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Major Cineplex Price Increase


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Yes the whole world is falling apart.

The special cheap charlie price has gone from 60baht to 80 baht.

It is the thin edge of the wedge.

It is symptomatic of a wider conspiracy of rising prices and anti farang sentiment sweeping Thailand.

What will be next?

The price of beer at Tops rising 5 baht a bottle!

It could be beer, it could be food, it could be transport, it could be hotels, it could be apartment rents, it could be medical expenses. You name it, that could be it. In general, its known as inflation. And of the things I know you worry about, health problems, loneliness, whatever, inflation should be high up on the list. You see, for someone such as yourself on a small pension or a low income, inflation will slowly eat away at your quality of life. In the beginning you will belittle it, you will laugh at people who comment on a few baht here or a few baht there. But in time you will begin to understand the bigger picture and feel the pain. You are like a frog in water that is slowly being heated. At first you feel fine, you don't understand what is happening, then you start to feel a little warm but you still feel all is fine. Then it gets hotter and hotter and before long you will be squawking with pain...then dead. Thats inflation my friend. A lot of the falangs who were here 10 years ago are long gone now. I bet they laughed at a few baht here and a few baht there, but where are they now? I will tell you, they are gone, priced out. In time, you will probably be gone too, wondering how your dream became a nightmare.

Please dont put me in the same basket as others that have retired in Thailand.

I have seen the calibre of many of them and I am not surprised at all that they are broke now or desperate or gone to live in Bangladesh where it is cheaper.

Put it this way I wouldn't consider retiring on anything less than 150k baht a month indexed and that is the absolute bare minimum.

And before you start sprouting how much money this is it represents less than the average wage in Australia today so we are not talking huge money.

If you dont have enough money to retire in your home country then you really shouldn't be thinking of retiring in Thailand.

Obviously it depends on your lifestyle. 150k? wow! so you want to party every night as a retiree? Well no doubt a few do but I know quite a few content ones on their UK pensions of no more than 50000 baht who live here in a style they would be hard pressed to find at home. Despite all the wailing and moaning this place is way cheaper for many things - housing being the main one - than my home country of Canada.

Edited by BugJackBaron
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Please dont put me in the same basket as others that have retired in Thailand.

I have seen the calibre of many of them and I am not surprised at all that they are broke now or desperate or gone to live in Bangladesh where it is cheaper.

Put it this way I wouldn't consider retiring on anything less than 150k baht a month indexed and that is the absolute bare minimum.

And before you start sprouting how much money this is it represents less than the average wage in Australia today so we are not talking huge money.

If you dont have enough money to retire in your home country then you really shouldn't be thinking of retiring in Thailand.

Your lucky that your paid in Aussie dollars,but that will change in due time.If I were on 150 Baht a month I would never consider Thailand as a place to live . I'm not far behind you though in monetary terms but I'm off on Friday for an extended viewing of property in another potential place to retire.There are plenty of problems looming in Thailand to start considering alternatives

Many farangs have jumped ship lately,and as I see it a lot more will be doing it soon enough

By the way if an Aussie is out of his own country for 6 months does his pension get stopped?

Edited by dandare11
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I dont think i will ever live in Thailand full time.

Rather I would prefer to spread my time between Thailand and the north coast of NSW, Lennox Head.

Of course if I had no choice and limited money and prospects I would live in Thailand full time and try to supplement my income somehow in Thailand.

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if you are 60 yo then the movies are 80 baht. i do that when I go myself but not when I go with a girl :whistling:

As for the popcorn, Major has good sweet and good cheese popcorn. The popcorn in Central is awfull. I also go to major because of the easy parking, Central parking is a joke

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Yes the whole world is falling apart.

The special cheap charlie price has gone from 60baht to 80 baht.

It is the thin edge of the wedge.

It is symptomatic of a wider conspiracy of rising prices and anti farang sentiment sweeping Thailand.

What will be next?

The price of beer at Tops rising 5 baht a bottle!

It could be beer, it could be food, it could be transport, it could be hotels, it could be apartment rents, it could be medical expenses. You name it, that could be it. In general, its known as inflation. And of the things I know you worry about, health problems, loneliness, whatever, inflation should be high up on the list. You see, for someone such as yourself on a small pension or a low income, inflation will slowly eat away at your quality of life. In the beginning you will belittle it, you will laugh at people who comment on a few baht here or a few baht there. But in time you will begin to understand the bigger picture and feel the pain. You are like a frog in water that is slowly being heated. At first you feel fine, you don't understand what is happening, then you start to feel a little warm but you still feel all is fine. Then it gets hotter and hotter and before long you will be squawking with pain...then dead. Thats inflation my friend. A lot of the falangs who were here 10 years ago are long gone now. I bet they laughed at a few baht here and a few baht there, but where are they now? I will tell you, they are gone, priced out. In time, you will probably be gone too, wondering how your dream became a nightmare.

