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well folks it's a long time since I posted, but here it is.

If you dont like the place, solution is simple, dont go there, but dont go on whining about it.

I am 1 of a group of fossils, who enjoy a beer and conversation in the afternoon

So if you have a problem, you know the solution, I am sure you can find lot's more things to moan about, get a life

we have a life, but are occasionaly judged by newbies, do you live in Surin or are you another "expert from afar"

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sorry can that last post be removed, am still getting used to format

Bronco, long time since you visited. Welcome back. :)

It's not the same in many ways. ;)


So Mr Bronco, you think that anyone who thinks that the farang connection isn't great, has no right to voice an opinion.Well i think that you are wrong, so does that make me a moaner.Telling people that if you don't like something then go somewhere else is the usual easy option to solve the problem.When we were there on the saturday, there were about 6 other farangs sat around a table talking. So i can probably assume that you were one of these.So let me fill you in here, when we entered we ordered 2 large leo's, after about 10 minutes we asked for the menu,we spent maybe 10 minutes looking through it, before we asked for our food.As i have stated it took a few minutes before the waitress came back to tell us that the food we ordered was not available, we then spent a few more minutes before we ordered our second choice, at which point we also ordered 2 more large leo's.So 5 minutes later we were informed that our second choice wasn't available. We then took the menu again, looked through it, made a third choice, ordered 2 more leo's and waited for our food. About 5 minutes later we were informed that it wasn't available, at which point we decided to drink up, pay our bill and leave.So in the space of maybe 35-40 minutes we ordered 3 different meals none of which were available, and we drank 6 large bottles of leo.Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.So look at this from a different point of view,if the owners don't improve the service and food, they will close down, because what you lot spend won't keep them in business will it. Then when they have closed where will all you cheap charlies go for your nice chats, so maybe i should get a life, go to a bar for a long chat, then in a couple of years curl up and die, do me a favour. As long as i am paying for what i want, if i don't get it i have the right to complain. I understand that i am in a foreign country, i have been here for 8 years, living just outside of surin, but if a bar puts out a menu, with say 50 items on it, then they should make sure that they have enough stock to satisfy orders, i could forgive maybe running out of a couple of things but the farang connection is now bordering on the ridiculous.So Mr Bronco before you make stupid statements, think about what you are saying, but if that is to hard to do, then please don't say anything.


So Mr Bronco, you think that anyone who thinks that the farang connection isn't great, has no right to voice an opinion.Well i think that you are wrong, so does that make me a moaner.Telling people that if you don't like something then go somewhere else is the usual easy option to solve the problem.When we were there on the saturday, there were about 6 other farangs sat around a table talking. So i can probably assume that you were one of these.So let me fill you in here, when we entered we ordered 2 large leo's, after about 10 minutes we asked for the menu,we spent maybe 10 minutes looking through it, before we asked for our food.As i have stated it took a few minutes before the waitress came back to tell us that the food we ordered was not available, we then spent a few more minutes before we ordered our second choice, at which point we also ordered 2 more large leo's.So 5 minutes later we were informed that our second choice wasn't available. We then took the menu again, looked through it, made a third choice, ordered 2 more leo's and waited for our food. About 5 minutes later we were informed that it wasn't available, at which point we decided to drink up, pay our bill and leave.So in the space of maybe 35-40 minutes we ordered 3 different meals none of which were available, and we drank 6 large bottles of leo.Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.So look at this from a different point of view,if the owners don't improve the service and food, they will close down, because what you lot spend won't keep them in business will it. Then when they have closed where will all you cheap charlies go for your nice chats, so maybe i should get a life, go to a bar for a long chat, then in a couple of years curl up and die, do me a favour. As long as i am paying for what i want, if i don't get it i have the right to complain. I understand that i am in a foreign country, i have been here for 8 years, living just outside of surin, but if a bar puts out a menu, with say 50 items on it, then they should make sure that they have enough stock to satisfy orders, i could forgive maybe running out of a couple of things but the farang connection is now bordering on the ridiculous.So Mr Bronco before you make stupid statements, think about what you are saying, but if that is to hard to do, then please don't say anything.

