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What utter drivel.

The "writer" blasts stereotypes, but then goes on to to embellish and enhance the Westerner stereotype in such detail as to wholeheartedly perpetuate it. He then stereotypes ThaiVisa Forum members. Hypocrisy.

The "writer" then formulates his conclusion based on his imagined and enhanced stereotype - "expats who hate Thaksin (and by extension, Yingluck) are selfish sexual deviants".

I am sure the "writer" is being completely unbiased and has no agenda. [/sarcasm]

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

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Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

I dont think Thaksin is running in this election and I know the parties running are already offering holidays and cash for votes already.:o


Wasn't Thaksin pro-development of gambling casinos? I would think that 'sexpats' would be in favor of this policy. I don't follow the logic that 'sexpats' would be against Thaksin solely because of a "“social order” campaign" which my guess is that few were even aware.

On the other hand, the drug sweep that he engineered which translated into extrajudicial executions put me off. But aside from that, I could be wrong, but I haven't heard of any anti-expat leanings. As a matter of fact, I have heard that it was under Thaksin's regime that acquiring visas for longer stays became easier.

I'm not pro or anti Thaksin. I have Thai friends (not red shirts) that really feel strongly in support of Thaksin. It's not my country so I stay out of the debate.


Can anybody read? He was describing the stereotype farang and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. Actually, I think it's pretty accurate; about half of the farang here in Pattaya would fit that description!

+1 555, this article has rattled a few cages... if it wasn't from a news article I would have shouted TROLL.


I dont think Thaksin is running in this election and I know the parties running are already offering holidays and cash for votes already.:o

Of course he not personally running...

but don't you think perhaps that he might have some-to-significant "influence" on Yingluck's policies and actions, should she win?

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .

Yeah, that's what he said and he is correct.


I agree with this article. Don't understand the hate for Thaksin. Whether he did a bad or not, he still did more good for the 90% or the population than has ever been done before.

If people read the whole article they would've noticed he wasn't slagging all people living in Thailand. I've lived here for a couple of years and I'm not insulted. If it rings close to home, then I understand why you have a problem with this article.

"It's an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it's several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I've described above living in this country. In fact, there are lots."


well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

and where does this fact come from? from the media? just like WMD in Iraq?

I just cant imagine how people believe in everything they read.

Thailand was much better in the times of Thaksin than it is now. This if the fact. Don't believe me? Look at the economic outcomes.


I don't recognize myself in this article , I don't own a beer bar , I don't have "fun" with local girls , I never go out in those areas where sex is offered , I might be boring ,sure , I assume myself very well in my simple life ..

Don't put the eggs in the same basket Mr Dan Waites , that is maybe your life but not mine and apparently not the one of many others , what you describe are usually tourists unless you are being ironic on the concept. There are many reasons to dislike someone , been living here for 20 years and have seen a few PM in power , Taksin was not the best or the worse , he just thought he could run the country like he runs a company.

"It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I’ve described above living in this country"

YES I agree its only stereotype and I stop you right away , there is NO basis in reality at least for myself and I am sure for many other expats.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

...and he had his political opponents shot ..... (oh sorry that was a war on drugs!)

I am here in retirement, I do not fit the writer's stereotype in anyway shape or form ... and I hate Thaksin.


Because I have spent my life fighting on humanitarian issues. I have worked full time for Amnesty International and other NGOs. I can spot a dictator with a hidden agenda from a mile off. I could also understand the politics behind the red-shirts, where they had no policy platform but rather engaged in emotional manipulation. Many of Thaksin's antics are reminiscent of the early National Socialist movement in Germany which led to the atrocities of WWII. In the UK I was also heavily engaged in libertarian politics and stood as a candidate for the SDP Alliance.

So no more stereotyping from that awful writer known as Dan something or the other. Awful journalism.


I dont think Thaksin is running in this election and I know the parties running are already offering holidays and cash for votes already.:o

Of course he not personally running...

but don't you think perhaps that he might have some-to-significant "influence" on Yingluck's policies and actions, should she win?

What makes you think that I am referring to Yingluck's Party as one of the Partie's I am referring to.


