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A Farang Living In Thailand


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What does that mean? Do you have an opinion or do you just like pressing the cute little emoticon buttons.

Did I come to the wrong room? I thought this was where intelligent conversations took place. Maybe I took a wrong turn into kindergarden. My mistake.

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never feel accepted as the immigration sign says Aleins and thats all we will ever be cash cows and as long as we remain that we will be tolerated. been here 10 years work for various charity causes speak the language but know i will never be looked upon as equal

I agree but, as JemJem posted, we all weigh up the pros and cons and make our own decisions based on what is important to us.

At the end of the day (IMO), Thailand is beautiful, laid-back and offers a far more relaxing way to live - once one has got over the 'shock' of realising its not the 'paradise' we originally thought.

Many find they are unable to handle the differences in 'attitudes' etc. and leave after a few years.

Each to their own.

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What does that mean? Do you have an opinion or do you just like pressing the cute little emoticon buttons.

Did I come to the wrong room? I thought this was where intelligent conversations took place. Maybe I took a wrong turn into kindergarden. My mistake.

if it's intelligent conversation you're after, then yes you are in the wrong room :P .

(however having said that if your dumb enough to make the mistake of thinking that you'd get intelligent conversation in here, you're probably at about the right intellect level to participate, so perhaps you are in the right place after all.... :whistling: )

ps - hope my use of emoticons doesn't offend :rolleyes:

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What does that mean? Do you have an opinion or do you just like pressing the cute little emoticon buttons.

Did I come to the wrong room? I thought this was where intelligent conversations took place. Maybe I took a wrong turn into kindergarden. My mistake.

I think it's what people call "nervous laughter", from embarassment. He probably realized you're right and don't know how to get out of it.

I don't know much about the USA but if one says "It appears to me that Thailand is where Europe was 50 years" on many aspects I'd agree. From my mother side, I come from a rural conservative family and based on my experience I can understand some of the evolution Thailand is going through. Actually even 30 years ago some parts of Europe were not more developed than some parts of rural Thailand today.

Even for current political events, a French friend of mine were talking about the similarities with the French 4th republic. If there are French reading this forum, i'll let them explain this as I don't know much about French politic.

Edited by JurgenG
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What does that mean? Do you have an opinion or do you just like pressing the cute little emoticon buttons.

Did I come to the wrong room? I thought this was where intelligent conversations took place. Maybe I took a wrong turn into kindergarden. My mistake.

I think it's what people call "nervous laughter", from embarassment. He probably realized you're right and don't know how to get out of it.

I don't know much about the USA but if one says "It appears to me that Thailand is where Europe was 50 years" on many aspects I'd agree. From my mother side, I come from a rural conservative family and based on my experience I can understand some of the evolution Thailand is going through. Actually even 30 years ago some parts of Europe were not more developed than some parts of rural Thailand today.

Even for current political events, a French friend of mine were talking about the similarities with the French 4th republic. If there are French reading this forum, i'll let them explain this as I don't know much about French politic.

But that is not what he said :) He said: "It appears to me that Thailand is where the US was 50 years ago in terms of corruption, safety, politeness, and social skills." Of course Thailand is way behind the USA. That is not what I thought was funny. Every person over 45 knows what I was laughing at.

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There is obviously something I missing here so I won't interfere anymore in your argument, sorry for the disturbance.

Regarding corruption in the police, there was this article in the NewYork Times that I find quite interesting. It was not 30 of 50 years ago, it's now in New York.

" A grand jury was empanelled in April to hear evidence against officers fixing traffic tickets for friends and relatives, often with union leaders conveying the requests and making sure the favors were carried out."


"If someone was taking money, shame on them," said a current delegate in the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. "But if someone in my family got a summons, I would try to help them out." He added, "If one of my cops says to me, 'My father got a ticket, can you help me out?' I say, 'I'll do what I can.' "

State Senator Eric Adams, a Democrat from Brooklyn and a former city police captain who has been talking to his friends on the force about the issue, said such professional courtesies did not amount to corruption. He said it was a norm in law-enforcement agencies around the country. "Other states are laughing at us," Mr. Adams said. "They're saying, 'Are you guys kidding me?' "

But to other officers, those who have tried to steer clear of breaking rules, however small, fixing tickets after they are written represents unfairness. "The city is full of decent people who don't know cops, and I can only imagine their frustration in learning that the other half of the city that is either related to police or best friends with a cop can get their ticket fixed," a long-serving officer in the Bronx said."


IMHO, Thailand is not better but definitively not worse than many places in the so-called "developed world". People who are so critical of the Thai police should definitively travel more

Edited by JurgenG
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I am dating a high ranking Thai police official. Her hobbies are skydiving and competition shooting.

