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On A Brighter Note


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Exactly - well put.

I'm all for shopping around and avoiding rip-offs / high prices but I've found the Villa supermarket near the Avenue a great place to shop for a whole range of local and imported stuff. I also quite like the way the staff are so friendly and customers often get a number of good-mornings while Walking up and down the aisles.

I wouldn't buy fresh meat or fish there though - for a number of reasons :ermm:


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Villa Market at the Avenue was doing brisk business until Central opened up. Let's face it, once you are at Central Shopping Complex, it is easier to pick up a few items at the Topps grocery store downstairs. --But I can find more items to my Western tastes at Villa Market than at Topps in Central. Yes, all the "Western grocery stores" are expensive, I guess that is why most of us (who live here) just pick up a few special items; for it is cheaper to eat out if you know the right places.

As for the "Avenue shopping complex" -- Do the night vendors act as an "attraction" to bring in more shoppers to these dwindling restaurants and business or act as an irritant to stay away. The other night I crossed 2nd road to get to the Avenue (going to CA Wow for fitness) and the place was an obstacle course trying to weave in and out of the crowded vendors--hard to get to a shop if you want to.

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