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I have never hear of an apt or condo that charges 3.5 baht have you?

Yes. I know people in View Talay buildings who pay government rate, and also in some buildings on Pratumnak.

Yensabai condo also unless you rent from the condo management.

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I have never hear of an apt or condo that charges 3.5 baht have you?

Yes. I know people in View Talay buildings who pay government rate, and also in some buildings on Pratumnak.

Yensabai condo also unless you rent from the condo management.

Also Jomtien Beach Condominium are on Governament rate .Also Park Lane are on Governament rate after the owner has the Chanote and the electric company install the official meter .My Condo in Park Lane is on Governament rate for around 7 weeks now .Before that my condo was rented out for 4 months to a tennant who did not mention being overcharged for electric .( but he may not have noticed ?)

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For my 2 bed bungalow water and electricity together never more than 600 Baht. However that's with no use of aircon.

Would be useful to know just how long each day the OP uses this. If its on all the time then it could well be 10x the price.

However if he is using fans and being careful then its not impossible.

600 baht at what rate per kWh?

We're talking about 372 kWh for 5 months, which would equal 1339 baht or 267 baht per month average at government rates. The OP pays 7 baht per kWh, but that's irrelevant.

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Before that my condo was rented out for 4 months to a tennant who did not mention being overcharged for electric .( but he may not have noticed ?)

I have noticed that a large proportion of property owners and tenants do now know the rate at which they are being billed for electricity. Owners often dont know the rate at which the maintenance fee is calculated either.

Of course most of them have an idea of what the average monthly total comes to, but not the basic rate.

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Before that my condo was rented out for 4 months to a tennant who did not mention being overcharged for electric .( but he may not have noticed ?)

I have noticed that a large proportion of property owners and tenants do now know the rate at which they are being billed for electricity. Owners often dont know the rate at which the maintenance fee is calculated either.

Of course most of them have an idea of what the average monthly total comes to, but not the basic rate.

I know the rate in Park Lane on the tempory meter ( its 7c a unit ) ,but i am not sure 100% that my previous tennant was charged correctly .For March to December this year the maintenance bill is B9,000

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in most cases the electric meter last digit is 1/10 of a unit, 1 unit being 1kwh at 10baht per kwh would = 10baht

some meters don't show the 10th of a unit

I live in a condo and have free access to my meter, I use the aircon sometimes maybe 1hr per day the rest is for casual cooking TV computer and lights

my monthly bill is always around 1000baht / 30 days = 33baht per day which is about 3kwhours per day which is consistant with my usage, the op is being very obviously overcharged

if I was in this position I would ask for the electric bill to be read by the utility company and pay direct

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>> I was in this position I would ask for the electric bill to be read by the utility company and pay direct <<

I know you mean well ,but you are not up to date on this topic .The owner of the Condo he is renting from has not got the Chanote yet ,so he is still on the tempory meter .

When and if the owner of his Condo pays all his payments plus transfer costs and then gets the Chanote ,only then can the electricity company come and install an official meter .

PS ,if you are paying 10c a unit for electricity that is robbery .

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Off topic posts about cable television, satellite dishes and mobile phones removed from view. Also inflammatory posts and replies removed.

I would also caution you about the forum rules on defamation.

Stay on topic and stop the name calling or earn a warning.

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in most cases the electric meter last digit is 1/10 of a unit, 1 unit being 1kwh at 10baht per kwh would = 10baht

some meters don't show the 10th of a unit

I live in a condo and have free access to my meter, I use the aircon sometimes maybe 1hr per day the rest is for casual cooking TV computer and lights

my monthly bill is always around 1000baht / 30 days = 33baht per day which is about 3kwhours per day which is consistant with my usage, the op is being very obviously overcharged

if I was in this position I would ask for the electric bill to be read by the utility company and pay direct

In cases where the last digit is 1/10 of a unit it is made very obvious, either by a bright red digit or a marking of 0.1 above the unit. I can show you photos of dozens of units from different manufactures to prove this point if you wish. The important point is that the last digit is never ambiguous and open to interpretation or guessing.

Your monthly bill of 3 kWh's per day average using your aircon for only one hour per day further demonstrates that the OP has not been overcharged by a factor of 10. Sure, 7 baht per kWh is steep, but he accepted that when he moved in.

Edited by tropo
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PS ,if you are paying 10c a unit for electricity that is robbery .

Really? Where can I get a rate as good as 10c per unit? The best I can do is about 12c per unit.

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Ok. Iam back from Laos. Tourist Visa is for 2000 Bath now :annoyed:

Latest info:

At 17.00(23.5.11) we were asking managment to show my friend meter. They said they need owner permission. So my friend call to his realter. He came and had to write down a note that they r going to check the meter.(new rule. wasnt so hard before)

Right that time my wife found me and said that someone is changing our meter once again. Just right after i showed english specification of my DD28(latest) meter to them...

