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Wife'S Younger, Thai Sister, Pregnant By Falong, What Legal Recourse Can We Take?


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I figure this may be a long shot, but a good place to start since there are a lot of foreigners here who may know something.

It is probably the same story as a thousand other Thai girls, they are young, come to the big City, and get charmed by a sweet talking foreigner out for their virtues!

Anyway, the whole story has been unfolding now for a few months, and most of the details in the last few weeks.

The Soap Opera begins!! My wife's younger sister, now 20, came to live with us from a small town in Isaan about 6 months ago to start her studies at the local University. About 4+ months ago, she met a man who we now find out is 70, lives in Bangkok, has a good job at the Airport etc. My wife started to notice some changes is her behavior and mostly, her stomach starting to swell. Being a shy, young, naive Thai girl she is terrified. We found out this guy tutors at the University and in my opinion, just preys upon young girls, but that is just my angry opinion at this point. So this week she finally broke down and explained everything and cried for the whole weekend about it and her new humility!

She made contact and went to visit the man, and tried to explain the situation, (thankfully she knows where he lives and works if that helps) that she is about 4 months along with HIS child, he is the only man she has been with. She got the normal humiliating response from the info we got, that she is a whore and to go away.

We are at a loss, it is a huge burden now for us and we have to now take care of our new baby, the younger sister with her new baby in the near future, where does it end?

I realize once the baby is born, paternity test can be taken, but this in not America where the legal Gestapo can go after him to take test, pay child support etc.

Does anyone know what sources are available to force this man to step up and be responsible, now and in the future? I realize it is her word against his, but like I say, once the baby arrives, all can be revealed.

My guess it that this man should be fearing with all his life of a 20 year old girl with a huge belly in a few months, showing up at his work and doorstep because she is now bent on revenge of letting the World know he is the Father who just wants to charm young girls for sex, get them pregnant, and hide away, she is not going to let it rest and neither are we.

I have tried to have a conversation with this man, which obviously was a waste of time. I did send an SMS letting him know, we are aware of the situation and will do everything we can to remedy it, even if i mean public humiliation for this pervert, for a lack of better words!

So chime in with any good, constructive details! We don't need to hear all the negatives of why, how, blah, blah, it's Thailand, not America where this could never happen without the most popular news crew at the doorstep of the man asking detailed questions of the affair!

Thanks in advance!

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Shy naive 20 year old Thai has sex with a 70 year old Falang...


He just wants to charm young girls for sex, get them pregnant, and hide away...

Are you sure about this story? And he used his "charm" you say?

I suspect some posters here will give you the legal options,if any, you have. However, I would respectfully suggest you take some time to learn more about the situation and examine it a bit more calmly and objectively.

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Shy naive 20 year old Thai has sex with a 70 year old Falang...


He just wants to charm young girls for sex, get them pregnant, and hide away...

Are you sure about this story? And he used his "charm" you say?

I suspect some posters here will give you the legal options,if any, you have. However, I would respectfully suggest you take some time to learn more about the situation and examine it a bit more calmly and objectively.

okay I know it is rather late and don't know your or your wife's daughter's moral feelings but since the poor lass is so young termination is still an option...don't know about legalities but I have heard it possible for underage girls...good luck

Think I would be inclined to have a "talk " with the guy..also with his employer.

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Unless she was raped by the man, you can not blame all this on the man. She is not a minor, and she is somewhat responsible for her pregnancy.

The man might be a jerk for not taking responsibilities, but I don't think neither you nor your sister-in-law would get much sympathy from too many of us

on TV.

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I can sympathize with your story. My wife's younger sister was also knocked up by an American who is rather wealthy, yet refuses to acknowledge his responsibilities with the child.

There is very little you can do unfortunately. Although, do remember your sister in law was a willing participant in the event, and the fact that the old geyser is calling her a whore means he most likely paid her for the experience. That doesn't mean he is justified in what he is doing, only that you can not hold him to blame completely.

Still, he is the father and it is despicable that there is almost nothing you can do. You can file a paternity suit against him in the family court. You will almost certainly win after spending both time and money, but the judges will likely require him to pay only about 3500 - 5000 baht per month, plus half the cost of his education in a government school.

And for that, your sister in law would need to relinquish sole custody of the child for a shared custody arrangement, although it sounds to me like the old fart would be uninterested in taking advantage of his parental rights anyway, so that might not be such a big thing.

This isn't the West. While I feel the same sense of hatred towards these deadbeat dads as you do due to our similar circumstances, there is just very little recourse under the law. Be careful of publicly naming him or telling the school about him also. He can sue you for defamation, and stands a good chance of winning. All the girls he is sleeping with are likely willing participants of legal age. You would have a hard time arguing that shaming him served the public interest.

This is going to be one of those lessons in life that is learned the hard way. However, should your sister in law desire not to keep the child, there are many loving Thai parents who would be thrilled to adopt the baby and provide him/her a loving home. That would also require a judges permission though, due to the situation with the farang father.

Still, you need to consider the child's interest here as well. Whatever you do, make sure that baby has a loving home to grow up in. It is not the child's fault that his father is an ass. You won't get much money from him, and it sounds like the child won't get much love either. Your sister in law is in for a hard road.

