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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Because she had 100% more seats than the party in second place so if 15% of her vote would have been spread between the other parties she'd still have won.

I didn't realise the Democrats only got 130 seats.

If she only had 35% of the seats, she wouldn't have a majority and she would have to form a coalition.

Go back to school.

She would still have won the election though. Winning the election is about getting the most seats, not getting the majority of seats. As I said earlier, that any party actually is able to get so many votes that it is able to govern without forming a coalition is an exception in democracies where so many parties participate in general election, allthough in the case of Thailand it hsa happenend a few times, Thaksin and TRT being the most recent example.

Becoming an MP is about getting the largest number of votes. Getting into government is about getting a majority of seats, either as a single party government or as a coalition.

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It's still the majority of the votes that win irrelevant of the percentage,

Each country has it's own rules on how the votes are measured for a government to be formed thats why

in the last UK election the only way the tories could win was to form a coalition with the liberals who came in third place

who ousted labour that came in 2nd place, only because the 1st and 2nd place were too close and didn't reach the required amount of votes.


More than 50% doesn't mean the majority,

if you have 100 voters and 5 candidates (parties)

candidate 1 = 10%

candidate 2 = 25%

candidate 3 = 5%

candidate 4 = 40%

candidate 5 = 20%

candidate 4 wins by majority.

Please tell your math teacher that over 50% isn't the majority and then come back. :rolleyes:

According to Merriam Webster:


3. a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

Are we talking about mathematics or political voting % ?

As the two are not the same wink.gif


Oh, I remember the celebrations when Obama won. Look at the good ol' USA now - a spiraling out of control country with massive debt, loser wars, abhorrent laws turning into a police state, falling home prices and deep unemployment. Hope became hopeless. Change was a make over. Jeez... and I'm an American that voted for that clown. Let's hope that LOS doesn't descend any further down the trail to oblivion.

I would say that it was Bush that caused all that but don't let the facts get in the way of a bias rant. I would say that Obama should not be President because he has commited war crimes & ordered the murder of Bin Ladin & others


Because she had 100% more seats than the party in second place so if 15% of her vote would have been spread between the other parties she'd still have won.

I didn't realise the Democrats only got 130 seats.

If she only had 35% of the seats, she wouldn't have a majority and she would have to form a coalition.

Go back to school.

She would still have won the election though. Winning the election is about getting the most seats, not getting the majority of seats. As I said earlier, that any party actually is able to get so many votes that it is able to govern without forming a coalition is an exception in democracies where so many parties participate in general election, allthough in the case of Thailand it hsa happenend a few times, Thaksin and TRT being the most recent example.

Becoming an MP is about getting the largest number of votes. Getting into government is about getting a majority of seats, either as a single party government or as a coalition.

That doesn't have any relevance to who wins an election, you win the election by becomming the biggest party, PT would have been the biggest party even if they would have only 35% of the seats, they have done one better, they won over 50%. At last count PT has 262 seats and the dems have 160. That's a huge margin. Based upon the numbers, it seems a vain attemt to marginalise PT sweeping victory. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a PT supporter, but these numbers are impressive. The dems have yet again lost an election, and by even a greater margin then last time.


It's still the majority of the votes that win irrelevant of the percentage,

Each country has it's own rules on how the votes are measured for a government to be formed thats why

in the last UK election the only way the tories could win was to form a coalition with the liberals who came in third place

who ousted labour that came in 2nd place, only because the 1st and 2nd place were too close and didn't reach the required amount of votes.

Yes. Every country has their own rules. Funnily enough, Thailand's electoral system is the same as the UK. To form government, a party needs to get the support of a majority (ie. greater than 50%) of the MPs.

In this case, PTP's 260 seats is a majority. 35% of that (as was suggested) would not get them into government.


That doesn't have any relevance to who wins an election, you win the election by becomming the biggest party, PT would have been the biggest party even if they would have only 35% of the seats, they have done one better, they won over 50%. At last count PT has 262 seats and the dems have 160. That's a huge margin. Based upon the numbers, it seems a vain attemt to marginalise PT sweeping victory. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a PT supporter, but these numbers are impressive. The dems have yet again lost an election, and by even a greater margin then last time.

"Winning the election" is irrelevant if you can't get enough support to form government.