She says she likes me because I am a lo so kind of guy and a nice change from all her hi so friends.

I ask her questions all the time about the police force and she just growls and starts cleaning her Glock or M-16. She has very clean guns.

I have to admit the relationship is a mixed bag. I don't worry about traffic tickets but wonder what will happen if she finds out about my younger girlfriend.

You may have thought that there would be some problem with a Farang dating a high ranking police official. The other cops seem to accept me and don't give her any grief about it. She is in her 50's.

Maybe they are just glad it is me and not them or perhaps she was in a bad mood when she didn't have a man and she is a really good shot.

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IMHO, Thailand is not better but definitively not worse than many places in the so-called "developed world". People who are so critical of the Thai police should definitively travel more

When my Thai father-in-law asks me about corruption in the US, I explain that there is very little of it at the day-to-day life of a normal citizen. The state trooper is not looking for a bribe when he stops you for a moving violation, for example. Most Americans are pretty honest, pay their taxes, don't cut in line, etc. But at higher levels the scale of corruption is breathtaking: regulatory capture of government agencies (FDA, Federal Reserve, OTS) by the industries they are supposed to regulate, discriminatory enforcement of the harsh drug laws (most cocaine users are white, but most of those imprisoned for cocaine offenses are black) that have resulted in prison costs exceeding education in states like California, the 2001 presidential election was blatantly stolen by the Republican Supreme Court, the bond rating agencies were paid off by the mortgage-backed securities industry to overrate their products contributing to the near-collapse of the financial system in 2008, Bush & Cheney prosecuted a cruel and illegal war in Iraq based on the complete fabrication of the threat of fictitious "weapons of mass destruction", the US health care industry has managed to sequester 16% of the biggest GDP in the world while providing sub-standard care, and the list goes on and on. Among the list of corruption activities, fixing tickets in NYC must rank as a mere annoyance, but these others all have deep effects on the lives of Americans and others. No prosecutions for any of these perpetrators has occurred or is likely to.

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IMHO, Thailand is not better but definitively not worse than many places in the so-called "developed world". People who are so critical of the Thai police should definitively travel more

When my Thai father-in-law asks me about corruption in the US, I explain that there is very little of it at the day-to-day life of a normal citizen. The state trooper is not looking for a bribe when he stops you for a moving violation, for example. Most Americans are pretty honest, pay their taxes, don't cut in line, etc. But at higher levels the scale of corruption is breathtaking: regulatory capture of government agencies (FDA, Federal Reserve, OTS) by the industries they are supposed to regulate, discriminatory enforcement of the harsh drug laws (most cocaine users are white, but most of those imprisoned for cocaine offenses are black) that have resulted in prison costs exceeding education in states like California, the 2001 presidential election was blatantly stolen by the Republican Supreme Court, the bond rating agencies were paid off by the mortgage-backed securities industry to overrate their products contributing to the near-collapse of the financial system in 2008, Bush & Cheney prosecuted a cruel and illegal war in Iraq based on the complete fabrication of the threat of fictitious "weapons of mass destruction", the US health care industry has managed to sequester 16% of the biggest GDP in the world while providing sub-standard care, and the list goes on and on. Among the list of corruption activities, fixing tickets in NYC must rank as a mere annoyance, but these others all have deep effects on the lives of Americans and others. No prosecutions for any of these perpetrators has occurred or is likely to.

Corruption, safety, politeness, and social skills have gotten worse, not better, over the past 50 years in the USA. They are worse in Thailand now (except a fake politeness), so there is no way Thailand could be even close to the USA 50 years ago with regard to these four items. Corruption at high levels is astonishing in both the USA and Thailand. But, IMHO, corruption totally permeates Thai society. In the USA it does not totally permeate society.That is a major difference. There still remain many people in the USA who have honor and embrace a set of morals that direct them away from lying, cheating, using people, corrupt behavior, etc. In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais. Of course, I am generalizing (not all Thais are this way), but I do not think I am that far off the mark. There is actually an underlying/unseen cultural message in Thailand that informs Thais that the way to get ahead is the lie, cheat, use people, and embrace corruption in all its forms.

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Do you want to pay the taxes that would be required to make it into "like the west?" No, I didn't think so.

