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Addressing the first part of the article I definitely do not fit into that prototype but there is much truth to it. The political stuff I do not know enough to comment on. I like Thai people and they like me. Lot more to it but-yeah like that.

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Taksin was the first real hope for Thailand to become a real democracy as opposed to the mock democracy it is now and always has been.

1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote.

2. Taksin was the longest serving elected prime minister in the history of Thailand.

3. It was up to the voters to get rid of Taksin, not the army. The army once again killed any hope for a real democracy.

I am not pro-Taksin but I do support some of his populist initiatives to improve the lives of the working poor. More work needs to be done in this area.


I rendered my opinion before but was preempted. Something about "off topic" (a nod to the mods :jap: ) After much thought and a wade through the forum rules I offer a clear and more succinct opinion.

The author is schmuck. What is schmuck, you ask? It is what the Rabi throws away at the bris. What is a bris, you ask? It is the circumcision of a child.

Having said that, let's all remember, and remind the author, that politicians the world over, are almost always corrupt, ego maniacal, self serving risk takers. They have long forgotten that in any truly democratic society.....there is no place for a dominate paradigm.

Now, a note to the author.

Author, I understand you write (if you call it that) at the pleasure of your editor, and that west (or American) bashing is popular. Not all from the west, or America, are sexpats, or disillusioned individuals. Some of the ones that are.... disillusioned individuals.....probably don't like the way you write.

As a journalist (if you call yourself one) you have the responsibility to write in a manner that serves the public, not in a way that sways the public. Each time you do write, you place your credibility on the line. At this point you have none.


1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote.

Are you really that sure about that statement?


just another down at heel would be journalist major, presenting another opportunist Thaksin sensationalized article using the expat population as cannon fodder for his own meanderings

if the Asian correspondent dot com will pay for such fiction and outright speculation then there's room for all of us to be budding commentators on ''Thai life through the eyes of an expat,'' and to get paid for our fumblings in Thailand

at least we are actually here in Thailand to be able to comment accurately and enjoy doing the research rather than exercising your wrists just dreaming about it.........

The interesting photo of our occasional blogger from his Twitter page


Dan Waites



Interesting photo? Why on earth spend a whole first page of the thread searching for his picture when you should have been shooting from the hip like the sterotypical "thinking man's" TV member?


This has to be really one of the most asinine posts I have ever seen on this forum. Let's see: I am a farang. I detest Thaksin. Therefore, I must be not only a sexual degenerate and alcoholic, but perhaps a criminal as well. Well, I am none of these, and while not a "sexpat", since I live in America, I do like Thailand for many reasons. Women are probably number one....

Followed by if not quite an asinine response, then at least an ill thought out one.

In any country, why would you ever label your primary fascination as being the women if you were NOT a sexpat?

Oh, sorry... you're a social anthropologist after all.

Those who think Thailand is the epitome of sex tourism haven't traveled much. Ever been to a sex club in Holland and get a free live show thrown in?



In every community and in every country there are persons as defined by Mr. Waites as ,,Dan Sexer”.

The writer of this article thinks he does not belong to the group Sexpart, but if you read this article he have work before he came to Thailand as garbage man and have walked behind the garbage truck.

Ironic isn't it that someone claiming that Dan only has the intellect to have previously been a bin man, can't express their opinion in an articulate and well-written manner...


Dan Waits-Dan Waits, must be waiting for the truth because your writings border lines racism. Just like many others i know i came for a job in a large corporation that required an expat as they were getting screwed by the beloved Thai community. I met my wife whom is a Lawyer as we were trying to figure the Thai way of accounting. Or we like to call in our home country ,embezzlement and theft. Forensic accounting happens to be her specialty and guess what? Millions of dollars gone into the pockets off all people native. Not one farang was ever in control of the business account which of course is a big mistake. I had just moved here for this position and was not fully aware of the "Steel everything you can, when you can" policy that this country so proudly presents to its expat community.Knives , passports, bank books etc........ What the fuc_k gives you the right to say that we are drunks and such and the title of your "Article" is why Sex pats hate Thaksin. Hmm, i'm no drunk;sex pat;but maybe it is because he is a murdering thief.;For your assertion that expats are quivering at Thaksins return, Ha! Just one more douche bag in your country and that would suprise no one! Thailand is the laughing stock and unless you guys start ;worrying;more about education and less about this childish losing face bullshit Thailand will continue down the hole that you call a toilet. You complain about the drunken sex pats! What if they were all gone? What if BOB SEXER took his cash elsewhere. Seems like your whores would only be sucking off Thai men and not much cash in that , right. Plus you might get a good beating to boot. You claim that your generalization is based on reality, well so is mine. You talk of "Shining examples of man hood", Who sells their underage daughters to farangs to bang all night and then return home to give the shining example of a father the money to go buy whiskey and more whores.You have a farang name and your writing sucks so you must be one of those who get drunk and buy a bar to only have hookers working in them. Do you teach writing,God i hope not and do you screw your students? I'm guessing you do as you seem to know quite a bit about how you would set this situation up. Before you show us your shining example of manhood tell us, was it your quest for a Pulitzer that brought you here or is your whore bar still open?

