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I believe that there has to be a will/desire to succeed.

Not by the FOFC (who's intentions are clearly honourable, if not a little late) but by the owners/management and - by extension - the staff.

Slightly stereotyped approach but has the owner put together a business plan? What does she want to achieve, how does she expect to achieve that objective and what does she need to change to achieve that ?

The plan that was in place was Martin's. He is no longer with us so I would suggest that plan should change to reflect the changed circumstances.

It looks like enough FOFC may have stepped up to the plate and can offer sound advice. However, unless they wish to acquire the business this will HAVE to be the owner's plan for it to stand a chance of working.

Personally, I would suggest a clean sheet of paper and even a change of name. There seems to have been enough 'bad will' created that has out-weighed any goodwill created by Martin. This, of course, is not unusual in a business where there was one dominant partner - the impact is magnified when it is a Farang establishment in a foreign country.

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i have heard that alot of expats go to ryan's resort now in prasat , were the beer in cheap 99B jug of leo, and the food is ist class, but you will always get the penny pinchers anywere you go in thailand.

i dont think i'm allowed to post the link on here just google it ryansresortprasat if your interested.

i go there once a week,so you hardly call me a regular, but when i do i enjoy it.


After many years reading about the place I managed to get there in 2009.......swore I would never go back, did once more and that was enough...service was siht and the atmosphere terrible, full of pi**ed guys that were having problems with their x bargirl wifes.

This is fascinating. You've been there once and you know all of the Farang's wives?


After many years reading about the place I managed to get there in 2009.......swore I would never go back, did once more and that was enough...service was siht and the atmosphere terrible, full of pi**ed guys that were having problems with their x bargirl wifes.

This is fascinating. You've been there once and you know all of the Farang's wives?

Sorry, twice.


After many years reading about the place I managed to get there in 2009.......swore I would never go back, did once more and that was enough...service was siht and the atmosphere terrible, full of pi**ed guys that were having problems with their x bargirl wifes.

This is fascinating. You've been there once and you know all of the Farang's wives?

Some of us in Surin that have never set foot in the place still know the disrepute of these gents and their "wives".

Not that it matters, the monthly Pattaya runs are well known by these "loyal" gents.

It a cultish circle. Keen on protecting their clique.


After many years reading about the place I managed to get there in 2009.......swore I would never go back, did once more and that was enough...service was siht and the atmosphere terrible, full of pi**ed guys that were having problems with their x bargirl wifes.

This is fascinating. You've been there once and you know all of the Farang's wives?

Some of us in Surin that have never set foot in the place still know the disrepute of these gents and their "wives".

Not that it matters, the monthly Pattaya runs are well known by these "loyal" gents.

It a cultish circle. Keen on protecting their clique.

But I don't know them and their wives? Conjecture can be dangerous. And our monthly Pattaya runs are well known? <deleted> do you get this information? The last time I was in Pattaya was for Kurgen's wedding (2007?).


If she really want to do something there, she schould invest in some new colour and paint the restaurant new. Organize the seating nicer and arrange the interior better. Clean up the unorganizend pile of newspapers, leaflets, etc. and take off all the posters from the walls. Renovate the bathroom (it is disgusting). It would be nice if she can add a nice salad to the menu ( difficult to find in Surin).


Could I suggest to the moderator that this thread be made a sticky and become required reading for anyone thinking of moving to the NE. This is truly an all-time classic.


i have heard that alot of expats go to ryan's resort now in prasat , were the beer in cheap 99B jug of leo, and the food is ist class, but you will always get the penny pinchers anywere you go in thailand.

i dont think i'm allowed to post the link on here just google it ryansresortprasat if your interested.

i go there once a week,so you hardly call me a regular, but when i do i enjoy it.

dont believe everything you hear

i have heard that alot of expats go to ryan's resort now in prasat , were the beer in cheap 99B jug of leo, and the food is ist class, but you will always get the penny pinchers anywere you go in thailand.

i dont think i'm allowed to post the link on here just google it ryansresortprasat if your interested.

i go there once a week,so you hardly call me a regular, but when i do i enjoy it.

dont believe everything you hear

Agree with cr ;)


Could I suggest to the moderator that this thread be made a sticky and become required reading for anyone thinking of moving to the NE. This is truly an all-time classic.

No!!! Surin doesn't need any more added attention.

There are enough weasel foreigners in our midst already.


After many years reading about the place I managed to get there in 2009.......swore I would never go back, did once more and that was enough...service was siht and the atmosphere terrible, full of pi**ed guys that were having problems with their x bargirl wifes.

