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Yingluck's First Challenge: Prove You Are Not A Puppet


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It's funny (in a sad kind of funny), how Abhisit was called a puppet over and over and over again. And now we have someone that wouldn't be more of a puppet if she dressed up in a Kermit the Frog costume and she's alright for the same people that called Abhisit a puppet.

I think the term for this is Doublethink:

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety; consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink

Thaksin's PR machine would make Orwell puke.

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"Corruption is another problem that we will solve," Yingluck told a press conference.

You must admit she has a sense of humour.

The best show of a sense of humour is making funny declarations without even knowing it ...


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'themockrat' timestamp='1309828851' post='4535567']-

TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

SC Assets position was passed to another family member. Nepotism, but it's a family company.

Her old job at AIS was removed as unneeded by Temasek after they bought the company. Clearly indicating it was a job made to give her a job, and not because it was needed.

Oh and PS. This is not whining after the lose, but pointing out something noted BEFORE the election even started.

Constancy, is not the hobgoblin of little minds, if it is based on accuracy.

The Nation has every reason to be anti-Thalksin ever since his bully boys invade their offices, when he couldn't shut them up via law suits and economic attacks on the advertising base. It also has every right to have an editorial policy that reflects their political beliefs. As is most every newspaper world wide, that hasn't been silenced by tyrants.

Edited by animatic
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She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

In England we call it Chairman, in America they call it President..

Presedent now that's a big word

Why does a thai company need both? BTW I have never heard of a US company having a President; could we have an example?

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I think a western nickname is in order.

How about Pinnochia?

Though i still like the Cheshire cat comparison, all smile and no substance. Perhaps a bit obscure for those not familiar with Carrol.

Carrol, didn’t Neil Sadhaka sing that, or is that another Carrol?

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I think a western nickname is in order.

How about Pinnochia?

Though i still like the Cheshire cat comparison, all smile and no substance. Perhaps a bit obscure for those not familiar with Carrol.

Carrol, didn't Neil Sadhaka sing that, or is that another Carrol?

Apologies, I lost an L, it should have been Carroll, as in Lewis Carroll - it has been some time since I revisited his work. He was also a mathematician with extensive work on "SETS, which might help you to explain why PTP does not equal UDD. "Oh Carol" was quite different.

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She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

In England we call it Chairman, in America they call it President..

Presedent now that's a big word

Why does a thai company need both? BTW I have never heard of a US company having a President; could we have an example?

Just as an example, Ford:

"Having settled in as head of the second-largest U.S.-based auto manufacturer, Alan Mullaly appears to be asserting his leadership more directly into Ford's (F_) global operations and product development. The company said Thursday that Lewis Booth, head of Ford of Europe and the Premier Automotive Group, and John Parker, head of Ford of Asia Pacific and Africa and Mazda, will now report directly to the new CEO. Previously, they reported to Mark Shulz, the executive vice president and president of international operations, who recently announced that he will retire next year."

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When we are old, nearing death, and thinking back to what we did with our lives, how highly do you think we will rate the activity "arguing with strangers on internet forums" on the overall life experiences scale? It's a sunny day. :)

We might ask how you rate the significance of your employment in the Great order of Things, but of course that would be rude and probably against forum rules.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Fully agree. The Heading: Prove you are not a puppet is biased, immature and shows a pernicious attitude therein.

Geriatrickid, I applaud your input.

But careful! Being fair and balanced is not something that wannabee elitists would react to graciously.

They cannot see the elephant in the middle of the road not even after crashing into it.

Edited by pisico
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She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

In England we call it Chairman, in America they call it President..

Presedent now that's a big word

Why does a thai company need both? BTW I have never heard of a US company having a President; could we have an example?

Just as an example, Ford:

"Having settled in as head of the second-largest U.S.-based auto manufacturer, Alan Mullaly appears to be asserting his leadership more directly into Ford's (F_) global operations and product development. The company said Thursday that Lewis Booth, head of Ford of Europe and the Premier Automotive Group, and John Parker, head of Ford of Asia Pacific and Africa and Mazda, will now report directly to the new CEO. Previously, they reported to Mark Shulz, the executive vice president and president of international operations, who recently announced that he will retire next year."

Some moreGary W Cummings President FleetNetAmerica

Christman President NC(2)

Mathew Dent President Buffalo Rock Company

Pepsi Cola also has a president

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"Corruption is another problem that we will solve," Yingluck told a press conference.

