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Hangover II: Bad Fiction, Films Fine - It's Bad Reality That Really Upsets


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Bad fiction, films fine - it's bad reality that really upsets

By Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation

Residents and long-time expats who have watched the latest Hollywood comedy "Hangover Part II", which was mostly shot in Bangkok, may wonder how accurate the depiction of their city was.

In the film starring Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis, three buddies wake up after an orgy of drugs, violence and sex and cannot remember what happened the night before.

The movie reduces Bangkok to a city known for its sex industry, drugs, crime and gangsters, with an elephant, street vendors and strangely robed monks included as colourful props.

While some of the representations of Bangkok are accurate, you won't find the mundane, traffic-congested normalcy and boredom as experienced by millions of Bangkok white- and blue-collar workers. They are simply not exotic enough and will likely dilute the image of the Big Mango as a legendary city unlike others.

Truths that are inconvenient are left out and the fact that the film is produced by the powerful Hollywood film industry means it stands a good chance of being distributed globally.

The production grossed US$86.5 million (or Bt2.6 billion) on its first weekend on North American screens, according to Associated Press on Monday. It's also being shown in 40 other countries, including Thailand, and has been doing well.

Back to the movie. Since the film is about three farang having a hell of a wild night in Bangkok, mundane aspects of the city that do not mesh with the main narrative are omitted. In this way, they can strengthen the core message of Bangkok in a selective and simplistic way, and make it easier and more entertaining for viewers. (BTW, this writer encourages Thais and expats to go see the movie and think about how Bangkok is portrayed and to ask themselves why).

In a way, it's also like how the Thai authorities and most of the Thai mass media attempt to control the grand narrative about Thai society and politics, and about what is "Thai" and what is not.

So for example, "all Thais" are depicted by most mass media as having "unreserved reverence and love" for the King and the monarchy. When that narrative gets affected by Thais who express themselves otherwise with regards to the royal institution, they get quietly thrown into jail through the lese majeste or computer crime law. And in the case of 'Da Torpedo', her lese majeste trial was even conducted in secret, while the media tried to play down the news as much as possible, if not ignore it altogether.

These people simply got in the way of a feel-good story line, and the growing number of arrests has become an inconvenient reality. And so they will be further ignored and edited out of the "normal" conversation about Thai people's relations with the monarchy, politics and society.

Never mind if by doing so, things become inaccurate or even distorted, because what the authorities and most mass media want is to ensure that the grand narrative is convincing, special and unspoiled from unwanted distractions to the plot.

I have little problem about the selectivity and simplistic description of Bangkok in the movie "Hangover Part II" because it's fiction. But when most mass media keep on making a simplistic and fictitious portrayal of the current state of Thai society and politics, especially regarding facts and the issue of people's relationship to the monarchy, they are doing a disservice to society and only hindering Thailand from ever maturing.

A feel-good and simplistic story line without nuance and irony is best left to bad fiction that is too good to be true.


-- The Nation 2011-06-01

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It's just a funny movie. They play on stereotypes because it makes people laugh. Many movies do this. Thai movies are no better when depicting 'farangs'.

Maybe the scenes where we see ladyboys, drugs and crime is more of shock to the locals than it is to people abroad watching this movie. I know all about the bad side of Bkk, and I know all about the good side.

Go into the movie with an open mind and just take the movie for what it is.

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It's just a funny movie. They play on stereotypes because it makes people laugh. Many movies do this. Thai movies are no better when depicting 'farangs'.

Maybe the scenes where we see ladyboys, drugs and crime is more of shock to the locals than it is to people abroad watching this movie. I know all about the bad side of Bkk, and I know all about the good side.

Go into the movie with an open mind and just take the movie for what it is.

well spoken.....IT IS A MOVIE ! not a documentary !

on a rather mute point, the end credits featured a monk in some of the fotos, this didn't go down well with the Thai's in the cinema, maybe the producers should have been a little more 'tasteful' !

Great film though !

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on a rather mute point, the end credits featured a monk in some of the fotos, this didn't go down well with the Thai's in the cinema, maybe the producers should have been a little more 'tasteful' !

Great film though !

Yeah... I'm sure being 'tasteful' was the purpose of that movie.

If you're easily offended, don't go see it. It was not difficult to guess from the previous one and from the trailers what was going to happen.

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Im pretty sure that elephants, go-go bars and ladyboys do exist in Bangkok.

OMG really do they? I thought it was only in the movies. So there really are people and places like that in Thailand? Guess it's time to pull the blinds down and lock my doors :rolleyes:

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This article has nothing to do with the movie. It's just a dig at LM laws.

So for example, "all Thais" are depicted by most mass media as having "unreserved reverence and love" for the King and the monarchy. When that narrative gets affected by Thais who express themselves otherwise with regards to the royal institution, they get quietly thrown into jail through the lese majeste or computer crime law. And in the case of 'Da Torpedo', her lese majeste trial was even conducted in secret, while the media tried to play down the news as much as possible, if not ignore it altogether.

