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Tour Operators Concerned About Noisy Russian Tourists


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There should be no problem with Russian Tourists. You just need to pacify them a bit. Drinking vodka out of Western style shot glasses is like drinking out of a thimble for those folks. When they knock one back it is usually about triple that amount. Give them massive shots of vodka an some shish kebab to eat with it and I am sure they will mellow out. :D

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Sorry but ur post is a crock. TUI is a package tour company that cosset their guests from the seedier side of Pattaya, they don't have planes full of sex tourists as the generally travel independently.

As for Mexico, Cancun is still a huge tourist destination regardless of the problems in the rest of the country.

Jeez, gotta love Thaivisa, old crones with no knowledge of the subject tapping away on their keyboards like the fountain of all knowledge. I heard a guy in a bar a few days ago tell another old crone 'you've got nothing to say, and you are saying too much of it'. Rather fitting don't you think....

Thailand is FULL of these types...that's why I quit going to bars.

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Oh Yeah...Ruskies are a special specie. They are much too cocky to mate with anybody, would not be even enough of the language barrier, and strangely, others ( Farangs at least , and certainly not only Sandinavians ) like to see them as far as possible. When the Tourism Authorities in Thailand would encourage the Ruskies to flood over it's their problem; if they donot know this basic uncompatibility.

Worse is when local developpers would pretend to sell condos at 180,000 THB / sqm, in an area flocked with Ruskies. ( yes you read me right: Northpoint in Naklua, makes a 100 sqm at 18 million THB, 600,000 USD $, I bet they are living on a cloud ain't they ? Of course as a foreigner you got to pay it off cash, no access to bank. The dude in charge to "sell " and who didnot have a clue about his product,  recommended me,  it was a VERY good investment opportunity.. - compared to WHAT ? -.As usual I could not sort out, wether this dude thought of me as a dumbass, or if he's himself a jerk )<br>Mexico next destination ? No idea. For sure next destination will be a "no Ruskies ", "no cheap Charlies from India ", and " no middle Eastern ", wealthy or not...

I would like to see far less Brits with their Pubs, lousy English food and football mania. They think that their culture should be the prevalent tourist one. They ruined Spain (costa brava) with their loutish behavior and now they have come here in large numbers . The influx of other tourists be they from Russia,India, China or the Middle East is a welcome development.

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Since when has Mexico been in the Caribbean? I think he needs to buy an atlas.

he may be thinking of the Mexico's island of San Miguel de Allende, which is not surrounded by any water. Yep, get an Atlas.

Edited by NomadTad
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I always go to enjoy the Thai culture in Pattaya - I´ve been participating that Thai culture in Pattaya for the last 25 years. And it has never disappointed me :D. I always can find new things in that culture. Wish there would be Thai culture in my country too - so no beed to get to Pattaya to see that rare culture :D. And yes - Russians are noisy folk. And only members of Russian mafia can afford to have a holiday in Thailand - so don´t make them angry with you, otherwise you will find yourself on the bottom of the Chao Praya river with your feet in cement :blink:...

Farang Leh-Uh

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Well he may have tagged the wrong city, but Russians have been rated the #1 worst tourist in the world.


Thanks for this link, very interesting. Truly highlights the "nouveaux riches" behavior that most of the Russians exhibit abroad.

How ignorant. Have you ever been to Monaco? I have a lot of good non "nouveaux riche" friends there. I think Brits who travel now are the worst types of tourists.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????


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The first customers we had (for longer then one month they stayed) were Scandinavians (Finnland).

So, well, if I have to decide between 4 hotels full of Scandinavians or the whole city full of Russians, I also would prefer the Russians... money rules.

Since when was Finland part of Scandinavia? Get your facts right before you post. And your second quoted message is just hilarious. What kind of business are you running? A stall selling junk in Mike's shopping mall or maybe selling alcohol at 7/11? That seems to be the only things Russians are buying in abundance. That behavior I dont mind though. Being poor and saving money is understandable. But also the poor can afford to be polite and smile now and then. It does not cost more to wait for your turn at the counter, and speaking worse English than even the Thais give you no right to get upset when other people don't understand. As for the Russian ladies, how about getting some style? Use a little less make-up and stop bleaching your hair into that ghastly white/yellow color you seem to prefer...


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How ignorant. Have you ever been to Monaco? I have a lot of good non "nouveaux riche" friends there. I think Brits who travel now are the worst types of tourists.

Wow get over yourself! Why not bugger off to Monaco with your "nouveaux riche" friends. :rolleyes:

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eastern europeans russian mafia and thugs who try it on with all commers as in phuket basiclly they been in prison for 100 years now they are free and the world there oyster so they going to party all day and night and they are loud like all eastern europeans we have enough here in the uk poles and rumanians serbs and the others that invade out waters but lucky for thailand most go home before was the niosey germans and loud mouth drunk brits thailand isnt a nice place to be in phukey and pattaya just 2 hell holes besides sex and booze what is there in phuket oh yes rip of tuk tuk drivers and not a very nice beach compared to koh chang i noticed as well many these people are now bar owners and have jioned the rip off disease

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The first customers we had (for longer then one month they stayed) were Scandinavians (Finnland).

So, well, if I have to decide between 4 hotels full of Scandinavians or the whole city full of Russians, I also would prefer the Russians... money rules.