Wow, If I were you I'd get to a doctor and get you alcohol problem under control! 6 large Leo Beers in 35-40 minutes between 2 people??? :burp:


well folks it's a long time since I posted, but here it is.

If you dont like the place, solution is simple, dont go there, but dont go on whining about it.

I am 1 of a group of fossils, who enjoy a beer and conversation in the afternoon

So if you have a problem, you know the solution, I am sure you can find lot's more things to moan about, get a life

Well Bronco, as it is a long time since you have posted and you have admitted you are a fossil you can be forgiven for the above post which is just plain silly.

Last time I looked people on this board were allowed to voice their opinion without being told and I quote "but dont go on whining about it"

I am happy you have found your niche enjoying a beer and conversation in the afternoon. I and others are not impolite enough to tell you you cannot do this so why are you silly enough to tell people they cannot complain if they wish to?

Maybe the fossils are part of the problem as by drinking there they are providing profits to the business and giving the illusion to the business and others that the business is doing well.:D


well folks it's a long time since I posted, but here it is.

If you dont like the place, solution is simple, dont go there, but dont go on whining about it.

I am 1 of a group of fossils, who enjoy a beer and conversation in the afternoon

So if you have a problem, you know the solution, I am sure you can find lot's more things to moan about, get a life

Must be a member of what I refer to as the debating society, not to be confused with the Chang appreciation society, although sometimes its confusing as to who actually belongs to which group.

The debating society can usually be heard whinging and moaning about all things Thai related, the country, the weather, their wife, their wifes family, the crap exchange rate, how in the good old days it was 4 large Changs for 100 baht.

These same esteemed members also seem to have a bee in their bonnet about what perceive to be part time residents, guys working overseas on say a month on month off rotation, jealous of the fact these guys have money to throw around, or havent (yet) been stupid enough to buy an Issan mansion, pay 300k baht sin sot for some girl with 3 kids in tow or give their wife an allowance of 50k per month then bitch and moan about where has the money gone.

As I mentioned in a previous thread I will never set foot in this place again, but I am almost tempted to change my mind to point the esteemed members of the debating society to your words of wisdom, "if you have a problem, you know the solution".

We came here of our own free will and are free to leave whenever we want, thats assuming noone was actually stupid enough to burn their bridges back home or invest all their money here, this being TV I feel sure the posters are way too smart to have done any of those things.

I have taken your advice and now pop in for breakfast at a place I found on the 24.


It's always easy to bag somebody or something while hiding behind a screen eh?

Instead of bashing the FC and the owner who is trying like buggery to keep the place open why don't you offer your words of wisdom to Sunee, She is clearly way over her head but doing the best she can... are you?

Right now I know the food isn't great, it's hard to find a good cook in Surin, I know I tried myself but just didn't have any luck.

If you know of someone who can cook, I'm sure Sunee would appreciate the help and support. If you know anyone who speaks Thai and English and wants a job serving, then I'm sure Sunee would be really happy to know about them too.

I'm not here to judge Sunee or Martin (may he rest in peace), the place was always a beacon for me and these two people would do anything for anyone, I know I needed help and support more than once and they always came through for me.

If you want a really good... no really GREAT place to go for drinks and good food then help the FC get back on it's feet.

Sunee is really trying hard to keep things going, maybe for Martins memory or maybe not... that not my call.

Be part of the solution not the problem okay?


The lady who owns the FC doesnt deserve anyones service! Wont go into how she treated her husband who has now passed away but she treats farangs like idiots and is currently trying to rip me off over a deposit for rent on a house. Not replied to any emails for over a week now so will be going to the shop to have it out with her.

Apart from that the one and only time I went my wife got a curry that seemed to be a microwaved curry, watery, oily and bland. I got the breakfast and 15 minutes later it was a race to get to the toilet.

Why don't you tell us why you were asked to vacate the house? And while you're at it why don't you come clean on the fact that you have been offered a partial refund after the cost of repairs and other things. What about the fact that you've been invited to Sunee's shop to discuss the matter and to show you the invoices and receipts (in response to your demands).

