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Yingluck's First Challenge: Prove You Are Not A Puppet


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All politicians are puppets of their financial backers.

Who pulls the strings is the question.

Let's see if Yingluck meets with the CFR like her brother.

A quick trip to NY will be telling.

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Puppet or not.... she is one well-dressed woman! Kudos to her and her megawatts smile.

She is not even officially a PM and yet so many want her to prove something. It may take her months at the helm before one can fairly judge if she is a capable PM. Give her a break!

Did the reds ever give Abhisit any break or any chance? Why the DOUBLE STANDARD?

Works both ways, doesn't it.

Personally, I don't think she is up to the job.

I'll guarantee you one thing though, the Thai democrat righteous opposition to Thaksin definitely won't be throwing RED BLOOD on her house. Sound fair?

Face it folks, the reds won for now, but nothing is solved. The deep divisions remain.

You cannot compare apples and oranges. Yingluck was elected Abhisit was a puppet of elite and the army brought in without an election that is what started all this taking away the represents of the people and placing puppets in power.

As far the the division goes the yellows created it and Aphisit maintained it.

Nothing is solved because people willnot accept the truth and hide behind violence that was brought on by a government that shouldnot have been there in the first place. A government that went so far as to kill its own citizens for challenging its unlawful right to rule.

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You cannot compare apples and oranges. Yingluck was elected Abhisit was a puppet of elite and the army brought in without an election that is what started all this taking away the represents of the people and placing puppets in power.

As far the the division goes the yellows created it and Aphisit maintained it.

Nothing is solved because people willnot accept the truth and hide behind violence that was brought on by a government that shouldnot have been there in the first place. A government that went so far as to kill its own citizens for challenging its unlawful right to rule.


Abhisit sat in the PM's chair just like Somchai before him (and Samak before Somchai), through a vote in parliament.

Your argument that the government was unlawful has been thoroughly refuted --- even by Sean B. (the UDD English Language spokesperson)

Yingluck (like Samak and Somchai before her) is a puppet, or if you prefer different words "Thaksin thinks, PTP does" or "clone."

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The Nation has been strongly anti Thaksin, anti-TRT, anti-PPP in the past. It has supported the Yellow and Multicolour shirts.

What the Nation staff or owners think matters not, they just lost the election - and I say that as they were in effect campaigning for the Democrats by their past actions.

The Nation should shut up and try reporting on real news like corruption in the army, and keep their noses out of politics.

What? They aren't allowed an opinion?

Imagine what would have happened if a bunch of red shirt radio stations or magazines were shut down just because they were stating their opinion. No one would complain about that, would they?

The difference being, of course, is that this opinion isn't inciting people to violence or telling lies.

A bunch of Red Shirt stations have been shut down also thousands of anti government websites have also been shut down. Plus Red shirt publications have been banned using the LM laws as an excuse. Didn't you know?

Exactly. Because of LM laws (as well as inciting violence and telling lies). As much as I don't like the LM laws, they are the law.

But the suggestion above was to shut down they a newspaper just because they were asking some tough questions.

A bit of a difference, don't you think?

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Festinger, L., Riecken,H. and Schachter, S. (1956) When Prophecy Fails. University of Minnesota Press.

If you are wondering why a group of people who got the election result so abysmally wrong have the brass neck to pretend that they can tell us much about the future, then read this book. It is about the followers of a UFO cult...

It's no good, I'm afraid, as they will still be claiming that 44% is a landslide, and that the whole country (outside a few Bangkok-based elite) support the Reds. One can only hope for a new updated post-election version of the Red-Shirt song-sheet to be distributed. :rolleyes:

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She was not the choice of *some* Thai Voters she was the choice of the majority of Thai Voters in a free, fair and closely monitored election - unlike Abhisit Vejajjiva who was installed as Prime Minister after the purchase of 40 PPP MPs by the Military/Amataya. Now, Abhisit Vejajjiva really had something to prove but all that he did prove was that he was an even more US Prime Minister than Chulemont the installed Prime Minister that he replaced. Abhisit presided over one of the most corrupt coalitions in Thai parliamentary history and has left the country more divided that at any time in its history. However, it's too early to write a political obituary for the man as the the criminal charges that he and others in his appalling government will have to face would have to be included.

She was a choice of 46% of the people that voted. And that doesn't include the eligible voters that didn't vote. But the PTP did get a majority of MPs, so that guarantees that she will be elected PM (or someone from PTP will be elected PM, anyway).

Whereas, in the 2007 election, no one got a majority of MPs. That means that when Samak, Somchai and Abhisit were elected, they all required support from coalition parties.

Don't you think the country was divided in 2005 and 2006 when all these problems started?

I don't think Abhisit will face any criminal charges. That would required the red shirt leaders to take some responsibility too. And that's never going to happen.

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

Who is running the country?

And Here is another 2 big criminals

Nelson Mandela Served 20 years

Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned 4 times

... who served their time.

And neither used policy corruption to take national monies to feather their own nests.

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I don't think Abhisit will face any criminal charges. That would required the red shirt leaders to take some responsibility too. And that's never going to happen.

Are you suggesting that Abhisit is just as guilty and should be facing charges?

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I don't think Abhisit will face any criminal charges. That would required the red shirt leaders to take some responsibility too. And that's never going to happen.

Are you suggesting that Abhisit is just as guilty and should be facing charges?

Not at all.

If he was charged, I doubt he would be found guilty of anything.

