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Why Thailand’s Sexpat Community Hates Thaksin


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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

For a new member you have learned fast. 'hardened we hate Thaksin brigade' and '90% of posters anti-PT'. Furthermore opinionated 'they know best'. Of course it would help when you can qualify your statement to make it more than just your (self-)opinionated thinking. IMHO of course ;)

Please remember the obvious always needs to be pointed out :)

TV current affairs forum summed up in one post. if someone posts something you don't agree with, (yellow) crayon all over his post. You forgot to accuse him of being (as a new poster)in the pay of the Reds, but I'm sure someone will be along soon to put that right.

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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

For a new member you have learned fast. 'hardened we hate Thaksin brigade' and '90% of posters anti-PT'. Furthermore opinionated 'they know best'. Of course it would help when you can qualify your statement to make it more than just your (self-)opinionated thinking. IMHO of course ;)

Please remember the obvious always needs to be pointed out :)

TV current affairs forum summed up in one post. if someone posts something you don't agree with, (yellow) crayon all over his post. You forgot to accuse him of being (as a new poster)in the pay of the Reds, but I'm sure someone will be along soon to put that right.

I asked for some substantiation of remarks which condemn other's opinions. That's not a put down, that a simple question for more information. In a democracy or discussion forums people like to ask questions, you know.

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This guy, and the inestimable Jessica Olien deserve each other.

Both have self-inflated, otherwise undistinguished, self-proclaimed careers in 'journalism' (blogging).

The raising of the unfortunately clever 'sexpat' word is just so evocative among their intended audience that they seemingly cannot resist its use. The climate of puritanical hypocrisy has risen to such great pitch mainly because of the rightward drift of Western society, which is led, but only in part, by my home country, the United States of America. There is unbounded enthusiasm for prurient details, and moral outrage alike in the public psyche, and the need to point the finger at 'them', is not unlike the need for Thai society to point the finger at 'them (us)': it allows face to be saved.

Note that there is no such outrage in Buriram's small sois, nor in those of Ban Dung, where Thai men do what they have always done. There is only outrage where there is a ready-made market for it: Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. Focus the eye there, while the other hand is conducting business as usual...

And what baggage we posters bring! A microcosm of all that's wrong with our respective societies, laid bare on ThaiVisa...

The only 'universal truth' I can find in all of this is the apparent schizophrenia in those who, indeed, came here to get laid, and then somehow manage to remove themselves from the category, and turn on everyone else. Those who protest too much, and those who are 'pure' have the same tragic flaw: they seem compelled, at their own peril, to bring with them the very problems they seek to escape...intolerance, and the inability to 'live and let live'.

I think Mr. Waites' photo does, indeed, reveal the glint of rudimentary intelligence in those eyes. The problem is what he chooses to do with it.

Wow, I am impressed.

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An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

If you've actually bothered to read the article and not just become apoplectic with rage at the headline, you'd know that your second observation of Dan is blatently untrue. The article is well written, articulate and amusing - three things so many people are incapable of doing.

He also quite clearly states that there are many expats living and working in Thailand that don't fit the stereotype...

And then attaches them to Thai Visa. I really doubt that the bar crawlers give a rat's patootie about Thai Visa. As I said before, read it as you will. If you think this guy is right then you are probably part of the problem in Thailand. You want everything like your own country.

I am here to enjoy this country. I don't need modern shopping centers, hospitals or anything else. I also hope I live far away from the falang that want these things. I also hope I am burnt to a crisp and interred the way the Thai people do it.

P.S. I have enough money to do anything the way I want or need.

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I'm going to differ from the crying and teeth gnashing by saying he hit the nail right on the head. His observations about the Thailand expat "community" and the general views of Thaksin have been mentioned a lot already. I still think the over the top expat grudge has more to do with beer curfew hours and bar hours. I remember when that was first proposed expats went berserk on here threatening everything from leaving (which none did) to hilarious plans for protest and boycotts (which also never happened.)

There's no reason to hate Thaksin that much. He's no worse than the current crop of chuckleheads in government and probably a great deal better in many aspects especially concerning business competency.

I don't hate him (Thaksin) and it is correct to lump him in with all the other pols in the world. There is not an honest one among them. I could care less if the bars close early. I am generally in bed by 21:00. Not because I am an old retiree but because I like an early start.

I think I am soon to disregard TV because of the banality of the uneducated or drunken entries to worthless articles as this.

