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ManU In Decline?

Bredbury Blue

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Liverpool now one point behind scum

Please define the word scum.

well i suppose i shouldn't expect any other kind of reply from a Liverpool fan.

Same old scousers :o

Scum, Rags, accept it, that's what the world calls your lot.

Well Bredblue i thought you were better than that.

Now let me see fans of City, Leeds and Liverpool ( who stopped when something tragic happened to their club) who sing songs about people who were killed in a plane crash and get off on it and you lot have got the check to call us scum. People with half a brain should be able work out who the scum are.

Yeah before you start not all of the fans sing it but most of them do. And don't start off about how you don't sing it Bredblue cos we know you are such a liitle angel who has just made a shit comment.

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Liverpool now one point behind scum

Please define the word scum.

well i suppose i shouldn't expect any other kind of reply from a Liverpool fan.

Same old scousers :D

Scum, Rags, accept it, that's what the world calls your lot.

Well Bredblue i thought you were better than that.

Now let me see fans of City, Leeds and Liverpool ( who stopped when something tragic happened to their club) who sing songs about people who were killed in a plane crash and get off on it and you lot have got the check to call us scum. People with half a brain should be able work out who the scum are.

Yeah before you start not all of the fans sing it but most of them do. And don't start off about how you don't sing it Bredblue cos we know you are such a liitle angel who has just made a shit comment.

well bloody said jjp, they all hate us and i would not have it any other way.

watch the ganme in a pub in sydney was great banter between the reds and a few city and a few supporting city because they hate utd no problem untill this low life scouse came in ready to watch the liverpool and gave it cop the you munich <deleted>, well when i stood up and said cut out the munich mate he was like a lttle kid grovelling,thats why we call them gobshites and phuketsian just proved it.and even a city fan there said he was way out of order. :o

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Liverpool now one point behind scum

Please define the word scum.

well i suppose i shouldn't expect any other kind of reply from a Liverpool fan.

Same old scousers :o

The way I see it, the phrase "Scum" is a name that fans of a team call their bitter rivals. I'm an Oxford fan, so we'd refer to Swindon as "the Scum", but for Southampton fans, this phrase would be reserved for Pompey - hence Man City would call Man Utd scum (and vice versa); and, well, I guess Liverpool fans would do so also as there's a pretty strong rivalry there too. If a Liverpool fan decided to call Plymouth Argyle "Scum" then it would seem pretty odd - but you can see the reasoning behind this word being directed at Man Utd.

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Have we had the bragging rights for the past 4 seasons or what?

dont think so bred blue said in the papers today its only your 3rd win in 18 premiership games and i recall we beat you 4 -2 in the cup last year.

so enjoy your win,you are a very average team this is just a game where you where up for it and fergie made a bad mistake playing evra and moving silvestre to the middle,wes brown has been excellent all year and he gets dropped for the french git,wes must have bean devestated as he is a local manc lad.

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Have we had the bragging rights for the past 4 seasons or what?

dont think so bred blue said in the papers today its only your 3rd win in 18 premiership games and i recall we beat you 4 -2 in the cup last year.

so enjoy your win,you are a very average team this is just a game where you where up for it and fergie made a bad mistake playing evra and moving silvestre to the middle,wes brown has been excellent all year and he gets dropped for the french git,wes must have bean devestated as he is a local manc lad.

And Ferdinand looked limp.......................couldn't have had his pre-match snort :o

Edited by lampard10
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Please define the word scum.

well i suppose i shouldn't expect any other kind of reply from a Liverpool fan.

Same old scousers :o

Scum, Rags, accept it, that's what the world calls your lot.

Well Bredblue i thought you were better than that.

Err, no, i'm not, have you not been reading my comments, thought i'd made it quite clear that i hate Manu.

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Have we had the bragging rights for the past 4 seasons or what?

dont think so bred blue said in the papers today its only your 3rd win in 18 premiership games and i recall we beat you 4 -2 in the cup last year.

so enjoy your win,you are a very average team this is just a game where you where up for it and fergie made a bad mistake playing evra and moving silvestre to the middle,wes brown has been excellent all year and he gets dropped for the french git,wes must have bean devestated as he is a local manc lad.

Err, isn't that our 3rd win in 4 years hence my comment.

I wouldn't say we are a very average team more of a top 10 team. So how does it feel losing to such an average team then? Talking of average, apart from Rooney, and a decent finish from the Horse, who out of your team is above average. Not much between the respective goalies. Your back 4 is very poor and i'd rather have our centrebacks than yours. You probably edge us between the fullbacks. Midfield, while i reserve judgenment of Riera i'm very happy with Sinclair, Barton and Ireland (keep your eye on him, very gifted), compared to O'shea (no more a midfield player than Sun), over the hill Giggs, flatters to deceive portugeuse Showpony, and Fletcher (what does he do?), it was obvious which bunch of players were the average players. Your front two against ours, yeah yours. for the past 5 seasons our squad has improved, has yours?

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Fair point about the 'SCUM' ussage.

Don't Pompey call Southampton 'The Scummers'?

Not very nice, our fans seem to have a three way hatred, there is Us (Reading) Swindon and Oxford, although we never play each other anymore. Dont know what game we will be able to call a Darby as our nearest Prem team ar Pompey, and it looks like they will be going down??

