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Thai Rat Problem Fixed.


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Saw a strange thing the other day.

I was dropping my rubbish off by the estate bins when a women walks along with a black bin bag in one hand and a small cage in the other. The cage had a live rat in it. I was curious and asked where it was from, to which she said it was caught near her house. When asked if she would kill it she said yes. I couldn't see how she was going to do it without it escaping, plus I didn't think it would be easy to kill a rat in cold blood, if you know what I mean. After 20 or 30 seconds wait she hadn't done anything so I jumped back in my car and watched her from there. She didn't kill it. She just opened the cage and tipped it up by the side of the bin. The rat of course dropped out and scampered away. I think the women was from a house on a Soi only a hundren meters away. I thought it was quite weird, but at least in keeping with Buddhist sentiment. :D It's kind of the exact opposite to the story in the Uk a while ago about a women putting a live cat in the bin.

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I had a mouse in the house a couple of days ago. My dog brought my attention to it. Sniffing and moving around in the fishingroom (where i store my rods and so on). I have some of those plastic cupboards where i store my stuff.

Anyway i just locked the door put the dog in and moved the stuff.. then it was a fight till the death between my dog and the mouse :D

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I'm guessing the mouse could only manage 2nd place...:D

Yea it did not end well for him. I was amazed the first time he killed a mouse. I thought only cats did that. We sometime trap them on those glue things too. Then they learn how long they can breathe underwater.

I think it is because one of our neighbors isn't as clean as he should be.

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I'm guessing the mouse could only manage 2nd place...:D

Yea it did not end well for him. I was amazed the first time he killed a mouse. I thought only cats did that.

I saw soi dogs hunting rats. Looked like at a dog racing.

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Really lovely looking GSD. Wish l had a big enough garden to keep one

Thanks, shes a great friend, in fact she got caught out the other day and was nipped on the nose by an even bigger rat..(her son quickly dealt with that one!) all ok now tho after a trip to the vets & a course of anti biotics etc. My biggest worry are the big snakes she tangles with but so far so good...

Re other posters & the sticky rat trap stuff..not v humane & def not practical as they sometimes drag themselves off into inaccessible places and stink like crazy while decomposing! I also use the humane traps but only release them far far away from other houses/shops..I wouldn't want to pass problems onto others!

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Really lovely looking GSD. Wish l had a big enough garden to keep one

She is very pretty. Here is mine, Pepper, who goes after anything that moves...scorpions, land crabs, frogs, etc. Haven't found him chasing snakes or rats yet, but I am sure he will, he's just a year old. mario299


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V nice looking pup, German Sheps make terrific companions but on the subject of vermin, etc, be sure to keep some anti biotic cream or similar handy as Pepper is sure to have a few scrapes, infections are fast & furious in this country.

My dog cornered a big Monitor Lizard last week and got lots of scratches in the process, (I rescued the Liz so all was ok this time) she was also 'playing' with a big red centipede yesterday!! yet another narrow escape (I hear they can give a nasty jolt to the system).

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I just can't understand trying to catch rats if you are not prepared to exterminate them. They are vermin that need to be controlled. Releasing them so they end up in someone else's house is not very neighbourly either.

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My dog is badder than your dog.

My dog is sooooo bad, the last time he chased a rat, I saw it flip over on its back. The dog reached it and sniffed, then just walked away.

The rat had suffred a heart attack.

Good boy, Dooley.

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I had a mouse in the house a couple of days ago. My dog brought my attention to it. Sniffing and moving around in the fishingroom (where i store my rods and so on). I have some of those plastic cupboards where i store my stuff.

Anyway i just locked the door put the dog in and moved the stuff.. then it was a fight till the death between my dog and the mouse :D

Well, of course the dog could kill the mouse....assuming the dog wasn't Buddhist.

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We used to have rats in the ceiling at night. Then we set up those steel box traps along the edge of the house....along with an inch of uncooked corn on the cob. When I get up in the morning to feed our parrot, if there's a rat in the trap, I simply place it inside one of our guppy fish bowls. By the time I'm done feeding the parrot, the rat's ready for the garbage bin. No fuss. I know I know, a bullet between the eyes would be more humane.

