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Disturbing Or Not - Dreams


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Probably 30% of you will think I'm a little eccentric, 30% will think I'm bull-shitting and even 30% of you might think Im just plain crazy, but it is the remaining 10% that experiance similar dreams, that this is aimed at.

When I am asleep I do live another life. I've met people, dream in colour, feel pain, feel love, in fact although I am always travelling in my dreams, I return to the same dream village/town. I have even had numerous relationships in my sleeping hours.

Last week, as I was transgressing the barrier between dreamland and reality, I thought of a couple of girls I used to know and work with(falang of course, not Thai) but had not seen for a long time. When I awoke, I still had it in my head to try and look this pair up for some reason. It then suddenly dawned on me that these were people I had not known in real life, but through my dreams. I lay still in bed for a long time trying to picture them, and I knew what they looked like, and I tried to convince myself that they were in fact actual people that I had forgotton. But no. They weren't. I suddenly stopped and thought. What if it was the dreaming that is reality. I know my wife has similar experiences to my own. I guess that was why we was drawn together.

Has anyone else out there got a dreamworld like mine. It would make a fascinating topic if there is. I do expect 90% of the replies to be p1ss-takes, if there are any, but I can live with that.

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A question for you Lampy and not meant as a piss-take: do you drink any Thai beers or Sang Som? I always have vivid dreams if I do and really zany ones at that. Must be the chemicals in the brewing process.

I've had sleep paralysis a handful of times, when you wake up with a start but aren't actually fully awake in that you can't see anything or move a muscle. The other features of sleep paralysis are it feels as if some force is pinning you down and a sense that someone or thing is also in the room. The first time I experienced this was when living alone in my flat in the UK. The place was about 250 years old and had a fair bit of history, including being the venue of a murder in the 1950s, so as you could imagine it was a tad worrying. Sleep paralysis affects a large number of the population apparently but only lasts a few minutes and then you slowly begin to get your senses back. Hasn't happened to me for a few years and I hope it never happens again.

As for having another life, I haven't experienced this but have been able to manufacture a dream if I've really thought hard about wanting to meet up with the "girl of my dreams" once again.

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Hmmm I know what you mean - have vivid dreams myself, just a feeling that I've known or done something else before. Dreams are links to the unconscious mind - though some of them well have been quite disturbing and I hope those don't portend to any viable truth. :o

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Most of my dreams are fairly randomn, often vivid, and with no continuous thread linking them. However, every so often i have very vivid dreams which involve me travelling with a friend of mine who died in an accident a few years ago in Thailand.

In my dreams with him i have travelled to many countries and many unique towns and cities, as well as at times just relaxing in places that the two of us spent time in together. I am usually aware that i am dreaming, and i am also always aware that he is dead, although i have ceased informing him of this fact because i remember that in previous dreams he has sometimes had a hard time accepting this and has got very angry about it on occasions.

I find myself having adventures with him, seeing interesting things and meeting seemingly unique people who i have never encountered before, just as i did when he was alive and the two of us were friends. I always look forward to these dreams.

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My dreams are usually nightmares but very very vivid ones.

They all have links somewhere to form my own little dream world. I carn't seem to have the power to control my nightmares though :D

But your experience reminds me of when I was sleepwalking once (oh I'm a walker!) and I fell over. My Dad came to my aid and I started screaming and trying to attack him thinking I was still in dreamland! It took me a few mins to calm down and when I was completley calm I couldn't remember what I'd done :o

Thats only ever happened twice though. But during my sleep I sometimes wake in the night with cold sweats and for a few seconds I feel like I'm still in a dream.

I get dejavu quite often but other than that, thats as far as my dreams go.

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What a fabulous topic! I once studied my dreams like I studied my waking hours. I would immediately write my dreams down, as soon as I woke.... quickly before they faded like a moving cloud that dissipates in the sky.

What I discovered was that my dreams correlated with my waking life.... once analysed! I had recurring dreams of being in a busy marketplace.... scattered all over the world. Not this world and yet this world... usually in developing countries. I think I was shopping for my future!

I still have the journals. I read them occasionally. It still makes sense to me. If only I had the time to keep it up, I could really empower myself, methinks!! It's hard work, analysing dreams.

There are many books and articles written about Dream Analysis and is well worth exploring. Take some time to explore......... it is important. Why else would we dream if not important?

It's another world.......... maybe the answers are there? :o

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Dreams are an important part of life, but yours sound like they have a life of their own...weird

I remember my dreams vividly, and sometimes they are disturbing. I have twice dreamt I lost my tooth, which means a death in the family. Both times real life proved the dreams right. But I do have a big family!! :o

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Well, I certainly don't seem alone in my night-time adventures. This has also got me wondering about people in comas. I know dreaming is assossiated with REM, but what if the doctors were only half right. Maybe some of these people who live on life support machines are having the time of their lives in the Netherworld. Maybe, just because they are not showing Rapid Eye Movement, they are not completely gone. After all if the brain is the only part of the body still functioning normally, it must be possible to go on thinking: and therefore go on dreaming.

