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The Aircard appears to load on a Mac but the upper taskbar ...

File - Operation - Tools - Help

... is missing. I can't find Mac drivers on the web or DTAC's site.

The Aircard's dashboard appears differently on a Mac from a PC. The taskbar reads ...

Connection - Statistics - Send SMS - Phonebook - dtac Services - Happy Services

Unless I'm missing something, there is no facility to change the connection settings (even via the 'Connection' link) to use with another network, as I can on a PC running Windows xp (via the 'Operation' link). So it appears that the Flip 158 Aircard is locked to DTAC when installed on a Mac.

I am currently out-of-country but want to use this Aircard with a local network on my new Macbook Pro 13". Is there any solution? Thanks.


For Mac OS X 10.6

It's a Huawei E158.

If you want a firmware update(at your own risk), it's here

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately the drivers did nothing to change the appearance of the dashboard. I still have no way of changing the connection settings for linking to another network. This DTAC Flip 158 / Huawei E158 modem remains permanently-locked to DTAC. Can it be unlocked?

Or would it simply be easier to buy another modem for connecting to a UK broadband network such as 'Three Mobile'? It seems to me these broadband mobile sticks work well on PCs, but when attempting to use them on Macs all sorts of incompatibilities arise. Thank you again.


Are you sure that it is locked? If you used it with another SIM card than DTAC/HAPPY successfully, that points to it being open.

Did you install the MAC Dashboard?

Have no idea about the compatibilities with the Mac.

For instance, I have no idea if the unlocking software will work with a Mac.

You can try a calculator or send me the IMEI number of the modem.

If you can't be bothered with the faffing around of unlocking, you can buy this Huawei E160 for £14. Confirm with the seller that it is an E160 they are sending. If it is it will be unlocked for use with any network.

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