Please dont put me in the same basket as others that have retired in Thailand.

I have seen the calibre of many of them and I am not surprised at all that they are broke now or desperate or gone to live in Bangladesh where it is cheaper.

Put it this way I wouldn't consider retiring on anything less than 150k baht a month indexed and that is the absolute bare minimum.

And before you start sprouting how much money this is it represents less than the average wage in Australia today so we are not talking huge money.

If you dont have enough money to retire in your home country then you really shouldn't be thinking of retiring in Thailand.

What matters to people who want to retire in Thailand is the cost of living in Thailand. I don't see why on Earth you think those who "can't afford" to retire in their home country shouldn't consider retiring in Thailand.

Regarding 150K as your minimum, fine, buts thats personal to you. I could afford to spend 3 times that if I wanted but I actually think half that amount is fine, i.e., 75K. Other people might think 50K was fine. This isn't about showing off, its about just making sense. My earlier points about inflation were that it can rapidly erode quality of life and people better not trivialise what seem like small price changes now (small in baht terms, % changes could be huge) because of they are part of a trend people should be worried. Whatever you need to spend, think of that in terms of the things you actually need to buy and make sure you will be able to buy those things in the future and not just at today's prices. Hedging yourself against inflation though is a lot easier to say than to do. But if you don't manage to do it then you are well and truly screwed.

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Can we get back on topic now please, we are discussing Major Cineplex Price Increase

and whilst retirement income is a factor lets not labor it at the expense of the topic please.

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Ok People, opinions are like a@$holes, everyones got one. So here is why the SF Cinema price increase pisses me off.

a. 99% of the time there is less than 10 people in the theater, you should be lowering the ticket prices to attract more customers, not raising them.

b. It f@cking low season! Your customer base just bottomed out, attract customers by lowering your prices or at least keeping it the same.

Before this, I would go to see a movie every Wednesday, even if there was no movie playing that really interested me. Now, at least, I have to really want to see the movie before I buy a ticket and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

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That's actually incorrect. You can still pay 60 bht in the front block.

I too, am PO at the increase, as it adds 40 bht for me as I have to pay for the GF too, and I won't sit at the front.

Even more annoyingly, they have Priest only in 3D at 170 bht. I went to Central and saw it in 2D. Wasn't worth 170 bht.

Then when I wanted to see Pirates, they say it's a special film, only at full price. What BS! I'll just go to TukCom and get a DVD, so they're losing customers.

60 baht in the front where?


the avenue stopped doing this ages ago

and like stated wed at sf is now 100

my complaint is there is nothing, nothing worth seeing lately or is it usually?

well except of course for the hangover II ;)

last night at priest at central

there were 3 previews for


talk about dumbing down :bah:

i go to the movies often

i can not recall the last movie worth 4 stars

and think of the time money and energy spent on making these things!

(la invasion was more entertaining than i expected, but very much a PRO-WAR movie)

oh good news it wasn't tooooo cold in the movie last night

maybe they turn the ac down on discount night???

why does it need to be 23??? :blink:

i actually checked the thermostat once

it read 23

i often wear winter cloths to the movies here :passifier:

sorry for the drivel :jap:

topic near and dear to me

i grew up in movie theaters

had many a job related to cinema

if anyone wants to talk film/cinema they have found the right person :lol:

ok enough of this OT

i am avoiding the work i need to do :whistling:

Not so. Avenue told me 60 bht at the front last week.

My GF also finds it too cold, so takes a shawl to wear. I find it nice ( usually ).

I miss the selection available in London, especially Asian movies. Korean movies are great. Here they seem to think no one will go to see anything but the same old blockbusters.

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and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

40 minutes?

The movies always start 20 minutes after the advertised start time. If you cannot wait this long the solution is obvious, time your entry.

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Ok People, opinions are like a@$holes, everyones got one. So here is why the SF Cinema price increase pisses me off.

a. 99% of the time there is less than 10 people in the theater, you should be lowering the ticket prices to attract more customers, not raising them.

b. It f@cking low season! Your customer base just bottomed out, attract customers by lowering your prices or at least keeping it the same.

