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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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So if the Italians voted in Mussolini would you also call that a victory for democracy. The Thai people today endorsed NO DEMOCRACY. They want an autocratic dictatorship. Best wishes to them with that interesting choice.

Jingthing you are being so melodramatic with your earlier references to Thailand now becoming like North Korea and your insinuations of an autocratic dictatorship. :rolleyes:

The other 50% will demand new elections occur again at the appropriate time.

( And by the way never mind referring to Mussolini - what about the autocratic way in which your beloved Obama pushed through the health care reform against the will of so many people ).

And the big BO is working hard to redistribute wealth; that is, everybody else's but his.


Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

"Smart" is a relative term.

So, they "ain't" smart as opposed to whom...?

Surely not you're compatriots, Jinthing, who elected a cretin for a president, whose administration was at least partly responsible for the GFC, the Iraq war and the Afghan war.

Not once did you elect him, but twice!




Agreed. I don't see how you took my statement to mean American voters are always smart. DUH!


Abhisit just conceded defeat to Yingluck...TAN Channel 78. Stand up guy.

Hey, good for him. That was the PC thing to do. It wasn't poor Abby that was the brunt of today's landslide, it was his handlers pulling the strings and playing the music as he danced.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

"Thank you to the people who came out to vote,"said the 44-year-old telegenic businesswoman, a political novice who Thaksin has described as his "clone".

As Abhisit said. If they win there's only Chaos. Indeed, a very sad day. One of the worst for me.......:jap:


Interesting results, 4 out of the 5 lowest turnouts are in Isaan.

5 lowest voter turnout: UdornThani (24.54%), Samutprakarn (25.36), Kalasin (34.75), NongBuaLampoo (34.42) and Khon Kaen (36). /Via@ThaiElection11

From what I have heard a lot of public bus services to Issarn had been stopped over the last few days.

Not sure if that has any thing to do with it but the low turn out could be because many people were not able to return home and vote.

Interesting that nobody else has reported hearing this, I find it highly unlikely unless you have some news source that actually reported it? Considering they report every train stoppage I would think this would have made the news.

Besides, there is no need to return home to vote, that is what advanced registration and the advanced voting last weekend was for and every Thai I have ever met is well aware of this option.

From what I know......there's no train, or bus to Isan cancelled. I've also heard that a sack of rice fell down in China....:jap:


Agreed. You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Why people insist in voting, still mesmerises me. Red vs Yellow, Democrats vs Republicans, etc... comes back to choosing between snakes and sharks. By voting people validate a system that exploits them and strip the earth from its resources. War, famine, unemployment, financial crisis, destruction of the habitat... If voting created a better world, surely we'd know it by now.

The concept of one man; one vote is great, but the game is rigged because you don't get to choose the people you vote for. You choose what the elite thinks is best for you . Elections give people the illusion of being in control of their fate. They aren't. They belong to a Master.

I dream of a world where people can make decisions of their own, instead of following leaders like a herd would follow a shepherd. You don't need a corrupt representation. If you want to attain true democracy through votes, let Internet do the job for you through referendum. Important issues (gathered on the FAQ principles) can be submitted to users who can vote online. One man; One vote. When this day will come...I will vote again!

Exactly, Internet and SMS as channels of management by the people. But if you are in master shoes you are working in service of the one world concept pitting perceived differences against each other to keep their eyes off the big ball as they take it over. And toward that end is the deployment of a future one-world religion that propagates its own dogmatic legal division for dealing with members, and its scriptured genocidal intolerance for nonbelievers, as if there will be a choice.

This would be worth an extra thread here. Wonder how PT will (re)act in the already raging WW III (not proclaimed as such yet, but ...).


Could not agree more. Yes, Yingruck still has to proove yet. But she deserves the same fair chance as Abishit had -- and failed.

It is a good day, definitely for Foreigners and most likely for Thai.


This is the best possible outcome for Thailand! If the PT win was marginal the army would be much more likely to come in. As it is, it would be difficult for them to take future action and negate the clear will of the people.

I don't have much sympathy for Abhisit although I was for the Democrats last time around. They were given an opportunity to govern for the past 2 years and didn't do anything to tackle corruption, to heal the divide, to move the country forward economically and to eradicate the poverty. Not to mention the ever worsening situation of us foreigners living here. Abhisit's English roots and education didn't make any difference. I'm happy to see him, the army and the establishment loose this one.

What is PT government going to be like is of course an open question. I hope Yingluck is not exactly the same as Thaksin. I hope they tone down cheap populism that they are in already, and make some difference to Thailand's situation that the people aspire for and deserve. And maybe, just maybe they will appreciate more the economic contribution the foreigners are making to Thailand and encourage changes in the laws that can easily double it up.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Errr..just how is democracy dead?:huh:

The people have spoken havent they? If anything this prooves that democracy DOES work.

I dont like it any more than you, but you cannot claim democracy wasnt done just becuase you dont like the outcome. After all, NOT accepting the voice of the majority of the people would make one a bit of a dictator wouldnt it?

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


Everybody has equal access to education and information nowadays over the internet. They do not have to be from a rich family and getting everything for granted through their background. India is a good example, they learn on the internet. I see many thai girls and boys in internet shops communicating with "whoever", but not learning to improve their missing skills (of course there are exceptions)I always wonder, why so many "girls", sitting in front of a massage saloon doing nothing than scream "massage" at the same time. Why do they not have a book on their knees to learn Englsich, Japanese or Chinese (nowadays better Russian) instead of just screaming in a chorus?What is the reason?? I want to pint out that this does not apply to all.