Somehow these little points seemed to have been left out of your little venting session and what business is it of yours to discuss Sunee and Martin's relationship?


The lady who owns the FC doesnt deserve anyones service! Wont go into how she treated her husband who has now passed away but she treats farangs like idiots and is currently trying to rip me off over a deposit for rent on a house. Not replied to any emails for over a week now so will be going to the shop to have it out with her.

Apart from that the one and only time I went my wife got a curry that seemed to be a microwaved curry, watery, oily and bland. I got the breakfast and 15 minutes later it was a race to get to the toilet.

Why don't you tell us why you were asked to vacate the house? And while you're at it why don't you come clean on the fact that you have been offered a partial refund after the cost of repairs and other things. What about the fact that you've been invited to Sunee's shop to discuss the matter and to show you the invoices and receipts (in response to your demands).

Somehow these little points seemed to have been left out of your little venting session and what business is it of yours to discuss Sunee and Martin's relationship?

I was asked to vacate the house because the neighbours were complaining about the dogs barking, I agreed to move out when I returned to surin and I did.

I was given 2 days to get all my stuff out the house and find somewhere else to live, I had signed a 6 month contract for this house and paid 1 month deposit and paid all up front.

After 2 days I was out the house and had to wait for you to refund what money was left of the rent back to me, you held onto the other 9000 baht and I agreed that any damages would be paid for as I knew there was a few things broken and the eletric bill and water bill could be paid for too out of this. However you decided that it was up to me to pay for the internet bill for the time the contract ran for but for something I could not use, so you have charged me 1800 baht a month for 3 months for something I cannot use, I also put 2000 baht deposit down for the internet at the shop that you have kept also. You have the cheek to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner for the house so you can rent the house out to the next poor sod who decides to be ripped off by you. You tried to charge me 500 baht for a cheap door handle that was broken that fell apart almost in my hands that costs 99 baht in the big C other things I agreed to pay as the dog did bite the chair when my girlfriends mother left the chair outside upstairs when they had a party.

From 9000 baht you wanted to refund me just 1800 baht for the sake of a 99baht door handle, water bill, eletric bill, damaged wardrobe and a dial for the pool filter. The rest you have just added up to try and make money out of me.

I pay 2000 baht a month for a cleaner at my house which is much bigger than the horrible house we stayed in that you rented to us that may I add was covered in rat droppings in the kitchen, before we left we cleaned the house from top to bottom but you still wanted to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner.

As for Sunee trying her best to get the place running and helping people when she can what a load of rubbish. I turned up to the shop the other day and she was sat on her backside chatting with her friends without a care in the world not caring about anything that was going on in the place she refused to pay what is mine so she has a few days from me to change her mind and pay me what I am owed or I am going to the police station as her contract doesnt say anything about me having to pay her internet bills.

As for her relationship with the other farang, well everyone else knows what happened and its a yet again another tale of a poor farang being used and then thai lady finds thai boyfriend.

Cant wait for the place to close and you and your liabilty go down with it.


I recall that this is the place that enforced a dual pricing system for falangs if they were tourists or occasional visitors.

That point alone should be reason for the place to be closed down as a result on continued well deserved bad publicity.


The lady who owns the FC doesnt deserve anyones service! Wont go into how she treated her husband who has now passed away but she treats farangs like idiots and is currently trying to rip me off over a deposit for rent on a house. Not replied to any emails for over a week now so will be going to the shop to have it out with her.

Apart from that the one and only time I went my wife got a curry that seemed to be a microwaved curry, watery, oily and bland. I got the breakfast and 15 minutes later it was a race to get to the toilet.

Why don't you tell us why you were asked to vacate the house? And while you're at it why don't you come clean on the fact that you have been offered a partial refund after the cost of repairs and other things. What about the fact that you've been invited to Sunee's shop to discuss the matter and to show you the invoices and receipts (in response to your demands).

Somehow these little points seemed to have been left out of your little venting session and what business is it of yours to discuss Sunee and Martin's relationship?

I was asked to vacate the house because the neighbours were complaining about the dogs barking, I agreed to move out when I returned to surin and I did.

