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Police Prepare For Election Day Expat Sobriety Riots


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"Dumfarang" do you want to tell "Siamjimi" or can I ?......suspect he is going to feel a real silly billy very shortly...:whistling:

Cant wait for his retraction...:rolleyes: ...but must say one of the better rants I have read in the last few weeks

Oh just let him sweat it out till dawn breaks over Marblehead and the ships come back from sea.

Okay guys, we've probably made light of this serious issue which plagues Thailand's tropical beauty like mud on virgin snow past the point of decency. We should probably move the conversation toward a more civilized assessment of just how serious this drunken, lecherous farang issue really is in the eyes of the average Thai citizen. As a display of our sincere intent to honor LOS and keep those smiles on local faces I suggest we all abstain from spirits of any sort for the duration of the ban as a token of our respect for local laws. They are kind enough to take us in as such long term guests after all. The least we can do is pay it back with less than two days of sobriety. Don't you think?

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Open Message to George.

Please try and post at least one article from Not The Nation every month.

But do not label them SATIRE, IRONY, SARCASM or any other clues.

I have had more laughs at some of the amazingly dumb responses to the original article.

It sure beats reading about politics and corruption for a change.

Simply leaving the name of the source of the article should alert most readers to its veracity.


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Only in Thailand would this article have to be explicitly labeled 'Satire' at the top. :lol:

It's only "believable" if you're a complete moron.

...and it takes a frigging genius to hurl insults in a humorous thread...

Yes, this is supposed to be a humorous thread...but have you read some of these boneheaded responses? This article was written by a farang to make fun of farangs who would get bent because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. And guess what? We've got a bunch of schmucks getting upset because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. But even more than that, we've got farangs getting offended because of what the "Thais think about us." <deleted>? The satire was written by a farang from a farang perspective. I'm sorry, but the moron comment stands.

Yes I have read all the responses and I've been almost as amused by the posters who didn't recognise that it satire and getting bent out of shape due to having to think ahead and buy their Sunday drinks a day early as I was the OP. Still, I feel no need to be insulting, just have another little chuckle to myself about them...

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Open Message to George.

Please try and post at least one article from Not The Nation every month.

But do not label them SATIRE, IRONY, SARCASM or any other clues.

I have had more laughs at some of the amazingly dumb responses to the original article.

It sure beats reading about politics and corruption for a change.

Simply leaving the name of the source of the article should alert most readers to its veracity.


+1 rolleyes.gif

Yes do,

I need my extra eye rolls to stave off a next set of prescription glasses. Great eyeball exercise!

Edited by animatic
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"Dumfarang" do you want to tell "Siamjimi" or can I ?......suspect he is going to feel a real silly billy very shortly...:whistling:

Cant wait for his retraction...:rolleyes: ...but must say one of the better rants I have read in the last few weeks

Oh just let him sweat it out till dawn breaks over Marblehead and the ships come back from sea.

Okay guys, we've probably made light of this serious issue which plagues Thailand's tropical beauty like mud on virgin snow past the point of decency. We should probably move the conversation toward a more civilized assessment of just how serious this drunken, lecherous farang issue really is in the eyes of the average Thai citizen. As a display of our sincere intent to honor LOS and keep those smiles on local faces I suggest we all abstain from spirits of any sort for the duration of the ban as a token of our respect for local laws. They are kind enough to take us in as such long term guests after all. The least we can do is pay it back with less than two days of sobriety. Don't you think?

Satirus interuptus?

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"Dumfarang" do you want to tell "Siamjimi" or can I ?......suspect he is going to feel a real silly billy very shortly...:whistling:

Cant wait for his retraction...:rolleyes: ...but must say one of the better rants I have read in the last few weeks

Oh just let him sweat it out till dawn breaks over Marblehead and the ships come back from sea.

Okay guys, we've probably made light of this serious issue which plagues Thailand's tropical beauty like mud on virgin snow past the point of decency. We should probably move the conversation toward a more civilized assessment of just how serious this drunken, lecherous farang issue really is in the eyes of the average Thai citizen. As a display of our sincere intent to honor LOS and keep those smiles on local faces I suggest we all abstain from spirits of any sort for the duration of the ban as a token of our respect for local laws. They are kind enough to take us in as such long term guests after all. The least we can do is pay it back with less than two days of sobriety. Don't you think?

Satirus interuptus?

Ita vero.

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we all know Thais dont drink alcohol ......... they are never drunk ...behave perfectly in the society and never cause troubles ..... oh are we talking about farang here ? Oooops ...... that is the most stupid things I have seen today so far .... :lol:

I really thought farang was not part of those elections ....