This is fascinating. You've been there once and you know all of the Farang's wives?

Some of us in Surin that have never set foot in the place still know the disrepute of these gents and their "wives".

Not that it matters, the monthly Pattaya runs are well known by these "loyal" gents.

It a cultish circle. Keen on protecting their clique.

But I don't know them and their wives? Conjecture can be dangerous. And our monthly Pattaya runs are well known? <deleted> do you get this information? The last time I was in Pattaya was for Kurgen's wedding (2007?).

Posted 2011-06-30 11:09:23

eastbaybob, on 2011-06-30 09:44:29, said:

Could I suggest to the moderator that this thread be made a sticky and become required reading for anyone thinking of moving to the NE. This is truly an all-time classic.

No!!! Surin doesn't need any more added attention.

There are enough weasel foreigners in our midst already.

Got to say I think this guy is some kind of Troll who is out to do nothing but abuse people and their wives, who he evidently doesn't even know. What a pathetic piece of work some people are, I think we all know who the weasel is mate and fortunately for decent people they don't have anything to do with you, perhaps jealousy is a driving factor behind your insults. If I may make a suggestion? I suggest you go and see a phychiatrist spending all the time in the village appears to be making you mentally ill, or better yet, don't bother, you just keep convincing yourself that you are the normal one.....



I have used FC on a number of occasions over the past year or so. Not a regular but I do visit most months, mainly for the breakfast if my diet permits.

Summing up,

Food - Breakfast is good, rest of food is overpriced and nothing to write home about. TGF says the Thai Food is ok, but nothing special.

Menu - Wide and varied, but not always available. Prices on the high side.

Staff - Rude, ignorant and couldnt care less. I have witnessed the lady venting her anger at more than one customer. Good Management is the key to any business, the FC lacks it totally.

Decor- Past its ''sell by date''

Atmosphere - Not detectable

Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Why do I go back...well I dont anymore...similar to others I have found the FC to be ''just another boring dump'' and other bars now offer a similar if not better breakfast, which IMHO was all the FC had going for it.

Cheers, MH


If you want to see an example of a well presented Farang establishment with decent food, and reasonable service, take a trip to Prakhon Chai and have a look at Coffee Corner.


Living in Prakhonchai, I am not very familiar with the Surin restaurants.

Certainly Patronus makes a valid point regarding Coffee Corner. As an infrequent visitor, I am always made very welcome by the staff - there is a pleasant atmosphere, prices are reasonable, and such food as I have eaten there has always been top quality.

Other estaurant owners should take a look!


I have used FC on a number of occasions over the past year or so. Not a regular but I do visit most months, mainly for the breakfast if my diet permits.

Summing up,

Food - Breakfast is good, rest of food is overpriced and nothing to write home about. TGF says the Thai Food is ok, but nothing special.

Menu - Wide and varied, but not always available. Prices on the high side.

Staff - Rude, ignorant and couldnt care less. I have witnessed the lady venting her anger at more than one customer. Good Management is the key to any business, the FC lacks it totally.

Decor- Past its ''sell by date''

Atmosphere - Not detectable

Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Why do I go back...well I dont anymore...similar to others I have found the FC to be ''just another boring dump'' and other bars now offer a similar if not better breakfast, which IMHO was all the FC had going for it.

Cheers, MH

Have you ever tied saying hello to the regulars, how would they know where you're from if you do not say anything first... for all they know you don't even speak English! How can that be the most unfriendly aspect?

When I walk into any place here, if I don't say hello to anyone I don't know first, they usually don't say hello to me either, that doesn't mean they think I'm a jerk or a loser or I think the same of them!

Try walking in to any place and say hello to the people that are there... I bet most of them will say hello or at least smile if they don't speak your language.


If you want to see an example of a well presented Farang establishment with decent food, and reasonable service, take a trip to Prakhon Chai and have a look at Coffee Corner.

Yes I have heard the same and plan to make the trip to meet the owners and experience their restaurant soon.

I'm sure the great people at the Coffee Corner have earned this praise!


If you want to see an example of a well presented Farang establishment with decent food, and reasonable service, take a trip to Prakhon Chai and have a look at Coffee Corner.

Yes I have heard the same and plan to make the trip to meet the owners and experience their restaurant soon.

I'm sure the great people at the Coffee Corner have earned this praise!

Brimacthai - it was probably easier for me because I started with a blank canvas - literally!, I took over an empty noodle shop.