Now tell us what you really think. Don't hold back now.


Read and understand the following sentence "And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons" = for those responding in such a strongly defensive way or any way at all.

There is much truth in the article but really nothing new.


Thai Visa forum should always remain politically "neutral". Ergo; it was a big mistake to include "Thaksin" into your survey. Action is reaction....


George should know better than to post such a rubbish story.

If I had posted it I am sure it would have been deleted.

Shame on you George.


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Aren't most businesses in Thailand owned by Thai- Chinese ? Mostly one - two or three generations from economic immigrants who came without a pot to piss in ? Who when they came here worked for peanuts for Thais , like Thai farmers ? If so haven't the poor been able to rise up ? Those that worked at it before Taksin ?

Didn't Taksins contracts go to his own and his well monied mates companies ?

It's the current government holding down diesel prices so there is no profit for petrol stations, many owned by yellow shirt supporters so the prices of cheap transport - song taew, buses and coaches - doesn't go up to allow the poor to get to work for the same money.

As for the dodgy English teachers, yes there are some, but Thailand is screaming out for English teachers and if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.


I second most of all of the insults directed at the article writer in the OP and otherwise don't see any point of adding more to so many very worthy digs.

My contribution instead is a POLL on the topic --


I would applaud with four hands if I could ! Although I do not like Taksin, he is more a greedy businessman than a humanist, I have to admit that he gave a new start to what should be "modern Thailand". All these sexpats that react with hatred to your article would be supporters of Sarah Palin in the US, their tiny little life is made of hatred and selfishness... the point is that, wherever they would live, they would criticize and exploit other. Their life is nothing but their miserable feeling of power when they treat others with arrogance.

Sorry for my poor english, I am french and not a supporter of DSK !

The 'I do not like Thaksin', Thaksin supporters are back. Welcome. We missed you.

I don't like Thaksin, but... no seriously, hear me out... elite.. coup... amart... fighter of the poor... double standards.... Abhisit the tryant... temple massacre...

You can spot 'em a mile off.

another classic version....

I am not pro-Taksin but


I agree with Lebelge wholeheartedly. Thai Expats will be tarred with the same brush for some time to come. Not everyone frequents Soi 6 and lives on a diet of sex, booze and viagra. I am quite content to 'live & let live' and what others do is entirely up to them. Pattaya is changing, with wealthy Thai's probably spending more money here on the weekends than Expats & tourists combined. They don't frequent the gutter, but you only have to check out the posh hotel lounges/bars to see them about.

Thailand HAS deserved its previous seedy reputation (there is no smoke without fire) but compared to going out in the UK and running the gauntlet of drunk men/women falling over themselves and fighting all night long, isn't that a 'global' phenomenon and a social issue all round? I have always felt safer in Pattaya on an evening than in the UK put it that way...

I have numerous wealthy clients based in Thailand, who are either in business or retired. Their lifestyle is far removed from beer bars and agogo's which too many uninformed 'outsiders' consider are the only places to visit in Thailand. They are not. Thailand (like every country) has its problems, but if you segregate yourself from the gutter and get to know the real Thailand, it remains a beautiful country, full of people who will willingly help you if you ASK NICELY!

The power has shifted away from the 'all powerful' wealthy [western] ferrang who can afford to get away with whatever he/she wishes, in favour of wealthy Thai's, Russians and Chinese. It is now quite apparent that those on a meagre budget living beyond their means are finding it tough out here, so when they are not drinking themselves to oblivion in 'cheep charlie' bars and/or paying for sex with just as cheap girls they simply moan about everything related to Thailand and have nothing good to say. Well - GO BACK HOME if its that bad!! Or does it have more to do with the fact that they have nothing and no one back home who will give them the light of day?

The Thai Visa website and forum(s) are an excellent source of information and banter. I do feel that some too easily slip into 'foul language mode' and thankfully a lot of comments are well moderated. But hey, we all know people who simply cannot express themselves or go for more than 1 or 2 sentences without swearing and it is these very same individuals who have the insecurity issues!

I find it hilarious when someone virulently comments about a particular forum article/comment and shows the whole Thai Visa community that they clearly haven't read the article, digested its proper meaning and have completely missed the whole point of what's been said.

Without wishing veer 'off subject' too much (and in support of this website/forum) can anyone inform me of the ratio of male/female forum members? It would be very interesting to hear from established Expat WOMEN how they feel about the comments in this article? I doubt for one minute any upstanding female (like many of us 'decent' men) would be particularly happy being labelled a 'Sexpat'!!

How about we all focus on the POSITIVES and then we can sit back and smirk at the ill informed who chose not to come to this lovely country and miss out. Let them enjoy the taxes, austerity measures, high rents, cold climates and road rage shall we?


