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Large Bags Of Sea Salt


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I like to make home made ice cream and recently bought a new maker from Verasu. My problem is lack of a good amount of rock salt or sea salt. If anyone is driving back from BKK in the future, and would take the trouble to buy a large bag of sea salt, I will make it very worth your while...About a ten kilo bag would get me all jazzed up. I have looked in Super Ron but have not found any. Advance thanks for any help. For those wondering, the thais harvest and sell a lot of sea salt just south of BKK.

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any pool supply shop sells it, but mostly in 25kg bags

there is one between Bangkok Hospital and Vachira Hospital, going from Bangkok hospital right side before Phuket Gazette. Reasonable prices

Wow! I had no idea but I am too poor to own a pool... Problem solved and thanks again.

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any pool supply shop sells it, but mostly in 25kg bags

there is one between Bangkok Hospital and Vachira Hospital, going from Bangkok hospital right side before Phuket Gazette. Reasonable prices

Wow! I had no idea but I am too poor to own a pool... Problem solved and thanks again.

I am not sure they sell sea salt as I have only seen a more pure version. Sea salt for sure can be purchased behind the fresh market in Phuket Town. If approaching the circle from the Chao Fa East side you will see a kitchen supply shop & about 10 to 20m further on a small alley on the left side (this alley is the last turn off before the circle). Go up that alley until you come to an opening on the right. Ask for a 30kg bag of salt as this is sea salt. If you want pure salt ask for a 25kg bag.

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I am not sure they sell sea salt as I have only seen a more pure version. Sea salt for sure can be purchased behind the fresh market in Phuket Town. If approaching the circle from the Chao Fa East side you will see a kitchen supply shop & about 10 to 20m further on a small alley on the left side (this alley is the last turn off before the circle). Go up that alley until you come to an opening on the right. Ask for a 30kg bag of salt as this is sea salt. If you want pure salt ask for a 25kg bag.

Yes no need for pure salt so your suggestion works for me. Thanks and now the drooling begins...banana and sliced toasted almonds is my best ice cream.

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I am not sure they sell sea salt as I have only seen a more pure version. Sea salt for sure can be purchased behind the fresh market in Phuket Town. If approaching the circle from the Chao Fa East side you will see a kitchen supply shop & about 10 to 20m further on a small alley on the left side (this alley is the last turn off before the circle). Go up that alley until you come to an opening on the right. Ask for a 30kg bag of salt as this is sea salt. If you want pure salt ask for a 25kg bag.

Yes no need for pure salt so your suggestion works for me. Thanks and now the drooling begins...banana and sliced toasted almonds is my best ice cream.


I have found sea salt in 2 qualities, one colors the water red/brown, not sure I would use this for icecream

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I have found sea salt in 2 qualities, one colors the water red/brown, not sure I would use this for icecream

The salt does not enter the ice cream. Hopefully. Here is how it works... You put your mixed ingredients in the center aluminum container which has a paddle inside that scrapes the newly frozen mix off the inside of the container as it turns. Outside the mix container, and inside the wooden bucket is finely crushed iced layered with a sprinkling of rock salt. You keep layering this ice and salt combo up until it gets near the top of the mix container. Then the salt melts the ice and since salt water freezes at a much lower temperature than regular water, the mixture freezes to the inside of the aluminum container and the scraper continually scrapes it off . Eventually the ice cream thickens and the electric motor is starting to labor too much. Then the ice cream is very edible but if you want it harder you then remove the motor and continue turning with a hand crank that is supplied. I rarely have the discipline to wait and usually dive right in as soon as the electric motor stops. There you have it. Just like back on the farm 50 years ago. A taste that most people have long forgotten. Nothing like what one buys commercially nowdays.