I had a project in mind and I wanted to create a particular standard. My start point was that I loved Thai food but if I wanted Western food, I could get any authentic locally.

I set the format and taught the Thais how to cook and present Falang food - as best as an ex-bank manager could manage ! I emphasised a couple of basics:-

1. Acknowledge the customer at the first opportunity.

2. Smile if possible and make the customer welcome.

3. Falang food must be hot.

4. Toast must be dark brown not white.

5. Eggs must not resemble the soles of your flip flops

6. Shortly after serving food ask the customer if everything is OK/they have all they need. (tough this, the Thais are scared to ask but it is the first chance to put right any cock-ups).

7. Get a decent toilet - it only costs a few thousand Baht more to have a decent Western standard bog.

Beyond this it is mainly common sense and sourcing/cooking quality product.

I could not control the business in the way Martin was able to at FC because of my return trips to the UK. I was very fortunate that my missus was a Thai who was able to show a decent degree of responsibility. She is the boss and, as the customers know, she wears the trousers.

i still look to improve and re-set the direction. The Thais generally cannot do this.

Sunni is fortunate that she has a group of friends who can help her re-set the direction of FC. however, after that, she must take the responsibility for achieving some of the service standards that some posters have recommended.

Good luck.


Hello all!

I'm looking for work in sound and events in Thailand.

Do you guys know where I can find contacts or know

of a website I can use?

Any help will be MUCH appreciated!

I have found a few companies and some of them helping

but the more contacts I have the better.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,



Hello all!

I'm looking for work in sound and events in Thailand.

Do you guys know where I can find contacts or know

of a website I can use?

Any help will be MUCH appreciated!

I have found a few companies and some of them helping

but the more contacts I have the better.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,




If you want to see an example of a well presented Farang establishment with decent food, and reasonable service, take a trip to Prakhon Chai and have a look at Coffee Corner.

Yes I have heard the same and plan to make the trip to meet the owners and experience their restaurant soon.

I'm sure the great people at the Coffee Corner have earned this praise!

Brimacthai - it was probably easier for me because I started with a blank canvas - literally!, I took over an empty noodle shop.

I had a project in mind and I wanted to create a particular standard. My start point was that I loved Thai food but if I wanted Western food, I could get any authentic locally.

I set the format and taught the Thais how to cook and present Falang food - as best as an ex-bank manager could manage ! I emphasised a couple of basics:-

1. Acknowledge the customer at the first opportunity.

2. Smile if possible and make the customer welcome.

3. Falang food must be hot.

4. Toast must be dark brown not white.

5. Eggs must not resemble the soles of your flip flops

6. Shortly after serving food ask the customer if everything is OK/they have all they need. (tough this, the Thais are scared to ask but it is the first chance to put right any cock-ups).

7. Get a decent toilet - it only costs a few thousand Baht more to have a decent Western standard bog.

Beyond this it is mainly common sense and sourcing/cooking quality product.

I could not control the business in the way Martin was able to at FC because of my return trips to the UK. I was very fortunate that my missus was a Thai who was able to show a decent degree of responsibility. She is the boss and, as the customers know, she wears the trousers.

i still look to improve and re-set the direction. The Thais generally cannot do this.

Sunni is fortunate that she has a group of friends who can help her re-set the direction of FC. however, after that, she must take the responsibility for achieving some of the service standards that some posters have recommended.

Good luck.

Ya won me at 4 and 5... the number of arguments I have had in Thai restaurants and hotels because I actually wanted my toast... well to look like toast I could write a book on! (if the smoke alarm isn't going off it's not done!)

And I've been lookin for the way to describe the eggs... now i have it! ta!

From what I've heard you've done more and better than this... as soon as I get a chance I'll be around to give you place a try.

Off to Bkk for a four week contract, will try to stop by on one of the weekends home as we drive through town.




I have used FC on a number of occasions over the past year or so. Not a regular but I do visit most months, mainly for the breakfast if my diet permits.

Summing up,

Food - Breakfast is good, rest of food is overpriced and nothing to write home about. TGF says the Thai Food is ok, but nothing special.

Menu - Wide and varied, but not always available. Prices on the high side.

Staff - Rude, ignorant and couldnt care less. I have witnessed the lady venting her anger at more than one customer. Good Management is the key to any business, the FC lacks it totally.

Decor- Past its ''sell by date''

Atmosphere - Not detectable

Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Why do I go back...well I dont anymore...similar to others I have found the FC to be ''just another boring dump'' and other bars now offer a similar if not better breakfast, which IMHO was all the FC had going for it.