I was given 2 days to get all my stuff out the house and find somewhere else to live, I had signed a 6 month contract for this house and paid 1 month deposit and paid all up front.

After 2 days I was out the house and had to wait for you to refund what money was left of the rent back to me, you held onto the other 9000 baht and I agreed that any damages would be paid for as I knew there was a few things broken and the eletric bill and water bill could be paid for too out of this. However you decided that it was up to me to pay for the internet bill for the time the contract ran for but for something I could not use, so you have charged me 1800 baht a month for 3 months for something I cannot use, I also put 2000 baht deposit down for the internet at the shop that you have kept also. You have the cheek to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner for the house so you can rent the house out to the next poor sod who decides to be ripped off by you. You tried to charge me 500 baht for a cheap door handle that was broken that fell apart almost in my hands that costs 99 baht in the big C other things I agreed to pay as the dog did bite the chair when my girlfriends mother left the chair outside upstairs when they had a party.

From 9000 baht you wanted to refund me just 1800 baht for the sake of a 99baht door handle, water bill, eletric bill, damaged wardrobe and a dial for the pool filter. The rest you have just added up to try and make money out of me.

I pay 2000 baht a month for a cleaner at my house which is much bigger than the horrible house we stayed in that you rented to us that may I add was covered in rat droppings in the kitchen, before we left we cleaned the house from top to bottom but you still wanted to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner.

As for Sunee trying her best to get the place running and helping people when she can what a load of rubbish. I turned up to the shop the other day and she was sat on her backside chatting with her friends without a care in the world not caring about anything that was going on in the place she refused to pay what is mine so she has a few days from me to change her mind and pay me what I am owed or I am going to the police station as her contract doesnt say anything about me having to pay her internet bills.

As for her relationship with the other farang, well everyone else knows what happened and its a yet again another tale of a poor farang being used and then thai lady finds thai boyfriend.

Cant wait for the place to close and you and your liabilty go down with it.

Well I wasn't there when you came to Sunee's shop the other day, but I know a few of the guys that were there, their story is a little different, like you shouting at the top of your lungs about how Sunee ripped you off and demanding that she go to the police station.

As for the rest of it, Sunee offered to show you the receipts for repairs and you never responded or came to the shop, and who would respond to your threatening emails, she invited you to come to the shop to discuss the issues and view the receipts and you didn't take her up on the offer.

You're very confused, you agreed to pay the monthly fee for the internet, which you only paid for one month, yet you lived in the house for three months. You said you would show her the receipt for the internet deposit you claim to have paid, but you still haven't done that either. If you never agreed to pay for the internet at all then why did you pay for the first month of it and why did you pay this alleged deposit for it?

You agreed that when you left the house it still needed some cleaning and the pool was a filth. This had to be cleaned and people had to be paid for their work. Maybe you should have hired a cleaner to keep Sunee's house clean while you lived there.

As for moving out, you told Sunee what day you could move out and she graciously agreed to the date YOU requested.

And for the droppings in the kitchen... now that raises some interesting thoughts...


I recall that this is the place that enforced a dual pricing system for falangs if they were tourists or occasional visitors.

That point alone should be reason for the place to be closed down as a result on continued well deserved bad publicity.

That's interesting, considering the prices are written on the menus.

If you were going to close places that have duel pricing there wouldn't be many places opened in Thailand any more. blink.gif


