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Saw a advertisement on True Movie Hits yesterday they where adding new HD channels next month. Nat Geo HD, Discovery HD, AXN HD, Star Movies HD, Fox Movies HD and True Sport HD 2.

Supposed to start airing July 12, did anyone see this ad?


Well pigs do fly! Lol...Maybe price will go up as well...For me the sport live is worth watching but I prefer to watch when I want and use utorrents and play dvd's.

Supposed to start airing July 12, did anyone see this ad?

Did they say what year????????

See this previous discussion.

Supposed to start airing July 12, did anyone see this ad?

Did they say what year????????

See this previous discussion.

Did not say what year but my guess would be this year, it also mentioned that will have free "preview" until August. I did try to search on the True's website but no mention about it anywhere.

Guess we will have to wait another 2 weeks to see if it is really true.


I don't see anything about ASN hd which has the NHL , they are adding another True Sports HD channel , but unless they have ASN HD I would not bother as they have a habit of turning off games mid stream to show reruns of other games from a month earlier .

Just cannot trust the children in charge of programming .


Saw the banner ad rolling across my screen watching True Sports on Sunday and went wow! At last! Then noted the 'free until end(?) August' and thought yeah, price increase after that for sure. Now this 'cable only' BS!! Where the hell does the signal come from in the first place - oh yes, satellite!! Duuurgghhhh!!

It really is about time that these f@ckers had some real (or any) competition, especially for those of us in areas where we have no cable service. Do they really think that people would switch away from other cable systems that (probably) offer a better selection at a cheaper price?? One trick ponies!

Time to get Astro hooked up, I've had it with these clowns.

Oh yes, and whilst I'm ranting; one of the few shows I really like is House. But the clowns at True in their efforts to save costs no longer let you know in their magazine what the episode number is. So when the new series started last month I assumed it was the normal one episode repeated a zillion times each week. It was only through a complete accident that I found out they were showing three different episodes each week on different nights and then showing all three back to back on Saturday night - when I would never watch because footie/sport is on. So only found out after the season finished and House was in its penultimate week.......



when I would never watch because footie/sport is on. So only found out after the season finished and House was in its penultimate week.......


Perhaps you need a PVR?

Record and dump, if it is an old programme.

Does the EPG give more info on episode numbers?


when I would never watch because footie/sport is on. So only found out after the season finished and House was in its penultimate week.......


Perhaps you need a PVR?

Record and dump, if it is an old programme.

Does the EPG give more info on episode numbers?

I've got a Samsung DVD recorder and did tape the shows last season (Season 6). I started taping the latest series (7) but only one show a week, since this was before I found out about the multi episodes per week. They are now re-showing the latest season but my recorder has gone all temperamental by switching itself off, switching the clock off, saying there is no signal....etc. Time to take it in for repair, but out of warranty already!!

No, the on-screen programme guide does not show the episode number. Guess I will probably buy the series on DVD - that way I don't have to fast forward through hours of adverts - yawn!


Confirmed here: http://www.truevisio...spx?news_id=152

And why is it only available for Cable subscribers?


Was gonna post an update also, I went to the Trus shop and said it will be available for cable subscribers first, then satellite users at a later date.

You would think everyone should get it at the same time...

ah that explains why no extra HD channels in my house this morning!

Dear Subscribers, to increase our potentiality of service and fulfill our subscribers with more entertainment, TrueVisions has new 8 High Definition channels for Cable equipment in Digital system only.

Channel 123 True Sport HD2

Channel 125 National Geographic Channel HD

Channel 126 Discovery HD World

Channel 127 Star Movies HD

Channel 128 Fox Family Movies HD

Channel 129 AXN HD

Channel 130 KMTV HD

Channel 131 I Concerts HD


They don't have enough frequencies available to re-cast all the HD channels for satellite subscribers.