Google the word satire.:huh:

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Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.

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Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.

Good, when you finally leave there will be one more empty seat for me to plant my butt in at the bar while I leer at LBFM's swooning past, and my beer will arrive that much sooner.


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Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.

Not in my neck of the woods it isn't!!

I live in a quiet town in Southern Thailand where there are not many farangs (the numbers are increasing mind you, but these are teachers primarily). If you chooose to live in Pattaya, BKK or Phuket ie: the touristy areas then this will be common place as its what farang tourists (Brit's especially) do in Thailand, I'm afraid.

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<br />
<br />Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.<br />
<br /><br />Good, when you finally leave there will be one more empty seat for me to plant my butt in at the bar while I leer at LBFM's swooning past, and my beer will arrive that much sooner.<br /><br /><img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" /><br />
I'm in my 20s mate and good looking, I don't pay for anything, I can just swoop in for 2minutes and get the best there. Keep your bar stall, your ego and mong faced issan bargirl, that will tell you're hansom and she loves you for everything.<br /><br />Mums in hospital ...... kwaii's sick ..... need money to get food at tesco .... 1 million dots later .... Edited by Bingo66
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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


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<br />
<br />Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.<br />
<br /><br />Good, when you finally leave there will be one more empty seat for me to plant my butt in at the bar while I leer at LBFM's swooning past, and my beer will arrive that much sooner.<br /><br /><img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" /><br />
I'm in my 20s mate and good looking, I don't pay for anything, I can just swoop in for 2minutes and get the best there. Keep your bar stall, your ego and mong faced issan bargirl, that will tell you're hansom and she loves you for everything.<br /><br />Mums in hospital ...... kwaii's sick ..... need money to get food at tesco .... 1 million dots later ....

I've got a pretty strong feeling that you are replying (with a bit of a swollen head nonetheless, Mr. 20-something Adonisrolleyes.gif) to a satirical reply. Read the same poster's earlier comments.

Edited by moto77
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<br />
<br />Nice jokr, but sadly it's very true and that's why i'm growing tired of Thailand. Ugly alcoholic farang guys with a new born ego being conned by ugly bar girls one way or another gets tiring to see everywhere you go.<br />
<br /><br />Good, when you finally leave there will be one more empty seat for me to plant my butt in at the bar while I leer at LBFM's swooning past, and my beer will arrive that much sooner.<br /><br /><img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" /><br />
I'm in my 20s mate and good looking, I don't pay for anything, I can just swoop in for 2minutes and get the best there. Keep your bar stall, your ego and mong faced issan bargirl, that will tell you're hansom and she loves you for everything.<br /><br />Mums in hospital ...... kwaii's sick ..... need money to get food at tesco .... 1 million dots later ....

Mong faced? Ouch. Kind of felt personal.


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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

Hello, read the top of the article it says - SATIRE, which means joke!! Admittedly, I missed it at first, but did not believe what I was reading was quite true, then DOING (sound of a bell ringing) I realised IT'S A JOKE FOLKS. Perhaps not very good, or particularly funny, especially if you cannot laugh at yourself. Must dash out and get my case of Change, 30 Asian Women and probably only one DVD?

Edited by robertson468
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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

Hello, read the top of the article it says - SATIRE, which means joke!! Admittedly, I missed it at first, but did not believe what I was reading was quite true, then DOING (sound of a bell ringing) I realised IT'S A JOKE FOLKS. Perhaps not very good, or particularly funny, especially if you cannot laugh at yourself. Must dash out and get my case of Change, 30 Asian Women and probably only one DVD?

Did you know the Romans believed that when two people laugh they could trade souls?


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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

Depending on what you are doing with that money--more than a few Thais would be very happy indeed.

Same as back home, we'd prefer to be rid of a few rich idiots too. Paris Hilton, Charlie Sheen, the Mafia, a few Miami drug lords, a*****es in general.

Not everything can be bought with your money--first among them: respect from respectable people.

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i just wanred to add my congrats to the list. this was probably the best post I have read on any board for ages. and the responses, to date, have contributed greatly to its going down in the anals of chatroom history. pointed out to us yesterday we even featured it on 105 FM, giving your board the credit for it of course and recommending folk visit you to get a full read.

TV is a constant source of good info.. and of course satire



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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


Likewise, such ranting! Hello, Siamjimi, I will say it again, the article is headed SATIRE, which means it has been done as a joke, or a spoof. You sound like you have some serious psychological issues here and perhaps time you left the Country before you loose it all together. Thailand is Thailand and you have to adapt to the people and the Country if you want to live here, not the Country adapt to your way of thinking and living.