You must admit she has a sense of humour.

Yingluck, hand in hand with Chuwit, will end the horrors that corruption has brought Thailand!


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Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

Wow just think of the wisdom and vision she must bring to the workers there.....


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Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

Wow just think of the wisdom and vision she must bring to the workers there.....


This country is Thailand, but the comments in this forum may turn it in Pettyland.

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Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

Wow just think of the wisdom and vision she must bring to the workers there.....


This country is Thailand, but the comments in this forum may turn it in Pettyland.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Her brothers network won her an election,

lets not pretend she walked in, and 6 weeks later was a world class party leader.

She was placed into a position to win this, she did not lead this herself.

But in theory she must now lead the nation. Well the long knives are out

and she is already saying 'reinvestigate her brothers crimes'.

This does not constitute leadership from the top.

So far she appears to be lead by others.

The whole AEC and the happenings of the coup need to be investigate.

Reconciliation means going back to the coup of 2006.

The coup was an act of treason - but the coup leaders all gave themselves AMNESTY - without consulting the people.

The coup leaders appointed the AEC to investigate and find Thaksin guilty. They also replaced many of the judiciary with their personal choices . Was this fair ? or was it a set up ?

So everything from 2006 must be reconsidered as part the reconciliation process.

It is clear the Yellow side want to ignore and forget the treasonous act of a coup, the granting of amnesty to themselves, the scrapping of the peoples constitution BUT that cannot be the case. It is the root of the problem and everything needs to be considered, including events in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Reconciliation cannot be selective.

You are 101% correct! Hope there's someone in that cabinet that would think just like this...if investigated very well it would be clear that all the allegations against Thaksin was just a mere set up, lies and hatred from his opposition and people who are jealous of him and his self made wealth! Take it or leave it, the truth is always bitter!! It is time to bring to justice all those people involved in all this including the coup makers.

Thaksin changed the laws and policies in order to enrich himself, his companies and his cronies. This culminated with the sale of AIS to Temasek (after he changed the telecom policy to give unfair advantage to his AIS). Rewind to the asset-concealment case, he himself admitted to cooking his books and said it was an 'honest mistake' and the fact that 8 judges out of 15 voted against indicting him with one of them admitting to Thaksin's guilt but backed-off from making the correct decision 'because he was so popular'. Just a few months before, Sanan K. ex-secretary general of the Democrat party had been banned for politics for 5 years for the same offence and the same level of evidence. Now, what about the Rachadapisek land case, the evidence is also compelling, he signed the document allowing the department handling those issues to authorize the deal. He was also officially administrating that department as the prime minister. No conflict of interests? What about his son's company getting the exclusive rights to manage the MRT's advertising? What about the constant muzzling of the press (he ordered the financial investigation of the Nation's journalists), the pressure on judges every time he is involved in a court case (and the 1 mb.bribery given by his lawyers just last year), the war on drugs, the tak bai prisoners massacre, the somchai lawyer disappearance (he told somchai's wife, via the media, not to worry about her husband's disappearance as it was likely he wanted to have some 'alone time'), the appointment of his cousin chaisit shinawatra as supreme commander, the blatant bias towards his TRT party by the former election commission and their director Wassana P. (on thaksin's payroll) etc...

This was all prior to the coup and should be investigated as well.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Its all relative, double the minimum wage, suddenly the cost of living goes up by a comparable amount. Today's 25B noodles will cost 50B tomorrow.

Same nett spending power.

Except the general costs are added on to exports which then shrink MORE,

and as oil rises, the net cost of living rises even further.

So even though the unemployment is about as low as it could possibly go and Thailand attracts loads of immigrant workers from Cambodia, Laos, and Burma to work keep the wages down a country cannot raise the wages to a decent livable level? I know you cannot raise the wage to German or American levels because of the inflation and destroying the exports but you can do better than $7 a day, and an increase to $9 is not much to ask.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Its all relative, double the minimum wage, suddenly the cost of living goes up by a comparable amount. Today's 25B noodles will cost 50B tomorrow.

Same nett spending power.

Except the general costs are added on to exports which then shrink MORE,

and as oil rises, the net cost of living rises even further.