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I have found sea salt in 2 qualities, one colors the water red/brown, not sure I would use this for icecream

The salt does not enter the ice cream. Hopefully. Here is how it works... You put your mixed ingredients in the center aluminum container which has a paddle inside that scrapes the newly frozen mix off the inside of the container as it turns. Outside the mix container, and inside the wooden bucket is finely crushed iced layered with a sprinkling of rock salt. You keep layering this ice and salt combo up until it gets near the top of the mix container. Then the salt melts the ice and since salt water freezes at a much lower temperature than regular water, the mixture freezes to the inside of the aluminum container and the scraper continually scrapes it off . Eventually the ice cream thickens and the electric motor is starting to labor too much. Then the ice cream is very edible but if you want it harder you then remove the motor and continue turning with a hand crank that is supplied. I rarely have the discipline to wait and usually dive right in as soon as the electric motor stops. There you have it. Just like back on the farm 50 years ago. A taste that most people have long forgotten. Nothing like what one buys commercially nowdays.

2 x :P

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They used to sell those ice cream makers (as Bunta described)at Verasu which is in the large furniture shop opposite Big C. Not sure if had a mechanical feature though. When I was a kid our class visited an ice cream factory & I remember them slowly moving one type of product through really cold seawater which made them frozen by the time they hit the other end.

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They used to sell those ice cream makers (as Bunta described)at Verasu which is in the large furniture shop opposite Big C. Not sure if had a mechanical feature though. When I was a kid our class visited an ice cream factory & I remember them slowly moving one type of product through really cold seawater which made them frozen by the time they hit the other end.

Although the ones sold at Verasu are quality products and each has the electric motor and the hand crank, the only drawback is they are only 4 quart size which will only fill my 4 quart size bowl. No one else gets any. The six quart size can feed me and the family.:rolleyes: I have a long background making this stuff for personal consumption and I have one ice cream recipe of mine published in an old obscure recipe book. If anyone does this I would be happy to share my basic secret recipe. PM me

Edited by bunta71
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I had several PM's for a recipe so here is a basic recipe like my favorite, banana almond. This is like all cooking whereas experimenting can be a good thing. The basic recipe for 4-6 quarts is :

6-8 eggs

2 cans of sweetened condensed milk

1 pint of heavy whipping cream or half and half

about one cup of sugar

1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract

fill the mix container to the mark with milk. Careful not to overfill as the ice cream expands about 15% during the process.

That is the basic recipe and for the banana almond I add two very ripe bananas cut up into small pieces at the start. Careful to cut small chunks so as not to plug the holes in the scraper. I then saute some sliced almonds in some butter, then cool it in the freezer until about the last ten minutes of processing then add to the mix. You must be careful when doing this so as not to allow any of the salt water to get into the mix. Variations on the basic vanilla recipe are as endless as your imagination.

Funny the mention of the instant ice cream because my first cousin has started a business in the states doing the same thing only he has crafted a space age looking contraption that freezes ice cream in about 30 seconds. He sells these extremely costly machines to the rich and famous. Google Ward Goodell Jr. for more about his stuff.

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I would like to order:

1L Chocolate marshmallow ice cream

1L Pistachio ice cream

1L orange sorbet

1L Black Raspberry

1L Mint Chocolate Chip

1L Daiquiri Ice cream

1L Lemon Ice Cream

Just let me know where and when to pick it up :) and price please :)

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I would like to order:

1L Chocolate marshmallow ice cream

1L Pistachio ice cream

1L orange sorbet

1L Black Raspberry

1L Mint Chocolate Chip

1L Daiquiri Ice cream

1L Lemon Ice Cream

Just let me know where and when to pick it up :) and price please :)

+1 for Daiquiri. Sigh sigh .... not going to happen. Oh well off to see what Mr Walls has to offer at the local shop.

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I would like to order:

1L Chocolate marshmallow ice cream

1L Pistachio ice cream

1L orange sorbet

1L Black Raspberry

1L Mint Chocolate Chip

1L Daiquiri Ice cream

1L Lemon Ice Cream

Just let me know where and when to pick it up :) and price please :)

+1 for Daiquiri. Sigh sigh .... not going to happen. Oh well off to see what Mr Walls has to offer at the local shop.

Good thing I am not Catholic I would feel guilty :D

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