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Good day all

I have been lurking on his forum for about a year, seldom post but cut and paste all the info I find concerning retiring to Thailand. I have read and saved some posts concerning arriving with an airport visa exempt and then with 21 days remaining going to Chaeng Wattana immigration and filing for "retirement" visa. I do know what these requirments are and I do qualify. It is the time frame for processing that i am confused about.

My Plan: Step #1 - Come to BKK for2 week holiday, apply for Retirement Visa. (I think I need this for airline to issue ticket with more than a 30 day time between arrival and departure).

Step #2 - return to BKK in 6 weeks, stay for 6 weeks and get my affairs in order there.

Step #3 - liquidate my holdings in home country and return to BKK in 3 months. Sounds simple right?

Thanks in advance for all useful info



When applying for a 12 month extension at Immigration you first apply for a change of Visa to a Non Imm O Visa. This will give 90 days. Usually you apply for the extension around 60 days later.

Sometimes they will do the whole process on the same day. You will have to ask them.



Sorry not possible.

The requirements for a retirement visa...really for an extension to your visa for the puposes of retirement in Thailand...not retirement visa but often called that are:

1. Being 50 years of age or older AND

2. Being married to a Thai and meeting the financial requirements OR

3. If not married to a Thai meeting other financial requirements.

Both 2 and 3 require establishing a Thai bank account in your name. Most Thai banks won't allow you to open a bank account in your name as a foriegner with anything less than a Non O visa...often but not always a non O multi entry visa good for a year. If you try to use #3 to apply for that retirement extension you must have the bank accout established for a period of two months before your initial application.

When you add everthing up, including time to get the required documents and meet the required financial requirements...you're usually looking at a minimum of 3 months in Thailand before you can expect to get that retirement extension approved...if not longer.

Maybe you could, theorectically, establish a bank account, then return to your home country for 2 or 3 months...leaving your bank account open here in Thailand...and return to do the rest of the process here in Thailand after that 2 or 3 months...but very few people if any actually do that.


Marriage has nothing to do with retirement extension of stay - for retirement; the requirement is 65k/800k or combo married to a Thai or not.

Most Thai banks will indeed allow you to open an account with less than a non immigrant visa entry, but some branch personal will make excuse not to do something they know little about - Bangkok Bank has it as official policy on there web site.

There is no two month requirement if using income letter from Embassy or combination of that and bank account.

The change of status from tourist/visa exempt entry provides a 90 day entry which would allow the two month time if required.


The change of status from tourist/visa exempt entry provides a 90 day entry which would allow the two month time if required.

I understand and meet the age requirement and for 3 months now I have had a Thai bank with the required funding amount.

Now from the above quote, I assume the change of status with a 90 days entry will satisfy the airline requirement for booking a ticket with more than 30 days between arrival and departure. This raises the question of obtaining a re-entry permit at the same time the 90 day entry is given. I think this can be done. Also, according to my time table I would be back in BKK at the end of the 60 day "consideration" period for the non-o "retirement" extension.

Is this correct so far?


The airline has no way to know you are changing and you have no way to prove you are - they will want onward travel within 30 days if they ask or a visa for entry. Why not obtain a single entry non immigrant O visa prior to travel and use that for entry? Same cost as conversion and most Consulates or Honorary Consulates will issue if you have plans to extend your stay for retirement. You can easily obtain re-entry permit to allow keeping that 90 day stay alive for your trip out/back (if within the 90 day permitted to stay time).


Why not obtain a single entry non immigrant O visa prior to travel and use that for entry? Same cost as conversion and most Consulates or Honorary Consulates will issue if you have plans to extend your stay for retirement. You can easily obtain re-entry permit to allow keeping that 90 day stay alive for your trip out/back (if within the 90 day permitted to stay time).

My situation is not normal nor unique. I currently work outside my home country. There are no Thai Embassy or consulates here. Because of Tax laws sheltering up to predetermined amount of money earned away from my home country and a limit on how many days in home country allowed in one year therefore I can not return in this calendar year. The closest country I can travel to that has an embassy or consulate is UAE. It will take a 3 night stay over to process a visa. Dubai is an expensive city to stay in. It is cheaper to come to BKK and do the changeover.

OK Step 1 Change from visa exempt to 90 day extension during my 2 week stay

Step 2 Change from 90 day ext to 1 year Ext.

Once the 12 ext is given theoretically I only need to be in BKK at time of renewal.

ps. I have followed this forum for awhile and find you give sound logical advise


You need to be sure you can get on aircraft. If you do you can change (they have not been strict on 21 days recently but best to do early) to non immigrant 90 day entry (this is not an extension but a change of status). Some people have been allowed to immediately obtain one year extension of stay but other have been told to wait 60 days. It seems to be up to the processing officer.


you can change (they have not been strict on 21 days recently but best to do early) to non immigrant 90 day entry (this is not an extension but a change of status). Some people have been allowed to immediately obtain one year extension of stay but other have been told to wait 60 days. It seems to be up to the processing officer.

This scenario is what I understand on how the process works. I have cut and pasted from past postings

All forms are downloadable as Word docs from Bangkok Immigration Bureau website and can be filled in before they are printed for a neat job.

At Bangkok, go directly to room 303 on the third floor. Bangkok display a notice insisting on the 21 days. Form TM87 + Passport photo + 2000 Baht

Show passport and provide copy of details page, Entry exempt Visa & TM6. Show bank book and provide copy. Confirmation letter from bank. Additionally it is a good time to obtain a re-entry permit also.

The part about fingerprint I'm not so sure of;

photo and scanned fingers -thumbs and index fingers of both hands. This is done at the desk of the immigration official handling the application. The camera and fingerprint scanner were on his desk.

(sorry about font size, I tried smaller but unable to do)

Is that about right or have I left something out?


The exact form will depend on if change of tourist visa entry or from visa exempt and you also take digital photo and finger print at Chiang Watanna (room 303 is outdated information as is the 21 day requirement). A re-entry permit will only be valid for the time (90 or likely less) days of the non immigrant entry.

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