Before this, I would go to see a movie every Wednesday, even if there was no movie playing that really interested me. Now, at least, I have to really want to see the movie before I buy a ticket and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

Something they don't seem to take into account is that DVDs are only 100 bht. At 60 baht I would happily take my Gf to the movies on Wednesday nights, but at 80 baht I'll stay in the room and watch it for 50 bht each.

With the advent of cheap tv surround sound systems, cinemas are under threat anyway, so they should be doing more to attract customers. A cinema chain in London has a card that you pay a monthly fee ( equivalent to 2 movies ) and see as many films as you like. 'bout time for some forward thinking in Pattaya.

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Ok People, opinions are like a@$holes, everyones got one. So here is why the SF Cinema price increase pisses me off.

a. 99% of the time there is less than 10 people in the theater, you should be lowering the ticket prices to attract more customers, not raising them.

b. It f@cking low season! Your customer base just bottomed out, attract customers by lowering your prices or at least keeping it the same.

Before this, I would go to see a movie every Wednesday, even if there was no movie playing that really interested me. Now, at least, I have to really want to see the movie before I buy a ticket and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

Something they don't seem to take into account is that DVDs are only 100 bht. At 60 baht I would happily take my Gf to the movies on Wednesday nights, but at 80 baht I'll stay in the room and watch it for 50 bht each.

With the advent of cheap tv surround sound systems, cinemas are under threat anyway, so they should be doing more to attract customers. A cinema chain in London has a card that you pay a monthly fee ( equivalent to 2 movies ) and see as many films as you like. 'bout time for some forward thinking in Pattaya.

Agreed. I don't understand the economics of the movie business in Thailand. How any of them can make a profit with the empty seats and low prices is beyond me.

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Ok People, opinions are like a@$holes, everyones got one. So here is why the SF Cinema price increase pisses me off.

a. 99% of the time there is less than 10 people in the theater, you should be lowering the ticket prices to attract more customers, not raising them.

b. It f@cking low season! Your customer base just bottomed out, attract customers by lowering your prices or at least keeping it the same.

Before this, I would go to see a movie every Wednesday, even if there was no movie playing that really interested me. Now, at least, I have to really want to see the movie before I buy a ticket and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

Something they don't seem to take into account is that DVDs are only 100 bht. At 60 baht I would happily take my Gf to the movies on Wednesday nights, but at 80 baht I'll stay in the room and watch it for 50 bht each.

With the advent of cheap tv surround sound systems, cinemas are under threat anyway, so they should be doing more to attract customers. A cinema chain in London has a card that you pay a monthly fee ( equivalent to 2 movies ) and see as many films as you like. 'bout time for some forward thinking in Pattaya.

Hope your gf likes watching shitty thai subtitles from those crap dvds you buy..sure you can go out now and buy hangover 2 but the quality and the subs will be atrocious.Think paying a extra 20 baht isnt going to kill you is it.Plus its nice to get out and about sometimes

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Hope your gf likes watching shitty thai subtitles from those crap dvds you buy..sure you can go out now and buy hangover 2 but the quality and the subs will be atrocious.Think paying a extra 20 baht isnt going to kill you is it.Plus its nice to get out and about sometimes

Sounds like your playing right into the their hand, the hand of the fat cats whom own the theater, that is. 'first will get the for 20 baht and no one will notice, than 40baht, 60 baht.....ha, ha, ha, the cow-eyed peasants!'

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Something they don't seem to take into account is that DVDs are only 100 bht. At 60 baht I would happily take my Gf to the movies on Wednesday nights, but at 80 baht I'll stay in the room and watch it for 50 bht each.

With the advent of cheap tv surround sound systems, cinemas are under threat anyway, so they should be doing more to attract customers. A cinema chain in London has a card that you pay a monthly fee ( equivalent to 2 movies ) and see as many films as you like. 'bout time for some forward thinking in Pattaya.

Something you haven't taken into account - even at 60 baht the seats don't fill up. The cinema will not survive by offering 60 baht tickets on one day per week even if all the cheap charlies in town decide to go. It's pretty obvious they are taking heavy losses and a 20 baht rise on the promo day won't make a scrap of difference so look soon to not having the option of going to the movies at the Avenue.

Perhaps you should suggest they drop the seat prices to 20 baht so you will not have to watch DVD's at home. Personally I wouldn't pay for bootleg copies. If you're going to do that you may as well download it for free.