Edited by Gonsalviz
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You'll find that french opinion is not taken seriously on thaivisa...:lol:

I would applaud with four hands if I could ! Although I do not like Taksin, he is more a greedy businessman than a humanist, I have to admit that he gave a new start to what should be "modern Thailand". All these sexpats that react with hatred to your article would be supporters of Sarah Palin in the US, their tiny little life is made of hatred and selfishness... the point is that, wherever they would live, they would criticize and exploit other. Their life is nothing but their miserable feeling of power when they treat others with arrogance.

Sorry for my poor english, I am french and not a supporter of DSK !

In this case I'll make an exception.

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Just let me clue you in Mr.Dan Waites. :annoyed:

This sort of stereo typing is ugly demeaning insulting and completely false.

Yes there are a handful like this but not as many as you would want us to believe in your stupid story. :redcard2:

Most of my friends are ex-military, or retired form a successful career in the petroleum business. And worked here for contractors servicing Union Oil Thailand.

We stayed for various reasons. For one our retirement pay would not go very far in our home countries. Second some of us are sic of the politics, over regulation and ignorant liberalism that allow black men to call a white man honky, a Muslim to call us filthy infidels, a mexican to call us white trash. But let one of us call one a negro, a terrorist or a wetback and we go to JAIL and get fined for discrimination. They can burn our flags but we cant burn theirs, they can burn a bible but we can not burn a koran. Just like the spell check in Microsoft bible can be in lower case but koran must be upper case. Stupid liberal crap

Regulation yea the Department of Energy demands and will fine and jail you if you do not install a toilet that saves water and the dang thing does NOT WORK. And this is in more than one country. You must have a % of mexican negro or others in your business if you employ more that 25 people. And if you run a business of call center help, answering service or the like YOU MUST HAVE SPANISH, or they shutdown your business and fine you.

Taxes nuff said on that

Teachers the ones that are good stay at it. The rest are known as backpacker teachers. They came here wanted to stay longer were not qualified but most teach or act like teachers in government schools, and when the student graduates he or she could NEVER pass any entrance exam to any university.

Bar owners, there are a larger percent that are retirees, entrapenuars and just plainly bored of the country life. Only two examples George Pipus, 40 years in the bar business, retired CIA operative now deceased. Bob, retired from IBM, owns upscale bar on soi 31, owns a five star bar & private club on Ekamai.

Thaivisa.com 80% did not take the survey. Some of us have never been to Patpong, Soi Cowboy or Nana. Some have not been there in 5,10 or 15 years. Some only go on payday to unwind. Some dont even drink.

Thaksin, I too do not want him to return, because if he does the army loses face and will certainly kill him as they did the general known as Suea Dang. I support the red shirt movement as they are the poor rural people of Thailand, proud, and have the dignified job of growing the food YOU ate for lunch. Defiant because of the class segregation they are tired of.

You gave one example Bob Sexer I give the second Dan Waites the sexpat writer so he can have a long term visa and money to support his honey's in Hua Hin beach bars.

I think what you did in your slimy story is describe your own pitiful existence


And might I add that in general my own country, the great, USA, is a burden that I nor the world needs. Politicians are the same worldwide. They all lie for the almighty vote. Thaksin and his ilk have no intention of buying a tablet PC for every student. They need an education first.

Abhisit and his ilk could not possibly raise the wages of workers 25% in 2 years without some massive financial problems. 3 or 4 % is more workable.

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This guy, and the inestimable Jessica Olien deserve each other.

Both have self-inflated, otherwise undistinguished, self-proclaimed careers in 'journalism' (blogging).

The raising of the unfortunately clever 'sexpat' word is just so evocative among their intended audience that they seemingly cannot resist its use. The climate of puritanical hypocrisy has risen to such great pitch mainly because of the rightward drift of Western society, which is led, but only in part, by my home country, the United States of America. There is unbounded enthusiasm for prurient details, and moral outrage alike in the public psyche, and the need to point the finger at 'them', is not unlike the need for Thai society to point the finger at 'them (us)': it allows face to be saved.

Note that there is no such outrage in Buriram's small sois, nor in those of Ban Dung, where Thai men do what they have always done. There is only outrage where there is a ready-made market for it: Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. Focus the eye there, while the other hand is conducting business as usual...

And what baggage we posters bring! A microcosm of all that's wrong with our respective societies, laid bare on ThaiVisa...

