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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Actual poll results show Phue Thai lead is much narrower than exit polls so a coalition govt is now likely. (nation)

I guess some people were celebrating far too early.

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The thai elite and a lot of yellow shirt supporters on here are to be feeling very sick and down in the dumps. Democracy has come through for thailand and all should just accept it. I guess tho the yellow shirts will be planning thier demonstations, airport blockades and coups by now.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

If you don't like it then go home. It's called democracy. Deal with it.

I don't know where your from but this is not true democarcy, You know it as well as any western member on this forum. All the people you seem to support would be in jail already in your country. Take a vacation

Mr, i am from the west, i would like to hear some examples of those true democracies, cuz till now , i hav not known a single country in he west that you could call a true democracy.


Thank you the laugh. Your opening line is the funniest thing I've ever seen posted on here. Once again thanks I needed cheering up.

Exactly. That was the bull Thaksin used to shovel to first get into power. I am the richest, so I am not corrupt, because I have all the money you need. I think even among fanatic red activists, almost nobody believes that anymore!


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

<deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

They deserve to be booted out.

The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

I agree 100% with every thing that you say,I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.


I stay out of politics in Thailand. I just wanted to post this list of Thailand's recent coups, rebellions, revolts and revolutions for those people that seem to think another coup, military action, judicial action, revolt, etc. won't happen again. In the big picture, the more amazing result would be for trouble not to happen after the new regime takes office.

Palace Revolt (1912)

1932 Revolution

June 1933 coup

Boworadet Rebellion (October 1933)

Rebellion of the Sergeants (1935)

Songsuradet Rebellion (1939)

1947 coup

Army General Staff Plot (1948)

Palace Rebellion (1949)

Manhattan Rebellion (June 1951)

Silent Coup (November 1951)

Peace Rebellion (1952)

1957 coup

1958 coup

1964 Rebellion

1971 coup

1973 Uprising

1976 coup

March 1977 coup

October 1977 coup

Military rebellion (1981)

1985 coup

1991 coup

Black May (1992)

2006 coup

2010 Thai political protests

32.91% partylist vote count: PT 4.9m, Democrat 4.5m, bhumjai 450,000. /via@ThanongK

So at this stage, the majority of people don't want Thaksin back.


I think people should step back for a moment and look at the numbers. Sure with a fairly narrow split bought votes can win an election but on these numbers you cannot seriously argue that this is the only reason for them winning. In a democracy the single vote of a farmer in the country is worth the same a business man in Bangkok and if you want to win a country where the poor are the majority then you have have policies that offer the majority some hope of a better life. Abhisit could have spent the last few years taxing the richer people in Bangkok and starting huge improvement and education initiatives in the poorest parts of Thailand - no to have done so has been the single factor that has brought this about.

It seems to me that, in a country where corruption is rife at every level, the majority of people (and the majority do not live in Bangkok) really don't care that Thaksin lined his own pockets because they just see that at the Thai way. What concerns them are things like education, housing, welfare services and the like and they will vote for whoever delivers (or even promises) those.

The shadow of course is the military and I just pray they don't intervene again because each time they do they will set back the real road to democracy which can only ever come about as a result of the people themselves wanting it in large enough numbers.

Come to think of it how do we know that Thaksin was seriously corrupt (and by seriously I mean more than anyone else!) It is through the media and a legal system that nobody trusts.

I understand that many people are unhappy with the outcome but lets face it the outcome is more democratic than what we currently have in the UK - where millions of peoples votes against the Tories actually put them in power - I would argue that the coalition is much more undemocratic than what is happening in Thailand.

The Democrats were bringing forward a policy of land tax to tax larger pieces of land. Let's see if PTP follow through with that to help the poor.


And wasn't that land tax bill shot down with lightening speed in a House vote?


It's ok though. The incoming party will hand out 'Tablet PC's to all students. First they need to be educated on how to use them. That is not going to happen. The PC's or the education. It wasn't going to happen with the losers either.

We don't need no education!

They know how to play games on tablet PCs. What else you need?


What amazes me was that the leaders the western democracies, where we are from, never said a word of protest or criticism about the military coup...or the military junta they were left to deal with. Our countries have intervened in such cases across the world... certainly through public comment... but even militarily at times.

But never a word from their embassies in Bangkok.... in the case of Thailand. Strange.

A 5 second google shows...

The United States has imposed sanctions against Thailand in response to the military coup which ousted civilian Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.The move involves cutting off $24m (£12.8m) in military assistance, according to the US state department.

"The United States continues to urge a rapid return to democratic rule and early elections in Thailand," said Mr McCormack (State department spokesman), adding that funds would be reinstated once an elected government was in office.The US has urged the ruling generals to call elections as soon as possible.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Not going to side either way on this. But my wife told me she got 300b from the democrats last week and 100b from the red shirts 2 days ago, and then voted the way she already had decided. So multiply that by all of the people in all of the villages and it adds up to a lot of waisted money

dont believe you. first ive never heard of only 100 baht. Second ones who take money feel obliged to vote for whose paid for it at least my wifes family are. Third agents control it all and take their cut and they do not tread on each others territory to much risk

In my employees' village the Democrats handed out 500 Baht on Friday.


Im being told by someone whos lived here more than 5 years that Thaksin was the one who introduced less time on tourist visas and earlier closing times in bars.

Seems like Thaksin will be worse for expats.


Get a life Taksin and Peau Thai haters...voice and rights of the majority must be respected!

Exactly right we come from democratic countries so respect democracy. The people have spoken accept it.



And wasn't that land tax bill shot down with lightening speed in a House vote?

Actually, I didn't think it had made it to a vote yet.

But if PTP get a majority, there will be nothing to stop them bringing it in to help the poor.


