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Stickmanbangkok Site Has Change In Focus Area?


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Any other readers of the stickmanbangkok site notice that there are more and more reader submitted stories covering countries other than Thailand? Initially the rule was Thailand only, last few months not so much...

Given stickman is planning to leave thailand soon, is this a strategy to broaden his financially lucrative website into a travel blog that can be managed from anywhere in the world rather than a thailand specific blog?

Should i stop posting about this /procrastinating and get back to work? ok...

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I found the site good for sh*ts & giggles at first, but then it became depressing when I realized that the people described in his columns actually exist in Thailand. Once in a while I pop in to see if he has anything juicy, but it's a horribly designed website and not user friendly.

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>>What do you expect from a ex sexpat who was dumped by a good woman and is now back on the game with not much money?

So you know the guy do you?

I rarely give his site a read, but it sounds like he's doing the right thing to gain more international readership which translates into more ad revenue.

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>>What do you expect from a ex sexpat who was dumped by a good woman and is now back on the game with not much money?

So you know the guy do you?

I rarely give his site a read, but it sounds like he's doing the right thing to gain more international readership which translates into more ad revenue.

email him and ask why he was dumped. I dont know him at all or anyone who hang out in those areas more than once a year

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>>What do you expect from a ex sexpat who was dumped by a good woman and is now back on the game with not much money?

So you know the guy do you?

I rarely give his site a read, but it sounds like he's doing the right thing to gain more international readership which translates into more ad revenue.

email him and ask why he was dumped. I dont know him at all or anyone who hang out in those areas more than once a year

If you dont know him..can i ask how you know he was dumped?

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>>What do you expect from a ex sexpat who was dumped by a good woman and is now back on the game with not much money?

So you know the guy do you?

I rarely give his site a read, but it sounds like he's doing the right thing to gain more international readership which translates into more ad revenue.

email him and ask why he was dumped. I dont know him at all or anyone who hang out in those areas more than once a year

If you dont know him..can i ask how you know he was dumped?

Well Stickman also posts on Thai Visa so I imagine he could come to this thread and tell us if he was dumped or not although some people think that is private information. Me I don't much care, I normally get dumped every three years in Thailand. It would actually be better to get dumped every year but it seems to take me two years of convincing them to leave.

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>>What do you expect from a ex sexpat who was dumped by a good woman and is now back on the game with not much money?

So you know the guy do you?

I rarely give his site a read, but it sounds like he's doing the right thing to gain more international readership which translates into more ad revenue.

email him and ask why he was dumped. I dont know him at all or anyone who hang out in those areas more than once a year

If you dont know him..can i ask how you know he was dumped?

Well Stickman also posts on Thai Visa so I imagine he could come to this thread and tell us if he was dumped or not although some people think that is private information. Me I don't much care, I normally get dumped every three years in Thailand. It would actually be better to get dumped every year but it seems to take me two years of convincing them to leave.

That's classic kerryk.

I used to be in the 1-2 year dump cycle (sometimes the dumper, sometimes the dumpee) when I came to Thailand it was 1-2 months, now I'm over 5 years. Does the time count if she is away at school most of the time? I've never believed that humans were ment to be togather forever. This one's a record for me.

Stickman was a interesting site but it seems that he has gone all negative on Thailand since he split with the wife. Familiar story, guys who are in love with Thailand, fall in love and everything about Thailand is beautiful. Then it ends and everything Thailand becomes shit. Funny how Thailand can change like that overnight.

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That's classic kerryk.

I used to be in the 1-2 year dump cycle (sometimes the dumper, sometimes the dumpee) when I came to Thailand it was 1-2 months, now I'm over 5 years. Does the time count if she is away at school most of the time? I've never believed that humans were ment to be togather forever. This one's a record for me.

Stickman was a interesting site but it seems that he has gone all negative on Thailand since he split with the wife. Familiar story, guys who are in love with Thailand, fall in love and everything about Thailand is beautiful. Then it ends and everything Thailand becomes shit. Funny how Thailand can change like that overnight.

I follow his site regularly and never picked up anything about his wife! Is it common knowledge? But it would explain why he seems to be down and down thailand and keen to leave..

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Im going for my record .been in a relationship for nearly 2 years now talking about wedding bells and dowry ..Big Money.

But still cheaper than before when all my other relationships would only last a few months some only a few weeks.

Costing me more money in WD40 and masking tape to keep repairing this broken heart all the time rolleyes.gif

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this post drove me to the site for the first time in years. what an utter dogs breakfast it has become. i couldn't even find the column in the morass of adds for escorts, dating and massage.

As for his wife, look how he spends his downtime, are you surprised? is he? ironically he put himself out there as an expert on the topic.

it was an eyesore then, it is much worse now.

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I like his site especially the readers submissions.

The site is probably not as interesting if you living in Thailand but for those outside I think it keeps them in touch with what is going on.

I haven't seen anything on his site about splitting with his wife but from his reports its appears that he might be single again.

It sounds like he is just bored and it is time for a change.

He has done the website and lived in Thailand for quite a while so doing something different would probably do him good.

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I liked the readers submissions and back in the heyday of 40 baht to the dollar they were well written and fun to read.

