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Redrus, Allow me to edit your email for you.

yeah yeah Bredblue,

We all have <deleted> fans who sing sad songs. Yeah, some Utd fans sing shity songs. I think its really good that some City supporters are trying to make a change but i doubt the morons wiil change.

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come on redrus,

we all know city have the most loyal fans and fill their ground every week. Whoops, i forgot, most of them come from Manchester as well, dont they :o

Bredblue enjoy the link mate


After the Gary Nev <deleted>

disgusting behaviour from stevie gerrard.


absolutely disgraceful show, scoring in front of the opposition fans and then running across to them all behind the goal and to the sides with his hand cupped to his ear. All this only two or three yards away from them. this is disgusting and should be looked at by the FA and the BBC and Claire Raynor. Its just not on. Come on the F.A sort it out! :D


Yeah, just seen pictures of Joey Barton running round Old Trafford, finger pressed to his lips in a SSsshhhh style after scoring.

So Gary Neville can't do in front of a few Scousers but, JB can do it front of 65000 United fans. I don't remember any action being taken for incitement then, tell me if I'm wrong.



The following was posted on the Manchester evening news man city webpage after our win against the geordies. Not any of you is it JJP, Redbus, etc, is it? That Lao Khao is sure strong stuff!

"BLOOD and SAND all those GAPS !! Hope you all had your Long Johns on at wind swept SOULESS. And not a lot to warm the Cockles Of Your Hearts.Two very poor sides !! have you ever seen a poorer Newcastle ?? unthinkable it be.. Its about time they gave out Fishermans Friends to yerr all. ThaiArt..God its hot here..Wish You Were Here...And Pigs Can

arthurdawkins, thailand"


OK why don't you all move on to the "Arsenal in Decline" thread, that will be a bit of good fun for Spurs fans out there, not to mention Chelsea's.

OK why don't you all move on to the "Arsenal in Decline" thread, that will be a bit of good fun for Spurs fans out there, not to mention Chelsea's.

I'm not sure we can do that while they're all still in denial. Months, if not years, of amusement left in this one yet. Of course, if they all came to their senses then there would be no option but to move on and Arsenal would be as good a choice as any at this moment in time. But that's not going to happen, is it? :o


OK why don't you all move on to the "Arsenal in Decline" thread, that will be a bit of good fun for Spurs fans out there, not to mention Chelsea's.

I'm not sure we can do that while they're all still in denial. Months, if not years, of amusement left in this one yet. Of course, if they all came to their senses then there would be no option but to move on and Arsenal would be as good a choice as any at this moment in time. But that's not going to happen, is it? :D

Ok, here's your answer.

Decline MY ARSE. Bring on the pain fella's, we can take it, we've had years of it with many more to come, probably.....! :o:D:D



sorry i have not been following this thread been having a great time again in thailand,but i would just like to add we are not in decline far from it we are building a excellent team and playing some of the most entertainng football in the league.

we just need to new midfielders to make us a great side.

bring on liverpool on saturday should be a cracking game.


Maybe slightly off topic but def worth a mention.

Lomana Lua Lua's 18 month old son died while he was away at the African Nations. :o:D:D:D:D

RIP to the little fella and my heart goes out to the famly. I think Ruud says it all here.

Story from Red Issue. Link

United win but Lua Lua is named as man of the match by captain Ruud.

‘Premiership football does little to give anyone a sense of perspective, but the sight of Manchester United players expressing their condolences to Lomana LuaLua on Saturday restored faith in the communal spirit of the national game.

It was remarkable enough to see LuaLua playing again just days after learning of the death of his 18-month old son, but his heroic efforts to mark the occasion with a goal earned tributes from all involved.

LuaLua was representing Congo at the African Cup of Nations in Egypt when the tragedy occurred, and news of the child's passing was kept secret from him for almost two weeks.

"There was only one man of the match for me, and that was LuaLua," said United captain Ruud van Nistelrooy. "I have never seen anything like it. He was a constant threat to our defence, and kept going for 90 minutes.

"I went over to him after the game and said, 'I wish you all the strength you need in this difficult time. How you pulled off a performance like that I just don't know'."

redrus :D


I'm with you on that one Redrus. Its very sad indeed! Without appearing to be gory, anybody know what happened to his little 'un (i have two wee ones myself so have an interest in these kind of things).

I'm with you on that one Redrus. Its very sad indeed! Without appearing to be gory, anybody know what happened to his little 'un (i have two wee ones myself so have an interest in these kind of things).

This is the most I've found.

