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Yingluck's First Challenge: Prove You Are Not A Puppet


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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

"Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of thaksin" with that quote, you admit she is nothing but a puppet. she has nothing to prove because she will do whatever thaksin orders her to do.

"this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years" yeah we all believe you. abhisit was corrupt there is so much evidence and all his detractors are also saying that. or did you mean someone else?

after that all you said was blah-blah-blah...

This really made me LOL thank you for giving me a chuckle :thumbsup:

you're welcome.

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Kwai fails to mention that THAKSIN has a close relationship with Cambodia. As her puppet, or proxy if you prefer, it's just a matter of Big Brother making a few phone calls, right?

Yes, I would certainly hope that to be the case.

And you're giving HER credit?

Not yet, keep in mind that it hasn't happened yet. You are way ahead of yourself; post first, then wait for events later..? How much credit I would give to her depends on the outcome of the settlement. It is quite possible that she, through a mix of charm, diplomacy, carrots and sticks, she can get a really shiny deal.

Don't get me wrong: Par for the course, i.e. "STOP KILLING EACH OTHER over a pile of rubble!" is already far, FAR preferable to the mess the previous government got themselves into, being egged on by ultra nationalist PAD nutters and a military wanting to prove it's relevancy against opponents that aren't actually citizens of the same country.

A 'shiny deal' would be to get on a path of invigorating that area for mutual benefit, setting a course for re-opening the site to tourism and perhaps religious purposes. That may not happen overnight, but I think it's clear to all that there is so much more to gain in friendship and free trade with Cambodia, instead of silly but lethal and utterly pointless war 'games'. ?

Don't you get it? They votes for THAKSIN with a pretty face to transmit only.

I would certainly agree, yes. They make an awesome combo. Like Batman and Robin, kind of. ;)

More like:

Sheri Lewis and Lambchop.

Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody

Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy

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It seems unbelievable that around two months ago the soon to be PM was a complete unknown,with no Political experience,as far as I know,not even local Politics,

they may as well have elected a Pop Star, it's not what you know,but who you know.

Isn't it great she did come along, to bring fresh air to Thailand and win by a landslide vote

Im afraid your idea of what constitutes fresh air,and mine are Worlds apart,

be patient the foul air is on it's way soon.....with a vengeance.

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More like:

Sheri Lewis and Lambchop.

Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody

Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Granted, it doesn't show the puppet/puppeteer relationship, but does accurately reflect their order of being.

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More like:

Sheri Lewis and Lambchop.

Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody

Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Granted, it doesn't show the puppet/puppeteer relationship, but does accurately reflect their order of being.

there doesn't seem to be any male ventriloquists with a female puppet - I suppose the sexual overtones are a bit much

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More like:

Sheri Lewis and Lambchop.

Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody

Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Granted, it doesn't show the puppet/puppeteer relationship, but does accurately reflect their order of being.

there doesn't seem to be any male ventriloquists with a female puppet - I suppose the sexual overtones are a bit much

Nor the constricted vocal chords

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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties across the country, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

Edited by hyperdimension
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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

Sadly for Thailand,I agee with you.

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An article in another newspaper (not linkable) we have a journalist outlining exactly how Yingluck's staff controlled the interview she gave, writing notes to the reporters boss about approved and disapproved topics, telling the journalist that he had to stop since he was not allowed to ask something etc.

In a democracy the press is free. This is something that Thaksin worked hard against. And so it continues.

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An article in another newspaper (not linkable) we have a journalist outlining exactly how Yingluck's staff controlled the interview she gave, writing notes to the reporters boss about approved and disapproved topics, telling the journalist that he had to stop since he was not allowed to ask something etc.

In a democracy the press is free. This is something that Thaksin worked hard against. And so it continues.

She's living out the clone/puppet role. Pretty much what PM Big Brother did. Remember the Thaksin "press" conferences where he would hold up a circle card for that's a question I will take, and an X card for won't take that question. This is the dynastic power obsessed family naively optimistic western liberals are placing their hopes for Thailand's progress on?

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

East germany??? Hello.

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This thread is like a big therapy session where people that are powerless and have no means whatsoever to influence their environment are venting all of their anger and frustration. The angry comments are applauded and supported.

An intelligent person would accept the election outcome and consider how best to adapt to the result. Instead, there will be displays of self pity and the blaming people for events that that the complainers can neither understand nor accept. Perhaps it is time for some of frustrated angry people to consider options such as;

1. Becoming more involved in the local community and helping the people develop as you think they need to do.

2. Ensuring that you have the funds and community position to manage the situation.

3. Accepting the results and carrying on as before, since for the majority of you, the direct impact of the election will not touch you if you satisfy item 2 of the above.

