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Ship Working Offshore

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All morning (and possibly before) there have been several ships offshore of Ban Taling Ngam. One seems to be a medium size freighter design with a quite large crane mounted on the front. I would estimate the larger ship is as long as the biggest of the Seatrans ferries and the crane is almost as tall as the ship is long. Another smaller boat looks like some kind of high tech work boat (at a guess) which is about half as long with a higher hull and superstructure. They have been doing things with the crane which included lifting something bright yellow covered about the size of a van (again, just guessing at sizes) off the larger ship and either onto the smaller ship or, it seemed to me, into the water. I thought it might be a transfer of a mini sub for drilling work, but the two ships have been stationary and alongside each other for at least the last several hours. Another idea came from a (very smart and connected) local person, she is saying it could be working on the underwater power cables. That would be great news! Maybe the yellow object was some kind of switching box? The location is North of the Five Islands, and North of a direct line between the power plant on the Mainland and the 'power plant' in Pang Ka, but it seems quite possible. Don't have my camera but lots of ferries have been swinging over for a closer look, anybody get any pictures?

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Initial foundations for the Samui ---------> Mainland road and rail bridge?:rolleyes:

Maybe a reef runway like in Honolulu, get ready for the China direct flights! We'll never have to worry about those sea cucumbers/slugs scaring local ladies again...

Boats have swung around to reveal a third boat, a flat barge in the water working with the first two. Middle sized boat could be a large ocean going tug keeping the larger boat from tipping with the load from the crane. They are definitely working on something in the water, chances it is a cable are high. What about fiber optics? Where is the main line coming into Samui located?

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Initial foundations for the Samui ---------> Mainland road and rail bridge?:rolleyes:

Where is the main line coming into Samui located?

The main electric cable comes in a few Kms south of Thaling Gnam... where the main road bares left coming from Nanthon, there is a "Temple Arch" go through there and then take a side road to the left... (New Mini Mart at same corner.... on main road by the arch.... ) There is a "sub station" just before on the left...

So if you are really board go check it out! :D (It's before the school....)

Actually there is a nice quiet beach to the right...... shhhh don't tell any one!;)

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