Congo hid tragedy from LuaLua

By SIMON JONES, Daily Mail 10:52am 6th February 2006

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Lomana Tresor LuaLua

In mourning: The death of Lomana LuaLua's son had been concealed from him by his country's soccer federation

Portsmouth striker Lomana LuaLua is in mourning over the death of his 18-month-old son which had been concealed from him by his country's soccer federation.

Congo captain LuaLua, 25, flew home to England 24 hours early after being told the news following his country's 4-1 quarter-final defeat to Egypt on Friday. The toddler died on January 20 from a mystery illness.

In a statement on the Portsmouth's website, the former Newcastle United player said: "I am devastated by the tragic loss. I am grateful and appreciative for the kind wishes and support I have received from everybody.

"As I am sure everyone will understand, I just wish to be with my family and be allowed to grieve privately. I appreciate everyone respecting my wishes."

Cot death maybe, maybe something to do with LuaLua himself. He came home with Malaria a while ago. Just speculation though. Gotta feel sorry for the bloke, nuff respct for his strength of charichter.....



For the life of me I just do not understand why the death of his Son was kept from him.??

When does a game of football come before a tradgedy like this?

Shame on his nation's officials, cold hearted bastartds.

He must be an extraodinary Man, thats all I can say.

RIP Little Lua Lua

For the life of me I just do not understand why the death of his Son was kept from him.??

When does a game of football come before a tradgedy like this?

Shame on his nation's officials, cold hearted bastartds.

He must be an extraodinary Man, thats all I can say.

RIP Little Lua Lua

Agreed Paul.

If, as I think, that this is not the way or the culture of Congo that has predetermined these actions. This must rate as one of the most selfish acts I have ever seen.

I dread to think of consequences had he seen an English or African newspaper, or a fan or player had offered condolences at a game or elsewhere.



Going through a pile of old news papers to throw out yesterday, something caught my eye from around the turn of the year.It was in the Saturday "Quotes" column of the BKK Post.

Sir Alex was quoted as saying " All everyone can hope for is a great catastrophe to hit Chelsea, or the title is surely theirs".I'm not sure of the exact words, cause I didn't think much about it till I linked it to this thread.

Now going back on this thread and seeing the comments about other fans singing about Munich, makes me wonder if Sir Alex had this in mind when he made that comment. (if indeed he ever made it)Was the man wishing a tradgedy to befall Chelsea, as had happened to United all those years ago?.If so, then it would seem he is far more guilty than any fan just singing about it.

Going through a pile of old news papers to throw out yesterday, something caught my eye from around the turn of the year.It was in the Saturday "Quotes" column of the BKK Post.

Sir Alex was quoted as saying " All everyone can hope for is a great catastrophe to hit Chelsea, or the title is surely theirs".I'm not sure of the exact words, cause I didn't think much about it till I linked it to this thread.

Now going back on this thread and seeing the comments about other fans singing about Munich, makes me wonder if Sir Alex had this in mind when he made that comment. (if indeed he ever made it)Was the man wishing a tradgedy to befall Chelsea, as had happened to United all those years ago?.If so, then it would seem he is far more guilty than any fan just singing about it.

You don't half talk utter <deleted>**in toot sometimes Lampard.



You don't half talk utter <deleted>**in toot sometimes Lampard.


Why?????? what do you think he meant then?. We all know football managers have a special apptitude for putting their foot in it(look at Hoddle,Wenger,Ranieri,Mohrino)All I did was made a connection between the two.And I'm afraid old son, I don't write in the BKK Post,(or any of the papers that they steal their quotes from) so if anyones talking f***inj toot they are. Although I can see from your previous posts that you will dismiss it as rubbish without actually seeing if it's true or not, like you do to everyone else that slags your darling united. And I am not a United knocker, piss taker yes. But first and foremost I'm a football fan. I love to see United, Arsenal and Liverpool doing well in Europe as well as Chelsea.



You don't half talk utter <deleted>**in toot sometimes Lampard.


Why?????? what do you think he meant then?. We all know football managers have a special apptitude for putting their foot in it(look at Hoddle,Wenger,Ranieri,Mohrino)All I did was made a connection between the two.And I'm afraid old son, I don't write in the BKK Post,(or any of the papers that they steal their quotes from) so if anyones talking f***inj toot they are. Although I can see from your previous posts that you will dismiss it as rubbish without actually seeing if it's true or not, like you do to everyone else that slags your darling united. And I am not a United knocker, piss taker yes. But first and foremost I'm a football fan. I love to see United, Arsenal and Liverpool doing well in Europe as well as Chelsea.