Some points I do agree, a lot of Bangkok expats look different from Hong Kong or Singapore expats, a bit more overweight a bit more under-dressed. And a lot of teachers do not like to be a teacher, sad for the students. If you sit behind your computer now with a hangover and have to teach in a couple of minutes, you are one of them, of course you enjoyed the 2 for 1 in The Londoner last night and the attention from women, who you paid not enough in the morning.  But I do know a lot of teachers who love their job. He is not saying all Expats are Sexpats but you can't deny there are many. I have got a company in Bangkok and I work too much , no time to be a sexpat, what a pity. Yes and of course I do not like Thaksin, think he took some money from this country.They did not freeze 46 billion baht for nothing is it? Quite clearly buying votes from the poor people who thinks he is a "good man" when you give them some money.<br><br>I do agree --> so many expats are complaining on Thaivisa about Thai people and Thai culture.  If you do not like it, go home farang. <br>


man i don t know why you wrote this for me you are stupid but realy stupid i never read somethink like that

political here AND OTHER COUNTRY will be always problem because of corruption always like i speak before

put bussiness man at goverment is dangerous

many show you they give you 1000 or 1000 000 but i would like to know the feeback he got after look around you guy

here nothing is free is always for got more behind

now BOB the sexer or other this is never for longtime in Thailand

this is realy stupid if they don t like thaskin or other have reason not only what you think

and maybee guy try to look more and read bettwen lign not only what do you think or listen


Can anybody read? He was describing the stereotype farang and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. Actually, I think it's pretty accurate; about half of the farang here in Pattaya would fit that description!

Half is a conservative estimate!


This is such a one sided negative view - Why do people go and live in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Berlin, etc.....anywhere else for that matter.

When people go to a new place they do what they couldnt do back home. Some do good things some are - fat old and stupid and pay for what they cant get and get ripped off at the same time.

If your 60+ and have a wife half your age and your daughter is older then your wife then there is something - Not quite right..

I have lived in many countried due to work and choose to live in here and I do so for many reason that do not include Sex, Drinking and all the above.

I also choose to write here as I have the time to do so and can afford the time - you cant do that in various mentioned cities. I have tried.

I dont have illusions of grandure - I consider myself lucky to be able to have made a choice and be able to do what I feel I need to do.

Sure I have sex in every country and I do like a drink if I feel like it but thats not why I choose to live in Thailand. You can pay for sex in any country and drink yourself silly anywhere too.

I have also had business in other countries, just because I had a bar in Thailand does not make me a pimp. I still get emails from people everyday who had such a great time the encourage more tourists to visit.

Why, they enjoyed thier time in a nice country - without the stereotype detailed by the poster of this artical.

Some people have morals and bring service where it was missing.

In Australia we accept forign owners that bring Deli's and Restaurants to the shores as it brings new tastes and service.

There are stereo types everywhere......but usually thats who you associate yourself with and most comments like this post explain more about the poster.

If thats what he/she/it see's then it tells more about his surrounding then mine. I live in central BKK and it feels more like the west than the west does nowadays.

I choose to think better about people and hope fools and idiots stayed back in thier country.

I thought that whenever I saw undesireable in any place I lived...If I didnt like it I LEFT, I didnt complain like an old maid about it.

Isnt Hollywood and Vegas the centers of sex sin drinking drugs prostitution and fun.. Dont millions of people go to Hollywood daily and sell thier souls for an unrealistic dream ?

...I wouldnt come to Thailand for what I left behind. I came here for some very valid and good reasons.

Food friends and sunshine are the main things on my list - followed by the environment to live in a stress free city/country.

Not everyone who is an expat is a sexpat. Look in the mirror and around you and see who you are.

Dont judge others . . . and spread bad stereotypical views that are as old as your mamma's.

..and hell, if you dont like it - buy a ticket and GO. ...sounds like the stereo type of the Whinging Pom. ( sorry to the UK folk who dont bitch about things.... )


well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

and where does this fact come from? from the media? just like WMD in Iraq?

I just cant imagine how people believe in everything they read.

Thailand was much better in the times of Thaksin than it is now. This if the fact. Don't believe me? Look at the economic outcomes.

Right !! We should always question what we read.

But we should also not confuse the world economy with the "era of Thaksin" etc. The fact is that pretty much all over the planet "times were better" during Thaksin's time. Was all that due to Thaksin's economic genius? And we all know economies all over the world are not doing good now. Is all that due to Abhisit??