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the world calls manu scum, its their nickname, nothing to do with munich, jesus get a life, its football banter, what most fans thrive on

The point i was making you scouse knobhead is you have the cheek to call us scum after all the Munich songs. Scum are people who sink to levels of ..............? Well, like at least we don't sink to the level of retards and sing about people who have died, NO MATTER HOW BAD THE RIVALY IS.

It really does sum up scousers and City for that matter.


You have beaten us 3 times in 26 attempts so enjoy ur cup final win and have a drink on your 30th annivasary on the 28th Feb 2006.

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the world calls manu scum, its their nickname, nothing to do with munich, jesus get a life, its football banter, what most fans thrive on

The point i was making you scouse knobhead is you have the cheek to call us scum after all the Munich songs. Scum are people who sink to levels of ..............? Well, like at least we don't sink to the level of retards and sing about people who have died, NO MATTER HOW BAD THE RIVALY IS.

It really does sum up scousers and City for that matter.


You have beaten us 3 times in 26 attempts so enjoy ur cup final win and have a drink on your 30th annivasary on the 28th Feb 2006.

forget it jjp they are all obsessed and hate us, and phukitsaim you use the word manu so it seems you are not a true scouse as scousers dont use manu, mancs yes but not manu.

football banter hey,, well how about the banner liverpool used to have i the kop and carried around europe munich oh what a night. hey suddenly disapeared after a certain event in yorkshire.

and united fans showed there class by obeying the minutes silence,and then singing where's you famous munich song and anfield was silent no come back.

so crawl back in to your slums vermin scouse trash oh and may the best team win on sunday. :D:D:o

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My, oh my ladies. :D I've only been away from the computer for a couple of days and this thread has gone all bitchy. Put your handbags away :D

That's what comes of knowing the best they can possibly get out of a really good scrap is second place. Still, leaves us alone till monday. :o

Edited by lampard10
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You have beaten us 3 times in 26 attempts...

City now hold the upper hand in Premier League encounters with United this century. City have won 3, drawn 4, and lost 3, but have a superior 14-12 goalscoring record. Snigger!

Yeah but, you'll allways be Ciddy, Massive Ciddy....... Snigger. :o


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er i never said i was a scouser, you said that, i am a liverpool fan tho, and enjoy a bit footie banter (nice one lampard BTW), of course i don't regard dying on the runway songs as good banter, but "you'll never work again" used to make me laugh, but oh-dear you poor old scum fan,s you seem to be taking it hard this season, no more strutting around now you're in decline and the mighty reds are improving (at last)

can't wait till sunday :o, will Rooney see red, will Rio stay awake, hope Alan Smith is shoreing up the midfield

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er i never said i was a scouser, you said that, i am a liverpool fan tho, and enjoy a bit footie banter (nice one lampard BTW), of course i don't regard dying on the runway songs as good banter, but "you'll never work again" used to make me laugh, but oh-dear you poor old scum fan,s you seem to be taking it hard this season, no more strutting around now you're in decline and the mighty reds are improving (at last)

can't wait till sunday :o, will Rooney see red, will Rio stay awake, hope Alan Smith is shoreing up the midfield

I'm still swaggerin/struttin son, you'll never stop that.

As for taking it hard maybe some of the other lads here are but, I'm still sure they'd rather be United or scum as we now are known than anything else. :D:D:D


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yeah of course, thats football team loyalty, think i want support chelski just they are top right now, rough with the smooth, I hope you still support scum when they get relegated, :o and keep on strutting :D

and less of the son, i may be older than you :D

Thats banter as I like it fella, none of this bitchin nonsence. :D

I started supporting United through thick and thin as a young lad in the early eighties. When we were sh*te, so I'll still be there with them through the next lean spell.

Still not having a total fallout decline thats being mentioned though.


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er i never said i was a scouser, you said that, i am a liverpool fan tho, and enjoy a bit footie banter (nice one lampard BTW), of course i don't regard dying on the runway songs as good banter, but "you'll never work again" used to make me laugh, but oh-dear you poor old scum fan,s you seem to be taking it hard this season, no more strutting around now you're in decline and the mighty reds are improving (at last)

can't wait till sunday :D, will Rooney see red, will Rio stay awake, hope Alan Smith is shoreing up the midfield

i admit liverpool are improving actually another couple of players and you will be up there with us :o and to think you have a team with a chance of winning the league after 16 years and along came chelski :D:D:D way chelski are going it will be a few more.

dont get me wrong i am not bitter and i love good banter been following united since my first game in 1965, and was a regular through the 70's when for a period when city actually had the upper hand,didnt last long though. :D

and yes the never work again song was a classic :D

and has for taking it hard this season no way,if anyone i am pissed off with it is our players some are just not up to it,and when old tinker bell stops changing the team and resting players and we play the best each week we will cement 2nd spot :D and win the 2 cups,, seems like the seventies again when we was a good cup side :D

and bred blue stay out of it this is banter between teams that have won things :burp:

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yes i no bred blue but as it says banter not debate between teams.in my statement.

and you really think you are that close to us,and as you say a shock yes every one tipped us at the weekend.

anyway off to thailand tomorrow i have enjoyed this thread still think it has a long way to go before we all reach agreement.

i have one thing to say about our decline,we have the talent but is tinkerbell fergie up to the task nowadays to handle the talent.

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