Edit: one advantage of filing the paternity suit and getting him declared the legal father is that the child would then be entitled to a portion of the old guy's assets should he get hit by a speeding car crossing the street (assuming he had not made a different will, which he likely has not). Also, assuming there were no other legal heirs (which there probably would not be), the child would get the entire estate. Of course, I would never encourage you to facilitate such an unfortunate accident. That would be morally wrong, after all, not to mention against TV rules, but an inheritance of any sort would be nice should such a travesty occur completely by accident.

Edited by BuddhistDruid
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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

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Is the old guy from the USA? If so when the baby is born you should go to the American Embassy and register him/her as a US citizen born abroad and apply for a SS number and passport. This could be quite benificial for him/her later on in life. I think you should do this no matter what country the guy is from.

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Troll.. Every time someone uses 'Falong' it turns out to be a troll.. No one in thailand for more than 5days uses 'falong'

Only a fat heavy throated smoking machine 50year old bar girl could make farang sound as 'falong' but no one would sleep or talk to that.


Edited by seriouseats
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I don't think they can do a lot. Just make trouble at his workplace, humiliate him. Check if he has a work permit. Pay of immigration to kick him out if he has not.

But for the record she was not raped its her fault too. But i am amazed at how little Thai girls know about sex (anti conception and the options). Here they seem to have the mentality forbid them not talk about it. Where i come from they start young explaining what your options are. (condoms / pill / morning after / abortion ect. Sure they say dont start young but at least they know what to do when it goes wrong.

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No idea about the law here, but I would say that if he is a teacher at uni, he sets up a really bad example for his university's reputation, because his position as a lecturer makes him in power in front of young girls and it's an abuse of this power.

If I was you I would, try and get other students' testimonies and go to the head of university.

If they don't bulge and back him up, threaten to call the newspapers. No university wants to have its name in the papers for old perverts teachers sleeping with their students .

When he realize that his job might be at risk, he might change attitude ...

Edited by aneliane
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....yes anelien, the uni head may "bulge" when he hears about the young girl.ermm.gif

Come on Thais do care about their reputation and if they can feel superior by making an example of a foreigner they will.

So yes in this case it could work.

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....yes anelien, the uni head may "bulge" when he hears about the young girl.ermm.gif

Come on Thais do care about their reputation and if they can feel superior by making an example of a foreigner they will.

So yes in this case it could work.

My name is Aneliane

thank you

Going directly to a newspaper and dish out filth before hearing what does the Uni have to say about this, seemed a bit unfair ... but either way the OP feels

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....yes anelien, the uni head may "bulge" when he hears about the young girl.ermm.gif

Come on Thais do care about their reputation and if they can feel superior by making an example of a foreigner they will.

So yes in this case it could work.

And they likely care about their business (the uni)...which relies on the reputation.

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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

He posted it at 2:40 in the AM. Who is up at 2:40 who has a wife and I assume a job?

A 70 year old with a job at the airport? A job at the University? A 70 year old with a good job at the airport and university is smart enough to wear a condom. Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

He posted it at 2:40 in the AM. Who is up at 2:40 who has a wife and I assume a job?

A 70 year old with a job at the airport? A job at the University? A 70 year old with a good job at the airport and university is smart enough to wear a condom. Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

My thoughts entirely

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....yes anelien, the uni head may "bulge" when he hears about the young girl.ermm.gif

Come on Thais do care about their reputation and if they can feel superior by making an example of a foreigner they will.

So yes in this case it could work.

And they likely care about their business (the uni)...which relies on the reputation.

I am confused here..... If you both know that Uni would be of help, why not suggesting it and help the OP, instead of criticizing the people who are trying to help the OP ?blink.gif

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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

He posted it at 2:40 in the AM. Who is up at 2:40 who has a wife and I assume a job?

A 70 year old with a job at the airport? A job at the University? A 70 year old with a good job at the airport and university is smart enough to wear a condom. Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

My thoughts entirely

Sure it does sound fishy. But there are a lot of dodgy foreigners around with a total lack of morals so it could be true.

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... Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

You mean they start charging after the guy gets to be a certain age?

I will have to keep an eye on my gik then.

What's a gik ?

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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

He posted it at 2:40 in the AM. Who is up at 2:40 who has a wife and I assume a job?

A 70 year old with a job at the airport? A job at the University? A 70 year old with a good job at the airport and university is smart enough to wear a condom. Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

I think you called correctly

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I smell a troll .... many buzz words to get us going, "legal gestapo" "public humiliation for this pervert" ....nice try. He is a 70yo farang with a good job at the airport? whistling.gif

Yup, just what I was thinking, I don't buy the story for a second

He posted it at 2:40 in the AM. Who is up at 2:40 who has a wife and I assume a job?

A 70 year old with a job at the airport? A job at the University? A 70 year old with a good job at the airport and university is smart enough to wear a condom. Last time I checked 20 year old women were not handing out free sex to 70 year old men.

I think you called correctly

I think it is useless to speculate whether it is a genuine or not post, we have no way to get to the bottom of it anyway.

Even if it's a faker, the situation is pertinent enough to happen to others in Thailand and it is worth while answering it genuinely as it could help others too.

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The question to his answer is simple. File a paternity suit and the judge will determine if someone is the father or not. If he is, child support can be asked for. In Thailand the norm is between 3,000 and 6,000 baht a month, plus share of medical and educational costs for the child.

Don't feed the troll.

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