Since when was Finland part of Scandinavia? Get your facts right before you post. And your second quoted message is just hilarious. What kind of business are you running? A stall selling junk in Mike's shopping mall or maybe selling alcohol at 7/11? That seems to be the only things Russians are buying in abundance. That behavior I dont mind though. Being poor and saving money is understandable. But also the poor can afford to be polite and smile now and then. It does not cost more to wait for your turn at the counter, and speaking worse English than even the Thais give you no right to get upset when other people don't understand. As for the Russian ladies, how about getting some style? Use a little less make-up and stop bleaching your hair into that ghastly white/yellow color you seem to prefer...


Everyone knows that Finland and Scandinavia united to make the republic of Finlandia! Excellent Vodka by the way.

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All international cities have the same problem, and Patthaya is international with 20000 expats around..You can say this ethnie make the problem or this, it is the area where you go.

Only China Towns worldwide are mostly quiet for no gambling visitors.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Yes I got a laugh out of the Mexico comment also. There is a war going on there. My sister used to go to Mexico frequently from Texas but now they even avoid the road that runs along the border. So if this author is so far off in that respect than how accurate is his other info?!

I have done a little traveling in Mexico and drug wars or no drug wars it is no competition for Thailand tourists.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Sorry but ur post is a crock. TUI is a package tour company that cosset their guests from the seedier side of Pattaya, they don't have planes full of sex tourists as the generally travel independently.

As for Mexico, Cancun is still a huge tourist destination regardless of the problems in the rest of the country.

Jeez, gotta love Thaivisa, old crones with no knowledge of the subject tapping away on their keyboards like the fountain of all knowledge. I heard a guy in a bar a few days ago tell another old crone 'you've got nothing to say, and you are saying too much of it'. Rather fitting don't you think....

The voice of reason in a cloud of dillusion. Read this thread up to your post and so far you seem to be about the only one here who has a clue what he is talking about.

Edited by ES1
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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham

I totally agree with you, that's why I never went to Pattaya...

not that I don't like sex whistling.gif but, for what I heard about the place I'm rather sure that it's not the kind of tourist site that I would love to stay in.

Yes, please stay away for Pattaya. It's not a very good place. Tell all your friends to stay away too please.cool.gif

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We also ran a guesthouse that time. With much money and time we made nice rooms. The first customers we had (for longer then one month they stayed) were Scandinavians (Finnland). They tried to run away without paying their last bill and the rooms looked like, well, I can not decribe... we had to refurbish the rooms again, they had. Never had seen like this before.

Scandinavia is Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Not Finland.

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Yawn, ok first of all people. Mexico is not just one big drug war...lol. But that is the story the media has decided to tell you I guess. And you all have obviously bought it hook line and sinker. Oh well, I guess it's better for those of us who go there regularly and know what is going on.

Second of all, Russians will not start going to Mexico anyways. It's a hell of a lot farther for them than Thailand. My understanding is they come to Thailand because it's the closest cheapest tropical destination for them. That's it. I've seen them walking around Pattaya and the only things they seem interested in are Sun and Shopping. They are definitely not interested in sex with the locals or with us farangs that's for sure. The sex industry doesn't seem to bother them all that much either. They seem to be kind of cheap and that is probably what is bothering the tour operators. I don't see them being any more obnoxious than any of the other tourists. They are not the friendliest people but I don't see too many extreme cases either. They do seem to bargain pretty hard for deals and probably don't tip much if at all. That is probably the real reason some tour operators don't like them.

Edited by ES1
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I sympathize with the Scandanavians. Yes, there are some rowdies, particularly the males aged 25-45, but for the most part, if you look at who they are, they are most likely to be middle aged, young couples and families. These are the people that are low key, that don't leave trash on the beaches and that have manners. They really do try to see a bit of the local culture and walk around. The last thing this demographic wants is a disturbance.

Based on what I see in Phuket and at the airports is that the Russians are skewed to the under 40 year olds with alot of males. Once older Russians and more Russian families start arriving it will act as a buffer and calm things down. If the tourist pool from Scandanavia was similar to what the Russians were, I'm sure we would read of silly Scandanavians running about looking for pickled haring and other adventures.

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Just a funny story - but related to the topic.....

When we visited Europe, my wife and i went to Tenerife.

We stayed in a hotel filled with british.

Comment of my wife:

oh? europe have issaan people too?

and no, my wife is not a racist, but after meeting me she developed a rather monty pythonesk sense of humour

survival strategy , no doubt......

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I have done a little traveling in Mexico and drug wars or no drug wars it is no competition for Thailand tourists.

For Americans it is. Millions of Americans travel as tourists to Mexico each year, hundreds of thousands live as expats there, and hardly any come here. Most Americans have never met anyone who's been here, everyone knows people who've been to Cancun or Baja before. So even with the drug war in Mexico, Thailand seems the scarier place to go. And now after the Hangover 2 they think there is hardly even any electricity here too :lol:

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They are definitely not interested in sex with the locals or with us farangs that's for sure.

True, all those Russian prostitutes in Pattaya and BKK are interested in the money, not the sex

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

You are so honest and have gut speaking your mind. I admire your courage. I want to take my family to Mexico this summer and no hope because of Drug War. We can not afford to pay for Hawaii. I hope the Americans stop consume the drugs then no more drug War. My heart go to your relatives who are living in LA and unable to cross the border. For the Thai I am always worry about her. There is no place on earth that is very special like Thailand and her people.

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I've never met a group of such arrogant, rude people in my life. I think it is normal for them to behave the way they do where they come from.

I think it is good that they keep to themselves. Let them stay in their own hotels and condos and away from the rest of us. Maybe they can have their own section of town. Anywhere but where I LIVE. :annoyed:

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