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Dear Mr. Toxin,

Re: National Bedtime

Dear Mr. Toxin,

I love Thailand. Indeed, I've been coming here for many, many years. And I too share your concern for the state of the country. It seems that the people insist on

drinking alcohol well past midnight, losing their virginity months and even years before marriage and in general participating in what can only be described as self destructive behaviour. Oh Toxin my Toxin! I look at the state of the people and I weep. If only they saw the priceless hours of productivity they throw away each and every day.

There can be only one solution. A National Bedtime. Why do we regulate the closing hours of discos, bars and clubs and fail to regulate the most important activity of them all- sleep!? If each and every person resting their head on a pillow, sofa, sidewalk or otherwise, was required by law, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and or a 1 million baht fine, to be asleep by 9pm each and every night, imagine the possibilities! My research indicates that this would still give the people enough time to drive home from work, eat, watch the TRT sponsored news AND drink up to 2 alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Really, what more do they want? The National Bedtime would allow working hours to be extended to 7am to 5pm, an added 60 million hours of productivity DAILY!!!!

Toxin, we both understand that the people simply don't know what is best for them. We both are far more educated and far more intelligent than all of them. We must put our knowledge to good use. We must save the people from the error of their ways. We must instill the National Bedtime. I await your response my Toxin.


A concerned Farang named Bob


Farang named Bob,, By golly,I think you have really hit on something there,,I will stand behind anything that you come up with to get this idea implemented and signed into law. :o


I am a true believer in that , The Govt. always knows whats best for the people, Just like in the USA, If it wasn't for the govt. the people would be running all over on motorcycles without helmets,having guns in their private homes,not wearing seat belts, smoking cigarettes in the bars and all kinds of crazy things.

Coarse I have done all those things and I pobly won't live to be much over 100 years old, If I would have payed attn to em I might have made 200. :o:D


It seems we just don't know when we've had enough to drink, when its time to go home, even when its time to lose our virginity. Thank God we have people like Toxin to help us along the way.


Dear Bob

Quite a good idea but I am surprised you didnt think of a more obvious solution.

All bars should only be allowed to open during school hours and be closed 24hrs a day during holidays and weekends.

This will make under age drinking disappear immedately as all people under age will be at school! B):D

( shame they would be sitting in an empty classroom waiting for the teachers to come in from the pub though :o )

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