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and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

40 minutes?

The movies always start 20 minutes after the advertised start time. If you cannot wait this long the solution is obvious, time your entry.

you must be very careful timing your entry at major, they have an insane rule there that i fell into a couple of times. If you go within 10 minutes of the start time, and no one has brought a ticket yet, then they cancel that showing. I have come 5 minutes before showtime and they turned me away. Even on a weekend, what thai do you know that doesnt come late: strange practice

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and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

40 minutes?

The movies always start 20 minutes after the advertised start time. If you cannot wait this long the solution is obvious, time your entry.

you must be very careful timing your entry at major, they have an insane rule there that i fell into a couple of times. If you go within 10 minutes of the start time, and no one has brought a ticket yet, then they cancel that showing. I have come 5 minutes before showtime and they turned me away. Even on a weekend, what thai do you know that doesnt come late: strange practice

Yes, that's a good point - there is a risk of them cancelling a show but it's a small one. I suppose if you're going to see some obscure English movie which is about to go off the risk is higher.

The main problem I have with the Major Cineplex in Pattaya is them not showing movies according to the online program schedule. I now I call them before I go just to be certain.

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Major Cinema at The Avenue keeps the A/C at freezing.

Fills popcorn up 3/4 ths to the top although their photo shows it 4 inches higher. They play 30 minutes of commercials and have a Major attitude against farangs.

I give them 6 months and then out of business.

Central has better service...popcorn and seats.

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Management needs to be more creative with their product. All they seem to be doing now is showing movies.

Maybe they could have a parent and kids day where the ticket price is 50 baht, but 1 kid is free and the next one is 20 baht or something. There must be some high demand movies that kids want to see.

Rent some of the space out for meetings or events. As long as their is a decent PA system it could work.

Classic movies - Apologies for asking, as I do not know, are there classic Thai movies that people love enough to want to pay 40-50 baht to see?

Hold some theme nights... Maybe people would be interested in seeing past films for 40-50 baht a ticket.

The place needs to do something as they must be paying a ton of rent and I doubt that popcorn sales + ticket sales are enough to keep the place out of the red.

Can theaters show big sporting events on the screen? Some people do not want to sit in the bar/pub or at home and watch. At least at the theater, you get a big screen with a clear view of what is happening. I bet beer sales would be good. Just get an ice chest and have the staff ready near the doors. Charge 100 baht a ticket, everyone gets 1 bottle of beer and a shot of sangsom in a paper cup. B)

Discounts for people registered as living in Pattya (nice dual pricing!). Show the ID card and get charged 50% of the normal pricing scheme.

Additionally, they should be all over mall management about promoting the place to get more shops which equals more foot traffic. Who wants visit a mall where so many shops are boarded up.

Discount schemes on different days. Something like, tourists - bring in the business card from your hotel and receive 50% off ticket prices. Bring your day's receipt from Villa Market, McD's or any shop in the mall and receive 50% off.


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That's actually incorrect. You can still pay 60 bht in the front block.

I too, am PO at the increase, as it adds 40 bht for me as I have to pay for the GF too, and I won't sit at the front.

Even more annoyingly, they have Priest only in 3D at 170 bht. I went to Central and saw it in 2D. Wasn't worth 170 bht.

Then when I wanted to see Pirates, they say it's a special film, only at full price. What BS! I'll just go to TukCom and get a DVD, so they're losing customers.

60 baht in the front where?


the avenue stopped doing this ages ago

and like stated wed at sf is now 100

my complaint is there is nothing, nothing worth seeing lately or is it usually?

well except of course for the hangover II ;)

last night at priest at central

there were 3 previews for


talk about dumbing down :bah:

i go to the movies often

i can not recall the last movie worth 4 stars

and think of the time money and energy spent on making these things!

(la invasion was more entertaining than i expected, but very much a PRO-WAR movie)

oh good news it wasn't tooooo cold in the movie last night

maybe they turn the ac down on discount night???

why does it need to be 23??? :blink:

i actually checked the thermostat once

it read 23

i often wear winter cloths to the movies here :passifier:

sorry for the drivel :jap:

topic near and dear to me

i grew up in movie theaters

had many a job related to cinema

if anyone wants to talk film/cinema they have found the right person :lol:

ok enough of this OT

i am avoiding the work i need to do :whistling:

Not so. Avenue told me 60 bht at the front last week.