The only 'universal truth' I can find in all of this is the apparent schizophrenia in those who, indeed, came here to get laid, and then somehow manage to remove themselves from the category, and turn on everyone else. Those who protest too much, and those who are 'pure' have the same tragic flaw: they seem compelled, at their own peril, to bring with them the very problems they seek to escape...intolerance, and the inability to 'live and let live'.

I think Mr. Waites' photo does, indeed, reveal the glint of rudimentary intelligence in those eyes. The problem is what he chooses to do with it.

Wow, I am impressed.

Good golly Miss Molly. +2

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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

oh course we know best.

to hell with Thaksin.

things like democracy and peoples will etc are less important to us than the sole goal of pursuring this terrible monster to the grave.

my brain hurts

Edited by bungalownights
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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

oh course we know best.

to hell with Thaksin.

things like democracy and peoples will etc are less important to us than the sole goal of pursuring this terrible monster to the grave.

my brain hurts


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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

oh course we know best.

to hell with Thaksin.

things like democracy and peoples will etc are less important to us than the sole goal of pursuring this terrible monster to the grave.

my brain hurts

I recommend a Pythonesque knotted-hankie, on your head, to keep off the noon-day sun ! :rolleyes:

Democracy & integrity & less-corrupt PMs & less-nepotism are more important, than the return of a former caretaker-PM, with a 'Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card' to void any previous/further court-cases. B)

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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

What about the flacid " We hate Thaksin brigade"? Not all can be hardened! True there are now medications but really, to leave all those with the inability to "pitch a tent" out in the cold? You know what happens in the cold, right? What about those as well? Call them the "Turtle people" will they have the same opportunities as the hardened we hate Thaksin brigade? Now Yinluck i can certainly understand having hardened supporters and can understand why so many people would like to get behind her. But a "Clone" of Thaksin! Let that image pop in your head at just the right moment!w00t.gif Thats right! When she is about to grant amnesty to her brother and whamo! She pulls back her rubber face and voila! Guess Who? Would that be the third sex? Could happen TIT!thumbsup.gif

I will now apply my Pythonesque knotted-hankie

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  • 2 months later...

An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Hey you,,I'm not a "sex deviate" and i hate Thaksin, so shut your pie hole

and open your eyes...

I'm not sure, but I think you missed the sarcasm......

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Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Please, oh, please, give some examples of Dr. T's, TRT, PTP, PPP, policy of helping the little people. I do know of a lot him abusing his position somewhat and lining his own nest already. The hard working people in the villages in the South don't LOVE him!!

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I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .

You're right, he just accused members of this forum of being majority 'sexpats' by linking anti-Thaksin sentiments as the same as being a 'sexpat' (nasty little word trick). Not every member of this forum is a resident of Thailand but have connections to the country nonetheless. This article is insulting to everyone on this forum whether you are a 'sexpat' or not. One thing I will say about this forum is that contributers ALL want the best for Thailand and just have different views on how that can be accomplished.

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The truth hurts dont it ? lol

Have you ever noticed that the politicians and preachers who rail against homosexuality, maritial infidelity, pedophilia are alway getting in the newspaper when they are exposed as the hypocrites they are? This guy sounds like he suffers from reformed-whore syndrome. Maybe he got religion or got married and now he is reformed he can preach his 'new' gospel. The World is full of his finger-pointing type.

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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

The know what is best for Thais attitude is annoyingly ridiculous

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Actually I know a number of sexpats and none have ever said that they hate Thaksin. The only bitter sour hateful farangs I know of are the farang political experts on Thai Visa. They fancy themselves as experts but have failed to see that most Thai politicians are corrupt. Now they are trying to say that one side is more corrupt than the other. What I don't understand is if things are so bad here, why do they stay?

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This guy, and the inestimable Jessica Olien deserve each other.

Both have self-inflated, otherwise undistinguished, self-proclaimed careers in 'journalism' (blogging).

The raising of the unfortunately clever 'sexpat' word is just so evocative among their intended audience that they seemingly cannot resist its use. The climate of puritanical hypocrisy has risen to such great pitch mainly because of the rightward drift of Western society, which is led, but only in part, by my home country, the United States of America. There is unbounded enthusiasm for prurient details, and moral outrage alike in the public psyche, and the need to point the finger at 'them', is not unlike the need for Thai society to point the finger at 'them (us)': it allows face to be saved.