So Mr Bronco, you think that anyone who thinks that the farang connection isn't great, has no right to voice an opinion.Well i think that you are wrong, so does that make me a moaner.Telling people that if you don't like something then go somewhere else is the usual easy option to solve the problem.When we were there on the saturday, there were about 6 other farangs sat around a table talking. So i can probably assume that you were one of these.So let me fill you in here, when we entered we ordered 2 large leo's, after about 10 minutes we asked for the menu,we spent maybe 10 minutes looking through it, before we asked for our food.As i have stated it took a few minutes before the waitress came back to tell us that the food we ordered was not available, we then spent a few more minutes before we ordered our second choice, at which point we also ordered 2 more large leo's.So 5 minutes later we were informed that our second choice wasn't available. We then took the menu again, looked through it, made a third choice, ordered 2 more leo's and waited for our food. About 5 minutes later we were informed that it wasn't available, at which point we decided to drink up, pay our bill and leave.So in the space of maybe 35-40 minutes we ordered 3 different meals none of which were available, and we drank 6 large bottles of leo.Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.So look at this from a different point of view,if the owners don't improve the service and food, they will close down, because what you lot spend won't keep them in business will it. Then when they have closed where will all you cheap charlies go for your nice chats, so maybe i should get a life, go to a bar for a long chat, then in a couple of years curl up and die, do me a favour. As long as i am paying for what i want, if i don't get it i have the right to complain. I understand that i am in a foreign country, i have been here for 8 years, living just outside of surin, but if a bar puts out a menu, with say 50 items on it, then they should make sure that they have enough stock to satisfy orders, i could forgive maybe running out of a couple of things but the farang connection is now bordering on the ridiculous.So Mr Bronco before you make stupid statements, think about what you are saying, but if that is to hard to do, then please don't say anything.

A classic, my friend. A perfect reflection of FC and the usual borish Farang circle in Surin. Bravo...;)

That's interesting, considering the prices are written on the menus.

The point being that Martin introduced the system of charging tourist-farang the higher price, as in his paraphrased words it "subsidized the cost beers" for his regular customers.

Nice business practice.

Does the menu state a standard rate for this stranger tax?

That's interesting, considering the prices are written on the menus.

The point being that Martin introduced the system of charging tourist-farang the higher price, as in his paraphrased words it "subsidized the cost beers" for his regular customers.

Nice business practice.

Does the menu state a standard rate for this stranger tax?

Well for the 6 plus years I've been going there, I've only known one price and that's what's on the menus and to the best of my knowledge there's only one set of menus. Martin said a lot of things (God bless him), if you knew him you also knew to take a lot of what he said with a grain of salt and enjoyed the entertainment value that was Martin.

That's interesting, considering the prices are written on the menus.

The point being that Martin introduced the system of charging tourist-farang the higher price, as in his paraphrased words it "subsidized the cost beers" for his regular customers.

Nice business practice.

Does the menu state a standard rate for this stranger tax?

Well for the 6 plus years I've been going there, I've only known one price and that's what's on the menus and to the best of my knowledge there's only one set of menus. Martin said a lot of things (God bless him), if you knew him you also knew to take a lot of what he said with a grain of salt and enjoyed the entertainment value that was Martin.

Actually this is a common business practice, but most companies offer coupons or membership cards or loyalty point programs.

But at the end of the day, someone will be getting a better deal.

That's interesting, considering the prices are written on the menus.

The point being that Martin introduced the system of charging tourist-farang the higher price, as in his paraphrased words it "subsidized the cost beers" for his regular customers.

Nice business practice.

Does the menu state a standard rate for this stranger tax?

Well for the 6 plus years I've been going there, I've only known one price and that's what's on the menus and to the best of my knowledge there's only one set of menus. Martin said a lot of things (God bless him), if you knew him you also knew to take a lot of what he said with a grain of salt and enjoyed the entertainment value that was Martin.

Actually this is a common business practice, but most companies offer coupons or membership cards or loyalty point programs.

But at the end of the day, someone will be getting a better deal.

Good point Mike... maybe we should close Thai Air while we're at it, I get extras, including free upgrades and flights with them... do ya think it has anything to do with the 80K plus miles I travel with them every year? whistling.gif

FYI... I don't get any special pricing from FC... I pay the same price that's on the menu!


Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.

Maybe they were waiting for the big spender to buy a round!


Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.

Maybe they were waiting for the big spender to buy a round!

Big Spenders in the Surin Farang community. That's rich. There's little cash left after their regular monthly runs to Patters and Suk.

A more charming bunch you'll never meet....:rolleyes:


The lady who owns the FC doesnt deserve anyones service! Wont go into how she treated her husband who has now passed away but she treats farangs like idiots and is currently trying to rip me off over a deposit for rent on a house. Not replied to any emails for over a week now so will be going to the shop to have it out with her.

