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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

When I joined and George was in charge it was fair. You are so right the last 3 years this forum has become a British tabloid.

The Thai people have spoken. Long live HM the King!

Isn't George still in charge? Maybe you should have a word to him and tell him to reduce the number of members back to 2004 levels.

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Perhaps Thailand is ahead of the curve .. People Power .. Most in the UK don't bother as it doesn't make much difference who is in power ...

Nope. People power is how he sold this business. Not People Power, unless by "people" you mean Shinawatra power.


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people?

It's partly about that

If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai?

I am able to accept it. I don't have to think that they were necessarily wise (or applied informed critical/analytic thought) in their choice.

You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them.

Who is trying to force anyone on the Thais?


I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

You mean the circus of a military coup? The circus of the airport occupations? The circus of destroying tourism? The circus of having a PM installed that you never voted for? The circus of going to the brink of war with your neighbor Cambodia? The circus of over 90 dead Thais and nobody held accountable?

Yes, I'm glad that circus is over.

Tone down, dear mock rat. The mod's still keep an eye on these political threads.


It also shows how fundamentally different Asian and Western cultures and values are. This is something that a lot of farang posters overlook. You may be married to a Thai. You may have been living here for 20 years. But still, you grew up in a completely different society, with different morals, values and ethics. What's right for the goose may not be right for the gander. You may treat this country as your home. The Thais may treat you as one of them. But, you are and will always be a foreigner and trying to force your values and ethics down the Thai people's throat will merely make them resent you more.

This is the most sensible summary I have seen in a long time. Totally agree. We live here as foreigners, for better or for worse, and if and when we can't stand it any longer we had better be prepared to move on - because Thailand culture ans values will not change in our lifetime (no matter how young some of you are!!).


i don't know why so many whites on this site are complaining so much, with the outgoing government new laws were being made almost weekly to seemingly get rid of farang.

Certainly to make life harder for farang to stay and/or live in Thailand.

This never happened under Thaksin, so i can only imagine that life will be much better for farang if he is in power.

So whats with all the complaining?

For me i could give a sh*t how hard Thailand makes it for me to stay in the kingdom I never put my personal thoughts into any of this. I have been living here before the Thaskin story. It is the Thaskin dynasty taking advantage of their power. Even his own father would not have voted for him nor support this farce. I suggest everyone wait and see because you never know what is around the bend. Whom ever is in the Govt doesn't affect me nor my family here. It's just I can see throught the Bullsh*t and really feel sorry for what's about to become of Thailand. Thaskin does not hold any grand status in the rest of the world just in the land of the now apparently lost.cheesy.gif


I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

You mean the circus of a military coup? The circus of the airport occupations? The circus of destroying tourism? The circus of having a PM installed that you never voted for? The circus of going to the brink of war with your neighbor Cambodia? The circus of over 90 dead Thais and nobody held accountable?

Yes, I'm glad that circus is over.

2 Wrongs DO NOT Make a Right!!!!

I'm sure your Teachers and Parents told you that!

BOTH sides are equally Corrupt and Disgraceful... just The Reds are slightly More so!!!



Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

well, they say Thaksin bought people votes. And people who vote for him are uneducated, poor, doesnt deserve the right to vote , etc.

Sometime I doubt what kind of system they are looking for. And how in the hell their system will work if not letting people vote.


Southeast Asia has a long tradition of leather skinned tough guys who stay in power for decades. When Thaksin again takes the PM's seat, the tradition will continue. I predict he'll be there for a long time, and his legacy will look a lot like Marcos' or Sukarno's or Suharto's legacies - all were megalomaniacs who turned their countries in to their personal cash cow fiefdoms.


I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

You mean the circus of a military coup? The circus of the airport occupations? The circus of destroying tourism? The circus of having a PM installed that you never voted for? The circus of going to the brink of war with your neighbor Cambodia? The circus of over 90 dead Thais and nobody held accountable?

Yes, I'm glad that circus is over.

Hear hear


definitely not. Ever hear of upper classes. Its not about money its who you are.

ps Class stinks in my view

Of course I knw what and whom you are referring to and acknowledge some truth in what you imply but, I'm sorry, if you don't think that in this country (as in most if not all) wealth and power can earn you a place among the ruling elite -- well, you need to think again.

Semantics. I wasnt thinking ruling as in 'government' elite but the amart. who certainly dont accept new faces. your comment starting' if you dont think...........you need to think again' is bullying. Im off this thread


If there is a full majority government formed today followed by an amnesty and Thaksin returns I'm sure he could run for the first seat that becomes available should there be a by election for one reason or another.