My GF also finds it too cold, so takes a shawl to wear. I find it nice ( usually ).

I miss the selection available in London, especially Asian movies. Korean movies are great. Here they seem to think no one will go to see anything but the same old blockbusters.

60 baht front block avenue?

is that only on wednesday or was that offer on another day???


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Major Cinema at The Avenue keeps the A/C at freezing.

Fills popcorn up 3/4 ths to the top although their photo shows it 4 inches higher. They play 30 minutes of commercials and have a Major attitude against farangs.

I give them 6 months and then out of business.

Central has better service...popcorn and seats.

I disagree with:

1. Aircon is quite comfortable. Definitely not too cold.

2. The commercial time has always been a standard 20 minutes

3. Major attitude against Farangs - that's nonsense.

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I disagree with:

1. Aircon is quite comfortable. Definitely not too cold.

2. The commercial time has always been a standard 20 minutes

3. Major attitude against Farangs - that's nonsense.


I agree with you tropo,

I went see X-men Sunday at 8pm at The Avenue

- Temperature was fresh but comfortable, not cold.

- Commercials and trailers begin at 20:03, movie begun at 20:26. So 23 minutes. (I made attention on this point flowing this discussion)

- Price was 140 baht each

- There were about 30 people in the theatre

- Staff was smiling

I like this place and don't see it close soon.

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That's actually incorrect. You can still pay 60 bht in the front block.

I too, am PO at the increase, as it adds 40 bht for me as I have to pay for the GF too, and I won't sit at the front.

Even more annoyingly, they have Priest only in 3D at 170 bht. I went to Central and saw it in 2D. Wasn't worth 170 bht.

Then when I wanted to see Pirates, they say it's a special film, only at full price. What BS! I'll just go to TukCom and get a DVD, so they're losing customers.

60 baht in the front where?


the avenue stopped doing this ages ago

and like stated wed at sf is now 100

my complaint is there is nothing, nothing worth seeing lately or is it usually?

well except of course for the hangover II ;)

last night at priest at central

there were 3 previews for


talk about dumbing down :bah:

i go to the movies often

i can not recall the last movie worth 4 stars

and think of the time money and energy spent on making these things!

(la invasion was more entertaining than i expected, but very much a PRO-WAR movie)

oh good news it wasn't tooooo cold in the movie last night

maybe they turn the ac down on discount night???

why does it need to be 23??? :blink:

i actually checked the thermostat once

it read 23

i often wear winter cloths to the movies here :passifier:

sorry for the drivel :jap:

topic near and dear to me

i grew up in movie theaters

had many a job related to cinema

if anyone wants to talk film/cinema they have found the right person :lol:

ok enough of this OT

i am avoiding the work i need to do :whistling:

Not so. Avenue told me 60 bht at the front last week.

My GF also finds it too cold, so takes a shawl to wear. I find it nice ( usually ).

I miss the selection available in London, especially Asian movies. Korean movies are great. Here they seem to think no one will go to see anything but the same old blockbusters.

60 baht front block avenue?

is that only on wednesday or was that offer on another day???


Only on Wednesday.

They are still adverising this price recently.

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Ok People, opinions are like a@$holes, everyones got one. So here is why the SF Cinema price increase pisses me off.

a. 99% of the time there is less than 10 people in the theater, you should be lowering the ticket prices to attract more customers, not raising them.

b. It f@cking low season! Your customer base just bottomed out, attract customers by lowering your prices or at least keeping it the same.

Before this, I would go to see a movie every Wednesday, even if there was no movie playing that really interested me. Now, at least, I have to really want to see the movie before I buy a ticket and spend the first 40 minutes watching trailers and commercials in an empty theater.

Something they don't seem to take into account is that DVDs are only 100 bht. At 60 baht I would happily take my Gf to the movies on Wednesday nights, but at 80 baht I'll stay in the room and watch it for 50 bht each.

With the advent of cheap tv surround sound systems, cinemas are under threat anyway, so they should be doing more to attract customers. A cinema chain in London has a card that you pay a monthly fee ( equivalent to 2 movies ) and see as many films as you like. 'bout time for some forward thinking in Pattaya.

Hope your gf likes watching shitty thai subtitles from those crap dvds you buy..sure you can go out now and buy hangover 2 but the quality and the subs will be atrocious.Think paying a extra 20 baht isnt going to kill you is it.Plus its nice to get out and about sometimes

Actually my GF speaks English, so not a problem, and the 100 baht DVDs from Tukom are usually pretty good. Anyway, the salesperson in the shop I use tells me if the quality isn't good, so I don't buy rubbish ones.