Note that there is no such outrage in Buriram's small sois, nor in those of Ban Dung, where Thai men do what they have always done. There is only outrage where there is a ready-made market for it: Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. Focus the eye there, while the other hand is conducting business as usual...

And what baggage we posters bring! A microcosm of all that's wrong with our respective societies, laid bare on ThaiVisa...

The only 'universal truth' I can find in all of this is the apparent schizophrenia in those who, indeed, came here to get laid, and then somehow manage to remove themselves from the category, and turn on everyone else. Those who protest too much, and those who are 'pure' have the same tragic flaw: they seem compelled, at their own peril, to bring with them the very problems they seek to escape...intolerance, and the inability to 'live and let live'.

I think Mr. Waites' photo does, indeed, reveal the glint of rudimentary intelligence in those eyes. The problem is what he chooses to do with it.

Wow, I am impressed.

Thank you for digging this excellent post.

Schizophrenia, intolerance, he surely knows what he is talking about

And the article from Ms Jessica Olein is hilarious. I forwarded to a couple of friends and we shared a good laugh. We all know at least a "Tom" or a "Terry". They really do exist.

On a more positive note there are plenty of places in Thailand where you can enjoy a fresh beer and good laugh far from them and their escorts.

I really liked the part about the "run-down women in spandex dresses trying to convince customers to put down money on a game of pool". It reminded me a joke about a go-go bar in Hong Kong that featured in an old James Band movie, where everything is original, including the waitresses biggrin.gif.

Edited by JurgenG
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I'm one of the guys of the sexpat community like in this article describe.This guy is absolutely right.I'm here in huahin and there are a lot guys are like me.

They have a girl at least 30 years younger,run a bar or do like me,go for a drink 11 a.m with many of my mates and get drunk every day..laugh.gif

When I was in Pattaya it was there exactly the same. When we have to go back to our home countries,then we are there scum.Drinking,screwing and have only drinking mates.blink.gif

I don't like politic,special not when it's not my home country.Thats up to the Thai people and the most of them like Thaksin or you like it or not.We have to stay out Thai politic and mind your own business.


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Never had any interests in politics, either in Thailand or my own country.

I can honestly say that within my lifetime, no Government has ever implemented any policies that have improved the quality of my life. So my philosophy has always been, who gives a rat’s behind who’s running the show, it makes no difference to me.

There is no way that I would ever be out there waving the flag for some tin pot leader, who at the end of the day, isn’t going to do anything for me or improve the lot of the nation. They`re first priorities is to feather their own nests. That goes for all of them.

And I would guess that most of us guys would be socialising and out on the nest all night if we had the money. I bet that most of the prim and proper boys are mostly elderly and well passed it anyway.


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  • 1 month later...

One thing I will say about this forum is that contributers ALL want the best for Thailand and just have different views on how that can be accomplished.

That...would be something.

What is best for Thailand is probably what is best for Thailand's future. And, though it's hilariously unlucky for Thailand's future to be so powerless in the present, they really do have only themselves to blame. I think there is an old Chinese proverb that translates into something like: "The leading cause of pedophila is sexy, sexy children."

People want what is best for them. Though it's a bit tacky to confuse personal preferences with the 'best' interests of others, the strategy itself is not exactly...uncommon. I have it on good authority that people fall in 'love' all the time.

Have you ever noticed that the politicians and preachers who rail against homosexuality, maritial infidelity, pedophilia are alway getting in the newspaper when they are exposed as the hypocrites they are? This guy sounds like he suffers from reformed-whore syndrome. Maybe he got religion or got married and now he is reformed he can preach his 'new' gospel. The World is full of his finger-pointing type.

Whoa. Are all those in the same basket? Being gay = having a mistress = sexually exploiting a child ?

Don't confuse religion with do-gooders. That would be acutely ironic.

You seem to be a subscriber to anarchy, which is obviously a legitimate philosophical position. But in the real world, if you don't draw the lines somewhere, it's really bad news for 8 year olds. You can't really fault those who stick their noses into that sort of thing - perhaps they have an interest, in delaying the exploitation for a decade? lolz. No one likes people who cut queues.

The know what is best for Thais attitude is annoyingly ridiculous

On so many levels, yes. In particular, the sheer redundancy of the sentiment. Thais are kind of brilliant. But it would be a redundant sentiment for them, let alone...a farang social commentator.

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