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Yes, I have a dreamworld that seems to be a consistent mishmash of places I've frequented in real life. There is a whole connecting topology, so I can dream about traveling from one dream place to another, including boring dreams where I am stuck in a plane or on a train.

To make this Thailand related, I still have not really had any dreams incorporating the Thai environment, at least that I can recall. However, my wife often makes appearances in western dream places. Often I can figure out how those appearances map to past experiences with her but sometimes I think she is just there because, well, we're married so why not. :D

However, I have never had any confusion upon waking as to who exists in dream and who exists in waking life. Quite the opposite, I usually have lucid dreams where at least I am aware I am dreaming and sometimes I start to dream in a more 3rd-person perspective as if I am directing a stage play in which i am a character.

Nor have I had this sleep paralysis upon waking. Instead, the sensations of sleep bleed through and I am often aware that I cannot move my legs and so I use my arms to start swimming or flying to compensate. Also, I sometimes find that I cannot walk or drive straight and invariably I wake up laying on my side and realizing it was gravity that was making me pull to one side. Sounds sometimes get incorporated into the dream as well, and particularly if during an afternoon nap or right as I first fall to sleep.

I used to be a sleep walker and I think I can still awake and be on my feet before my whole brain has switched back on. I have this definite mental experience of being without all my faculties, like I am drugged or something, and I have learned to work around it until I am whole again. The most fascinating is when I can clearly think about why I am up and what I need to do, but I cannot process language to read anything, understand what someone is saying, or speak. I also have dreams where I am trying to work a computer but I cannot read the screen... I'll keep blinking and wiping the screen to try to make the letters more clear. :o

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I had a weird dream last night that I went to a pub in Surin that was ran by an Englishman and we both got pished as a fart. More of a nightmare actually as we had both given up the booze.

I dream a lot, but don't usually remember, unless something jogs the memory - like reading this thread. It makes me wonder just how many dreams I have and their effect on my everday life.

Does anyone else dream in a foreign language? I usually dream in Thai which is weird as it is nowhere near fluent.

Edited by Neeranam
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...Maybe some of these people who live on life support machines are having the time of their lives in the Netherworld. Maybe, just because they are not showing Rapid Eye Movement, they are not completely gone...

I guess it depends on the nature of the coma... there is disturbing anecdotal evidence in cases like Stephen Hawking where a brilliantly functioning mind is trapped in a body that doesn't respond enough. How do you distinguish paralysis from catatonia? What _is_ catatonia, really?

I cannot remember the real names, but there was a case in the 1960s (eventually made into a hit movie) where some psychiatric patients were brought out of catatonic states for a while with new drugs, and one patient described it as an imprisonment that he had experienced. Now, did he really experience all those years when he seemed inert? Or did he get left with an impression of imprisonment as the drugs slowly took effect and sparked his nervous system?

It gets a bit metaphysical though... what is experience? Is it whether you remember it afterward? When they put you under with demerol, they can still talk to you and get you to respond, but you aren't supposed to remember it afterward and so it is not considered traumatic. I remember waking out of demerol once with the doctors in my mouth like they were working on an old Plymouth. I don't feel like I had experiences before that point in the surgery nor after they realized it and ran another dose into my I.V. line.

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I've found that sounds around me make a big impact on my dreams. If I fall asleep with a news channel that repeats every 15min or so, my dreams tend to loop over and over and I wake up tired. If I'm sleeping outside in the fresh air, outside the city, I sleep really deep, can't recall any dreams and am recharged after only 4-5hrs.

Last week after a 14hr Sims marathon, I dreamed in 'sim' :o


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I've found that sounds around me make a big impact on my dreams. If I fall asleep with a news channel that repeats every 15min or so, my dreams tend to loop over and over and I wake up tired. If I'm sleeping outside in the fresh air, outside the city, I sleep really deep, can't recall any dreams and am recharged after only 4-5hrs.

Last week after a 14hr Sims marathon, I dreamed in 'sim'  :o


That's an interesting fact. Sometimes when my wife is watching a Thai programme and I fall asleep, I dream, using the soundtrack as a basis. But with one difference. The words of Thai I hear as the nearest English equivelent, and my dream progresses in that way.In fact sometimes I wake suddenly wondering why they are talking English, when in fact they are conversing in Thai.

As I speak four or five languages, some time I dream in one of those, but I can never recall dreaming, using Thai. Maybe because my Dreamworld is not in Thailand, but some Utopian outback in the depths of Europe.