My wife made some photos of my "NEW" meter:

Behold, 3d meter in 6 months:


Its not even new.

I wonder, u need permission from the owner just to see ur meter, but u can change meter without asking anybody. Not me, not my realter, not the owner.... Interesting.

No explaination from management.

Finially, my friend had access to his meter:

1.Here is electiric shield. ALL meters r the same:


2. His meter. There is EVEN the point between the windows. It is very hard to missread that kind of meter.


3. And here r his last bills:


Last meter number marked as 02064 kWth, but its obviosly 0206.4 kWt.

Iam not the only one who started to ask question to our management. Our group consists of 15 persons(by now), living in this condominium. All of us are very disturbed by the given situation with the bills.

Today I don't have other choice how to pay this crazy bill(or i ll be cut off), but we r not to give up.

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

1. Go as a group with a Thai friend to translate to the electric company, show pictures of the meters and associated bills. Ask for a representative to visit the condo. Talk openly about fraud and police involvement within ear shot of the condo management. Thai's always strike me as both dishonest and cowardly people. When faced with not one but a group of angry residents and the electric company they may back down if their lies and bullying tactics aren't working.

2. Take the evidence to the police station with the translator and talk about a formal charge of fraud. Don't necessarily file a formal complaint at that point, the mere possibility of a formal criminal investigation may scare the condo management into correcting their dishonest ways.

3. Demand compensation for past over charging, threaten legal/criminal investigation is not forthcoming.

There are other possibilities including publication of stories in newspapers about racist cheating.

I think the time for kowtowing and politeness is over, you have a gang now, use the moment to beat the management into submission. Politeness works to a point in Thailand but it is also often exploited to get away with even more dishonest and illegal activity.

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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

All the OP has done is show some meters which have 1/10 graduations and two bills showing 235 and 317 kWh's respectively. There is no evidence to connect these bills with the meters photographed yet he claims these bills should have been read as 23.5 kWh and 31.7 kWh's.

As you said, an average refrigerator would use at least that much on its own per month.

There is nothing unusual about electric bills for 235 and 317 kWh consumed in a month. They are actually quite low and would correlate to bills of about 822 and 1109 baht at government rates.

I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

Just noticed that my AC is using 60-300 W per hour in safe mode. Most of the time its a fan working(60 W). Most expansive mode in AC is to HOT.(1500-2000 kWth).Not to cold air.

Just read very usefull topic about AC. Thought, its on russian...

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OP ,i would get the owner of your Condo involved .Ask him if he has the Chanote yet ? ( and if not why not ? ).If he has the Chanote you should soon be getting an official electricity meter .When this happens it will be and employee from the electricity Company who will read the meter and leave a bill in your mail box .( it will have a bar code to be paid at any 7/11 .

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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

All the OP has done is show some meters which have 1/10 graduations and two bills showing 235 and 317 kWh's respectively. There is no evidence to connect these bills with the meters photographed yet he claims these bills should have been read as 23.5 kWh and 31.7 kWh's.

As you said, an average refrigerator would use at least that much on its own per month.

There is nothing unusual about electric bills for 235 and 317 kWh consumed in a month. They are actually quite low and would correlate to bills of about 822 and 1109 baht at government rates.

I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

Ignored, till i ll see any numbers or prove links from u. I really tied to correct and explain u smth.

Just stop trolling.

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

All the OP has done is show some meters which have 1/10 graduations and two bills showing 235 and 317 kWh's respectively. There is no evidence to connect these bills with the meters photographed yet he claims these bills should have been read as 23.5 kWh and 31.7 kWh's.

As you said, an average refrigerator would use at least that much on its own per month.

There is nothing unusual about electric bills for 235 and 317 kWh consumed in a month. They are actually quite low and would correlate to bills of about 822 and 1109 baht at government rates.

I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

That is strange as I can see in the OP at least 10 bills ranging from 42 KWh up to over 1000 KWh.Are you sure we are reading the same topic?

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OP ,i would get the owner of your Condo involved .Ask him if he has the Chanote yet ? ( and if not why not ? ).If he has the Chanote you should soon be getting an official electricity meter .When this happens it will be and employee from the electricity Company who will read the meter and leave a bill in your mail box .( it will have a bar code to be paid at any 7/11 .

I shall meet my realtor today once again.

P.S. Any answer from "top dog"?

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Although I totally agree with the way you are reading these meters, the decimal point in your No 2 above cannot be missed, however, what I cannot understand is how 1 months usage could possibly be 10% of the charged total of 317 units. That would be just 1 unit being used per day and I would have thought that a refrigerator would use that much on its own. I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, possibly something wrong with the calibration of the meters?

