now my worry, as a guy who is looking a decent webmaster since 15 years is that most of the people looking for "something to do with the web" (young or old) are not professional. They just think that to be a farang gives a legitimacy in this matter.

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Thai visa always nice to read, and you see the results congratulations.

62% of respondents are happy with their internet service this surprised me.

And thaksin is not popular by expats why the are afraid there will be less prostitutes walking streets and soi Nana really Ding Dong.

Thai people have to solve her political problems by them self and the expats have to take what coms.


POST # 6 said "Maybe it's time to rejuvenate the members. Imagine the same survey in 2031: average age will be 70 - 79!!!!"

I disagree, Look at inflation here now, it is out of control for above min wage people, lets face it, most people here have some kind of western income and spend I reckon 12 times the min Thai wage a month, thats just living expensives, Most will call their capital Manila by then or be rooting for the Cambodia side by then.

Thailand will still be working out GSM 3G bribes, when GSM phones and dongals will be on the next Gen Ebay as a collectors items, and Cambodia will have country wide equivalent of 9th G, Thai prime realestate for IT folks will be in Cambodia border towns picking up the border over flow !!!!!!!! *giggle*

Sounds crazy, but just look at Thai intra-net. Hong Kong I get 85Mbs down and 27 up in a condo. Here I pay more to get 0.8 down and 0.6 up.

Amazing Thailand jap.gif


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

51% of respondents indicate using AIS/One-2-Call as mobile service provider, followed by DTAC (29%).

Sorry, can't type because I can't stop laughing. It's time for a Horse Beer....:jap:


Well, perhaps they are just happy to stay here and do not mind about politics and criticisms about Thailand.......

That's right........mind your own business.

Maybe it's time to rejuvenate the members. Imagine the same survey in 2031: average age will be 70 - 79!!!!

Of course, most of the farang living in Thailand are old chap like us but I see, on a daily basis, young guys LIVING in the country, mostly in Bangkok, I mean expats not tourists.

They would probably not be interested by the useless discussions / forums about Thaksin but they obviously like the country and have something to tell about it.

At this moment, where do they meet (on line)?

Well, perhaps they are just happy to stay here and do not mind about politics and criticisms about Thailand.

That depends on what you consider youngwink.gif


Thank you for your message.

You bring fresh air in our home for elderly.

The word I'll remember is "depressive". You are right the comments about Thai politics sound like coming from "depressive" and aggressive people. Nothing to be ashamed for tenants of an old dears' home.

Now my worry, as a guy who is looking a decent webmaster since 15 years is that most of the people looking for "something to do with the web" (young or old) are not professional. They just think that to be a farang gives a legitimacy in this matter.

I agree with you. I have met many web designers, developers and "social web" people who have little to no clue in Bangkok and they seem to bounce from one company to another. It's the same in the UK but less so after the market has matured and employers understand the sector more. Web development is at least 3-4 years behind in Thailand for a few reasons. But I assure you, there are people here who know what they're doing, they are probably just too busy to take any more work on!

If you've been looking for a webmaster for 15 years then I would imagine the problem is something else.

  • Not looking in the right place for people
  • Money you're offering isn't enough
  • You're controlling the project too much so developers loose heart (they can be sensitive sometimes!)

..or maybe something else I have missed.

Ohh, we're not "webmasters" any more! We're normally referred to as web designers or web developers, you don't generally find designers who can program or programmers who can design.

Sorry, off-topic but I hope this helps.

Send me a private message if you want to discuss anything or maybe I can guide you in the right direction.

@herb59 : I'm unsure what you mean. Gain more experience in Thailand to change my mind about how I love this country?


It is nice to see that the farang moaners only seem to be a majority on Thai Visa. :thumbsup:

They seem to be the natural evolution on all Thai expat forums of the type.


Thank you for your message.

You bring fresh air in our home for elderly.

The word I'll remember is "depressive". You are right the comments about Thai politics sound like coming from "depressive" and aggressive people. Nothing to be ashamed for tenants of an old dears' home.

Now my worry, as a guy who is looking a decent webmaster since 15 years is that most of the people looking for "something to do with the web" (young or old) are not professional. They just think that to be a farang gives a legitimacy in this matter.

I agree with you. I have met many web designers, developers and "social web" people who have little to no clue in Bangkok and they seem to bounce from one company to another. It's the same in the UK but less so after the market has matured and employers understand the sector more. Web development is at least 3-4 years behind in Thailand for a few reasons. But I assure you, there are people here who know what they're doing, they are probably just too busy to take any more work on!

If you've been looking for a webmaster for 15 years then I would imagine the problem is something else.

  • Not looking in the right place for people
  • Money you're offering isn't enough
  • You're controlling the project too much so developers loose heart (they can be sensitive sometimes!)

..or maybe something else I have missed.

Ohh, we're not "webmasters" any more! We're normally referred to as web designers or web developers, you don't generally find designers who can program or programmers who can design.

Sorry, off-topic but I hope this helps.

Send me a private message if you want to discuss anything or maybe I can guide you in the right direction.