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

I *LOVE* nightlife and it's one of the great misconceptions that the social order campaign was targetted specifically at the Farang/tourist scene.

Also, the drive for the social order BS originated from a faction that has long since split off (that nutter chamlong among others), so I'm not too worried.

Please do not mix up your love for nightlife with thai politics, not all thais are working in your preferred establishments.

Long and short time will be cheaper soon and T's pigs will be cheaper as well. I guess pork will be much cheaper soon. :jap:


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

They won't go bankrupt they'll just make a bit less profit or maybe more as they'll have a more contented work force. New Labor introduced a minimum wage in the UK years back and it wasn't that that caused the present recession it was the greedy rich!

I take it that you do not have any thai workers. In my experience paying most of them more just meant that they disappeared for more days after pay day. the workers themselves told me no matter how much more i pay them they are not going to work any harder than they do now. This was back when i was still trying to figure out how to get my workers to put out a decent days work. I tried every tactic that i thought would work then started asking them for ideas. The answer was clear. they will only work as hard as they want no matter what.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

only a fool would vote for her.now thaksin will come back and serve no time for stealing millions from the thai people.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Quite funny, considering that a democratic election was held today, monitored by 3rd party observers, which clearly shows which party the majority of Thais want to shape their future.

I always find it amazing how so many farang become embroiled in Thai politics when you have no dog in the fight, can't vote, have zero rights and garner less respect than given a soi dog.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

"Thank you to the people who came out to vote,"said the 44-year-old telegenic businesswoman, a political novice who Thaksin has described as his "clone".

As Abhisit said. If they win there's only Chaos. Indeed, a very sad day. One of the worst for me.......:jap:

More amateur dramatics ...... The only chaos will be when the Army takes to the streets as they will be looking at charges of 91 murders.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Quite funny, considering that a democratic election was held today, monitored by 3rd party observers, which clearly shows which party the majority of Thais want to shape their future.

I always find it amazing how so many farang become embroiled in Thai politics when you have no dog in the fight, can't vote, have zero rights and garner less respect than given a soi dog.

Actually most expats have at least some skin in the game.

They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

"Thank you to the people who came out to vote,"said the 44-year-old telegenic businesswoman, a political novice who Thaksin has described as his "clone".

As Abhisit said. If they win there's only Chaos. Indeed, a very sad day. One of the worst for me.......:jap:

More amateur dramatics ...... The only chaos will be when the Army takes to the streets as they will be looking at charges of 91 murders.

Glad to see you've truly joined in with the spirit of reconciliation. I hope that K Yingluck approaches reconciliation with a more open mind than you appear to.


Go reds! :D

And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.

Well said ! No doubt all the yellow shirt / PAD / Democrat / right wing loonies on here will be complaining about vote buying, but I'm happy to report in our village, that there seems to be no such thing. We've talked to lots of folks today, and while it MAY be true elsewhere, it didn't happen here. Perhaps all those who make anti-red posts in their thousands, will finally realise that they are completely wasting their time - most people on here DON'T have a vote. :D:D

Got to say all my inlaws are happy with the landslide win for Yingluck .

I bet there are a lot of democrat, yellowshirt followers on thei forum are now hopping around with one foot in their mouths.:whistling:

Good on the new Prime Minister, Yingluck.:D


The PT victory is a good thing for Thailand. The poor majority has assserted their interests in the face of military and judicial coups of the past five years. I hope that PT finds ways to redistribute the wealth more equitably, i.e. improving the economic conditions of the poor majority. While I recognize that Thaksin himself is self-dealing, in the scheme of things that problem ranks much lower than the wholesale disenfranchisement of the majority that resulted from the coups.

As for the Thaksin-hating expats here, they simply have a vested interest in the status quo, as deeply unjust as that is.

The question is what the elites will do now: whether they will go in the direction of Burma-style overt military control since their facade "democracy" has failed.


Maybe the courts can invalidate this if massive PT corruption is found. Yes that would be violent, but is that worse than allowing Thaksin to take total power. And you know their family will NEVER let it go again, once burned, you know.

Most members of this forum have no vote. No doubt that those that do, cast their ballot as they chose. For the rest of us, our opinions count for nothing. The Thai people have made their choice. We should all accept the will of the people. If you cannot or will not do that, ship out. Whichever you choose, stop whinging and get on with your life.


It's not a landslide. The exit-polls are inheritable flawed.

Exit polls are rarely wrong though. So now we have to question is the vote count being tampered with?

How could these exit polls be wrong? The ex told me when she and her sisters/granny voted today they were asked when leaving who they voted for by nice uni kids with clipboards, Standing next to the kids were "friends" of the folks who had handed out envelopes of cash a few minutes before, listening and watching what was written down. What were they going to say - they voted for the other party? She also said there were "helpers" who were showing people how to mark their ballots. rolleyes.gif


All I know is that I need a beer :whistling:

That will take another 4 hours.

Think positive, check your watch, only 3h18m :D

PS I'm having mine at home at the moment


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


"Intellectualy" superior, first class education, hmmm, does it make you a better person?

No of course not. What a silly comment.

However, I can at least consider the facts and, if I was able, cast my vote on the basis of what would be best for myself and family.

(Thanks for spotting my typo. It should have been intellectually.


Some people like to think that as they have had a "First class education" they are better than others. These are usually the same sad little people who think Great Britain still has an Empire. Having worked with Oxbridge people for 32 years I have found them small minded prigs who believe that the working class are there to be used. A phrase that will always stick with me is "Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success. Don't be afraid to tread on them"

Having worked with the rural Thai's for the last 3 years I would trust them more when the chips are down than some "Elitist", self-centred, arrogant fool.

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