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

Hello, read the top of the article it says - SATIRE, which means joke!! Admittedly, I missed it at first, but did not believe what I was reading was quite true, then DOING (sound of a bell ringing) I realised IT'S A JOKE FOLKS. Perhaps not very good, or particularly funny, especially if you cannot laugh at yourself. Must dash out and get my case of Change, 30 Asian Women and probably only one DVD?

Did you know the Romans believed that when two people laugh they could trade souls?


Okay, I'm up for that, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha. You have such a warm soul my Friend!

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


Likewise, such ranting! Hello, Siamjimi, I will say it again, the article is headed SATIRE, which means it has been done as a joke, or a spoof. You sound like you have some serious psychological issues here and perhaps time you left the Country before you loose it all together. Thailand is Thailand and you have to adapt to the people and the Country if you want to live here, not the Country adapt to your way of thinking and living.



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i just wanred to add my congrats to the list. this was probably the best post I have read on any board for ages. and the responses, to date, have contributed greatly to its going down in the anals of chatroom history. pointed out to us yesterday we even featured it on 105 FM, giving your board the credit for it of course and recommending folk visit you to get a full read.

TV is a constant source of good info.. and of course satire



Were you actually trying to say annals, as in record or events or did you really mean anals?

Some TV members have been accused of that.:rolleyes:

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i just wanred to add my congrats to the list. this was probably the best post I have read on any board for ages. and the responses, to date, have contributed greatly to its going down in the anals of chatroom history. pointed out to us yesterday we even featured it on 105 FM, giving your board the credit for it of course and recommending folk visit you to get a full read.

TV is a constant source of good info.. and of course satire



Were you actually trying to say annals, as in record or events or did you really mean anals?

Some TV members have been accused of that.:rolleyes:

I appreciate my wit is below me ;) and am glad it wasnt lost on you. it was intended as a pun of course

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I know this is the wrong place for this rant, and that I am totally tilting at windmills here, but it appears that a "certain kind" of foreigner believes the article and another kind does not. I think, in order to believe it, you have to believe that most Thais actually think like the (fake) people in the article. And again, my reaction is: WHICH Thai people are like this and where are you meeting them? Why are you being ripped off by women with poverty stories?

Even if 5% of Thai people worked in the sex industry--and I promise you that it is not that many--that would mean that 95% do not. That's more than 19 in 20 that have no connection to this industry at all. So why is it that you keep meeting so many Thai people that are asking you for cash? Is it because you spend all of your time in brothels? Is it because you fell in love with a prostitute and thought that she loved only you? In other words, of the probably thousands of men she's been with, you are telling us that she fell for a lower middle class, fat dude that is 30 years her senior. And you BELIEVED that?

And not only that, you decided to trust a prostitute with your money? Would you have done that back in the US, or England, or Germany, or Australia? Just handed thousands of Euro/Dollars/Pounds over to a prostitute? So why the hell did you do it here? And then--to further compound your ignorance--you blame all of the other people in Thailand for the fact that you--acting like a complete idiot--got ripped off by a hooker? If you handed $10k to a hooker you met in a bar back home and she disappeared, would you blame the other hundred million people in your country? NO. But here you do. This never ceases to amaze me.

None of the Thai women that I have dated here EVER asked me for cash at ANY time. Bar girls embarrass them and they go out of their way to NOT look or act like a bar girl. Yet many--if you get to know them--have at least one horribly embarrassing story of a fat drunken pig asking them "how much?" And some people wonder why Thais don't like a certain class of foreigner.

It's beyond obvious to me.

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

:cheesy: Thank you for yet another good laugh..... wait, you ARE being satirical... aren't you?

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


Likewise, such ranting! Hello, Siamjimi, I will say it again, the article is headed SATIRE, which means it has been done as a joke, or a spoof. You sound like you have some serious psychological issues here and perhaps time you left the Country before you loose it all together. Thailand is Thailand and you have to adapt to the people and the Country if you want to live here, not the Country adapt to your way of thinking and living.



+1 :lol: ...just gets better and better

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.



Do you think that someone should let him know that it is a satirical piece akin to an April fools joke or should we let him steam away in his own juices in his own little world thinking that all Thai's are farang haters!!!! I admire his pure uninhibited and extreme vitriol I must admit - comes through in leaps and bounds and is almost poetic. Talking about getting it off your chest!! Shame the whole things a spoof though as it all counts for nothing!! Poor thing.

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