@herb59 : I'm unsure what you mean. Gain more experience in Thailand to change my mind about how I love this country?

yes, gain more experience in Thailand over the years. if you still love it: okay, for you. but let others write how they want! depressiv,annoyed,frustrated.... then you see other sides of LOL!


Happy in Thailand ! That's wat it says in the OP.

How can you go from there to bloody web design?

Some like Taksin, others don't, why care?? We do NOT have a vote !

Like with what live is giving you and move on my friends.


Stats are a science, this poll means nothing.

A Journalistic tool at best, a poor indicator and meaningless piece of lazy journalism.

As the saying goes there are lies, damm lies, and then there are statistcis.

When some one gives a stat view instead of a journo poll then it might be worth reading.


Without going into detail I do happen to deal with survey upen survey every day though how they are conducted, in what way the questions are asked rather than the specifics of the survey. I would not give this a rating of 20% which would therefore put it at the lowest level.


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

When I was at school, a tiny percentage loved the nazis. Surveys like this always pulls out the people who don't go with the crowd! Good survey!

I've never gone with the sheepish crowd :whistling:


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

and like wise with me ----- as far as iam concerned after being in the LOS for 19 odd years he was the best so far---just waiting on the saviour to return - and iam amazed that at staggerin total of 39% of farang own houses - really - come on guys do u really believe your thai wife is going to really give u the house = in your name -- well unless the rules changed over nite and somone forgot to tell me - haha

some really interesting results = seems mine go lost some where in there - one questions should be - how many lost a lot of their money etc to thai ladies who then vanished overnite 555


I'm amazed at the numbers from the UK compared to USA considering the population difference. There seem to be quite a few US military guys who were here during the Vietnam war so I assumed more would be from the USA. I'd love to know why it's so popular with people from the UK. Is it because they find UK so bad or maybe they feel more comfortable somewhere they drive on the left (some of the time).

Never did the survey myself as I didn't know about it.


As a 20-something myself, I know loads of people my age living in Bangkok. Most of them are teachers, supporting themselves. Given how easy it is to find a job teaching English in BKK (which is not to say that the job itself is easy...), and how low the cost of living is, I think a young, able-bodied person just drifting and living off his parents (actually LIVING here, not backpacking or on an extended holiday) would be considered sort of a loser by most people I know.

While there will probably always be more 55 year old expats than 25 year old ones in Thailand, there's still sizable numbers of young people. We're probably not as visible because we tend to work normal business hours, live in different parts of town, and frequent different sorts of bars and clubs than the older expats do. And yes, I think it's true that fewer young people read TV, or if they do (like myself) they don't post that often, using it more for information and entertainment than as an actual online "community."


Keep to topic. No political discussion in this thread please. Further posts will be removed.

Why put Thaksin in the tittle of the thread if you don't want people to talk about politic ?

You're an admin here, if you don't want people to talk about politic, just edit the tittle of this thread and remove all reference to political people.

Including from the OP

To answer your survey, I'm half married to a Thai citizen, "own" two houses and a car, appreciate ThaiVisa, will, and had, recommended it to friends. I'm quite happy with the moderation here but appreciate some logic from time to time


Keep to topic. No political discussion in this thread please. Further posts will be removed.

Why put Thaksin in the tittle of the thread if you don't want people to talk about politic ?

You're an admin here, if you don't want people to talk about politic, just edit the tittle of this thread and remove all reference to political people.

Including from the OP

To answer your survey, I'm half married to a Thai citizen, "own" two houses and a car, appreciate ThaiVisa, will, and had, recommended it to friends. I'm quite happy with the moderation here but appreciate some logic from time to time

Very good point. I assume the Thaksin name is used to get people interested. Love him or loath him he does have amazing influence. His name seem to be mentioned on TV more than any other. He's even an option on one of the poll questions regarding voting preferences when he's not actually an option in the election, doesn't live in Thailand and would end up in jail if he returned.

A very interesting poll really.


How do:

36% own a house in Thailand

if only:

No visa, I am a Thai citizen 2.1%

Residence permit 3.7%

Seems to me 30.2% are also liars? How accurate is this poll really?

You can not own land in Thailand, but you can own a house. Or lease. Or have your partner or wife buy it.

....don't forget owning by proxy through your luk-kreuang. Sure its not yours 100%, but just as well... there is no true ownership where I come from either. Even if you have finished paying for full title (in my country of origin), just stop paying your property taxes and see who really owns your house.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


Thaksin's government will make economy better, there will be less prostitutes walking streets and soi Nana

this is probably one of many reasons expats and those parasitical elites are not a big fan of him.

Excuse me Sir, but did you just get off the plane??

How exactly will that happen inasmuch as the street walkers on Sukhumvit started under his watch? And Nana? Do you know how long that has been there?

Most expats avoid it.


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

and like wise with me ----- as far as iam concerned after being in the LOS for 19 odd years he was the best so far---just waiting on the saviour to return - and iam amazed that at staggerin total of 39% of farang own houses - really - come on guys do u really believe your thai wife is going to really give u the house = in your name -- well unless the rules changed over nite and somone forgot to tell me - haha

some really interesting results = seems mine go lost some where in there - one questions should be - how many lost a lot of their money etc to thai ladies who then vanished overnite 555

And how many lost theirs back home to a farang woman? More than lost their home to Thai women, that's for sure.