Cheers, MH

Have you ever tied saying hello to the regulars, how would they know where you're from if you do not say anything first... for all they know you don't even speak English! How can that be the most unfriendly aspect?

When I walk into any place here, if I don't say hello to anyone I don't know first, they usually don't say hello to me either, that doesn't mean they think I'm a jerk or a loser or I think the same of them!

Try walking in to any place and say hello to the people that are there... I bet most of them will say hello or at least smile if they don't speak your language.

Brian, thanks for that piece of advice...''Try walking in to any place and say hello to the people that are there... I bet most of them will say hello or at least smile if they don't speak your language.''

Having travelled and worked over almost the entire world for 35+ years I have done just that on more occasions than most, of that I am sure.

Actually, last time in the FC I did say hello to the single regular sitting there when we first arrived, and he acknowledged me, however when his ''mates'' showed up 20 minutes later they were a Closed Shop

as for your statement....''for all they know you don't even speak English!''...

Why.... I understand that they were mostly older guys, but are they all deaf too?? I spoke clearly in English and Thai to both my Gf and the waiting staff, whilst they chewed the fat, also in English. They heard us for sure, plus the first guy knew I spoke English anyway.

Summing up...

The OP asked ''....what has gone wrong with FC...?

Simple Answer: The ''people'' is what is wrong with FC, both those running the show and those regularly using it.

IMHO your (hostile) reply to my simple unbiased analysis of the FC tells me that you, as a one of the Regulars are part of the issue.

If you really do care, and want to improve the place, then you need to take a look around you, listen to the answers given here and do something about it.

Meanwhile, thanks for the (worldy) advice, however, my Gf and I, along with many others have already cast our vote for the FC with our feet.

Good Luck,



to start with MH there's nothing "hostile" in my response. I just simply pointed out that maybe you should have tried saying hello first. And your second story doesn't match your first... however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Now that you have changed your story one is left wondering what your true motives are.

You have no right to use mine or anyone else's true name without authority... so again... what's your real motive here?


....[sic]...that you, as a one of the Regulars are part of the issue.

....and perhaps problem that naturally wouldn't be recognized. The keystones of such possible issues are dismissed.

Remember, FC has been and remains a rather cliquey place - less the [open to] public atmosphere that would like to be promoted.

I'm steadfast in believing that such fix-it measures are purely self-important [from a small club collective] and not warm and altruistic as being designed.


FC has been and remains a rather cliquey place - less the [open to] public atmosphere that would like to be promoted.

Have you ever belonged to any clique Jeff?

I belong to a couple of them, my associates here on TV, my associates at my local watering hole, and in times past several people from Surin.

I know them all and they know me, they don't all know each other, but are friends by association.

I feel genuinely sorry for you, full of bile and spite, and no sense of community.


Good points made regarding the improvement of Food, Service, and Ambiance at the FC. IMO, the biggest problem is that Sunni and her boyfriend/new husband basically don't like Farangs. They know they have a built in hard core group who will frequent the FC regardless so what's the incentive to make needed changes? Their only real competition is Starbeams here in Surin. The demise of the FC started even before the late Martin passed away, Sunni and Martin had basically divorced but due to financial constraints they were forced to try and work together to keep the FC afloat. As Martin's cancer rapidly progressed and Sunni's overall attitude to us Farangs it was simply a matter of time before a lot of regular customers said enough is enough.

Yes, the FC is very much like a clique, especially in the afternoon when the hard core group of regulars take over a few of the tables. A lot of them look like they just rolled out of bed, forgot to brush their teeth or even gave a single though about their dress. These guys don't like change and as long as they get their "locals price" for their beers they are well satisfied. They might acknowledge a stranger, especially if he is a Brit or simply a guy with a stunner on his arm. But as far as going out of their way to make a newcomer welcome, that's a pipe dream. How do I know this you might ask? I have sat with these guys over the past five years on and off and I have seen it for myself, yes I have been guilty of standoffish behavior myself. For me it just to the point of always hearing these guys bitch and moan, get pissed daily and quite frankly that became a real bore.

Now I just pop in for breakfast one or twice a week with my wife. For the guy who is trying to make significant changes to the staff, the owners, the food, the service and the ambiance all I can say is bleddy good luck to you. IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.


I have used FC on a number of occasions over the past year or so. Not a regular but I do visit most months, mainly for the breakfast if my diet permits.