As the dollar dropped so did the quality of the submissions and a bunch of negative stories began to creep in.

Stick seemed to get straight laced and then his wife stopped doing a Thai advice column. To be honest most of her advice was slanted and short sited, kind of like some posters on Thai Visa, the ones with the Hi So Uni wives.

I think he has a deal to sell the site and is only hanging about till it closes. One would think he would want to increase readership while he waits to collect his cash and go back to Kiwi land but it doesn't seem he is doing that. Late columns and a lackadaisical attitude seem the new mode of operation. A busted marriage would explain it.

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Im going for my record .been in a relationship for nearly 2 years now talking about wedding bells and dowry ..Big Money.

But still cheaper than before when all my other relationships would only last a few months some only a few weeks.

Costing me more money in WD40 and masking tape to keep repairing this broken heart all the time rolleyes.gif

It just takes practice, like everything else. After one of my breakups here, she did something I didn't like, I went and barfined a couple of beauties from a gogo bar and walked past her place. The great thing about Thailand is there is no reason to stay in a bad relationship because there are SO MANY FISH in this sea.

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I only ever read his weekly column which is ok.

For some it might be drivel but it ain’t half as bad as some of the drivel posted on TV. Sure it’s not literature but he writes in a coherent way and explains things very clear.

Some of the interviews he had with local expats are pretty good as well so all in all I feel he’s done a good job with his site.

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I liked the readers submissions and back in the heyday of 40 baht to the dollar they were well written and fun to read.

As the dollar dropped so did the quality of the submissions and a bunch of negative stories began to creep in.

Stick seemed to get straight laced and then his wife stopped doing a Thai advice column. To be honest most of her advice was slanted and short sited, kind of like some posters on Thai Visa, the ones with the Hi So Uni wives.

I think he has a deal to sell the site and is only hanging about till it closes. One would think he would want to increase readership while he waits to collect his cash and go back to Kiwi land but it doesn't seem he is doing that. Late columns and a lackadaisical attitude seem the new mode of operation. A busted marriage would explain it.

The world does not circulate around the good old US of A. The Ozzy dollar is as high as it's ever been. I think your assumption is floored.

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Stickman yea, he has been crying about going back to New Zealand for years. Whats he going to when he gets there be a teacher same as here. His site has always had a few negative post over the years guys complain no matter what site they go to. Even though he claims to be a expert on the bar scene he strikes me as being a little up tight.

A few years ago I would read his site every week but as I have travelled around Thailand and experienced it for myself I defiantly donot need the negative drivel that comes from his site, much of it out of touch with reality.

Good luck to him and any new endevour he under takes. If he goes back he will come back in a few years.

You can take the boy out of Thailand but not Thailand out of the boy. This place is too much fun

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I like his site for the most part, but he has gone negative in the past several months. Just like many of the posters here who take individual examples of something bad happening to them and project this onto all of Thailand. Everything that happens here happens in our own countries and it has to do with the way that WE interact. If we easy marks than we will get cheated just like in the west.

He realizes that he has gone negative. I wrote to him several times and I'm sure I'm not the only one. If you go back to 2005 and start reading his weekly column you can see it. Just because he writes about the nightlife doesn't make him an expert on relationships, or choosing a woman for a relationship. Many guys are inexperienced with evaluating partners and worse they just can't walk away once they have feelings for the girl. That is a very loud message to the girl that you are willing to accept any abuse and they will test you to the max.

His site is up for sale. I think I read he was asking 2 million or something like that. The problem he has is that HE is the site.

I wish he would spend a little effort advising men how to navigate this minefield of beautiful women and focus on getting them to take responsibility for their mistakes. I think that we can have a hell of a lot of fun here if we keep our heads. (the big one)

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The world does not circulate around the good old US of A.

Actually, it does, but how much longer before we are all studying Chinese and going to Representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties meetings every week?

I'm an American and I agree. The US was in a position to lead the world into the 21st century back in the 60's , but it has thrown that away in favor of huge profits for a handful of billionares. Now prepare yourself for the fall. Watch and see the US drag the whole world down through it's greed and incompitence.

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I did not realize that Michael Moore was a member here. :lol:

he is not, Michael Moore would have been able to spell incompetence.

having re-familiarized my self with Stickman and struggled through the last piece's blatant promotion of both himself and his sponsors in the column , the poor navigability of the site, and the new self indulgent tone in which he tries to convince both himself and his audience that he is indeed still attractive to horny "real" Thai girls [sic], while remaining above it all, I can only conclude that it is indeed time to chuck it.

I personally find him depressing as he documents and fictionalizes his middle age crisis.

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Stickman and Stick site are a joke. You are correct, he has outsourced all the anecdotes to the mob. He never puts up anything controversial. What you are left with is a endless "stoopid farang" stories. If someone writes in and has been jumped by thugs, scammed, ripped off by some thieving girlfriend, had their bags rifled at a guesthouse or on a bus. If it involves a Thai and unless it is a "my 'bar/girlfriend scammed me out of _____" he doesn't touch it. He questions and denies - Oh, cops aren't that bad, Oh, Tourist Police wouldn't do THAT, I know them...A friend had shown me some email from him, fwdd by another friend over some bar issue. He is a total pantload.

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