In parts the survey didn't give flexibility to answer; in other words you had to give an answer that you may not have been happy with. When you put this type of question into a survey you are just stacking results. The reasoning on this is that you could not move on in the survey without an answer so you would not be able to give a result for the survey. I know I answered questions in the survey but felt very uncomfortable with the answer. If I didn't answer I couldn't do the survey, it would flick me back to I answered.

A neutral answer or No comment answer is also powerful result, as it still gives a result in that the answers set out are not the ones the person doing the survey would give.

I couldn't understand why there were questions in there about Thaksin. What ever the answer expats don't have political sway in the country. Its something that I would have in the back of my mind but that is where it stays because I don't have a political say in Thailand. If my opinion counted yeah sure put it in, but I think you are playing with fire otherwise.

The survey in part may have purpose, but results with survey's need to be looked at carefully as it is easy to corrupt results. When this happens all you end up with is a piece of paper or garble on your computer screen. Surveys are very hard to fine tune and you may need to do a few focus group trials before they go out.


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

and like wise with me ----- as far as iam concerned after being in the LOS for 19 odd years he was the best so far---just waiting on the saviour to return - and iam amazed that at staggerin total of 39% of farang own houses - really - come on guys do u really believe your thai wife is going to really give u the house = in your name -- well unless the rules changed over nite and somone forgot to tell me - haha

some really interesting results = seems mine go lost some where in there - one questions should be - how many lost a lot of their money etc to thai ladies who then vanished overnite 555

Business wise Thaksin was a good prime minister. And his move to sell his company to Singapore was a wise move for ASEAN integration. Singapore is a very conservative asian country, it wasn't like selling his soul to the capitalist west, it was a little step toward opening Thailand to the outside world. Since the coup, all the relation with the neighboring countries are going from bad to worse.

The most ridiculous action from the military was the move to close the new airport and move back to Don Muang. They didn't expect the reaction from the rest of the world, proof they were completely out of touch from the real world.

I'm happy Abhisit will soon be history. Korn belongs to this young generation that can bring good things to this country. Thaksin is probably too controversial to be allowed to come back. but he was a good prime minister.


How do:

36% own a house in Thailand[

if only:

No visa, I am a Thai citizen 2.1%

Residence permit 3.7%

Seems to me 30.2% are also liars? How accurate is this poll really?

The two are not mutually exclusive. Youu can own a property without having a residence permit.

You can control it, but not own it.

You can own the house, but not the land


Thaksin's government will make economy better, there will be less prostitutes walking streets and soi Nana

this is probably one of many reasons expats and those parasitical elites are not a big fan of him.

welcome red newbie, back as a re-register? or a genuine newcomer who suddenly wanted to wave a red flag?

either way, i see you have dived straight in to the political fray and ignored the hundreds of other fascinating non political posts on Thaivisa

welcome anyway, you have made it clear in your first post, why you are here..............


Question 30 on the survey: "what is your overall rating of Thavisa forum quality" is improperly constructed. The possible responses virtually guarantee an extremely postive response. The only options are excellent, very good, good, bad, and very bad. What happened to fair or average?


How do:

36% own a house in Thailand

if only:

No visa, I am a Thai citizen 2.1%

Residence permit 3.7%

Seems to me 30.2% are also liars? How accurate is this poll really?

I own a house but do not own the land that's how. My wife owns the land and I the house very easy.


No, company owns the house , you own the company.

No company- no house!

How do:

36% own a house in Thailand

if only:

No visa, I am a Thai citizen 2.1%

Residence permit 3.7%

Seems to me 30.2% are also liars? How accurate is this poll really?

I own a house but do not own the land that's how. My wife owns the land and I the house very easy.


Thaksin is very popular with me, guess I am a rare breed of farang :whistling: so are the red shirts :jap:

and like wise with me ----- as far as iam concerned after being in the LOS for 19 odd years he was the best so far---just waiting on the saviour to return - and iam amazed that at staggerin total of 39% of farang own houses - really - come on guys do u really believe your thai wife is going to really give u the house = in your name -- well unless the rules changed over nite and somone forgot to tell me - haha

some really interesting results = seems mine go lost some where in there - one questions should be - how many lost a lot of their money etc to thai ladies who then vanished overnite 555

Business wise Thaksin was a good prime minister. And his move to sell his company to Singapore was a wise move for ASEAN integration. Singapore is a very conservative asian country, it wasn't like selling his soul to the capitalist west, it was a little step toward opening Thailand to the outside world. Since the coup, all the relation with the neighboring countries are going from bad to worse.

The most ridiculous action from the military was the move to close the new airport and move back to Don Muang. They didn't expect the reaction from the rest of the world, proof they were completely out of touch from the real world.

I'm happy Abhisit will soon be history. Korn belongs to this young generation that can bring good things to this country. Thaksin is probably too controversial to be allowed to come back. but he was a good prime minister.

there are none so blind as those who cannot see........

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