Apart from that the one and only time I went my wife got a curry that seemed to be a microwaved curry, watery, oily and bland. I got the breakfast and 15 minutes later it was a race to get to the toilet.

Why don't you tell us why you were asked to vacate the house? And while you're at it why don't you come clean on the fact that you have been offered a partial refund after the cost of repairs and other things. What about the fact that you've been invited to Sunee's shop to discuss the matter and to show you the invoices and receipts (in response to your demands).

Somehow these little points seemed to have been left out of your little venting session and what business is it of yours to discuss Sunee and Martin's relationship?

I was asked to vacate the house because the neighbours were complaining about the dogs barking, I agreed to move out when I returned to surin and I did.

I was given 2 days to get all my stuff out the house and find somewhere else to live, I had signed a 6 month contract for this house and paid 1 month deposit and paid all up front.

After 2 days I was out the house and had to wait for you to refund what money was left of the rent back to me, you held onto the other 9000 baht and I agreed that any damages would be paid for as I knew there was a few things broken and the eletric bill and water bill could be paid for too out of this. However you decided that it was up to me to pay for the internet bill for the time the contract ran for but for something I could not use, so you have charged me 1800 baht a month for 3 months for something I cannot use, I also put 2000 baht deposit down for the internet at the shop that you have kept also. You have the cheek to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner for the house so you can rent the house out to the next poor sod who decides to be ripped off by you. You tried to charge me 500 baht for a cheap door handle that was broken that fell apart almost in my hands that costs 99 baht in the big C other things I agreed to pay as the dog did bite the chair when my girlfriends mother left the chair outside upstairs when they had a party.

From 9000 baht you wanted to refund me just 1800 baht for the sake of a 99baht door handle, water bill, eletric bill, damaged wardrobe and a dial for the pool filter. The rest you have just added up to try and make money out of me.

I pay 2000 baht a month for a cleaner at my house which is much bigger than the horrible house we stayed in that you rented to us that may I add was covered in rat droppings in the kitchen, before we left we cleaned the house from top to bottom but you still wanted to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner.

As for Sunee trying her best to get the place running and helping people when she can what a load of rubbish. I turned up to the shop the other day and she was sat on her backside chatting with her friends without a care in the world not caring about anything that was going on in the place she refused to pay what is mine so she has a few days from me to change her mind and pay me what I am owed or I am going to the police station as her contract doesnt say anything about me having to pay her internet bills.

As for her relationship with the other farang, well everyone else knows what happened and its a yet again another tale of a poor farang being used and then thai lady finds thai boyfriend.

Cant wait for the place to close and you and your liabilty go down with it.

Well I wasn't there when you came to Sunee's shop the other day, but I know a few of the guys that were there, their story is a little different, like you shouting at the top of your lungs about how Sunee ripped you off and demanding that she go to the police station.

As for the rest of it, Sunee offered to show you the receipts for repairs and you never responded or came to the shop, and who would respond to your threatening emails, she invited you to come to the shop to discuss the issues and view the receipts and you didn't take her up on the offer.

You're very confused, you agreed to pay the monthly fee for the internet, which you only paid for one month, yet you lived in the house for three months. You said you would show her the receipt for the internet deposit you claim to have paid, but you still haven't done that either. If you never agreed to pay for the internet at all then why did you pay for the first month of it and why did you pay this alleged deposit for it?

You agreed that when you left the house it still needed some cleaning and the pool was a filth. This had to be cleaned and people had to be paid for their work. Maybe you should have hired a cleaner to keep Sunee's house clean while you lived there.

As for moving out, you told Sunee what day you could move out and she graciously agreed to the date YOU requested.

And for the droppings in the kitchen... now that raises some interesting thoughts...