Redrus, You don't half talk utter <deleted>**in toot sometimes Lampard.

Lampard's team has only been the top dogs for a few years so god help us if they stay there with quotes like that. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh I can't handle the pressure :o

Maybe Lampard toot would be more fitting instead of Lampard10. You don't seem to be enjoying being top dog, do you Mr. Toot :D

Totally agree about Lua Lua's baby son. Puts football into perspective really.

RIP young un


I was quite surprised by the outbursts and insults, but then you are united fans, so I decided to look on the Manchester Football website to try and find the exact words he said. I think I can safely say that it may have been doctored a bit, but the actual statement read as follows.

Feb 6th 2006


" It will take some catastrophic mistake for Chelsea to lose the title. I keep hoping that something happens"

The quote in the BKK ost read

" It will take some catastophy to stop Chelsea winning the title. I keep hoping that something happens"

Apologies please gents to Lampard 10 (not toot) The Farang Connection


I was quite surprised by the outbursts and insults, but then you are united fans, so I decided to look on the Manchester Football website to try and find the exact words he said. I think I can safely say that it may have been doctored a bit, but the actual statement read as follows.

Feb 6th 2006


" It will take some catastrophic mistake for Chelsea to lose the title. I keep hoping that something happens"

The quote in the BKK ost read

" It will take some catastophy to stop Chelsea winning the title. I keep hoping that something happens"

Apologies please gents to Lampard 10 (not toot) The Farang Connection


Apologies for what. I never said he never said that quote. I was refering to how you can compare a tongue in cheek comment to years and years of Munich chanting. Its not the same and you know it.

But there again, when something happens What does that mean exactly. Maybe he wanted the ball to blow up when it was heading for the top corner or maybe he wanted the ref to take a few bungs. Come on Mr Toot :D I and I persume you have have made some TONGUE IN CHEEK COMMENTS but there again you are a Chelsea fan, aren't you :o .

Which brings me on to, you always have a dig at Utd. WHY? lOONYPOOL City Leeds and even Arsenal supporters yes but a Chelsea fan, come on please

Chelsea are not even in the top 10 teams in the Uk

( TRADTION AND HISTORY and SUPPORTER WISE, ) Yes at the moment you are the best team (not club) in the premier league at the moment but Chelsea a big club, don't make me laugh


This is my 2,000th post and I really have to say that Lampard 10 you are a complete Tosser.

There we were talking about Lua Lua's son and what do you come back with. S H I T E Oh yes YOU have to get back "On Topic" dont you?

I wanted to save my 2,000th post for something really worthwhile.

You have really gone down in my estimation, I have to waste it on berating you.

Hope whoever nicked your wallettt creamed your credit card.

You are NOT the sort of person I would want as a freind.

you are now on my IGNORE list


Done.... now I don't have to put up with reading anything you post anymore.

I don't know if you can still pm me but if you do I will ignore your message.

And Lampshade, if you want to ignore my posts FEEL FREE to add ME to your ignore list, it will be a pleasure not having to read your posts any more


Hold on now please lads.........I thought that those of you that could read would surely have seen that was an apology from me, when I saw that Sir Alex's words had been misquoted. All you lot are on about tongue-in-cheek comments and that as a Chelsea supporter I could not do it, so after my attempt at an apology, I hinted that I might get one in return. Fat lot of good that did that did, trying to come down to a Northerners way of thinking.And Mr JJP, I'm sorry if you did not actually read my post, when I said I love seeing United, Liverpool and Arsenal doing well in Europe, but it was there in black and white. And to Redrus; Sorry if I offended you, I am obviously not entitled to write about things that I have seen, yet not fully understand.I did think that this was a forum where everyone could have there say. I suppose if everyone wrote things that everybody else agreed with , there would only be the need for one author.

And to TP. It seems at last I've matched some of the <deleted> that you tend to write.

Goodnight lads....sweet dreams

I hope this won't stop us being friends :o


<deleted>, the ignore button does not work!!!

Well we are a well matched pair you and I Lampshade. I am not going to get all high and mighty here, but I know who I would rather be given a choice, I ve seen your picture, and I love Dogs too, and I will leave it there.

I have been supportive of you in the past, even when you have said that reading about READING was something that nobody would be interested in reading.

I put up with you... we had a fall out before and I have supported you through other <deleted> you have been through like posting that I hoped you got your wallet back when you lost it in a Pattya supermarket,.. yes I remeber those things" and supporting your theories about Chelsea, when nobody else would back you and I never really knocked you.

even though you were rude about most of my posts.