Oh, I remember the celebrations when Obama won. Look at the good ol' USA now - a spiraling out of control country with massive debt, loser wars, abhorrent laws turning into a police state, falling home prices and deep unemployment. Hope became hopeless. Change was a make over. Jeez... and I'm an American that voted for that clown. Let's hope that LOS doesn't descend any further down the trail to oblivion.

I would say that it was Bush that caused all that but don't let the facts get in the way of a bias rant. I would say that Obama should not be President because he has commited war crimes & ordered the murder of Bin Ladin & others

not to get too off topic but sadly murdering people and war crimes are what will help him get the votes of many US conservatives who might be on the fence.


Oh, I remember the celebrations when Obama won. Look at the good ol' USA now - a spiraling out of control country with massive debt, loser wars, abhorrent laws turning into a police state, falling home prices and deep unemployment. Hope became hopeless. Change was a make over. Jeez... and I'm an American that voted for that clown. Let's hope that LOS doesn't descend any further down the trail to oblivion.

I would say that it was Bush that caused all that but don't let the facts get in the way of a bias rant. I would say that Obama should not be President because he has commited war crimes & ordered the murder of Bin Ladin & others

Who's bias now? Bush was a douche too. Part of another conglomerate family of criminals.


Happy to see the Thai people elect who *they* want & not some installed by military action type puppet.

That aside....I also think many voters all over the world these days will vote based on memories of better times...or in search of better times as the world is slipping into an economic abyss.

Yet sadly for most it is akin to a bus that has driven off a cliff & it does not much matter if you switch drivers. ( tough economic times ahead for all )

Albeit Asian countries do seem much better positioned than others to possibly have a safer landing.

Lastly the driver who is fortunate enough to have been in the seat during said safe landing will become immortalized.


The election was the the foretaste of the bitter pill that all Thais will have to swallow before too long.

This pill is not one that I would wish on any nation, but it is necessary medicine: ask the french or russians.

The one eyed leading the blind is limited by nature, and the alternative is a difficult one.

Lets hope that Yingluck works for the common good in a heavy sea.


That doesn't have any relevance to who wins an election, you win the election by becomming the biggest party, PT would have been the biggest party even if they would have only 35% of the seats, they have done one better, they won over 50%. At last count PT has 262 seats and the dems have 160. That's a huge margin. Based upon the numbers, it seems a vain attemt to marginalise PT sweeping victory. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a PT supporter, but these numbers are impressive. The dems have yet again lost an election, and by even a greater margin then last time.

"Winning the election" is irrelevant if you can't get enough support to form government.

Yes that's obvious, the post I responded to initially did however not talk about getting into government, but about winning the election. The dems are a long way from being even close to PT when it comes to the number of seats, it's a great victory for PT and a crushing defeat for the dems.


Bin Laden -- guilty as sin and actively planning more mass murders. Only a hard core radical leftist/anti-American would have a problem with cowboy justice for that character. Sorry if it offends but you don't have to be right wing to support getting Bin Laden.

Next ...

I'm next! The idea of 'doing as you would be done by' springs to mind. Okay, 'cowboy justice' is what may characterise the actions of fanatical religious types, but if you want to be characterized in the same way go ahead, make someone's day....


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

No surprise to see all the old cynics here complaining.

Who's Thailand is this a sad day for - Thai people's or sexpats?


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

Stop posting lies.

44,6% @95.25% counted is NOT over 50%.


Puea Thai has over 100% more ..more than double the Democrats. If you don't consider that a landslide, then I don't know.

Stop posting lies.

PT: 262 seats, 44,6% of votes

DP: 160 seats, 32,6% of votes

NOT double the seats and NOT double the votes.


Post deleted. I noticed I was deviating from the topic of the thread. I should never be allowed to write when I am tired. Off to bed for now.



They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

No surprise to see all the old cynics here complaining.

Who's Thailand is this a sad day for - Thai people's or sexpats?

I think you are doing a disservice to most of the people here (in this thread) - I would suggest that most that said or believed that it is sad day for Thailand, believe it so when considering their home, families, businesses, friends etc . We all know that whoever wins will do nothing helpful for us expats diectly, but we who live here have more to consider than you seem to beleive we do - this suggests to me that you either do not live here, are not an exat (and thus have no idea what one would be thinking!) or are one of the sexpats (with no committment to the country) you refer to.