I have the bills here that I paid for the 3 months I stayed, you are trying to charge me for the 3 months where I did not stay. As for shouting at the top of my lungs dont make me laugh, strong voice yes, shouting not at all. I replied to every email and I sent her 3 or 4 emails after that I did not get a reply from maybe she cannot be bothered reading her emails now as well as looking after her bar. As for being confused how would you know or are you Sunee hiding behind a username? When I left the house I said I would refuse to pay for any cleaning as it was clean enough when I left and I shouldnt be made to pay for a clean of the house so she can get it ready for her next unsuspecting victim. The house was very clean when I stayed there, only 1 bedroom got used and the living room and kitchen, the other rooms were untouched.

I had no hot water for 3 months because time after time the water would not work and the water tank was filthy, the water that would come out was green not only that but I was having to pay for other peoples eletric because you were hooking up their eletric to the house. This house had not been used for months but when I got the eletric bills from past months every month there was a bill ranging from 700-2500 even though you told me no one had been staying in there.

Do you want me to show you the internet bills we paid or are you just going to ignore that fact? Sunee/myster poster


Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.

Maybe they were waiting for the big spender to buy a round!

Big Spenders in the Surin Farang community. That's rich. There's little cash left after their regular monthly runs to Patters and Suk.

A more charming bunch you'll never meet....:rolleyes:

For someone who never goes anywhere, never takes part in Farang activities and spends most of your day stuck behind a computer writing rubbish on forums you do seem to know so much about how others spend their time.


Now comes the good part, during the time we were there, the 6 farangs at the table never ordered 1 beer between them. So i figure if you guys sit there all afternoon having a nice chat and putting the world to rights, then you must drink at least a whole 12 bottles between you in 4/5 hours.

Maybe they were waiting for the big spender to buy a round!

Big Spenders in the Surin Farang community. That's rich. There's little cash left after their regular monthly runs to Patters and Suk.

A more charming bunch you'll never meet....:rolleyes:

For someone who never goes anywhere, never takes part in Farang activities and spends most of your day stuck behind a computer writing rubbish on forums you do seem to know so much about how others spend their time.

What are Farang activities?


I was asked to vacate the house because the neighbours were complaining about the dogs barking, I agreed to move out when I returned to surin and I did.

I was given 2 days to get all my stuff out the house and find somewhere else to live, I had signed a 6 month contract for this house and paid 1 month deposit and paid all up front.

After 2 days I was out the house and had to wait for you to refund what money was left of the rent back to me, you held onto the other 9000 baht and I agreed that any damages would be paid for as I knew there was a few things broken and the eletric bill and water bill could be paid for too out of this. However you decided that it was up to me to pay for the internet bill for the time the contract ran for but for something I could not use, so you have charged me 1800 baht a month for 3 months for something I cannot use, I also put 2000 baht deposit down for the internet at the shop that you have kept also. You have the cheek to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner for the house so you can rent the house out to the next poor sod who decides to be ripped off by you. You tried to charge me 500 baht for a cheap door handle that was broken that fell apart almost in my hands that costs 99 baht in the big C other things I agreed to pay as the dog did bite the chair when my girlfriends mother left the chair outside upstairs when they had a party.

From 9000 baht you wanted to refund me just 1800 baht for the sake of a 99baht door handle, water bill, eletric bill, damaged wardrobe and a dial for the pool filter. The rest you have just added up to try and make money out of me.

I pay 2000 baht a month for a cleaner at my house which is much bigger than the horrible house we stayed in that you rented to us that may I add was covered in rat droppings in the kitchen, before we left we cleaned the house from top to bottom but you still wanted to charge me 1000 baht for a cleaner.

As for Sunee trying her best to get the place running and helping people when she can what a load of rubbish. I turned up to the shop the other day and she was sat on her backside chatting with her friends without a care in the world not caring about anything that was going on in the place she refused to pay what is mine so she has a few days from me to change her mind and pay me what I am owed or I am going to the police station as her contract doesnt say anything about me having to pay her internet bills.

As for her relationship with the other farang, well everyone else knows what happened and its a yet again another tale of a poor farang being used and then thai lady finds thai boyfriend.

Cant wait for the place to close and you and your liabilty go down with it.

Well I wasn't there when you came to Sunee's shop the other day, but I know a few of the guys that were there, their story is a little different, like you shouting at the top of your lungs about how Sunee ripped you off and demanding that she go to the police station.

