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Under normal circumstances, I would be no friend of George Bush either, but 9/11 gave him a license to kill!

The U.S. tried to ignore terrorism for way too long and allowed these barbaric scumbags to recruit, train and get stronger. This resulted in the present climate of constant world-wide fear over what brutish stunt they are going to sink to next, and it has become very obvious that Arab/Muslim terrorists are willing to sacrifice their own people, as well as anyone else, to serve their ill-defined goals.

This is too important an issue to allow an Arab controlled UN to have any say over. Nations, such as France, Germany and Russia have been in league with the countries that support terrorism and have made lots of money out of helping them. Their cries for "peace" are the most cowardly type of deception.

The U.S., and anyone else who is brave enough, need to stomp terrorists into the dirt that they were spawned from.

Mistakes will be made, as in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but the World has it's back against the wall. It is time to kill, or be killed.

He may be no genius, but under present circumstances, George W. said it best, " You are for us, or against us".

Semper Fi! :o

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Thaiquila, nice one. :o

As people still can laugh and make such kind of 'jokes' the world is still ok for me.

(Georgie-Porgie @ Tue 2003-12-30, 06:50:19)

George W. said it best, " You are for us, or against us"

This was the biggest mistake of GWB. Dictating the world what to do. But sorry, he is no James Bond, with a 'licence to kill'. Whatever happened, force will lead to counter force and counter force to counter terrorism. It kills any democratic procedure and it hurts the US. Just last weekend Air France cancelled 5 flights to US for fear of terrorism. Isn't this exactly what guys like Bin Laden want? Fear, interruption of free travel, closure of business as usual?

If you want to say, Bush attacked Iraq because Bin Laden is hiding in Afghanistan, I have a problem to follow.

France, Germany, Russia had business interest in Iraq. As we know now, Rumsfeld was a very good supporter of Saddam. (Aren't his ancestor from somewhere outside of Bremen/Germany?)

For France, as example, the easiest way would have been to support Bush. By doing so they could have protected their interests by companies like Elf-Acquitaine, whose profits were frozen for a decade. But no, Chirac decided to be against GWB plans, knowing very well he might have to write off any business interests. So he put what is right before profit.

Germany. 60 years ago the USA brought democracy to the Germans. They accepted and vowed 'never again war'. Today they are blamed for being un-grateful and cowards for, democratically correct, not supporting GWB. Originally, Schroeder might have opened, unintentially, his mouth too wide. He did, however, stick to his principle not to support Bush, risking his wrath for not being for him. Germany is losing US-business, but Schroeder put what is right before profit.

I do not see the UN as 'Arab-controlled' neither would it be right to be US-controlled.

I am afraid as well that Bush might be re-elected by an indigenous majority of people who have no other source of information than what is available in the US.

If however, just one man comes up and promises to cancel all US-military commitment in overseas, I am sure, he will get the vote.

Members of this board are well travelled outside of the US and should be able to decide what's right and what's wrong and also should be able to tell so at home.

For one moment, let's hope for a peaceful 2004 and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody.


What Bin Laden "wants" is just what you are proposing, for the civilized world to throw up their hands in despair and allow these little weasel's inhuman tactics to succeed: "We can't do anything or they will strike again".

I have news for you, if they can do anything to harm anyone, they will do it, and it makes very little difference what we do to them, unless we completely destroy them. That will have the desired result.

These are little men. They are scum. They got away with this crap for decades because of sniveling second-guessers like you, "useful idiots" whining about democratic procedures, Rumsfeld's ancestors and protecting the Easter Bunny's human rights. Someone just needed to get off their ass and hunt them down, and the U.S., and Britain are finally doing it.

Do you really think that Mommar Ghadafhi would have given up his nuclear ambitions otherwise? Why do you think that Iran and Syria are starting to tow the line?

Because they know that no matter what the knuckleheads in the chicken-shit "International Community" have to say about it, the U.S. is eventually going to go in and take them out, just like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As far as what you said about the Axis of Cowardice: France, Russia and Germany, one thing rings true, "France, Germany and Russia had business interests in Iraq". That says it all; The rest is a product of your own fevered imagination. :o


As someone who has seen quite a bit of just what terrorism can do with the I.R.A. in the U.K.