Well I am a firm beleiver of "what goes around comes around" Yep your team may be the pic of the pops but that does not make you a better person than me. My life does not revolve around football as yours seems to, as I very rarely see you post on other forums, but you are always so so quick to shoot people down and make them feel stupid

Chock dee Lampshade, I am NOT you , I am not saying I am better than you.... we are just DIFFFERENT

<deleted>, the ignore button does not work!!!

Well we are a well matched pair you and I Lampshade. I am not going to get all high and mighty here, but I know who I would rather be given a choice, I ve seen your picture, and I love Dogs too, and I will leave it there.

I have been supportive of you in the past, even when you have said that reading about READING was something that nobody would be interested in reading.

I put up with you... we had a fall out before and I have supported you through other <deleted> you have been through like posting that I hoped you got your wallet back when you lost it in a Pattya supermarket,.. yes I remeber those things" and supporting your theories about Chelsea, when nobody else would back you and I never really knocked you.

even though you were rude about most of my posts.

Well I am a firm beleiver of "what goes around comes around" Yep your team may be the pic of the pops but that does not make you a better person than me. My life does not revolve around football as yours seems to, as I very rarely see you post on other forums, but you are always so so quick to shoot people down and make them feel stupid

Chock dee Lampshade, I am NOT you , I am not saying I am better than you.... we are just DIFFFERENT

Nothing against you TP...............just put that bit in last to see if I really was on ignore. But like a trusting carp, you rose to the bait.No mate, Ive never been rude about your posts, taken the piss yes, but I'm rarely rude But if you don't likethe piss taking out of you, then I wouldn't come to our pub. The piss doesn't let up for one minute, normally against me. Ask any of the 100+ TV members that have been there. Anyway this thread is nothing to do with Reading v Chelsea. That story will unfold next year. It's about something I saw in the paper, and was a genuine attempt to putthings into perspective. As I said in a previous post, all managers are prone to putting their foot in it, and I thought that was the case. When I saw the reaction, I looked up what had actually been said and found it to be slightly off, so I attempted to apologise. Unfortunately, and the Man U mob defended their manager to the last. (just in case he did say it)Now you've bitten....sorry to you as well.


To be fair Lampard I didn't see an apology in your post, just the request for one, I reckon you've put that right now, so fair do's and all that, but I can understand why others didn't see an apology either.

Fergie BTW is always playing mind games, I doubt he wants to see the Chelsea team in plane crash, but he will say anything to wind up the competition if he thinks it will help, personally I don't like that in him, but none of us is perfect :o


Lampshade, snigger....

I think mate what Fergie was on about if my memory is right, was joking that the only way Manchester United could win the Premiership was if Chelsea were struck down by malaria (that kind of a disaster).

Love the handbags between you and Thai Pauly - classic! :o


<deleted>, the ignore button does not work!!!

Well we are a well matched pair you and I Lampshade. I am not going to get all high and mighty here, but I know who I would rather be given a choice, I ve seen your picture, and I love Dogs too, and I will leave it there.

I have been supportive of you in the past, even when you have said that reading about READING was something that nobody would be interested in reading.

I put up with you... we had a fall out before and I have supported you through other <deleted> you have been through like posting that I hoped you got your wallet back when you lost it in a Pattya supermarket,.. yes I remeber those things" and supporting your theories about Chelsea, when nobody else would back you and I never really knocked you.

even though you were rude about most of my posts.

Well I am a firm beleiver of "what goes around comes around" Yep your team may be the pic of the pops but that does not make you a better person than me. My life does not revolve around football as yours seems to, as I very rarely see you post on other forums, but you are always so so quick to shoot people down and make them feel stupid

Chock dee Lampshade, I am NOT you , I am not saying I am better than you.... we are just DIFFFERENT

Nothing against you TP...............just put that bit in last to see if I really was on ignore. But like a trusting carp, you rose to the bait.No mate, Ive never been rude about your posts, taken the piss yes, but I'm rarely rude But if you don't likethe piss taking out of you, then I wouldn't come to our pub. The piss doesn't let up for one minute, normally against me. Ask any of the 100+ TV members that have been there. Anyway this thread is nothing to do with Reading v Chelsea. That story will unfold next year. It's about something I saw in the paper, and was a genuine attempt to putthings into perspective. As I said in a previous post, all managers are prone to putting their foot in it, and I thought that was the case. When I saw the reaction, I looked up what had actually been said and found it to be slightly off, so I attempted to apologise. Unfortunately, and the Man U mob defended their manager to the last. (just in case he did say it)Now you've bitten....sorry to you as well.

Fair enough :o

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