As for the rest of it, Sunee offered to show you the receipts for repairs and you never responded or came to the shop, and who would respond to your threatening emails, she invited you to come to the shop to discuss the issues and view the receipts and you didn't take her up on the offer.

You're very confused, you agreed to pay the monthly fee for the internet, which you only paid for one month, yet you lived in the house for three months. You said you would show her the receipt for the internet deposit you claim to have paid, but you still haven't done that either. If you never agreed to pay for the internet at all then why did you pay for the first month of it and why did you pay this alleged deposit for it?

You agreed that when you left the house it still needed some cleaning and the pool was a filth. This had to be cleaned and people had to be paid for their work. Maybe you should have hired a cleaner to keep Sunee's house clean while you lived there.

As for moving out, you told Sunee what day you could move out and she graciously agreed to the date YOU requested.

And for the droppings in the kitchen... now that raises some interesting thoughts...

I have the bills here that I paid for the 3 months I stayed, you are trying to charge me for the 3 months where I did not stay. As for shouting at the top of my lungs dont make me laugh, strong voice yes, shouting not at all. I replied to every email and I sent her 3 or 4 emails after that I did not get a reply from maybe she cannot be bothered reading her emails now as well as looking after her bar. As for being confused how would you know or are you Sunee hiding behind a username? When I left the house I said I would refuse to pay for any cleaning as it was clean enough when I left and I shouldnt be made to pay for a clean of the house so she can get it ready for her next unsuspecting victim. The house was very clean when I stayed there, only 1 bedroom got used and the living room and kitchen, the other rooms were untouched.

I had no hot water for 3 months because time after time the water would not work and the water tank was filthy, the water that would come out was green not only that but I was having to pay for other peoples eletric because you were hooking up their eletric to the house. This house had not been used for months but when I got the eletric bills from past months every month there was a bill ranging from 700-2500 even though you told me no one had been staying in there.

Do you want me to show you the internet bills we paid or are you just going to ignore that fact? Sunee/myster poster

No one's ignoring anything, Sunee's been waiting to see your receipts but so far you have refused her invitation to come to the FC to discuss this. She is not going to know what's on the receipts unless you show them to her.

How would anyone know if someone had been staying there or not. I'm sure Sunee has more to do with her life than to drive out to the house several times a day to see if anyone's staying there or not.

Sunee told you in her last email, there's nothing more she could do for you and has been waiting for you to come to the FC to share receipts and discuss this to settlement. So far you have done nothing except your little show the other day...

I've read some of your emails... I don't think anyone would blame her for not wanting to respond to your emails.


You obviously have no clue what you are talking about because if you knew anything and the true story you would not be sticking up for someone who was ripping people off.

ALSO if i was threatening or shouting so bad why didnt any of you or your band of beer bar stool heros come to her rescue as you clearly love her so dearly? Or you lot were just happy there to sit in silence like church mice as it gave you some much needed gossip in your sad existance of a life.


You obviously have no clue what you are talking about because if you knew anything and the true story you would not be sticking up for someone who was ripping people off.

ALSO if i was threatening or shouting so bad why didnt any of you or your band of beer bar stool heros come to her rescue as you clearly love her so dearly? Or you lot were just happy there to sit in silence like church mice as it gave you some much needed gossip in your sad existance of a life.

Oh no... I've been discovered, I'm a church mouse... but that was in my last life... in this life I'm just a village idiot! jap.gif

If you had actually read any of the messages, you would have seen that I already mentioned that I wasn't there!

Maybe the guys that were there were just shocked to see a real bully in action, but then you didn't hang around either... took off pretty fast I was told.


Drinking and chatting in the FC for one.biggrin.gif

Sounds like fun... I've seen the guys there several times, maybe I should introduce myself next time.

Other than drinkies at the FC... is there anything else happening like golf, sports (watching or playing), community meetings, bbq's (my fav).


What are Farang activities?

Gatherings that they don't need to have their lovely Thai/Khmer wives in tow.....

Wouldn't want to socialize with the locals, would we - except when we pretend to have "business" in Pattaya.

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