I would just like to repeat what one of their spokesman said once.

"The security forces have to get luck every time, we only have to get lucky once"

Don't shoot the messenger please.


My My Georgie-Porgie, aren't we suddenly agressive?

You are for us, or you are useful idiots. This could be reflecting the IQ of Georgie-BOY.

Sorry, I don't buy it, but seems you actually do agree to what I said and therefore react so negatively. Psychologically, such behaviour is quite common.

Destroy them? Sure, once you find them. Tell GWB to buy himself a map, Afghanistan is a little bit off from Iraq. An eye for an eye? Yes, I did agree after 9/11. Meanwhile over 5000 Afghani bystanders killed. I believe that is enough for WTC. (I personally knew 'only' two who died there).

GWB had his chance for revenge. I do not say he botched it, but he should have finished the Bin Laden-bastard before getting engaged in any other venture.

Now give me a break. I did not propose, "for the civilized world to throw up their hands in despair". My intention goes more to get GWB out of the race and let experts handle the issue.

Up to now I read quite interesting contributions by you. Don't adust your iQ to that of GWB.

As for business interest in Iraq, it would have been so easy to be a coward, help GWB and get your money. I admire people who stand up against this bully, never mind the commercial loss.

Once again, have a happy New Year and let's hope against hope some people come to their minds. I put democracy on top of anything else. There is no need to deforest the Middle East to find Bin Laden and the likes. Mommar Ghadafhi? Sure, he will soon get US-tax money for being such a nice buddy.


Yes, let's let the "experts" handle the issue. Who do you propose to lead the pack? The French, the Germans or how about one of the "Seven Dwarfs" who are running for the Democratic nomination?

If America had a Truman or FDR I'd vote for him today but there are no"experts" out there. If the whining far left had their way we'd have another Jimmy (watch out for that rabbit)! Carter in charge.

Happy New Year y'all and let's hope 2004 produces some difinitive results w/respect to these terrorist <deleted>... :o

Americans just like killing hundreds of thousands of innocents--you know, just for the freakin' blood-sport fun of it... Please

So what about William Calley and the killings of the innocent people of Mai Lai or don't that count?

Hey Maerim - what are you, are Jehova Witness?Get your head outa the sand, boy...

Yes sir, head's out of the sand and heading towards your front door armed with two dozen copies of the Watchtower.


Actually, Stalin is the one who called people like you "useful idiots". He was referring to those in the West that swallowed leftist lies. People that were supposed to be "on his side".

As to why I am so aggressive about this issue, it is because I grew up during the 60's and saw how something that was simply a left-wing fashion: The Peace Movement, undermined American efforts in Vietnam. If it weren't for the Peace Movement, and the lefty press, America would have eventually won that war.

I am aware of how controversial that statement is, but after growing up during that time, doing lots of reading, and having visited the country many times, I am convinced of it, and so are many experts.

I feel that the Peace Movement now is much more silly and dangerous than during Vietnam, because of the possible consequences to the whole planet.

And, for your information, before the War on Terrorism, I was inclined more to the left myself and have always thought that America should not have been in Vietnam in the first place - however, in Vietnam, you do meet a lot of people who feel otherwise.

But the War on Terrorism is a completely different type of situation. The brainless thugs behind terrorism are nothing but nutty religious and racial zealots who are out to destroy civilization at whatever the price for mankind.

And, due to Weapons of Mass Destruction, they can do it!

As unpopular as it is to say it, George W. Bush might not be the ideal man to be the president or to save the planet, but he is all we have, and I feel that, so far, he has risen to the job. Consequently he should be supported, rather than made an object of ridicule.

<deleted> Michael Moore and all his mindless disciples! :o

Guest IT Manager

This thread is fast approaching the normal level of dumbness associated with the subject.

Keep the noise down for gods sake. People are trying to sleep.

Let's not forget those nuclear bombs that they dropped too. They saved alot of people too didn't they??
People who manage to accuse the dropping of the 2 nuclear bombs by the US onto Japan of being something wrong are just unimaginable idiots! No doubt these people will find war on Iraq unjustified! As it has got less obivious reasons!