If he was to win such a by election he would then be eligible for his party to vote him into the position of Prime Minister as per parliamentary system rules.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

As far as Yingluck, I give her at a maximum of 6 month and then she will disappear from the political arena...but PLEASE, let us all enjoy at least one interview of her on BBC Hard Talk or similar before she is gone, will you! ;-)

6 months? How about 6 weeks? My fear is, it may only be 6 days.


a great day for Thailand, long overdue.

now its time to get the original perpetrators of the airport hijacking from all those years ago... seems that was all too easily forgotten.

Yes time they were now bought to justice. Long overdue. Start with the ex - foreign minister. :D


"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.

Great post.


I second that motion


In a society where corruption is endemic does it really matter who governs? This is a society where anything can be 'bought' including votes it would appear.

My singular aim is now to sell my house and get my wife and son out of Thailand.

Seems that unless you are a corrupt Thai or corrupt farang then Thailand has nothing to offer. How can you expect honesty when Thaksin has proven that 'crime pays'.

Last person out switch off the lights.


Southeast Asia has a long tradition of leather skinned tough guys who stay in power for decades. When Thaksin again takes the PM's seat, the tradition will continue. I predict he'll be there for a long time, and his legacy will look a lot like Marcos' or Sukarno's or Suharto's legacies - all were megalomaniacs who turned their countries in to their personal cash cow fiefdoms. ....or maybe a bit like Mahatir, who continually bashed westerners, while sending his children to western Universities.

Yep. That's the most likely outcome. Total authoritarian rule for decades. Unless PAD/courts/military act SOON to nip this tragedy in the bud. But that would probably mean civil war. Neither choice appealing.


There are many facts people dont know. For examply that around 2 months before Thaksin got kicked out of Thailand, the Thai Treasury Bank told Thaksin that with his policy of distributing money to the poor the country would be bankrupt in less than 6 months. There were other issues and this was one of the real reason why this guy had to be kicked out. The country was shortly before collapsing.

I do agree that people should get what they want. And this has to be like that, people have to suffer in order to learn, this is a law of nature. So they will have to experience and reap the results, hopefully, in many years they will know better (sittin at home with a 2000Baht tablet PC fabricated from a joint vernture of Thaksins family). Money does have to come from somewhere and the economy will collaps again (esp. with the global finance collaps ahead). The only thing is that there will be one guy who will get much richer for sure.


Believe me...the PAD are about the only ones thinking of the country rather than themselves. You want to see someone who only cares about his wallet, look at the fugitive in exile whom you support.

Arguably they started all this nonsense, so how satisfying it is to see it come back and bite them on the buttocks.

Chamlong didn't even get to vote 'no' today, poisonous little man! :lol:


I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

You mean the circus of a military coup? The circus of the airport occupations? The circus of destroying tourism? The circus of having a PM installed that you never voted for? The circus of going to the brink of war with your neighbor Cambodia? The circus of over 90 dead Thais and nobody held accountable?

Yes, I'm glad that circus is over.

Hear hear

Seconded, some people have short memories. :rolleyes:


Before everyone including myself "JUMPS" to any conclusions about the outcome of this election, let me remind people exit polls are not accurate! Who's behind the exit polls? Which party? What people say outside is not always what they put in the box!!

Let's wait and see what the actual count is before jumping to conclusions. They only started counting at 3PM and they will have an UNOFFICIAL result by 10PM.


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

You are confused.

There is a big difference between Respect and Accept.

And NOT talking out against a bad choice is NOT in the best interest of a Democracy.

I maybe a bad chose for you,then you feel more comfortable in Myanmar.jap.gif


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

Yes. I've seen some quite shocking comments, including even to express the hope that the military commits another coup.

And these are allegedly educated foreigners. Good to keep this in mind in future discussions here, the number of loose wing-nuts out there!

And.. they have keyboards!



For those bashing the "rural poor buffalo", let's look at the "more educated" BKK, which has always been a Democrat party stronghold. According to the polls, PTP won over 20 of the 33 seats. Kind of blows the "rural poor" theory out the window.


With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

What's interesting about those numbers is, that BJT seems to have gotten decimated, because its charasmatic leader is under suspension and played no part in these elections. What's interesting about PTP is their leader is also under suspension but we see his influence in every media, both domestic and international. Now we're going to see what the Thai judiciary is made of.


Well the good news today is, Mrs Changers is very happy and so are a lot of people sitting around here. They have voted and it looks like the side they backed is going to win. I am happy as well.

I suspect the Army is not happy, Abhisit was only a puppet for them so his possible demise is of little value.

I'm going to have a cuppa to celebrate. xx


This is not the military's choice, this is not the elites' choice, this is not the falang's choice. It is the Thai people's choice and that makes it the right choice. Up the Kingdom!

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