I don't see a problem though. True seems to have a pretty good cable networks. I can see they move towards cable subscription very soon anyway. (Given that most of True internet users outside of Bangkok are now on cable)


Well, they did add the new channels in the early morning hours. When looking at the channels numbering I noticed I had over 240 channels listed versus the previous 200 (i.e., actual and RS channels), and the RS (Reserved) Channel numbering was not in sync with the actual channel number. So I went into the Installation area of my set top box and Reapplied the Manual Settings....this fixed everything...all the new channels still there, numbering sequenced fixed, and the RS channels matched the actual channel numbers. Then marked the RS channels as Skip, rearranged/moved a few channels, good to go until the next batch of mostly limited viewership channels arrive.


Now if they would spend a little more money to get us more channels that you see advertised on commercial breaks, yet we don't get them. True crime, Nat Geo adventures, Biography channel etc. For 2000 baht/mo you'd think they'd give us more than 20 viewable channels.


Anyone knows when we can expect getting these new channels on satellite system?

Quite upset to pay the same and getting less than "cable subscribers". Those channels are actually quite good.



Anyone knows when we can expect getting these new channels on satellite system?

Quite upset to pay the same and getting less than "cable subscribers". Those channels are actually quite good.


Was told by True it will for cable only, satellite users will get them later.


Later could be a week, a month, a year, any more info on a timeline or if it is actually possible to get them (due to their limitation of satellite signal?)?




Dear Sir:

Please allow us to clarify that the High Definition system is a system uses high-frequency signals that there are currently sufficient transponders for new channels available on CATV system only. It is now not possible to expand signal transponders to support new HD channels on DSTV System.

We must be honest that we have no recent plan to make it work for DSTV. However, once it becomes available, we will inform you.

Should you have any further inquiry, suggestion, or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-7252525 between 8:00 am - 22:00 pm or [email protected] between 9:00 am -18:00 pm

Thank you for your kindness and continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Wichian Chompoonog

Correspondence Support

Tel+66(0) 2725-2525

Fax+66(0) 2725-2500

Email:[email protected]

เปิดชีวิตมุมมองใหม่ เปิด ทรูวิชั่นส์

True Visions Public Company Limited

118/1 Tipco Tower, Rama VI Road,

Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400



Are there any PVR options that can capture these HD channels?

Or, is the only reasonable PVR option geeting one from True. Reasonable meaning you could program the thing to record in advance and not worry about having the True set-top box (STB) turned to the correct channel.

I think they only over the regular SD version at this time, but I really, really want the HD shows. (Once you have had HD for an extended period, really tough to go back to SD.)

I am completely open to buying one myself, but not sure how that would work in relation to the STB. Maybe simply a problem of my own limited technical understanding.


Are there any PVR options that can capture these HD channels?

Or, is the only reasonable PVR option geeting one from True. Reasonable meaning you could program the thing to record in advance and not worry about having the True set-top box (STB) turned to the correct channel.

I think they only over the regular SD version at this time, but I really, really want the HD shows. (Once you have had HD for an extended period, really tough to go back to SD.)

I am completely open to buying one myself, but not sure how that would work in relation to the STB. Maybe simply a problem of my own limited technical understanding.

I've noticed with the True HD set top box that if you set a 'reminder' on a future programme from the on screen programme guide that when the time of the show is reached it automatically switches to the new channel. So if you have a recorder hooked up and set to record at the time of the programme the set top box will take care of switching the channel for you. I do this in conjunction with a separate HDD recorder. The only problem is if there are two programmes you wish to record and they run at the same or an overlapping time. As far as I know the True PVR can record one channel whilst you watch another. But as far as I am aware there is no PVR option on the True HD set top box - but I stand to be corrected.

Anyhow, the whole thing is a bit of a moot point since I am not on True Digital cable in BKK so still only get the 2 previous HD channels (Sport & HBO) - and NO, I am not including Academy Fantasia in the HD list - would rather watch the Muppet Show - far more entertaining and professional - even in LD :angry:


We must be honest that we have no recent plan to make it work for DSTV. However, once it becomes available, we will inform you.

Thank you for your kindness and continued support.

Should read; "Thank you for taking the bait and forking out to have True HD installed on your DSTV system. Now we have your money we don't really see any reason to improve the service but will instead concentrate on areas where we can more easily maximise our profit potential in getting more mugs to sign up for the new extra HD channels through our cable system."

Time to switch to Astro.......

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