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As we have discussed about education earier in this forum, here are something I want to add.

This story is told by my close friend who went to one of those demonstation high schools. She had suffered alot when she studied there where everybody in her class come from rich family. My friend famiily might be considered as a high middle class. Her parents believed that sending her to one of those school where rich kids study might be good for her in the future. They are so wrong. Everybody in her class has at lease one Louis Vitton assesories and look down on her because she doen not have one, and there were alot stories like this happening again and again during her high school years.

My botton line is that besides looking at school curriculum and flame , the right environment should be considered as well. My friend wish to have her high school year back and went to the normal high school instread.

Any awful experiece to share?


LoL I think I was in one of those demonstation schools you mentioned but mine is a public one and i think it is the most accusable one due to its reputation of being the only highschool and the best one in Bangkok.

My first impression about going there was so negative... and I hate those

snobby richie KIDS who do not know how to act properly towards the teachers

and like to show off all brand name stuff and wear a lot shorter skirt than other high school girls should have worn, having a particular brand of school bag to use and EVERY girls there seem to be carrying HARROD'S bags LOL .......

I always got on the case and told my parents that it was a cheapshot to get me into the school.

I was biting my parants about it all the time and refused to take the exam

( but i did finally LOL )

Surprisingly, I discovered that Friends who used all the brand name and

look so bitchy or snobbish outside ... but inside they are just like other friends of mine in Jr. highschool ... dating back there , My Jr. High is notorious like a boot camp for teenagers who commit crimes LOL (not that bad ) but there was always a police car coming to get some students who fought in the class almost every month though.

I got into that school because I could not get in the one that my parents wanted me to and I was so happy because I did not want to be with those snobbish KIDS any longer coz I was put into the snobbish kids school since kindergarten.

( I really had biases toward them didn;t i ? LOL )

Well, it was a memorable experience..... and a big step from there to the high school , changed...a total society I was in.....from ... the parents of my friends

were (let me make it clear before i continue.... I am not looking down on them ok? .. I respect all of them as my own parents too coz they love me as if I were their daughter too :-) that is so lovely ) ..... well they were not such high salaries employees.. and most of them were poor ... ( poor in my meaning is ... like they did not have new clothes to wear to school and not even a pair of brand new shoes for three years) and most kids there did not like me coz I am the only one who had someone driven me inside the school everyday while others had to line up outside ! .....

Anywayz, back to my highschool ....... I really got stressed out ...closely associated with the value i placed on the school and very high competition among students there.......

But after one semester, it was not like what i thought ... i studied in german-english program and eighty of us altogether ...it was a great fun and I can say that you will never find friends like this else where........

When we had exams, they helped to cram me up with all important details and always photo copied the lectures for me.....That never happened in my jr. high or my university..... it really impressed me..and all eighty people in german program are close to one another... even though ... more than 70 % had the HARROAD'S BAGS ...LV or WHATEVER...., the rest are from outside bangkok .. and they are not rich, but we blend together very well .........

I think I understand your friend's situation ... i have been there lol

at least in Primary school .... but when I look back.... it just colored my life

and I think da " been there , done that " can describe me LOL

Try to look on the different aspects and then you will see the beautiful part of iTS gruesomeness. Believe me ! :- )

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