I don't know much about the complexities of politics in the middle east nor am I very sure about the true aim of the USA. But all I see is the Iraqi people greeting the US troops and the hittings on the face of Sadam Hussein's statue with their shoes. And also the joy shown by the Iraqis when this dictator was captured. Isn't that simple enough to know the answer? Or was that just something that Hollywood had made?

How could people talk like they know everything behind?

Finally, I am interested in knowing if there are people on earth who would say that USA had invaded Japan!

meemiathai from HK

I ain't no american.


Boy, this string is going all over the place!

Vietnam (the North had the patience to wait 100 years to win, if they had to), Japan in WW 2 (but did they really have to drop the SECOND nucleur bomb?), and Michael Moore (no comment).

Of course American foreign policy isn't all bad or all good, but I stand by my contention that wherever it is, it is for America (or more precisely, the American military industrial elites). So don't get any illusions.

That said, the axis powers deserved to lose in WW2, and Al Queda needs to be stopped, and they do not seem to be much interested in talking over tea. So, in many ways, what we are experiencing now is really a kind of new world war. And the sad truth is, it is not 100 percent certain that Al Queda (not Iraq) will be suppressable. They have the numbers, the rage, the lack of fear of death, and they have the rabid anti-Americanism. So this is all real and it is not going away anytime soon.


OK, I do rest this subject at the moment. One thing was interesting, seems I was not too wrong about GWB. On other points we might come nearer and one day will find out who was his useful idiot.

Now, IT M and many others need some sleep to prepare for tonight.

So to all of you HAPPY NEW YEAR and a good, healthy 2004!




I'm ready to give this subject a rest as well. Face it, we have ALL next year to argue about it, but Thaiqula did say something that I very much agree with:

"So, in many ways, what we are experiencing now is really a kind of new world war. And the sad truth is, it is not 100 percent certain that Al Queda (not Iraq) will be suppressable. They have the numbers, the rage, the lack of fear of death, and they have the rabid anti-Americanism. So this is all real and it is not going away anytime soon.

As did Axel:

GWB had his chance for revenge. I do not say he botched it, but he should have finished the Bin Laden-bastard before getting engaged in any other venture.

I agree, but we are all-knowing in retrospect, aren't we?

Peace on Earth.

Happy New Year! :o

Everyone is helping the world be a better place. Do you part and help a freedom fighter!

http://www.heromiles.org/  will give you the chace to donate Air Miles to the men and women who are placing themselves in harms way to protect the world.

OMG, another "Free Iraq" thread :o

Could you shoot yourself first for being so stupid ? if not, why don't you move to Iraq and fight for your freedom ? they will love you there

Don't get me started.. but the idea in Iraq is to overthrow a dictator who was bent on keeping the middle east unstable.  You might counter and say it was all about oil.  I disagree (why else would the U.S. spend so much on roads, hospitals, schools, food, etc.--if it were "all about oil", they would have just taken it, without all the nation rebuilding).

You are new around here, aren't you ? :o

Me think you have a short attention span and didn't watch or read too much news in the last 12 months.

It's all about Haliburton getting back your tax money and you paying for it to get more oil.

Do you also believe in Santa Clause ? :D


More good news from our good friend GW Bush:


As long as he is doing this to his people, I am fine with it. I am glad I left that dump 10 years ago.

And some interesting opinions about expected Nuclear Terrorist attack on the US soil: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/05/06/1019441477485.html

USA == TOXIC WASTE DUMP (politically and soon physically)

The war was sold to the American people and the poodle in Britain as necessary because there was an imminent danger of the the west being attacked by weapons of mass destruction. This was clearly a lie; Bush people knew it was the only way to sell the war. It was never sold as a war of liberation; what country has the bandwidth to militarily overthrow every bad guy in the world? None, of course.

The most likely reason is more on lines with published reports written by American neoconservatives about the need to change the politics of the middle east for the "New American Century." The idea is to hold on to American power and hegemony in this new century, and using military power to do that, not persuasion, economic superiority, or setting an admirable example. This is probably the more likely reason for the idealogues behind Bush than oil. And yes, many Americans are quite patriotic but they don't wish their government to act in this way. But all bets are for Bush to be elected for the first time in 04, and if so, Katie bar the door!