It appears to me as if you have no clue what kind of taxes one has to pay in Thailand. From that perspective I'd be much better of living elsewhere. To make things worse, none of my gardeners are biling...triling...multilingual, something which according to the self-acclaimed financial wiz-kid of this forum would cut the prize of a BMW by more than 40%.
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IMHO, Thailand is not better but definitively not worse than many places in the so-called "developed world". People who are so critical of the Thai police should definitively travel more

When my Thai father-in-law asks me about corruption in the US, I explain that there is very little of it at the day-to-day life of a normal citizen. The state trooper is not looking for a bribe when he stops you for a moving violation, for example. Most Americans are pretty honest, pay their taxes, don't cut in line, etc. But at higher levels the scale of corruption is breathtaking: regulatory capture of government agencies (FDA, Federal Reserve, OTS) by the industries they are supposed to regulate, discriminatory enforcement of the harsh drug laws (most cocaine users are white, but most of those imprisoned for cocaine offenses are black) that have resulted in prison costs exceeding education in states like California, the 2001 presidential election was blatantly stolen by the Republican Supreme Court, the bond rating agencies were paid off by the mortgage-backed securities industry to overrate their products contributing to the near-collapse of the financial system in 2008, Bush & Cheney prosecuted a cruel and illegal war in Iraq based on the complete fabrication of the threat of fictitious "weapons of mass destruction", the US health care industry has managed to sequester 16% of the biggest GDP in the world while providing sub-standard care, and the list goes on and on. Among the list of corruption activities, fixing tickets in NYC must rank as a mere annoyance, but these others all have deep effects on the lives of Americans and others. No prosecutions for any of these perpetrators has occurred or is likely to.

Well said, CaptHaddock. That is basically the difference. Corruption is seen at the street level in Thailand. It is at the corporation level in North America... and probably so in Europe. But, all these arguments are just squabbles and nit picking. There really isn't much difference between people anywhere. We all want enough food on the table, a warm place to sleep and some hope for the future. At the end of the day you can only sit on one chair at a time and sleep in one bed at a time. Everything else is just window dressing. What F1fanatic said in her last post pretty much sums it up... You examine your own choice in life style and choose the country that suits your needs the best. Not every person wants to live on some secluded beautiful beach or some remote village in the mountains... but a few people do. Some people want an active life and others just want peace and quiet. There is no one size fits all.

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Corruption, safety, politeness, and social skills have gotten worse, not better, over the past 50 years in the USA. They are worse in Thailand now (except a fake politeness), so there is no way Thailand could be even close to the USA 50 years ago with regard to these four items. Corruption at high levels is astonishing in both the USA and Thailand. But, IMHO, corruption totally permeates Thai society. In the USA it does not totally permeate society.That is a major difference. There still remain many people in the USA who have honor and embrace a set of morals that direct them away from lying, cheating, using people, corrupt behavior, etc. In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais. Of course, I am generalizing (not all Thais are this way), but I do not think I am that far off the mark. There is actually an underlying/unseen cultural message in Thailand that informs Thais that the way to get ahead is the lie, cheat, use people, and embrace corruption in all its forms.

You DO have a point, but there are separate problems in North America that Thailand does not suffer from. And, if you are in business in North America you better be ready for some nasty corruption that could affect you. Then, there are so many rules and regulations that are required before anything is done that it stymies just about anyone with any creativity. North America has become a nanny state that protects criminals before it protects the honest citizen.

And, despite all the stories about corruption in Thailand I can't recall any of it ever affecting me or my Thai friends.

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Answer me this question: I've been in Thailand a lot of years and the vast majority of Thais that I meet and associate with are not trying to rip me off. They don't see me as a walking ATM. They aren't trying to "cheat, use me, or engage in corrupt behavior." Yet, those are the only Thais you seem to meet. Is it because you have a personality that attracts the unsavory types? Birds of a feather, perhaps? Or maybe it's the way you treat people? As I said, your negative attitude says a lot more about you than it does the Thais.

Edited by Berkshire
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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais.

Hear, hear! :thumbsup:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Rubbish, just the usual long winded reply from the rose tinted chapter who claim to have real Thai friends etc.

Surprised the usual "if you do'nt like it here, why do'nt you leave" line was not added.

Just because somebody else sees Thais in a different light does not make it wrong.

I also live amongst real Thais - whatever that is supposed to mean!


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I ask her questions all the time about the police force and she just growls and starts cleaning her Glock or M-16. She has very clean guns.

You can't beat a female cop who cleans out her barrels regularly. wink.gif

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Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Of course they are normal. Why wouldn't they beclassified as "normal"? Because they don't fit your definitionof"normal"?

Total revenue for tourism in Thailand i 6% of GDP. 43.9% of GDP ismanufacturing, and I'm pretty confident that if I'd dig up the numbers onforeign ownership for the manufacturing in question I wouldn't be surprised ifit turned out to be more than 90% of the total manufacturing revenue.