Summing up,

Food - Breakfast is good, rest of food is overpriced and nothing to write home about. TGF says the Thai Food is ok, but nothing special.

Menu - Wide and varied, but not always available. Prices on the high side.

Staff - Rude, ignorant and couldnt care less. I have witnessed the lady venting her anger at more than one customer. Good Management is the key to any business, the FC lacks it totally.

Decor- Past its ''sell by date''

Atmosphere - Not detectable

Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Why do I go back...well I dont anymore...similar to others I have found the FC to be ''just another boring dump'' and other bars now offer a similar if not better breakfast, which IMHO was all the FC had going for it.

Cheers, MH

Have you ever tied saying hello to the regulars, how would they know where you're from if you do not say anything first... for all they know you don't even speak English! How can that be the most unfriendly aspect?

When I walk into any place here, if I don't say hello to anyone I don't know first, they usually don't say hello to me either, that doesn't mean they think I'm a jerk or a loser or I think the same of them!

Try walking in to any place and say hello to the people that are there... I bet most of them will say hello or at least smile if they don't speak your language.

Brian, thanks for that piece of advice...''Try walking in to any place and say hello to the people that are there... I bet most of them will say hello or at least smile if they don't speak your language.''

Having travelled and worked over almost the entire world for 35+ years I have done just that on more occasions than most, of that I am sure.

Actually, last time in the FC I did say hello to the single regular sitting there when we first arrived, and he acknowledged me, however when his ''mates'' showed up 20 minutes later they were a Closed Shop

as for your statement....''for all they know you don't even speak English!''...

Why.... I understand that they were mostly older guys, but are they all deaf too?? I spoke clearly in English and Thai to both my Gf and the waiting staff, whilst they chewed the fat, also in English. They heard us for sure, plus the first guy knew I spoke English anyway.

Summing up...

The OP asked ''....what has gone wrong with FC...?

Simple Answer: The ''people'' is what is wrong with FC, both those running the show and those regularly using it.

IMHO your (hostile) reply to my simple unbiased analysis of the FC tells me that you, as a one of the Regulars are part of the issue.

If you really do care, and want to improve the place, then you need to take a look around you, listen to the answers given here and do something about it.

Meanwhile, thanks for the (worldy) advice, however, my Gf and I, along with many others have already cast our vote for the FC with our feet.

Good Luck,


You had your Thai girlfriend with you......did you happen to notice how many other girlfriends/wives were there?.......

I think a Thai girlfriend who understands English might prove to be a bit of a conversation stopper.........:)


IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.


Well, i only have heard good things from this place and his western boss when he was alive, it's seems he did a very good job so deserve the utmost respect, however, not the same thing can be said about the lady which is still running the place, best thing would be somebody with some genuine interest in this venue to take over, as any efforts in putting some sense in the management might just last untill their true nature will take over again.

I for one, if i would pass away and my wife would run a business having no respect for the customers i would be revolting in my grave, do NOT give respect to whom clearly do not deserve it, do not reward bad deeds as otherways they will become even worse in the future to come !


Good points made regarding the improvement of Food, Service, and Ambiance at the FC. IMO, the biggest problem is that Sunni and her boyfriend/new husband basically don't like Farangs. They know they have a built in hard core group who will frequent the FC regardless so what's the incentive to make needed changes? Their only real competition is Starbeams here in Surin. The demise of the FC started even before the late Martin passed away, Sunni and Martin had basically divorced but due to financial constraints they were forced to try and work together to keep the FC afloat. As Martin's cancer rapidly progressed and Sunni's overall attitude to us Farangs it was simply a matter of time before a lot of regular customers said enough is enough.

Yes, the FC is very much like a clique, especially in the afternoon when the hard core group of regulars take over a few of the tables. A lot of them look like they just rolled out of bed, forgot to brush their teeth or even gave a single though about their dress. These guys don't like change and as long as they get their "locals price" for their beers they are well satisfied. They might acknowledge a stranger, especially if he is a Brit or simply a guy with a stunner on his arm. But as far as going out of their way to make a newcomer welcome, that's a pipe dream. How do I know this you might ask? I have sat with these guys over the past five years on and off and I have seen it for myself, yes I have been guilty of standoffish behavior myself. For me it just to the point of always hearing these guys bitch and moan, get pissed daily and quite frankly that became a real bore.

Now I just pop in for breakfast one or twice a week with my wife. For the guy who is trying to make significant changes to the staff, the owners, the food, the service and the ambiance all I can say is bleddy good luck to you. IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.

Hmmm....interestingly examined.:jap:

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