This being said, of course it is humane to have sympathy to the soldiers on the ground and their families who are only acting on the orders of their government.

You are absolutely correct. It's all about the NeoCon Grandeur vision of the next century. Not different from what Hitler wanted back in the 30s

They will be the one who starts the third World War

Of course it does not hurt to make profit on the side with the oil.

Americans just like killing hundreds of thousands of innocents--you know, just for the freakin' blood-sport fun of it... Please

Perhaps the numbers were not in the hundreds of thousands but what about the slaughter of innocent men women and children led by that great humanitaran William Cally and his merry men in the vilage on Mai Lai.

Or is that little slip such a long time ago that it don't count

While you are at it you might as inform us as to the benefit of Agent Orange, the defoliant (with added dioxins)sprayed by the brave pilots on villages and the effects are still being felt by them 30 years later.

Mai Lai ? did you say Mai Lai ? maybe you should ask Colin Powell, he knows all about Mai Lai :o

And the sad truth is this: Bush will probably be elected in 2004. Why? Well, the economy is now showing signs of life, the opposition is being painted as unpatriotic for opposing the war in Iraq, and the democratic party doesn't seem able to come up with a strong enough candidate.

Like his father, he will be a one-timer

Mark my word


If the Looney Left has its way (which I doubt) Bush may not get re-elected.

The main problem for the Lefties as George Hegel pointed out is that the world changes all the time, and that ideas therefore "age". The Left's ideas no longer explain the world (as they once did) and so they resort to character defamation and the politics of personal destruction to keep a grip on the little power they still control.

The Left has not recovered from the defeat of the Soviet Empire where so much of their energy was invested. Or, another example - Jane Fonda. What a pathetic creature sitting on a North Vietnamese tank rallying the commies to kill her countrymen.

Happy New Year :o



U.S. donates 150,000lbs of relief supplies to Iran. Just another case of us American bastards trying to get control of Mideast oil?

Or why don't you spin me a yarn about us supporting our enemies. Your imagination is good enough to come up with some diabolical scheme.

PS- Your word is worthless. Bush will be triumphant in '04. Better get used to the new world order.

Love and Missles to you my friend in the New Year.


Well put SoCal but we can also cite the amount of help, aid and monteary assistance the American taxpayers have donated to LoS.

Who built all the superhighways? Up to Udorn, Khorat - down to Pattaya? The good 'ol US taxpayer that's who.

These "Hate America" pukes make me want to go out and get a plastic bag of Lao Kao (sp) and get drunk. :o


America is now helping out Iran, in their hour of need, with their hugely devasting earthquake (at last count: 30,000 have died and perhaps as many as 40,000 to 50,000 maybe dead).

The U.S. has sent planes to Iran, filled with medics, water, blankets and food, to help a country that has consistently hated us and accused us of being "the Great Satan", for the last so-many decades.

From: Yahoo News

U.S. Medics Help Survivors in Iran Quake City 

2 hours, 5 minutes ago

By Edmund Blair and Christian Oliver

BAM, Iran (Reuters) - The Stars and Stripes received a rare welcome in Iran Wednesday as U.S. medics joined efforts to help survivors of an earthquake that killed at least 30,000 people.

Medics and the Iranian army said at least five more people, including an 80-year-old woman, had been pulled alive from the rubble in the last two days in the worst-hit ancient Silk Road city of Bam, 625 miles southeast of Tehran.

But officials have said the death toll from one of the worst disasters of recent decades may climb to 50,000 and most rescue teams have abandoned the search for more survivors.

U.N. officials said about 40,000 people were now left in Bam -- most spending the bitterly cold nights in tents -- out of an original population of 103,000. The remainder were either dead, missing or in hospital, or had left town.

The 80-strong U.S. team of medics and relief experts arrived in Iran Sunday and reached Bam Tuesday evening.

"For Americans to come here and help us in such a situation, I really appreciate it and all Iranians appreciate it," said Shi'ite Muslim cleric Sheikh Ahmad Faiz, as U.S. relief workers erected a tent bearing a large U.S. flag.

