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End of the world prediction fails to deliver as clocks hit 6 p.m.


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....and I thought that it was written that no man knows the date and time of the end......

I guess we have an exception with REv Camping


B) I am by no means a Bible scholar but that is exactly what I thought.

Ever since I can remeber these "Doomsday Prophets " have been predicting the end of the world. Remember Y2K.


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Camping has finally come out of hiding following Saturday's non-rapture, see below:


Seems like Harold "got the date wrong" (again) but is now quite certain that this most merciful of god's will now compress the end of the world into a single day (21 Oct) rather than dragging it out over 5 months.

So there we go only 4 and a bit months to worry about, and then of course if that does not work out there's always the next "End of the World", Dec 21 2012, according to an interesting interpretation of ratings of programmes on TV and future sales of books...... sorry Mayan calendars.

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I read a description of what happened back in the year 1000. Folks gave away possessions and even lay down together to welcome the end of the world on Dec 31, 999. They were sure that the Bible told them the world would end.

Some things never change.

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....and I thought that it was written that no man knows the date and time of the end......

I guess we have an exception with REv Camping


B) I am by no means a Bible scholar but that is exactly what I thought.

Ever since I can remeber these "Doomsday Prophets " have been predicting the end of the world. Remember Y2K.


Y2K was a different story, not based on religious belief but on hard science: Softwares and even hardwares were programmed for two-digit years, and had to be reprogrammed or replaced for the millenium switch. The reason that nothing happened was that thousands, maybe millions, of programmers worked overtime to rewrite the softwares. And hardwares were replaced. This was hard work and is not a myth.

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