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Internet And Pc


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Hi guys...just a simple question really

how much do u all thni k it will cost me to get the internet set up in my house up in the north east?

i have no phone line there now so everything will have to be installed new including phone line..

so i want quite a good computer with quite a fast connection speed because i want to talk to my family at home via web cam and microphone also i would like to download music..so the main thing is just a good connection speed

how mch are we talking about for the whole lot?

any help please guys

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i think it depends where in North East you are... near a town or out in the sticks...????

you will obviously need a fairly fast connection if you intend to go down the VoIP telephone route - are you able to find out what adsl services and coverage are available to your location... i guess not otherwise you wouldnt have posted :o

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In most locations you do not just order up a phone line as there are none available. So you have to either wait years or buy from someone else. And unless you are in a city area you are probably not going to be able to use for more the 56k modem speeds (even if they claim adsl) as all providers are highly oversubscribed and the international lines are very highly priced. Although you might be able to get more speed with business type plans it is by no mean for sure. You will probably have to use satellite which some report good and others report bad - luck of the draw and who sets it up I guess.

I believe VOIP without licence is illegal under Thai law.

All in all not a simple question but if you read back you should find prices and links that you can check.

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With a dial up, using skype is a headache - there's at least five second delay. You can't talk to people with a five second dealy. It's like being on the Moon.

Webcam is another one. I understand that True Adsl doesn't allow webcams.

Welcome to the IT hub of Asia. Clowns they are. ######ing clowns.

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