The U.S. government broke ties with Tehran a year after the 1979 Islamic revolution and the American flag is routinely burned during official anti-U.S. demonstrations.

Marty Bahamonde, spokesman for U.S. disaster relief body the Federal Emergency Management Agency (news - web sites), said the lack of diplomatic ties had slowed things up but his team had been warmly received.

"At every stop, they have opened their hearts," he said.

Aid trucks made regular tours through the ravaged city distributing water, blankets and food. Red Crescent workers manned makeshift pharmacy stalls on street corners.


French doctor Francois-Regis de Salve-Villedieu told Reuters rescuers had pulled an 80-year-old woman alive from under her ruined house Wednesday. "She may have been trapped in a cellar because she didn't appear to be very dusty," he said.

An army spokesman said army rescuers Tuesday saved a family of four who were unconscious and near death in the wreckage of a building in a Bam suburb.

State television described such improbable rescues so long after Friday's tremor as the "miracle of Bam."

Officials said 30,000 bodies had been recovered and buried so far and 14,000 injured had been taken to hospitals.

U.N. workers say some 90 percent of Bam's mud-brick buildings had been destroyed or damaged. The predawn quake, measuring 6.3, killed entire families as they slept.

An unnamed senior U.S. official Tuesday said President Bush had been considering opening dialogue with Iran, a country he has branded part of an "axis of evil."

At least some of the Americans in Iran harbored hopes that the trip could help ease years of bilateral tension.

"It feels fantastic to come here and help them and try to break the ice, so to speak," said Kent Watts, a 49-year-old rescue officer with the office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.

Iran's President Mohammad Khatami has welcomed the aid, but insists it will not alter relations between the two foes.

At a mass burial site in Bam, a woman dressed in a traditional black chador and clutching a red rose knelt in the bottom of an open grave, sobbing and clawing at the dry earth.

"We've lost 60 members of our family," said a relative of the woman, who gave only his family name Behzadi.


Boon Mee, never new that. Thanks for the lesson. Must be why the Thai girls prefer us to those Europeans. :D

Don't let Bitterfly bother you. He is a little man, with a world of hate. Don't even bother having an intelligent conversation with him. I usually reply to him with something equally assnine, but even that get's old.

I think I'll join you on that drink now. Happy New Year to you and yours.

PS- Membrane- very best wishes to you as well. :o


If Baron Bonk is correct the bar owners will pay the bootie tax but that will be the only change in LOS. I expect the Thai Card go down to US Passport holders when the tab goes up as reported via thai Visa.

As to the comment on U. S. soldiers in Nam please include the kiddies blowing them selves in the American Zones up or seeing their parents tortured by the V.C.

So when we talk about a 40 year old war talk to people who were there.

As to American dumb moves I vote make Hanoi Jane Fonda women of the year.

As to G.W. Bush....New World Order...God Bless

SoCal is giving Southern California a bad name, and takes some doing.


It wasn't an altogether altrustic move on the part of Uncle Sam to build the highways. We needed to get men and supplys to our bases in Udorn, Utapao, Udon etc.

And, a lot of the original hotels in Pattaya were also built by GIs for R&R centers. Why in the world would anyone want to take R&R in any place other than Thailand?

But, let those critics of American foreign policy rant & rave - as you say, a new world order is coming... :o


For non-Yankees reading these posts, I guess it is pretty obvious that America is a starkly DIVIDED country. Bush originally ran as a "uniter, not a divider" but he was fibbing. The country is as divided as it was during the Vietnam war, and I can't speak for the civil war era.

Be assured that the upcoming election (most likely Dean vs. Bush) will provide lots of political entertainment. If its any indication of anything, the higher the level of education, the more likely the voter will be for Dean. You might notice that in the intellectual level indicated by most of the pro-Bush posts.

I find it curious that the catchword of the Bush neo-conservatives, such as New World Order, New American Century, Patriotic Act, Homeland Security, Project Iron Hand (or something like that), are amazingly similar to the kind of catchphrases used by a certain party in power in 1940s Germany.

For anyone interested in the ideology behind Bush and the war in Iraq, check this out:


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