These people simply got in the way of a feel-good story line, and the growing number of arrests has become an inconvenient reality. And so they will be further ignored and edited out of the "normal" conversation about Thai people's relations with the monarchy, politics and society.

Never mind if by doing so, things become inaccurate or even distorted, because what the authorities and most mass media want is to ensure that the grand narrative is convincing, special and unspoiled from unwanted distractions to the plot.

I have little problem about the selectivity and simplistic description of Bangkok in the movie "Hangover Part II" because it's fiction. But when most mass media keep on making a simplistic and fictitious portrayal of the current state of Thai society and politics, especially regarding facts and the issue of people's relationship to the monarchy, they are doing a disservice to society and only hindering Thailand from ever maturing.

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Hangover part one didn't show families hanging out in Vegas together having a good time doing wholesome, family things. Nah, it showed some guys partying! Hangover two did the same thing, but in BKK.

I guess it sucks for some people to learn how the rest of the world views their city, but it's true. BKK isn't famous for it's family-centric atmosphere. It's famous for what the movie shows, just as Vegas is famous for what was in part one.

Great movie though!!!! If people are angry about losing face, well, that's not so important to the rest of the world....welcome to the global era!!

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Bangkok is more than lower Sukhumvit.

I am sure the move would have been brilliant if we see them spend a day at safari world, followed by a trip to dream world, and then sitting in au bon pain on Thonglor for a couple of hours :whistling:

The film focused on what Bangkok is famous for, sex, drink, ladyboys etc etc etc, this is how Bangkok is seen, admit of, how many people in your home country snigger when you say you live in Bangkok?

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The Hangover Part II is not a documentary.... IF the were to be an accurate documentary on Thailand how would the powers that be feel with regards to the accurate depiction of the negative aspects when balanced out with the positive ?

The Hangover Part I didn't bring a terrible reputation to Vegas, I doubt that Part II will much affect Thailands international reputation. Airport closures, street riots, the burning down of a shopping mall, continuing Jet Ski scams, prolific and in your face prositition, the hipocracy of Law enforcement and politics etc have already done and continue to do whatever damage there is to do.

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I liked the movie, Not as good as the first but how many sequels are?

I read a tiny bit of the OP but didn't want to waste my time after seeing it the critiquing, of an over the top comedy, as to how right the depiction of BKK was. This is just idiotic ... Soooooooooooooo many movies are shot in California but are supposed to take place in other place outside California or the USA.. You would think somebody reviewing a comedy, like this, would know that nobody is judging it on its geographical and cultural merits. And anyone who has been to a large city knows there are good, bad, seedy and rich areas ... to name a few.

BKK was a comedic character in this movie and depicted no differently than the other over the top characters in the movie ... right down to the monkey. Character exaggerations to get a laugh and make the movie play better .... nobody got worked up (to my knowledge) of the portrayal of Vegas in the first movie.

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I think Pravit needs to take a course in writing; this article did not flow and the premise was changed halfway through. Are we discussing how Bangkok is portrayed in the movie or are we making a point about the current politics?

Make up your mind Pravit and write a better article. ;)

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Yes, its a funny movie and just for laughs... and as they say, any publicity is good publicity, also , half the people in the world who will go see this movie, do not have a clue where Bangkok is... or even Thailand for that matter.... ask any Thai to point out New York on a map , But everyone loves a fun movie...

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Bangkok is more than lower Sukhumvit.

This movie was also in Chinatown aside from Soi Cowboy. Primarily because it is very old, rundown, and fits with the image they wanted to portray of the country. There aren't skyscrapers, mega malls, skytrains or anything modern that would get in the way of portraying the country as a dangerous hellhole. And from reading reviews of people who haven't been here, they succeeded. They talk about how Bangkok is a very dark and dangerous place, which is completely LOL as only a fool would rather walk alone at night in a big American city over Bangkok.

Parts were also shot in LA, like the fleabag "Thai" hotel they woke up in that will probably stick in the mind of most of what the average Thai hotel is like

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The Hangover Part II is not a documentary.... IF the were to be an accurate documentary on Thailand how would the powers that be feel with regards to the accurate depiction of the negative aspects when balanced out with the positive ?

The Hangover Part I didn't bring a terrible reputation to Vegas, I doubt that Part II will much affect Thailands international reputation. Airport closures, street riots, the burning down of a shopping mall, continuing Jet Ski scams, prolific and in your face prositition, the hipocracy of Law enforcement and politics etc have already done and continue to do whatever damage there is to do.

Second that.

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Hangover part one didn't show families hanging out in Vegas together having a good time doing wholesome, family things. Nah, it showed some guys partying! Hangover two did the same thing, but in BKK.

I guess it sucks for some people to learn how the rest of the world views their city, but it's true. BKK isn't famous for it's family-centric atmosphere. It's famous for what the movie shows, just as Vegas is famous for what was in part one.

