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Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Somewhat... SOMEWHAT? readers of this forum like a bit of a joke sometimes but please, not "sick jokes" :ermm:

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Who would give up a good job in the middle east to work in thailand ??? Only three weeks to meet and get married ??? Hmmmm

:unsure: Youve obviously never lived in the Middle east - i worked at Kuwait University for 12 years It is the most repulsive area of the globe i have ever visited - the salary was slightly less than UK - but being tax free helped!! I cringe when I think of ever going back to the Middle east again - not even on a plane stop on the way back to UK!!

As for the "only three weeks to meet and get married???????" thats NOT what I said - I suggest you read my post again and youll see that what I actually said was "MET after three weeks".

Try to read peoples posts before commenting on them in future - it might help prevent you from getting stereotyped in future postings!!


Maybe a bit of a "cliché" but so true...

So many sexpats are just Mobi Dicks!

Those don't even like the thai food, don't respect the people, just want to be there for fresh meat and american breakfast and a lot of beer!

I will be living in south east asia starting next october but as a perpetual traveler, and yes, even I'm just over 40, I admit I have tastier opportunity to mix myself there than here in $witzerland! (I am not a bargirl customer at all!)

Girls are nice, yes, but they all think a farang can support them and pay for everything...

I had two true girlfriends who had respectable works, and I want to believe they loved me and not only my money, but still, I think most girls just abuse of their charms for lazy-easy-(dirty?)-money!

They are like karaoke-jukebox, they sweetly sing for you,but only as long as you put the coins!

But girls are not my reason to leave the cold chocolate country, I will move for an easier way of life, cheaper costs, smiling people, warm climat, delicious food and probably also buddhist thinking...

I would vote Thaksin as from the little I could learn during my frequent trips to the land of smile (and following news here and on lepetitjournal.com, he did develop the whole country, not only offer priviledges to the BKK's elite, he had a well balanced way to offer freedom and restrict abuses.

Abhisit and the other rulers since "the coup" of 2006 seem tome to have restricted many freedoms, and abused of their power, refrained people's voice with guns...

Economy has gone down, and I don't believe it would have been as bad if Thaskin had been the "vessel's captain" to navigate thru the world's economic crisis.

Sure I might be wrong on everything too!

Long Life The King anyway!

...and Thank You to thaivisa to deliver my dayly news

Looking at some of your statements, it would appear that you have spent little time in Thailand, and have been blissfully unaware of just what the Good Ole Boy Thaksin was up to when he was in power. :rolleyes:


The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport

me thinks you doth protest too much.....:D No need to provide a resume'

no need to read it either!!


The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport

me thinks you doth protest too much.....:D No need to provide a resume'

no need to read it either!!

Certainly, in retrospect, I would agree. I 'll never get that time back after all.


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

Just another sexpat failed writer he accuses others of being, except he's a Thaksin supporter. Oops, sorry, he hangs out in Thonglor, not a sexpat. I'm sure an aging failed writer would be hanging out in the trendiest bars back home and that they would give him the time of day there. :rolleyes:


Who cares what that douchebag writes? It's obvious the parts of BKK and Pattaya he spends most of his time. Most likely he was shanked one too many times by ladyboy hookers, and in a feeble attempt to find his own personal moral redemption put this up on his blog. And yes, he knew it was a ladyboy! :)

Whatever you do, don't take this knob-head seriously! LOL



Whatever you do, don't take this knob-head seriously! LOL

That warning comes too late for most as they have already dug themselves into a stern, defensive crouch....:lol:


Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a “writer”, imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson.

or perhaps he's not good enough to become a writer and becomes a 'journalist' like Dan Waites?


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

0ne of us, forum members


People should re-read the article and actually READ what is written.

It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality.

I think he may have touched a nerve or two..!!


What a horrible cynical piece of illiterate dribble, it seems that ANY idiot can say what he or she wants on this site.

1. what other people do is none of your business

2. you know sooo many expats do you?

3. if a man wants a pretty girl (if that's his thing) then so what?

4. No-one forces the girl to be with him

5. if he can live better in another country on his money, God bless him

6. you have insulted so many people on this site, your membership should be reviewed

7. If they get work as an English teacher or working in boiler rooms, how does someone that works hard like this become a lowlife in ANYONE's opinion?

You are a fool

Go stick your head back into the hole it came out of.


Unfortunately the kernel of truth in the article has been submerged by resentment at the terminology used. Further, remarks aimed at a specific stereotype have been taken as applying to all. The fat, ageing, tattooed, beer swilling, bar girl user, does exist, they can be found anywhere where the bargirl scene is common. they are a small, conspicuous minority. Yet for those of us who are not in this group to deny it exists is a head in the sands attitude.

The article is a valid evaluation of a particular type of expat, if it does not apply to you it does not make it less true. The resentment voiced towards the writer, by many, suggests that his comments may be too close to comfort for these people.


His website (just his name and a .com) is interesting and gives a clear picture of where he's coming from and why he wrote this. Links to usual farang red sites like New Mandala and Bangkok Pundit, lots of quotes from Robert Amsterdam, comparisons of Thailand to Burma, etc.

