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Pulled/Torn Calf Muscle


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Im not a sportsman [anymore] but ive pulled or torn a calf muscle, it was about 10 days ago, ive been using an elasticated bandage rather than the stocking type, i just wondered if there is a right or wrong way to put this bandage on, do i start from the bottom and work up or vice-versa? also its still very painfull and i cant walk without the bandage, is there a good horse type liniment i could use, or do i go to the docs and have the 2 injections he gives everybody for everything?

Thanks, Lickey.

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First of all, do not go to doctors who give "the same 2 injections" to "everybody for everything". Even allowing for exaggeration, this sounds like a doctor to avoid.

My best advice to you is to see a proper orthopedic specialist. Continued pain 10 days on warrants investigation.

As for the elastic bandage, apply from bottom up.

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Thanks for the advice Sheryl, the mrs had been putting the bandage on top to bottom, no doubht this caused the ankle swelling, Going to Udon in a couple of days so will go to the Royal Military hospital, been good before,

Cheers, Lickey.

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Yes Kurnell, the ice has worked, but very temporarily, i had just done this this morning and was resting on the sofa, the salon massage lady got hold of my calf and dug her fingers in deep, i cried with pain, then i had to go to the docs, yes, 2 injections and 3 lots of tablets, ok the pain has gone, but im sure its only a mask, perhaps in the long term the tabs will help? the only blister pack tab i can read is Tolperisone HCI 50mg , 3 times a day, the other looks like Fernisal, mg? and an orange torpedo looking tab NL, when pain is too much, what the injections were? no idea, the pain has gone, but i do know its not going to heal the muscle, so keeping bandage on and walking accordingly,,

The massage lady is very sorry, and promised to bring me some beer tomorow, such is life,,,, Thanks Lickey..

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