So in conclusion, many Thais make their living off Farangs in one way or another;most likely the numbers are way over the majority of Thais.

Edit: I really need toget the space key onmy keyboard sorted...

Edited by Forethat
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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais.

Hear, hear! :thumbsup:

If they tell you that I do not lie, cheat or use/abuse people or engage in corruption, then you have interpreted my comments correctly.

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais.

Hear, hear! :thumbsup:

If they tell you that I do not lie, cheat or use/abuse people or engage in corruption, then you have interpreted my comments correctly.

You all wrong!

Everywhere in world lying, cheating, using people and corruption is normal.

The richer and more important person be, the more normal it.

Thailand are just more 'honest' that it OK.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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Maybe I am being hyper sensitive. I am dating a high ranking police officer. I watch what I say.

She told me last night not to ask her so many questions and to trust her more. If I was dating a high ranking police officer in the West I would have told her to be more forthcoming in her conversation and asked the question again. (It was a simple question about days off and pay)

Maybe I am making up danger in my head. But I think I am playing with fire dating a woman who could kill me or throw me out of the country, no questions asked.

I also think there are advantages in my dealings with Thai officials and I don't worry about traffic fines and other minor problems.

Perhaps I am only imagining but I don't think I would think there would be advantages or dangers dating a woman in the same position in the West.

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Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Of course they are normal. Why wouldn't they beclassified as "normal"? Because they don't fit your definitionof"normal"?

Total revenue for tourism in Thailand i 6% of GDP. 43.9% of GDP ismanufacturing, and I'm pretty confident that if I'd dig up the numbers onforeign ownership for the manufacturing in question I wouldn't be surprised ifit turned out to be more than 90% of the total manufacturing revenue.

So in conclusion, many Thais make their living off Farangs in one way or another;most likely the numbers are way over the majority of Thais.

Edit: I really need toget the space key onmy keyboard sorted...

In a global economy, everybody makes money off of everyone else.

A huge number of jobs everywhere (even in the West) depend on foreigners in some way. Every person who works in a Walmart back home "lives off the Chinese", anyone who has any job related to vehicles or transport "lives off the Japanese"...and so on.

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

I really feel sorry for you. It should be very difficult for you to live in such a country.

The only thing I can tell you is there is a Thailand that is not like this. I hope you will find it one day.

At the beginning I hated Hong Kong people, they are so rude compared to Thai people. But I had no choice I had to live there. So I tried to understand them. So now I realized that, behind the cultural barrier, they are quite nice and caring people. The quality of my life really improved a lot since.

And I'm now going through the same process with mainland people ...smile.gif

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Answer me this question: I've been in Thailand a lot of years and the vast majority of Thais that I meet and associate with are not trying to rip me off. They don't see me as a walking ATM. They aren't trying to "cheat, use me, or engage in corrupt behavior." Yet, those are the only Thais you seem to meet. Is it because you have a personality that attracts the unsavory types? Birds of a feather, perhaps? Or maybe it's the way you treat people? As I said, your negative attitude says a lot more about you than it does the Thais.

i have to say i completely agree with you here. But why would anyone listen to a poster that makes such ridiculous sweeping statements.

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In a global economy, everybody makes money off of everyone else.

Absolutely. But it differs in the amounts. You see, they are not evenly distributed. Ownership and engineering ultimately generates most of the money. In Thailand there's not much of either - that's one of the biggest reasons a majority of Thais doesn't know whether the moon visible in Europe or US is the same moon as here in Thailand.

One of the most common definitions of a third world country is a country which will not be able to sustain a working economy and/or society if foreign owners would withdraw their manufacturing interests in the country. You sound like an educated man, so you're probably aware of both Di Giorgi and Nash and how they ultimately managed to proove the relationship you describe - I'm not going to challenge Nash, Di Giorgi or you..

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Answer me this question: I've been in Thailand a lot of years and the vast majority of Thais that I meet and associate with are not trying to rip me off. They don't see me as a walking ATM. They aren't trying to "cheat, use me, or engage in corrupt behavior." Yet, those are the only Thais you seem to meet. Is it because you have a personality that attracts the unsavory types? Birds of a feather, perhaps? Or maybe it's the way you treat people? As I said, your negative attitude says a lot more about you than it does the Thais.

i have to say i completely agree with you here. But why would anyone listen to a poster that makes such ridiculous sweeping statements.

