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I am applying for a Visa in Kuala Lumpur next month,

From the website i think it said apply 9.30-11.30am collect next day 14.30, is this still accurate as I want to fly back around 1700?

Any agents that can do a same day service?



Believe 1430 is the opening time so may be later when you obtain. Have not seen any reports of faster service being available.


Thanks for replies,

Trying to decide if I can make a Malaysia Airline flight at 17.10, or have the option for a more expensive Airasia at 20.40. I know which I prefer I can't decide if its worth the gamble.


Myself and another poster have both made flights at around that time. No problem.

Collect the passport when the gates open. You should be out by 2.50 -3 pm latest.

Hail a taxi straight to the airport. 1 hour.



Most Thai consulates are that way. Turn in your passport on the morning of the first day...return in the afternoon of the 2nd day to pick it up.

If you do use an agent it can sometimes be done in one day...but it will cost extra for that and you will stll get the same standard visa...just possibly faster service.

You CAN find agents who will meet you at your hotel, take your passport, and bring it back the next morning with your visa. Some will even take you to the airport. Not sure about KL doing that kind of thing however.

Again that kind of service WILL cost you extra. I haven't done a run like that in many years to get a visa, so my information is out of date. But when I was getting visas regularly I used to go to the consulate when I arrived, fill out the forms and leave my passport for the visa. I would then go back to my hotel, go out to a local food stall or restaurant for a good meal, and then If I was filling particularly frisky I might then make an arrangement for some friendly female companionship for the night. Now, that's my idea of a good visa run. Never tried KL though, but made quite a few through Penang at the time.

P.S. As someone said be there waiting at 14:30 when the consulate opens, have your luggage ready and be checked out of the hotel. You don't need more than a small bag for just a one night stay. When you get your visa immeadiately get a taxi to the airport. Most times there is no problem catching a early evening flight back to Thailand. A 14:30 flight mignt be to early however, after 16:00 would be easier.



I did it last month went in 14:30 and my taxi left 14:40 to get the 17:10 flight with Malaysia to Phuket. Plenty of time no worries.


I went to KL twice in 2010, first time went to collect at 2.30 and found a line of people already leaving, they'd opened the doors early; and again in October, this time was there 2.20 and they were already allowing passport collection.

Maybe I was just lucky - bu if you are pressed for time being there a few min early is worthwhile, though should still leave adequate time to get to the airport without any panic, even better if you don't have check-in luggage.


Thanks for replies,

Going on the advice here I have booked for the 1710 flight, will report back end of June with outcome.

Anyone recommend a good value hotel for 2 nights?

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