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

It's a MAJORITY... No Coalition Needed!!



Unfortunately in Chess there is a complete opposite Factor ......"Fools Mate"


More than 50% doesn't mean the majority,

if you have 100 voters and 5 candidates (parties)

candidate 1 = 10%

candidate 2 = 25%

candidate 3 = 5%

candidate 4 = 40%

candidate 5 = 20%

candidate 4 wins by majority.

Please tell your math teacher that over 50% isn't the majority and then come back. :rolleyes:

According to Merriam Webster:


3. a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

Are we talking about mathematics or political voting % ?

As the two are not the same wink.gif

Do you know what the term 'coalition government' means?


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

No surprise to see all the old cynics here complaining.

Who's Thailand is this a sad day for - Thai people's or sexpats?

I think you are doing a disservice to most of the people here (in this thread) - I would suggest that most that said or believed that it is sad day for Thailand, believe it so when considering their home, families, businesses, friends etc . We all know that whoever wins will do nothing helpful for us expats diectly, but we who live here have more to consider than you seem to beleive we do - this suggests to me that you either do not live here, are not an exat (and thus have no idea what one would be thinking!) or are one of the sexpats (with no committment to the country) you refer to.

The inferences you've taken from my post are embarrassingly off-base.

Neither of the main 2 parties will do much for expats but it's no secret which party has a history of unfavorable decisions in regards to expats. Most people here speak selfishly and do little to consider the actual citizens of this country. objectively read most of the posts here and that will be quite clear.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

That was clear years before this election.


Quelle surprise: blimps, mini-fuehrers, neo-cons, jackboot-likkers, Conservatives, Republicans, farang supremacists, Nazis, police informers, spics, etc., etc., eat yer livvers!!!

Vox populi, vox dei. OGT


"Post deleted. I noticed I was deviating from the topic of the thread. I should never be allowed to write when I am tired. Off to bed for now.


It's nice to see that you at least acknowledge you were slipping OT.

Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.


As good guests here we should respect the decision of the majority of the Thai people.

Are you implying the posters here are not respecting the decision of the Thai people? What are they doing, forming an alternate government? I have read every post since page one and I don't know what you are referring to. Please give me some examples of this disrespect.


Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

What would be great is if her relationship disintegrates with her controlling brother. At this point however, it is fantasy to believe she is not a puppet for her brother.


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

300 seats I'd call it a landslide. This is not a landslide.

I guess you're American and only used to two parties running.Just because there are 39 other parties running does not make them all serious contenders for votes.

Wake up and learn something. This is not a landslide. A victory yes but not a landslide.

It is a landslide, period!


Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

What would be great is if her relationship disintegrates with her controlling brother. At this point however, it is fantasy to believe she is not a puppet for her brother.

I think perhaps many votes came her way BECAUSE she is a proxy (puppet?) for her big bruv - if she starts Using her own mind, will that be defrading the electorate?:blink:


"New airport- huge amount of corruption, poor construction, bad design, many many problems."

At least they built an airport.

"Skytrain- huge amount of corruption when Thaksin cronies tried to take it over."

At least they have public transportation system instead of tuk-tuks.

"Thousands of extra judicial killings".

Ill-advised as it allowed the police to murder their competition in the drug trade.

"Suppression of the media."

Not even close to Ahissit last year. Not even close.

"Corruption of the judiciary."

The last two elections were declared invalid by the Abhissit/junta judiciary.

MORE Amsterdam talking points. You are more boring with each post. Are you able to respond in a give-and-take manner with other posters or do you just want to spout trollisms?


Quelle surprise: blimps, mini-fuehrers, neo-cons, jackboot-likkers, Conservatives, Republicans, farang supremacists, Nazis, police informers, spics, etc., etc., eat yer livvers!!!

Vox populi, vox dei. OGT

Whoooh! You might want to re-adjust the antenna on your tin-foil hat, and back off on the meds a little, while you're at it. The Nazis are gone, the Japs are making Toyota's and TV's, and Mussolini has been removed from power (but it wasn't pretty), so it's safe to come out now. Welcome to the Twenty-first Century!

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