So even though the unemployment is about as low as it could possibly go and Thailand attracts loads of immigrant workers from Cambodia, Laos, and Burma to work keep the wages down a country cannot raise the wages to a decent livable level? I know you cannot raise the wage to German or American levels because of the inflation and destroying the exports but you can do better than $7 a day, and an increase to $9 is not much to ask.

Not saying don't raise wages,

but 50-100% jumps can dislocate an economy big time in the best of times,

and throw many out of work. No sales, no jobs. Simple equation.

Internationally this is NOT the Best Of Times.

It seems in and out of Thailand the economists are in total agreement on this.

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When we are old, nearing death, and thinking back to what we did with our lives, how highly do you think we will rate the activity "arguing with strangers on internet forums" on the overall life experiences scale? It's a sunny day. :)

The depth of your philosophical words will be ignored by the petty minds of most. Some will appreciate them but not all.

Then again, if that would be the most significant moment in a person's life ("arguing with strangers on internet forums" ) what does that tell you about the mental habitat of those arguing, sometimes insulting and turning a dialogue into an ad hominem diatribe?

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She's got everything to prove to the Thai people.

That's correct. She has no track record at all of serving the Thai people, only serving in the family's businesses. So she definitely has a lot to prove.

I hope the opposition and the public will constantly scrutinize her to check for any move that gives an unfair advantage to her family's businesses.

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She's got everything to prove to the Thai people.

That's correct. She has no track record at all of serving the Thai people, only serving in the family's businesses. So she definitely has a lot to prove.

I hope the opposition and the public will constantly scrutinize her to check for any move that gives an unfair advantage to her family's businesses.

that's what we did last time her brother was in power! that's what The Nation Newspaper did as well as the NCCC and other checks and balance institutions!

but it doesn't count for squat!

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Festinger, L., Riecken,H. and Schachter, S. (1956) When Prophecy Fails. University of Minnesota Press.

If you are wondering why a group of people who got the election result so abysmally wrong have the brass neck to pretend that they can tell us much about the future, then read this book. It is about the followers of a UFO cult...

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Perhaps a politically correct modification of an extract from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" might be appropriate:

"What do you know about this business?"his Excellency said to Alice.

"Nothing"said Alice.

"Nothing whatever?"persisted his Excellency.

"Nothing whatever."said Alice.

"That's very important,"his Excellency said,turning to the jury.they were just beginning to write this down on their slates,when the White Rabbit interrupted:"UNimportant your Excellency means of course," he said in a very respectful tone.

"UNimportant,of course,I meant,"his Excellency hastily said,and went on to himself in an undertone,"important-unimportant-unimportant-important "as if he were trying which word sounded best.

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Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

Wow just think of the wisdom and vision she must bring to the workers there.....


This country is Thailand, but the comments in this forum may turn it in Pettyland.

President is not normally the job description given to a young adult just finished university. Given that it is a "family" business, nepotism is not unusual, merely the extent. If however I was a shareholder, I would certainly be interested in the salary attached to what can only be a training post given her level of experience. If the salary approaches that of a CEO of a similar size business, then such an appointment might be considered criminal. But then again, that's not unusual for the family concerned or for Thailand.

I find it amusing that those who aspire to higher thoughts than we mere mortals consider the criminality of the Thaksin clan a petty issue.

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Festinger, L., Riecken,H. and Schachter, S. (1956) When Prophecy Fails. University of Minnesota Press.

If you are wondering why a group of people who got the election result so abysmally wrong have the brass neck to pretend that they can tell us much about the future, then read this book. It is about the followers of a UFO cult...

Is there anything wrong with followers of a religious idiocy committing suicide? After all, suicide is a matter of personal choice, and it does tend to raise the average IQ.

I don't recall any body other than PTP supporters predicting the outcome, though there were a lot of Democrat supporters claiming that it was a better choice. We are yet to be proven wrong.

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Now, that's funny ...

Asking a puppet to prove she is not a puppet is surrealistic !

Following Thai politics is better than reading novels ...


I remember as a kid seeing a ventriloquist dummy perform and thinking that he was real.

Then I saw that he just had fist for brains and realized that he was in fact just a puppet controlled by someone else.

Life has a funny way of repeating itself.

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

I think his money has more to do with his success than his "genius". He invests his money into hiring people who will serve his interests and also in the form of bribes.

I used the words Political genius and it still adds up to genius, the extreme opposite to stupid

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