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Probably 30% of you will think I'm a little eccentric, 30% will think I'm bull-shitting and even 30% of you might think Im just plain crazy, but it is the remaining 10% that experiance similar dreams, that this is aimed at.

  When I am asleep I do live another life. I've met people, dream in colour, feel pain, feel love, in fact although I am always travelling in my dreams, I return to the same dream village/town. I have even had numerous relationships in my sleeping hours.

  Last week, as I was transgressing the barrier between dreamland  and reality, I thought of a couple of girls I used to know and work with(falang of course, not Thai) but had not seen for a long time. When I awoke, I still had it in my head to try and look this pair up for some reason. It then suddenly dawned on me that these were people I had not known in real life, but through my dreams. I lay still in bed for a long time trying to picture them, and I knew what they looked like, and I tried to convince myself that they were in fact actual people that I had forgotton. But no. They weren't. I suddenly stopped and thought. What if it was the dreaming that is reality. I know my wife has similar experiences to my own. I guess that was why we was drawn together.

  Has anyone else out there got a dreamworld like mine. It would make a fascinating  topic if there is. I do expect 90% of the replies to be p1ss-takes, if there are any, but I can live with that.

There is another world in your sleep. You don't have to feel crazy, just lucky that there is some normalacy(spelling?) in your dreams. I would like to discuss my dreams here but I think I might scare people. My dreams scare me. But I know they are somehow apart of me and my world (waking/sleeping).

I would never sit on couch and dicuss them though. A person has to know that dreams are unique to you. So, there meaning is for you only. General dream interpration is too inaccurate. So, take away from it what you can, but know you are nit crazy....anymore than the rest of us.

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Probably 30% of you will think I'm a little eccentric, 30% will think I'm bull-shitting and even 30% of you might think Im just plain crazy, but it is the remaining 10% that experiance similar dreams, that this is aimed at.

  When I am asleep I do live another life. I've met people, dream in colour, feel pain, feel love, in fact although I am always travelling in my dreams, I return to the same dream village/town. I have even had numerous relationships in my sleeping hours.

  Last week, as I was transgressing the barrier between dreamland  and reality, I thought of a couple of girls I used to know and work with(falang of course, not Thai) but had not seen for a long time. When I awoke, I still had it in my head to try and look this pair up for some reason. It then suddenly dawned on me that these were people I had not known in real life, but through my dreams. I lay still in bed for a long time trying to picture them, and I knew what they looked like, and I tried to convince myself that they were in fact actual people that I had forgotton. But no. They weren't. I suddenly stopped and thought. What if it was the dreaming that is reality. I know my wife has similar experiences to my own. I guess that was why we was drawn together.

  Has anyone else out there got a dreamworld like mine. It would make a fascinating  topic if there is. I do expect 90% of the replies to be p1ss-takes, if there are any, but I can live with that.

Did you take the blue pill or the red pill Lampard? You may have crossed into the Matrix.


Seriously, I have had similar experiences. I've been convinced I've owned several cars in my past that I cannot trace back in reality. I have actually asked relatives if they can remember what happenned to such and such vehicle. I get strange looks. I sometimes have a very disturbing dream (I hope it is just a dream :o )about a covered up murder in the past. It usually occurs after reading Tsetse flys posts. :D

Oh my god all this talk about dreams. I've turned into a girl!

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...Maybe some of these people who live on life support machines are having the time of their lives in the Netherworld. Maybe, just because they are not showing Rapid Eye Movement, they are not completely gone...

I guess it depends on the nature of the coma... there is disturbing anecdotal evidence in cases like Stephen Hawking where a brilliantly functioning mind is trapped in a body that doesn't respond enough. How do you distinguish paralysis from catatonia? What _is_ catatonia, really?

I cannot remember the real names, but there was a case in the 1960s (eventually made into a hit movie) where some psychiatric patients were brought out of catatonic states for a while with new drugs, and one patient described it as an imprisonment that he had experienced. Now, did he really experience all those years when he seemed inert? Or did he get left with an impression of imprisonment as the drugs slowly took effect and sparked his nervous system?

It gets a bit metaphysical though... what is experience? Is it whether you remember it afterward? When they put you under with demerol, they can still talk to you and get you to respond, but you aren't supposed to remember it afterward and so it is not considered traumatic. I remember waking out of demerol once with the doctors in my mouth like they were working on an old Plymouth. I don't feel like I had experiences before that point in the surgery nor after they realized it and ran another dose into my I.V. line.

The film about it was called The Awakenings, starring Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro.

There was an interesting article in the BBC News Magazine section a few months back detailing the experiences of people in a coma - what they remember from when they went under. Trying to find the link for it...

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