And why can't any of you read? I also said: "Of course, I am generalizing (not all Thais are this way),..." It is a reality that Thai society is saturated by corruption. Where have you been? It is, in fact, a hot political topic at the moment. Thais fully understand it. It is interesting that farangs do not :) You are really a sucker if you think Thais will not cheat you or are not looking for a way to cheat you. Good luck with that dream. And, in case you think I am racists, I am far from it. I know what it is like to be discriminated against. I also do not feel the same about other Asians like Japanese, Koreans, Singaporeans, Chinese, and Malaysians, all of which I see as far superior to Thais in many ways. Perhaps, in part, it is the poverty in Thailand that breeds such terrible behavior.

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And why can't any of you read? I also said: "Of course, I am generalizing (not all Thais are this way),..." It is a reality that Thai society is saturated by corruption. Where have you been? It is, in fact, a hot political topic at the moment. Thais fully understand it. It is interesting that farangs do not :) You are really a sucker if you think Thais will not cheat you or are not looking for a way to cheat you. Good luck with that dream. And, in case you think I am racists, I am far from it. I know what it is like to be discriminated against. I also do not feel the same about other Asians like Japanese, Koreans, Singaporeans, Chinese, and Malaysians, all of which I see as far superior to Thais in many ways. Perhaps, in part, it is the poverty in Thailand that breeds such terrible behavior.

Maybe they cant read Thai, love those Chumvit (Number 5) posters that are everywhere right now.

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In Thailand lying, cheating, using people, and engaging in corrupt behavior are "normal behavior." It is the major reason I have zero respect for Thais.

Your comments say a lot more about you than the Thais. It's clear that you've been hanging around a tiny minority of Thais and consider that to be the standard sampling. The typical profile of your ilk is a farang who starts a relationship with a bargirl and/or peasant girl, and associates with her family and circle of friends. You think these are normal Thais. But like many here who have tried to tell you, i.e., Trisailor, JD, etc., these are not "normal" Thais. Normal Thais don't make their living off of farangs. They wake up and go to work just like everyone else. And this includes poor Thais who have families and are working their asses off to make an honest living. It doesn't seem like you're aware that these Thais exist.

Answer me this question: I've been in Thailand a lot of years and the vast majority of Thais that I meet and associate with are not trying to rip me off. They don't see me as a walking ATM. They aren't trying to "cheat, use me, or engage in corrupt behavior." Yet, those are the only Thais you seem to meet. Is it because you have a personality that attracts the unsavory types? Birds of a feather, perhaps? Or maybe it's the way you treat people? As I said, your negative attitude says a lot more about you than it does the Thais.

i have to say i completely agree with you here. But why would anyone listen to a poster that makes such ridiculous sweeping statements.

And why can't any of you read? I also said: "Of course, I am generalizing (not all Thais are this way),..." It is a reality that Thai society is saturated by corruption. Where have you been? It is, in fact, a hot political topic at the moment. Thais fully understand it. It is interesting that farangs do not :) You are really a sucker if you think Thais will not cheat you or are not looking for a way to cheat you. Good luck with that dream. And, in case you think I am racists, I am far from it. I know what it is like to be discriminated against. I also do not feel the same about other Asians like Japanese, Koreans, Singaporeans, Chinese, and Malaysians, all of which I see as far superior to Thais in many ways. Perhaps, in part, it is the poverty in Thailand that breeds such terrible behavior.

It probably depends on where you live.

I agree with your sentiments, but am sure that 'generally', Thais living in non-tourist areas (other than Isaan) are decent, hard-working, respectable people.

Unfortunately most of us only meet those who have migrated to tourist areas or those that are making a living out of farangs.

It comes as a refreshing relief every now and again to meet local Thais (in tourist areas) who are genuinely nice.

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3 cheers for F1 --- she has now managed to stop insulting all Thais and limit it to just 30%+

Though I still find it offensive to label people on such a large scale and Awohalitsiktoli is clearly over the line on forum rules.

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3 cheers for F1 --- she has now managed to stop insulting all Thais and limit it to just 30%+

Though I still find it offensive to label people on such a large scale and Awohalitsiktoli is clearly over the line on forum rules.

Thank you but - if you'd bothered reading my posts properly you would have realised that I've pretty much always said that I knew a couple of Thais that I liked.

Recently I've been lucky enough to meet another, but I still doubt any of them will become TRUE friends. Who knows what the future will bring though?

And meanwhile you can always continue believing that anybody who airs an opinion different to your own is just "offensive".

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I'll just continue wearing the rose coloured glasses I've worn for 15 years and spend time with my Thai friends, and take the kids swimming in the river. I get pleasure out of watching them grow up. I'll leave all the complaining to others who always find something to complain about. If the children accept me then that is all that matters.





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