Have you considered that perhaps these business cycles and swings might be a result of central bank and international financial mega-corp shenanigans wreaking havoc on the world economy in general, by creating bubbles and then bursting them?

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

I got news for you, most everybody gets paid to vote in Thailand. The Dems were giving out 500 baht per vote in my area last week. That's the oldest hypocritical excuse I've ever heard.

that's quite a serious accusation against the Dems

they could be dissolved for vote buying if you can put some meat on the bone

so is it just you saying it for propaganda purposes for the reds or can you prove it?


In my view it's a thoroughly feeble article, heavy handed and devoid of wit.Above all it doesn't make much sense.There is an amusing article to be written about the type of foreigner consumed with hatred of Thaksin but this one isn't it.A tease, which I'm all in favour of, has to have some basis in reality.Off the top of my head the author mixes up two distinct groups.The corpulent tattooed expatriate, Pattaya Man, doesn't generally have a great interest in Thai politics - or to be frank any interest in anything beyond feeding his appetites.The anti Thaksin obsessive on Thai Visa is a different type altogether, probably lower middle class in origin but with some kind of reasonable backgound whether as a non commissioned officer or marginal "businessman", often in the ELT area.The motivation of these people is still puzzling not because Thaksin isn't a disreputable politician but because of the sheer crazed obsession involved.

The biggest weakness in the article is the link with Purachai and his nightlife campaign.Except for one particularly off the wall individual (he thinks the aim of the current political struggle is to make the Rajdamri shopping malls safe for humanity!) I have never seen an anti Thaksin obsessive on TV make this link.I don't think it enters their calculations at all, and to be fair their objections to Thaksin are much more reasonably rooted in his meglomania and corruption.


I hate the stereotypes and the generalizations, and that journalist look an expert in this matter. Maybe he writes just watching himself in the mirror?


Dan Waits-Dan Waits, must be waiting for the truth because your writings border lines racism. Just like many others i know i came for a job in a large corporation that required an expat as they were getting screwed by the beloved Thai community. I met my wife whom is a Lawyer as we were trying to figure the Thai way of accounting. Or we like to call in our home country ,embezzlement and theft. Forensic accounting happens to be her specialty and guess what? Millions of dollars gone into the pockets off all people native. Not one farang was ever in control of the business account which of course is a big mistake. I had just moved here for this position and was not fully aware of the "Steel everything you can, when you can" policy that this country so proudly presents to its expat community.Knives , passports, bank books etc........ What the fuc_k gives you the right to say that we are drunks and such and the title of your "Article" is why Sex pats hate Thaksin. Hmm, i'm no drunk;sex pat;but maybe it is because he is a murdering thief.;For your assertion that expats are quivering at Thaksins return, Ha! Just one more douche bag in your country and that would suprise no one! Thailand is the laughing stock and unless you guys start ;worrying;more about education and less about this childish losing face bullshit Thailand will continue down the hole that you call a toilet. You complain about the drunken sex pats! What if they were all gone? What if BOB SEXER took his cash elsewhere. Seems like your whores would only be sucking off Thai men and not much cash in that , right. Plus you might get a good beating to boot. You claim that your generalization is based on reality, well so is mine. You talk of "Shining examples of man hood", Who sells their underage daughters to farangs to bang all night and then return home to give the shining example of a father the money to go buy whiskey and more whores.You have a farang name and your writing sucks so you must be one of those who get drunk and buy a bar to only have hookers working in them. Do you teach writing,God i hope not and do you screw your students? I'm guessing you do as you seem to know quite a bit about how you would set this situation up. Before you show us your shining example of manhood tell us, was it your quest for a Pulitzer that brought you here or is your whore bar still open?


On a purely factual point, using either of the terms he/she quotes on Thavisa would get the post removed, and earn a temporary or permanent 'holiday' from the mods for the user. The author appears to viewing the site & its posters through muck-tinted glasses. Perhaps he has a personal axe to grind ? B)


It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:



Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

I dont think Thaksin is running in this election and I know the parties running are already offering holidays and cash for votes already.:o

serious allegations-which parties?, how much cash? holidays to where?

more info please?

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