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V nice looking pup, German Sheps make terrific companions but on the subject of vermin, etc, be sure to keep some anti biotic cream or similar handy as Pepper is sure to have a few scrapes, infections are fast & furious in this country.

My dog cornered a big Monitor Lizard last week and got lots of scratches in the process, (I rescued the Liz so all was ok this time) she was also 'playing' with a big red centipede yesterday!! yet another narrow escape (I hear they can give a nasty jolt to the system).

Good sense on the anti-biotic cream, I'll make sure to have some on hand. Regarding the centipede, Pepper is always after them and I usually manage to get them away from him quickly, but I wonder about his safety with these and the scorpions. I mean he just picks them up and tries to run around with them...is he in danger from them? I have heard that humans get nasty reactions from both, is it the same for dogs?

By the way, after my original post today, sure enough Pepper found a large mouse to chase, had been staying in the A/C unit outside, so maybe he's a ratter as well.

mario299 :rolleyes:

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My dogs kill pretty much anything they can catch, and I'm not happy about it!

A while ago I came across a killed rat in my car porch, but it was pregnant and a baby was still alive....

They've also killed a harmless tree snake but, only one of them was stupid enough to go for a cobra. Fortunately the cobra stood down and ran away.

Less than a week ago they killed a monitor lizard that was a good metre long :angry:.

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...is he in danger from them? I have heard that humans get nasty reactions from both, is it the same for dogs?

By the way, after my original post today, sure enough Pepper found a large mouse to chase, had been staying in the A/C unit outside, so maybe he's a ratter as well.

mario299 :rolleyes:

Also good exercise for Pepper :Dbut yea, I reckon the centipedes & scorpions could hurt a lot, altho Pepper's probably big enough to cope with it I'm certain they could kill a smaller breed. Is this the type of critter? believe it or not I pulled this out of the washer with some clothes the other day after a full 'soak' wash & it was still moving!


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The cage had a live rat in it. I was curious and asked where it was from, to which she said.........

I met him a couple of years ago, he seemed quite nice so we got married, now I'm stuck with him.

Now that would have made a better story. ;):D

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Actually, dogs make v good 'ratters', not bad at getting snakes either :-)

Really lovely looking GSD. Wish l had a big enough garden to keep one

German shepherd????

looks like an alsation dog,beautiful too.Unless he has had a good shave lol lol

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I just can't understand trying to catch rats if you are not prepared to exterminate them. They are vermin that need to be controlled. Releasing them so they end up in someone else's house is not very neighbourly either.

They are a problem indoors, they belong outdoors, if I catch one he goes back outside where he belongs.

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...is he in danger from them? I have heard that humans get nasty reactions from both, is it the same for dogs?

By the way, after my original post today, sure enough Pepper found a large mouse to chase, had been staying in the A/C unit outside, so maybe he's a ratter as well.

mario299 :rolleyes:

Also good exercise for Pepper :Dbut yea, I reckon the centipedes & scorpions could hurt a lot, altho Pepper's probably big enough to cope with it I'm certain they could kill a smaller breed. Is this the type of critter? believe it or not I pulled this out of the washer with some clothes the other day after a full 'soak' wash & it was still moving!

That's the kind we really try to keep him away from, very nasty. We get more of the black ones with the hard outer shell that curl up. I hope he learns to leave them all alone, 'cause he sure doesn't listen to me!


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...is he in danger from them? I have heard that humans get nasty reactions from both, is it the same for dogs?

By the way, after my original post today, sure enough Pepper found a large mouse to chase, had been staying in the A/C unit outside, so maybe he's a ratter as well.

mario299 :rolleyes:

Also good exercise for Pepper :Dbut yea, I reckon the centipedes & scorpions could hurt a lot, altho Pepper's probably big enough to cope with it I'm certain they could kill a smaller breed. Is this the type of critter? believe it or not I pulled this out of the washer with some clothes the other day after a full 'soak' wash & it was still moving!

That one, in the picture, is a Chinese rubber centipede, the preferred breed kids use to scare their parents...

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