Great movie though!!!! If people are angry about losing face, well, that's not so important to the rest of the world....welcome to the global era!!

True. The first movie had no golfing, buffets, Celine Dion concerts, the Air Force base, outlet malls, or a host of other things pertaining to Las Vegas as they had no relevance to the storyline.

The more "wholesome" aspects of life in Bangkok similarly had no relevance to the storyline in the second movie, either, so why would they waste film time showing those? It is hard enough editing a film down to a reasonable length as it is without including extraneous scenes meant to merely placate those who might be offended by the movie (and isn't being offended part of the movie's aim?)

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BURNING ISSUE.....:blink: .....This is a burning issue ?

Using this movie as a basis of factual infomation about Thailand would be the same as using "The life of Brian" to get information on Jewish life under the Roman occupation..."what have the Roman's ever done for us ?"......:rolleyes:

The movie is entertainment pure and simple , the producers want to make money so of course they leave the boring bits out...

Ask anyone in an international audiance what the first is that pops into their mind when some says Thailand/Bangkok and the answer will be the "sex industry, drugs, crime and gangsters, with an elephant, street vendors".....Not culture or temples...therefore the producers are using that stereotype in the movie

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Bangkok is more than lower Sukhumvit.

This movie was also in Chinatown aside from Soi Cowboy. Primarily because it is very old, rundown, and fits with the image they wanted to portray of the country. There aren't skyscrapers, mega malls, skytrains or anything modern that would get in the way of portraying the country as a dangerous hellhole. And from reading reviews of people who haven't been here, they succeeded. They talk about how Bangkok is a very dark and dangerous place, which is completely LOL as only a fool would rather walk alone at night in a big American city over Bangkok.

Parts were also shot in LA, like the fleabag "Thai" hotel they woke up in that will probably stick in the mind of most of what the average Thai hotel is like

Here is a list of places where the movie was shot at in Thailand.


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This article has nothing to do with the movie. It's just a dig at LM laws.

As soon as I saw who the author was I knew it would be that or some pro red cause :lol:

But sadly, as long as the pro Thaksin newspaper writers keep trying to turn even a harmless movie into some kind of political statement, the polarizing divisions of society will never ease. This kind of misdirection should not be allowed by a responsible editor. Keep it in the political arena where it belongs.

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Bangkok is more than lower Sukhumvit.

I am sure the move would have been brilliant if we see them spend a day at safari world, followed by a trip to dream world, and then sitting in au bon pain on Thonglor for a couple of hours :whistling:

The film focused on what Bangkok is famous for, sex, drink, ladyboys etc etc etc, this is how Bangkok is seen, admit of, how many people in your home country snigger when you say you live in Bangkok?

Do people party in BKK ? i Didn't know

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This article has nothing to do with the movie. It's just a dig at LM laws.

As soon as I saw who the author was I knew it would be that or some pro red cause :lol:

But sadly, as long as the pro Thaksin newspaper writers keep trying to turn even a harmless movie into some kind of political statement, the polarizing divisions of society will never ease. This kind of misdirection should not be allowed by a responsible editor. Keep it in the political arena where it belongs.

So movies can't be political then? Politics is some discrete arena that doesn't intrude on other areas of life, right? Yep, let's keep the politics to those funny men in parliament on the TV and the politics section of the newspaper. Art... now there's one thing that definitely shouldn't be political! Let's keep politics politics and don't let any more of these Thaksin lovers divide society by drawing parallels between culture and politics! Yep, Greg, I think you've hit upon the crux of the matter. Society is divided because people keep turning innocent harmless cultural artifacts into political issues! You should definitely contact the reconcilliation committee, I think they would be very interested in your ideas.

Yeah, the analogy is a bit forced, but sometimes trivial junk like this movie can provoke profound thoughts on the nature of society. True stories. Reading such comments, blaming the writer who tries to highlight these issues, which you'd rather swept under the carpet... it makes one throw one's arms up in despair.


Really... they've been pretending divisions didn't exist for years. And for a long time it worked reasonably well. But then it came to a head. And some people still believe that discussing why people might be divided makes them more divided. Or that the discussion itself is the real cause of the division. Hard to believe, friends, hard to believe.

Also, Pravit is in no sense pro-Thaksin as thoughtful, fair-minded readers would know.

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Reality matters little in a movie when the majority of people watching it around the world are not going to pick holes about facts that people who live in Thailand are acutely aware of.

We should not wonder how it is possible to take a speedboat late at night from Krabi in the Andaman Sea- presumably sailing via the coast of western Malaysia, Singapore and eastern Malaysia into the Gulf of Thailand - and still arrive at Soi Cowboy before last orders the same night. Amazing! The return journey to Krabi in time for the wedding was also done at supersonic speed. Where did they refuel?

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie for what it was supposed to be, which was a repeat of Hangover but set in a different location. Not very thought provoking, but had a good laugh and my Thai wife did too. No harm done.

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