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Am I Famous?

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Some of you may have noticed that I am one of the top posters here; I mean in VOLUME.

Believe it or not, that wasn't really my goal. In fact it is rather embarrassing.

I am totally in the closet in my actual persona being "Jingthing" and such.

I don't attend Thaivisa gatherings and I've never told a soul I am Jingthing.

But it has occurred to me at this point, I may be FAMOUS among expats in Thailand. Now I know not all expats read this site, so I am assuming this "fame" if it really exists wouldn't go beyond readers of this forum, correct? But there ARE lots of forum users. Do you think I'm famous? Do expats talk about me (mostly dissing I assume) when they meet over beers?

And most importantly, please advise on how I may be able to make LOTS OF MONEY on my fame (if it exists)!

If you have serious proposals on the money question, feel free to PM me with the particulars.



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Dont know if you are famous.

But the amount of posts makes me wonder how much time you spend infront of your computer.

Please please dont misunderstand me now.

Im not trying to bash you.

Just curious.

After all, you are the one that made yourself into the subject in the thread.


I can see you have, in about 5-6 years, made an average of more than 14 posts per day.

Many of the posts take some time to write (read the thread first, spell check the post, create a thread/poll, etc).

Considering you sleep, eat, wash,etc, like the rest of us, I can only guess you spend a lot of time infront of the computer?

This question I could also ask other members of course.

Again, not trying to bash/attack you.

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Considering you sleep, eat, wash,etc, like the rest of us, I can only guess you spend a lot of time infront of the computer?

You're a regular Sherlock Holmes, aren't you mate?

Not really interested in talking about my personal life, or lack thereof.

I am curious if people talk about me with each other. For example if you went into an expat hangout and mentioned "Jingthing" would many people recognize the name, or would there be mostly blank stares?

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Not a single thing I can say directly to the theme of the original post that wouldn't be considered a 'flame' ...... other than "only in his own mind"

I have sat and talked with many TVF members over the years and JT's screenname never once came up.

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Not a single thing I can say directly to the theme of the original post that wouldn't be considered a 'flame' ...... other than "only in his own mind"

I have sat and talked with many TVF members over the years and JT's screenname never once came up.

Thanks for your feedback, and also for holding back on the flames. Cheers.

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Considering you sleep, eat, wash,etc, like the rest of us, I can only guess you spend a lot of time infront of the computer?

You're a regular Sherlock Holmes, aren't you mate?

Not really interested in talking about my personal life, or lack thereof.

I am curious if people talk about me with each other. For example if you went into an expat hangout and mentioned "Jingthing" would many people recognize the name, or would there be mostly blank stares?

As far as I remember from the movies, Holmes never guessed.

He was alwasy sure.



come to think about it now, I have maybe talked about TV two (max 3) times over the years (10+) I have been here.

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come to think about it now, I have maybe talked about TV two (max 3) times over the years (10+) I have been here.

That's an interesting comment. Why would people talk about Thaivisa in real life?

Discussing attention seekers perhaps....

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come to think about it now, I have maybe talked about TV two (max 3) times over the years (10+) I have been here.

That's an interesting comment. Why would people talk about Thaivisa in real life?

Discussing attention seekers perhaps....

Aside from the money making opportunities (which I was clearly joking about, well mostly anyway) I would actually be pleased if it is true that I am not famous in Thailand. I am still not fully convinced about this. I was only curious. I have noticed on the board many times people mention Jingthing in threads where I haven't even posted, so I am sorry if you think it is some kind of character flaw to be curious.

Please note, if this thread veers towards a flame fest, I will ask it to be closed ASAP. I am just seeking opinions on a limited question, is "Jingthing" famous in Thailand or not? So far, people are saying not. Of course comments DIRECTLY related to your opinion on that are also welcome. Fine with either answer but that's the topic here.

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come to think about it now, I have maybe talked about TV two (max 3) times over the years (10+) I have been here.

That's an interesting comment. Why would people talk about Thaivisa in real life?

Discussing attention seekers perhaps....

Aside from the money making opportunities (which I was clearly joking about, well mostly anyway) I would actually be pleased if it is true that I am not famous in Thailand. I am still not fully convinced about this. I was only curious. I have noticed on the board many times people mention Jingthing in threads where I haven't even posted, so I am sorry if you think it is some kind of character flaw to be curious.

Please note, if this thread veers towards a flame fest, I will ask it to be closed ASAP. I am just seeking opinions on a limited question, is "Jingthing" famous in Thailand or not? So far, people are saying not. Of course comments DIRECTLY related to your opinion on that are also welcome. Fine with either answer but that's the topic here.

To answer your question Yes you are well known on this forum. At a TV get together mention of your name might elicit a few grins....outwith TV you would hardly be known and blank stares all round.

How about we have a 20 question yes or no session to try and get to know you better?

I'll start....

Are you famous?

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Famous? Maybe, definition of Famous…………..'Known to many people'

But no one can say how many people need to know of you to make you famous.

I think the best way to judge your fame is on my,(patent pending) Fame indicator…………..First you take the number of lackeys, (yes men) you have, multiplied by the number of free gifts you get, (each day) divided by the times you can have a bitch fit over nothing and lob something at someone….and get away without getting your light punched out!

An example; 3 Lackeys, 2 gifts with 2 bitch fits; leave a score of 3. Personally, I think as a contender for the title of famous you are going to need to score at least a 3 Just to get on, (bottom) the 'B' list.

To get on to the 'A' list you, (I think) need to be banging out a score of 30 and over.

May I suggest you; a, up your post rate per day and b,keep the bitch fits to a minimum!

Good luck.

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Almost 25000 posts that's a lot :thumbsup:

Don't know about being famous and recognised I generally just look at the avatar and not the name so if you have changed yor avatar over the years to you would be "Less Famous" to me :D

I've never been to a meeting doubt I'd want to meet members in real life :w00t:

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Yes, you are famous.


You silly fool. That's not the meaning of the thread at all. Please reread the OP and pay attention you doughnut.

Its not about whether or not he's famous its all about how relatively famous he is and if we all gossip about him behind his back.

Honestly its hard work here sometimes!


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Almost 25000 posts that's a lot :thumbsup:

Don't know about being famous and recognised I generally just look at the avatar and not the name so if you have changed yor avatar over the years to you would be "Less Famous" to me :D

I've never been to a meeting doubt I'd want to meet members in real life :w00t:

The TVF piss-ups are fun. I have met a couple of people that I "didn't like so much" from their posts that turned out to be rather interesting and fun to have a drink with. I met a bunch more that I thought would be fun, that were! I have met one that I thought was a boor online and he was a boor in person too :)

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Yes, you are famous.


You silly fool. That's not the meaning of the thread at all. Please reread the OP and pay attention you doughnut.

Its not about whether or not he's famous its all about how relatively famous he is and if we all gossip about him behind his back.

Honestly its hard work here sometimes!


Compared to myself, he is famous. Will this answer relieve your stress?

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