I agree with the poster suggesting different uses for the cinemas, but that'd be asking a bit much. Not much evidence of "thinking outside the box" here.

I think that having theme nights in one of the auditoriums every week would be a draw card- like Bruce Lee films or Kung <deleted> movies ( loved them when I was in Singapore ). Even less popular movies that they never show here, as they only seem to play western "blockbusters" and Thai films. Don't they know that Pattaya is full of falangs- what about German film nights?

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Actually my GF speaks English, so not a problem, and the 100 baht DVDs from Tukom are usually pretty good. Anyway, the salesperson in the shop I use tells me if the quality isn't good, so I don't buy rubbish ones.

I agree with the poster suggesting different uses for the cinemas, but that'd be asking a bit much. Not much evidence of "thinking outside the box" here.

I think that having theme nights in one of the auditoriums every week would be a draw card- like Bruce Lee films or Kung <deleted> movies ( loved them when I was in Singapore ). Even less popular movies that they never show here, as they only seem to play western "blockbusters" and Thai films. Don't they know that Pattaya is full of falangs- what about German film nights?

You seriously think they could make money showing old Bruce Lee movies and other old less popular movies - and German nights? I wouldn't calling that "thinking out of the box" - but a quick way for Major Cineplex to get into a box - a coffin.

They've probably discovered what we already know - it's the foreigners complaining about the prices.:)

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Actually my GF speaks English, so not a problem, and the 100 baht DVDs from Tukom are usually pretty good. Anyway, the salesperson in the shop I use tells me if the quality isn't good, so I don't buy rubbish ones.

I agree with the poster suggesting different uses for the cinemas, but that'd be asking a bit much. Not much evidence of "thinking outside the box" here.

I think that having theme nights in one of the auditoriums every week would be a draw card- like Bruce Lee films or Kung <deleted> movies ( loved them when I was in Singapore ). Even less popular movies that they never show here, as they only seem to play western "blockbusters" and Thai films. Don't they know that Pattaya is full of falangs- what about German film nights?

You seriously think they could make money showing old Bruce Lee movies and other old less popular movies - and German nights? I wouldn't calling that "thinking out of the box" - but a quick way for Major Cineplex to get into a box - a coffin.

They've probably discovered what we already know - it's the foreigners complaining about the prices.:)

Given the number of times I've shared the cinema with 2 other people, they couldn't do worse with theme nights. Got any better suggestions?

The UK does very well with theme films, such as Bollywood films. Now Pattaya is full of Indians, they would probably be successful here.

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Given the number of times I've shared the cinema with 2 other people, they couldn't do worse with theme nights. Got any better suggestions?

Better than showing Bruce Lee, Kung <deleted> or German movies? It would be difficult to come up with worse suggestions.

If they took up your suggestion they would do even worse than they are doing now as they'd have to buy the movies which would be very hard to come by in Thailand. Bare in mind they use reels, not pc's.

If they wish to improve business they will have to target the Thai market, so be careful what you wish for.They've already turned the cinema complex at Central Center into a Thai movie house.

Edited by tropo
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Actually my GF speaks English, so not a problem, and the 100 baht DVDs from Tukom are usually pretty good. Anyway, the salesperson in the shop I use tells me if the quality isn't good, so I don't buy rubbish ones.

I agree with the poster suggesting different uses for the cinemas, but that'd be asking a bit much. Not much evidence of "thinking outside the box" here.

I think that having theme nights in one of the auditoriums every week would be a draw card- like Bruce Lee films or Kung <deleted> movies ( loved them when I was in Singapore ). Even less popular movies that they never show here, as they only seem to play western "blockbusters" and Thai films. Don't they know that Pattaya is full of falangs- what about German film nights?

You seriously think they could make money showing old Bruce Lee movies and other old less popular movies - and German nights? I wouldn't calling that "thinking out of the box" - but a quick way for Major Cineplex to get into a box - a coffin.

They've probably discovered what we already know - it's the foreigners complaining about the prices.:)

Given the number of times I've shared the cinema with 2 other people, they couldn't do worse with theme nights. Got any better suggestions?

The UK does very well with theme films, such as Bollywood films. Now Pattaya is full of Indians, they would probably be successful here.

So you think the Indian tourists come to Pattaya to watch a movie?I always thought there were movie theaters in India as well.

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