Thaksin is the least corrupt of these leaders and policians, including the generals.

He doesn't need the money.

He's interested in prestige.

Of course, he must by sheer necessity engage in a certain amount of political corruption when you consider who the other players are, and that it's Thailand.

As for paying poor people for votes...how much did Abhissit pay them?


.And what did he ever do for them....


Thaksin tried, and with some success, delivered for them...health-care...land reform...education reform.... and he deserves every vote.

I hope his sister's government can restart those initiatives.


He is hopelessly driven to reacquire his lost prestige, and there is never enough money.

Anyone that thinks thaksin is in this to help anyone but himself is deluded. The others are not much different. It just changes the crowd that gets the money. And it ain't the poor.


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?

A lot of farangs are now depressed because they just noticed they've been rooting for the wrong team for years.

Well my bunch of expat friends here in Pattaya are delighted at the situation.

I know on one who wanted to keep the Democrats in power!

Of course we dont like Thaksin either, but at least the country has a chance to move forward now instead of back to feudal times!!!

None of us wanted to see a continuation of such a repressive government

I dont think it will be easy now to oppose the obvious will of the Thai people.

A vote for Thaksin is a vote to contiue the feudal times. He has all the village headmen in his pocket due to the extra money they were getting from him. Think about who controlled the million Baht a village loans, now going up to 2 million Baht. Thaksin wants to keep the poor where they are, as a mob he can unleash when he orders the Headmen. Yes Feudalism at it's best.


C'mon all you old farts! It's been a fair competition and the best one won :jap: Khun Abhisit might have been Mr. Clean at heart, but still had to cry out "I'm finished! Come and wipe!" As little missus Yingoutofluck will have to do. It'a new money vs. old money and privileges, and basically there was more of the new. No surprise, seeing y'all buy your booze and fags from 7-11 and use AIS to save a dime.

Relax my friends, relax. Nothing will change, except for maybe a few Malay's in the South, the drug addicts and some being eradicated, journalist of course - but who needs freedom of speach when you can get to tall bottles of Chang at give-away-prices?

No, seriously. Thaksin - a Berlusconi gone bad - is not good. Neither are the Democrats who had a chance of cleaning up their act but never did. They are at fault and although the outcome does not bode well for the Kingdom, som nam naah! :whistling:

Ha, I was waiting for this....Taksim and Berlosconi.....it is exact the same situation!

They suceed as the majority of the country is uneducated ...or better stupid, lazy ....dum.

In Italy it is the north what is holding the level up but get beaten by the lazy south.....the number of votes counts.

Same situation in Thailand....there are still too many uneducated thais.

The inteligent build up a country and a corrupt leader with the support of the dum ones will set it back...

It will take some more generations till the farang increased the overall intelligence level and that thailand is ready for a better future.

With every mix baby born the sun gets brighter in LOS.


With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

What's interesting about those numbers is, that BJT seems to have gotten decimated, because its charasmatic leader is under suspension and played no part in these elections. What's interesting about PTP is their leader is also under suspension but we see his influence in every media, both domestic and international. Now we're going to see what the Thai judiciary is made of.

You know very well what the Thai judiciary is made of. We've seen it before.

Not sure they can get away with it again though, with such a clear election result. But if they try (same applies to the military) then that'd be an excellent path to civil war.

How about RESPECTING THE ELECTION RESULTS, that everyone has been so full of. Anything else is worse, even if you don't like the result.

You should read all my posts Winnie. How about respecting "the rule of law"?


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?


Just guessing from the last ten years of living here that you haven't got a clue as to how to spell 'Democracy' nor do you have a firm grip on English plurals 'Thai's. This all leads me to belief that you haven't a clue about Thailand or even an fundamental understanding of how a Constitutional Democracy works. No doubt you're an English teacher.

Thanks for the English lesson I would have used the word believe but with your great knowledge of English you must have used the word belief correctly. Stick to topic or start another thread on how not to use the word belief!

32.91% partylist vote count: PT 4.9m, Democrat 4.5m, bhumjai 450,000. /via@ThanongK

So at this stage, the majority of people don't want Thaksin back.

You forget the smaller parties like Puea Pandin who are pro-Thaksin. Plus, it's more than likely that the huge vote of Isaan is barely even counted yet. With that in mind, it's safe to say that the majority of Thais do want Thaksin back. We'll see when the final count is certified :jap:


Mr, i am from the west, i would like to hear some examples of those true democracies, cuz till now , i hav not known a single country in he west that you could call a true democracy.

No, of course not, a perfect democracy does not exist. It's an ideal that can't really be fully realized given human nature. To those countries seeking to improve that way, please don't copy the USA. It has gone wrong with money interests basically ruling instead of the people.


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

This is a good (not bad) thing imo

Great if you don't like tourism dollars

More tourist might actually come here if they cleaned that up.


I see where one of the other parties has congratulated her on her win. They even said they will be willing to join her. Why not the writing is on the wall.


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


It would help if you quoted the whole post that you are replying to.Then you would get the point of what he was saying. But I guess seeing the whole story is not your strongest point.


As good guests here we should respect the decision of the majority of the Thai people.

Respect, OK, that's reasonable. Celebrate or agree with if we don't feel that way? Why?


PT's predicted number of seats is now 251 - just over 50% - which will give them the power to form a government whatever happens. If this is the actual number of seats, then it is 18 more seats than the last election in 2007 won by PPP under the supposed leadership of Samak and suggests that the majority of the population are still at odds with what happened over the last 4 years and willing to give the Thaksin clan another chance at running the country, regardless of what anyone on thaivisa.com thinks.

Good to see Chuwit probably set to get a run in parliament. Would have been better for comedy value if Jatuporn had still been able to claim a place in the circus.

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