4. Relocating to a country that satisfies your requirements.

You people knew what Thailand was and is when you chose to move here. If you didnt then you soon found out and had the option of leaving before you spent more time and treasure pursuing your dreams. Adapt or descend into the abyss of self claimed victimization and be malcontent.

For many of us, life goes on. We may not agree with the government policies, we may speak out from time to time, but we are not going to waste energy on trying to prevent the tides of the ocean from coming in and going out. Just think of what you could achieve if you channeled all that angry negative energy into something positive. Your unhappiness is more than offset by the voters that saw their preferred candidates and party win a decisive mandate.

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This thread is like a big therapy session where people that are powerless and have no means whatsoever to influence their environment are venting all of their anger and frustration. The angry comments are applauded and supported.

An intelligent person would accept the election outcome and consider how best to adapt to the result. Instead, there will be displays of self pity and the blaming people for events that that the complainers can neither understand nor accept. Perhaps it is time for some of frustrated angry people to consider options such as;

1. Becoming more involved in the local community and helping the people develop as you think they need to do.

2. Ensuring that you have the funds and community position to manage the situation.

3. Accepting the results and carrying on as before, since for the majority of you, the direct impact of the election will not touch you if you satisfy item 2 of the above.

4. Relocating to a country that satisfies your requirements.

You people knew what Thailand was and is when you chose to move here. If you didnt then you soon found out and had the option of leaving before you spent more time and treasure pursuing your dreams. Adapt or descend into the abyss of self claimed victimization and be malcontent.

For many of us, life goes on. We may not agree with the government policies, we may speak out from time to time, but we are not going to waste energy on trying to prevent the tides of the ocean from coming in and going out. Just think of what you could achieve if you channeled all that angry negative energy into something positive. Your unhappiness is more than offset by the voters that saw their preferred candidates and party win a decisive mandate.

Very well said. What we and probably also most of the Thai population see is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many other things going on behind the scenes between Thai politicians than we'll ever know. Maybe if we knew, their actions would make sense.

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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties across the country, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

So a "mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate" vote for someone who can "sing and dance and look beautiful". You know for a moment I thought we could have been talking about the election of Ronald Reagan by the same electorate. Then I came back to earth, he wasn't much of a dancer.

Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.

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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties across the country, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

So a "mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate" vote for someone who can "sing and dance and look beautiful". You know for a moment I thought we could have been talking about the election of Ronald Reagan by the same electorate. Then I came back to earth, he wasn't much of a dancer.

Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.

Yes, it's a worldwide phenomenon. It's no secret that most people in this world are uneducated and ignorant, including people in the USA. The more uneducated and ignorant, the easier it is to manipulate them.

Entertaining the masses is one effective way to capture their heart so that they can be manipulated. That's what the UDD did, with regular and frequent rallies around the country that were seen as free concerts and street parties. The regularity of such events created social cohesion amongst their followers, so that the participation of their followers became very much a social thing - going out to meet friends and party with them, and make plenty of new friends too. This strengthened unity and their respect and loyalty for the provider of the entertainment, the UDD, which made it easy for the UDD to tell them things that they are unlikely to be critical of. This went on for years, so it was difficult for the Democrats to just come and try to change things around in a mere 6 weeks of electoral campaigning.

Edited by hyperdimension
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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties across the country, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

So a "mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate" vote for someone who can "sing and dance and look beautiful". You know for a moment I thought we could have been talking about the election of Ronald Reagan by the same electorate. Then I came back to earth, he wasn't much of a dancer.

Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.

But he could spell potato which is more than G.W. Bush could do. Also, I'm trying to remember the name of the U.S. Vice President who stated in a Press Interview (after a trip to Latin America) "They're wonderful people down there. I just wish that I could speak Latin so I could've talked to them"

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they may as well have elected a Pop Star

Many Thais love watching television soap operas that show glamorous high society people. Since Yingluck is a high society woman herself (being a billionaire, probably the highest of high society in Thailand), it may have been a factor in the choice of many voters.

We are talking about a mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate here, so factors like being able to sing, dance and look beautiful are highly significant as opposed to experience, education, integrity and being corruption-free. The UDD's lively campaign over two years, which have consisted of concerts and street parties across the country, has successfully tapped into the naivety of a large portion of the electorate ultimately for the benefit of Thaksin.

So a "mostly uneducated and ignorant electorate" vote for someone who can "sing and dance and look beautiful". You know for a moment I thought we could have been talking about the election of Ronald Reagan by the same electorate. Then I came back to earth, he wasn't much of a dancer.

Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.

But he could spell potato which is more than G.W. Bush could do. Also, I'm trying to remember the name of the U.S. Vice President who stated in a Press Interview (after a trip to Latin America) "They're wonderful people down there. I just wish that I could speak Latin so I could've talked to them"


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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

Are you a troll or are you that stupid?

Edited by rametindallas
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