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A Fine Phuket Day


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Your all more than likely waiting for my reply.

I wasn't.

Your reply would have been great if thr OP was 'What do you think of Phuket'. Seeing as it wasn't, it was off topic ramblings. You can pretend it was tongue in cheek if you want, but you and I know different don't we. ;)

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The weather has been very nice, yesterday had a wintery feel to it , cloudy skies polarize light just so. T shirt riding the motorbike , was almost shivering. Last year this time of year it was hottest ever.

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  • 1 month later...

Another beautiful day today. In fact, it has been a very nice week with only a few quick showers. The temperature is quite comfortable with a nice breeze blowing in.:)

Good onya Shot !

Much more refreshing than, "Phuket sucks I'm leaving".

"Beautiful day, the weather is sweet, makes me want to move my dancing feet".

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keep the positive ones coming . . . as always mr happy-snapper here has some pics - these from Aug 2009.

Clear blue skies.

Not every day admittedly, but from memory - and looking back at the many pics we took, it was a very settled month.

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  • 2 months later...

This morning, the wind seems to be coming from the SW. Whether this is the start of the cusp period where it chops and changes, or, a localized weather pattern, we should find out in the next few days.

Bit early for the change. It usually happens during November, but, this has been a funny year, weather wise.

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After day-in-day-out rain, I definitely am appreciating this. Like you say KB, could just be a localized short term phenomena.

But I hope it sticks around. Must say though everything looks clean and green.

Beach massage and relax day in order, and thanks to Chainsaw into a good novel.

Cheers to all ! GOM

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Seems like the wind has shifted at my house. I was talking to the guy who runs the beach chairs at the Yacht Club at Nai Harn two days ago and he thought the rainy season was going to end soon. He's been there for 25 years. I said November. He may be right... Or it may be due to the low pressure front to the north of us. Whatever the case may be, it's beautiful out! Another fine day for a swim.

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its been nice for the 3-4 days and nothing but sun in the forecast for the next week or so.

personally, if i want a pleasant drive down a seafront road, give me a motorcycle over a metal box any time. feel the wind in my hair (ok, that's a bit of a stretch) and nature all around. i really don't think there is a place in Thailand, or anywhere really, that can beat Phuket for natural beauty, great climate and convenience/standard of living.

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Just talking to the wife about 30 minutes ago that we had no public water supply in Patong the last 2 days and the tanks were running dry. Just 10 minutes ago the heavens have opened. Aaah, thank you.

Heavens used to be a good lady bar in 1999. :rolleyes:

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