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

Really? I hope you spelt Thaksin's name wrong on purpose while belittling the writing standards of Dan Waites... Quite clearly you care as well or you wouldn't have bothered to post about what he's written...

Note the emoticon - not really very observant are we? :whistling:

To be honest, it';s not really going to have a big effect on how I feel. It's a poor piece of journalism, but it will certainly lead to some amusement value for a few hours today.

Might have missed that one but I have observed that you followed your emoticon with the words "paid Dan to wrote that article. Poor piece of journalism, you say? At least the man can spell...


just another down at heel would be journalist major, presenting another opportunist Thaksin sensationalized article using the expat population as cannon fodder for his own meanderings

if the Asian correspondent dot com will pay for such fiction and outright speculation then there's room for all of us to be budding commentators on ''Thai life through the eyes of an expat,'' and to get paid for our fumblings in Thailand

at least we are actually here in Thailand to be able to comment accurately and enjoy doing the research rather than exercising your wrists just dreaming about it.........

The interesting photo of our occasional blogger from his Twitter page


Dan Waites


Interesting photo?



The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport

LOL. I guess you can't quite see NEP from your ivory tower?

Before your panties start showing too much, consider this. The OWNER of this forum posted this article.

'Average white working male'? In Thailand? Surely, you jest Sir?


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

Really? I hope you spelt Thaksin's name wrong on purpose while belittling the writing standards of Dan Waites... Quite clearly you care as well or you wouldn't have bothered to post about what he's written...

Note the emoticon - not really very observant are we? :whistling:

To be honest, it';s not really going to have a big effect on how I feel. It's a poor piece of journalism, but it will certainly lead to some amusement value for a few hours today.

Might have missed that one but I have observed that you followed your emoticon with the words "paid Dan to wrote that article. Poor piece of journalism, you say? At least the man can spell...

I don't purport to be a journalist, or an expert on the English language. If the most you can do is pick on spelling / typo's and grammar then carry on. :rolleyes:


In any country, why would you ever label your primary fascination as being the women if you were NOT a sexpat?

My primary fascination has been women since I was 5 years old and that was long before I knew that you could pay for sex. It is part of being a healthy male heterosexual. bleh.gif


No surprise that all the grumpy old expats here are chastising this article. It's actually a decent article that accurately profiles a lot of expats here. I know because i've met a ton of them, and so have you.


I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .


You are an Academic? And that's your interpretation of this article? Seriously?

I reckon Chula got shafted by some mid-east recruiting agency.

Won't be a Sir Ian Baggie after all.


I'm not sure about journalist or blogger, but he definitely a fisherman. He reeled alot of people in.

though i'm still confused how he used a statistic from a TV survey to come to the conclusion that sexpats don't like thaksin... unless he is implying all TV members are sexpats, or just pointing to the fact most of the article was sensationalist padding with little content. he used some big words though.

the only bit worth noting:

Thai Visa recently did a survey of its members – 4,434 of them to be precise. Among the areas they were quizzed on was politics. They were asked: “Should Thaksin be forgiven and allowed to return?” Of those who answered, 73.3% said “No”.

the rest is sensationalist crap.


Taksin like all people is some good and some bad. I do think his time is over and I don't think his sister will get elected. The Thai people are not stupid and they can see that. They know what needs to be done and it has to be done intelligently.

The red shirts have a legitimate case. I completely disagree with the violence and if they are smart they will stick to a nonviolent challenge to the status quo. Their voice is necessary to pressure the government to change, but sustainable change comes from intelligent political maneuvering.

The Thai people are fed up with the identification as a home for sexpats and I have no doubt that it will be phased out over the coming years. They are establishing themselves as producers of quality goods and like other developing countries will allow their seedy side to go away.


Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson.

or perhaps he's not good enough to become a writer and becomes a 'journalist' like Dan Waites?

I think like most writers, Dan's article is partly an autobiography. Inexperienced reporters often reflect their own values on others when writing.


quote name='Wangrin' timestamp='1305777841' post='4433589'

I would applaud with four hands if I could ! Although I do not like Taksin, he is more a greedy businessman than a humanist, I have to admit that he gave a new start to what should be "modern Thailand". All these sexpats that react with hatred to your article would be supporters of Sarah Palin in the US, their tiny little life is made of hatred and selfishness... the point is that, wherever they would live, they would criticize and exploit other. Their life is nothing but their miserable feeling of power when they treat others with arrogance.

Sorry for my poor english, I am french and not a supporter of DSK !

The 'I do not like Thaksin', Thaksin supporters are back. Welcome. We missed you.

I don't like Thaksin, but... no seriously, hear me out... elite.. coup... amart... fighter of the poor... double standards.... Abhisit the tryant... temple massacre...

You can spot 'em a mile off.

another classic version....

I am not pro-Taksin but

'False flag' perception management technique.

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