Obviously he's familiar with this forum and is quite upset about his inability to get anywhere in convincing people of how great and wonderful Thaksin is, so resorts to ad hominem in order to attempt to dismiss his opponents. Wonder what his screen names here are :lol:


Who would give up a good job in the middle east to work in thailand ??? Only three weeks to meet and get married ??? Hmmmm

:unsure: Youve obviously never lived in the Middle east - i worked at Kuwait University for 12 years It is the most repulsive area of the globe i have ever visited - the salary was slightly less than UK - but being tax free helped!! I cringe when I think of ever going back to the Middle east again - not even on a plane stop on the way back to UK!!

As for the "only three weeks to meet and get married???????" thats NOT what I said - I suggest you read my post again and youll see that what I actually said was "MET after three weeks".

Try to read peoples posts before commenting on them in future - it might help prevent you from getting stereotyped in future postings!!

again retrospective ................. stick to the topic then.


good choice of topic George

this will bring lots of google rewarded traffic to TV

if the author Dan is in Thailand, and he is freelancing as a journalist, should he have a work permit?

if so has he been paid for his opinion?

by whom? and how much?

if he has to write this kind of stuff to make ends meet then maybe he is driven by jealousy of those who are better off and don't have to do it

one has to be motivated by something to be able to sew this rag tag mixture of facts and supposition into something marginally credible.....


Sterotypes dont bother me, I know who, what and where I am. I think many of the people protesting so much are really insecure about themselves and their situation in thailand. WHY would any westerner give a rats ass about thai politics or thaksin ??? Do you really think any thai other than your family cares (and for many they dont either) what you think about thailand ??? Do you have a vote here ??? Do you even pay any taxes ??? Thailand was doing just fine before me or you landed here and will keep right on rolling along long after we are gone.


The fat, ageing, tattooed, beer swilling, bar girl user, does exist, they can be found anywhere where the bargirl scene is common...

How many of them even give a toss about Thaksin or Thai politics? :blink:


If it weren't for the old geriatric european sexpats who marry young poor isan rice eaters who would look after their families long term?. Thaksin wont for sure. Its the sexpats who live in LOS and back in Europe who look after all those red shirt idiots.

Most farangs couldnt careless about Thai politics.For most retired farang in LOS this place is cheap sex,drugs and alcohol. What else is there for them?


When I left my home and my family I was no more then a boy in the company of strangers,

in the quiet of the railway station runnin scared...

Laying low seeking out the poorer quarters where the ragged people go,

looking for the places only they would know


lye la lye,... lye la lye lye la lye la lye

lye la lye lye lye lye la la la lye

Asking only workmen wages I go looking for a job but I get no offers

just a come on from the whores on 7th avenue

I do declare the were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there

la la la la la la la

If I may interject a little honesty here.

I am 41, run a company with about 30 staff. This is a subsidary of a Multi-National company. I have a wife and 2 kids, a house, car, good salary - full expat package. I dont' go out in Nana, Cowboy or Patpong but if there's a friend who's never been to Bangkok, I will take them to show them the 'sights'.

I am not a sexpat.


When I came here at 27, I was sent by that same MNC. After an implementation job here, they paid me to stay in Bangkok from September to April to wait for them to set up a new company. During that time I was up and down every young Thai hooker in Nana, Cowboy and Patpong that was breathing. I was single and in awe and full of hormones. There wasn't a bar or soapy I didn't visit in that time. Some kind of culture shock!

Of course, everything gets old if you do it often enough. At 41, the thought of sitting in a bar playing connect 4 with a prostitute and discussing "where I from, what I do" seems tedious in the extreme. Give me a pint in the Bulls Head and a copy of one of the English news papers and I am blissfully happy.

I wonder how many of the people showing their indignation on this thread are as puritanical as they make out.

I smell reformed mongers. It's OK to have done it - but please don't be one of those Stickman-esque reformed mongers who 'never pays for it'.

It's the past, it was a complete shock, it was fun, maybe it went to our heads but please don't tell me every board member is a virgin.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

I do not agree with you.

The little Thai people as you call them only know "that which they got" They do not know "that which they should have 'gotten' and did not because it went into guess who's pocket.

Pretty much like trying to convince the 'little Thai people' that the man who gives you 500 baht to vote for him is the BAD Guy, and the man who gives you nothing is the GOOD Guy.


good choice of topic George

this will bring lots of google rewarded traffic to TV

Spot on. Management instituted trolling but we've all taken the bait....

UG's comment about sums it up - what stereotypes do exist almost certainly don't know or care about Thai, or possibly any other politics, and 90% probably weren't even around during his tenure.


There are Thai people here that do all of those bad things too. In fact, I'm willing to say that if it weren't for Thai partners in crime, then criminals wouldn't be able to operate here.

As for the comments about English teachers, most agencies in Thailand that hire people who are already here require either a TEFL or TESOL certification (government requirement) and get their teachers work permits right away.


Letter to the editor:

I would say (apart from the uneducated writing skills Dan displays) that he is hiding the truth about himself, it seems to me he has a hidden agenda, a chip on his shoulder, a dark secret or something much more sinister.

Closet gays will often be very abusive and even violent towards open gays, Pedophiles are usually hiding their preferences from even good friends, but at the same time are very vocal when the subject is brought up. Murderers will often appear to be pillars of society... doctors, teachers, polititions, For example see what has been reveiled about Strauss Kahn recently, who would have guessed he was a serial rapist?

Or is there a much simpler answer.... could he have been paid to write this rubbish by someone who would benefit, such as Taksin.

I would like to know why Thai Visa has published it and as its top of the bill article at that?!


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