All the OP has done is show some meters which have 1/10 graduations and two bills showing 235 and 317 kWh's respectively. There is no evidence to connect these bills with the meters photographed yet he claims these bills should have been read as 23.5 kWh and 31.7 kWh's.

As you said, an average refrigerator would use at least that much on its own per month.

There is nothing unusual about electric bills for 235 and 317 kWh consumed in a month. They are actually quite low and would correlate to bills of about 822 and 1109 baht at government rates.

I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

That is strange as I can see in the OP at least 10 bills ranging from 42 KWh up to over 1000 KWh.Are you sure we are reading the same topic?

Yes. Please read it with more attantion. Explainded everything in first post.

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

Ignored, till i ll see any numbers or prove links from u. I really tied to correct and explain u smth.

Just stop trolling.

Ignore me if you wish but there's no need to label a member as a troll just because he doesn't agree with you.

I believe you are wrong and you're yet to prove otherwise and just about every post you add provides more evidence that you're wrong.

Here is your 2nd meter which was installed on December 20:


...and here's your 3rd (in 6 months):


Both of these meters obviously do not read 1/10 units. You posted the photos yourself. Perhaps you should keep better track of what you post.

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I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

Ignored, till i ll see any numbers or prove links from u. I really tied to correct and explain u smth.

Just stop trolling.

Ignore me if you wish but there's no need to label a member as a troll just because he doesn't agree with you.

I believe you are wrong and you're yet to prove otherwise and just about every post you add provides more evidence that you're wrong.

Here is your 2nd meter which was installed on December 20:


...and here's your 3rd (in 6 months):


Both of these meters obviously do not read 1/10 units. You posted the photos yourself. Perhaps you should keep better track of what you post.

Your prove is word obviously? Very strong argument.

My prove was a link with product details for DD28 meter. The was saying - 9999.9

Until i ll see smth different then OBVIOUSLY do not read 1/10 units - u r just trolling around for me.

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Just noticed that my AC is using 60-300 W per hour in safe mode. Most of the time its a fan working(60 W). Most expansive mode in AC is to HOT.(1500-2000 kWth).Not to cold air.

Just read very usefull topic about AC. Thought, its on russian...

Now you claim to be running your aircon on fan mode only and it also has a heating cycle?

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I can show photos of dozens of meters which read 1/10th units and plenty which don't. According to his girlfriend's photograph they have purchased another meter which does not show 1/10th units. The new meter he photographed 3 days ago also does not read 1/10th units.

Ignored, till i ll see any numbers or prove links from u. I really tied to correct and explain u smth.

Just stop trolling.

Ignore me if you wish but there's no need to label a member as a troll just because he doesn't agree with you.

I believe you are wrong and you're yet to prove otherwise and just about every post you add provides more evidence that you're wrong.

Here is your 2nd meter which was installed on December 20:


...and here's your 3rd (in 6 months):


Both of these meters obviously do not read 1/10 units. You posted the photos yourself. Perhaps you should keep better track of what you post.

Have you noticed already that the top picture clearly has some dot mark between the last two digits?

It might be a mark on the glass but then please explain why the last digit is scaled into 1/10ths of a kWh as nowhere in the world they charge 1/10th of a kWh.

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Your prove is word obviously? Very strong argument.

My prove was a link with product details for DD28 meter. The was saying - 9999.9

Until i ll see smth different then OBVIOUSLY do not read 1/10 units - u r just trolling around for me.

We have no interest in product catalogs of watt hour meters which show 1/10 units. The ones you posted don't show 1/10 units. That is obvious.

Watt meters which show 1/10 units always make it obvious so that the meter reader doesn't need to guess.

Here's some examples of the same manufacturer producing a meter which shows 1/10 and one which doesn't. In each meter it is obvious.



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Have you noticed already that the top picture clearly has some dot mark between the last two digits?

It might be a mark on the glass but then please explain why the last digit is scaled into 1/10ths of a kWh as nowhere in the world they charge 1/10th of a kWh.

Those meters are irrelevant. They are not the OP's meters in question. I already posted photos of the meters he claims are his meters and both don't show 1/10th units. He merely took some photos of some meters which apparently showed 1/10 units and claimed they were his neighbor's meters.

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Have you noticed already that the top picture clearly has some dot mark between the last two digits?

It might be a mark on the glass but then please explain why the last digit is scaled into 1/10ths of a kWh as nowhere in the world they charge 1/10th of a kWh.

Those meters are irrelevant. They are not the OP's meters in question. I already posted photos of the meters he claims are his meters and both don't show 1/10th units. He merely took some photos of some meters which apparently showed 1/10 units and claimed they were his neighbor's meters.

Uhmmm, I was talking about the picture that YOU posted as being the OP's meter .


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