What I am suggesting is that the PTP (and red shirt leaders) would not want him charged, because that might mean they need to take some responsibility, and I don't think they have it in them to do that.

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Puppet or not.... she is one well-dressed woman! Kudos to her and her megawatts smile.

She is not even officially a PM and yet so many want her to prove something. It may take her months at the helm before one can fairly judge if she is a capable PM. Give her a break!

You know, normally a person is supposed to demonstrate their capability before being put in charge of a country. Or else we may just as well through away this silly voting thing and pick people at random and see if they are any good at the job.

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Puppet or not.... she is one well-dressed woman! Kudos to her and her megawatts smile.

She is not even officially a PM and yet so many want her to prove something. It may take her months at the helm before one can fairly judge if she is a capable PM. Give her a break!

You know, normally a person is supposed to demonstrate their capability before being put in charge of a country. Or else we may just as well through away this silly voting thing and pick people at random and see if they are any good at the job.

I'll go along with that, you do not put a novice in a formula 1 car.

Just to add I wonder when Yingluck will face international media-like "hard talk BBC. to answer world affairs questions--or if she does will she ask the audience or phone a friend for answers.

Good luck to the 'We are Family" =====time will be our friend as usual.

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She simply will never go any show like Hard Talk and I truly believe that. She isn't even coachable to ever go on there and not be crushed. Same as Sarah Palin that who learned her lesson how incompetent she is, and instead goes on TWITTER. Could be academic, I don't think she will serve long, she is simply so out of her league that she'll be pushed out one way or another.

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It seems unbelievable that around two months ago the soon to be PM was a complete unknown,with no Political experience,as far as I know,not even local Politics,

they may as well have elected a Pop Star, it's not what you know,but who you know.

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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

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It seems unbelievable that around two months ago the soon to be PM was a complete unknown,with no Political experience,as far as I know,not even local Politics,

they may as well have elected a Pop Star, it's not what you know,but who you know.

Isn't it great she did come along, to bring fresh air to Thailand and win by a landslide vote

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It seems unbelievable that around two months ago the soon to be PM was a complete unknown,with no Political experience,as far as I know,not even local Politics,

they may as well have elected a Pop Star, it's not what you know,but who you know.

Yes. This says a lot about the party who's been in government for 3 years and is highly experienced, doesn't it? Go look up the articles even in their fan-mags that outline why the Dems fail. And I could probably add another two or so reasons.

On the original post: As much as The Nation wants her to prove all kinds of things, they're just yelling from the sidelines now. The only things Yingluck as to prove is to make good on the major election promises. Starting with ending the silly but violent struggles with Cambodia; she's probably got that covered by next week.

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Kwai fails to mention that THAKSIN has a close relationship with Cambodia. As her puppet, or proxy if you prefer, it's just a matter of Big Brother making a few phone calls, right? And you're giving HER credit? Amazing. Don't you get it? They votes for THAKSIN with a pretty face to transmit only.

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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

"weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world."

You mean, like, umm, Thaksin?

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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

It's easy to spot the ones that weren't here during Thaksin's regime. Corrupt government? Ha! You are about to see the past masters in action.

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Sure I think Yingluck should prove she is not a puppet just as the army general needs to prove he is accountable to the government of the day and not a law unto his own right.

Actually, the army are accountable to the King, and not to the government.

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Sure I think Yingluck should prove she is not a puppet just as the army general needs to prove he is accountable to the government of the day and not a law unto his own right.

Actually, the army are accountable to the King, and not to the government.

And that's a very good thing, unless you want Thailand to turn into Burma.

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Kwai fails to mention that THAKSIN has a close relationship with Cambodia. As her puppet, or proxy if you prefer, it's just a matter of Big Brother making a few phone calls, right?

Yes, I would certainly hope that to be the case.

And you're giving HER credit?

Not yet, keep in mind that it hasn't happened yet. You are way ahead of yourself; post first, then wait for events later..? How much credit I would give to her depends on the outcome of the settlement. It is quite possible that she, through a mix of charm, diplomacy, carrots and sticks, she can get a really shiny deal.

Don't get me wrong: Par for the course, i.e. "STOP KILLING EACH OTHER over a pile of rubble!" is already far, FAR preferable to the mess the previous government got themselves into, being egged on by ultra nationalist PAD nutters and a military wanting to prove it's relevancy against opponents that aren't actually citizens of the same country.

A 'shiny deal' would be to get on a path of invigorating that area for mutual benefit, setting a course for re-opening the site to tourism and perhaps religious purposes. That may not happen overnight, but I think it's clear to all that there is so much more to gain in friendship and free trade with Cambodia, instead of silly but lethal and utterly pointless war 'games'. ?

Don't you get it? They votes for THAKSIN with a pretty face to transmit only.

I would certainly agree, yes. They make an awesome combo. Like Batman and Robin, kind of. ;)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

It's easy to spot the ones that weren't here during Thaksin's regime. Corrupt government? Ha! You are about to see the past masters in action.

LOL hang on to your seat the ride is going to be wild , and as far as being here, speak for yourself my well brain washed friend :ph34r:

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She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

Your reply makes no sense. What is wrong with a family member being given the job of President of the company if she can do the job? How can you create the job of President and then dispence with it? Who would run the company? When all's said and done it's their company to run in any way that they want to.

One at a time:

1/ she had no experience before becoming president

2/ the position was created for her in 2 companies, one dispensed with it when sold, the other replaced her with her 23-year old niece (highly experienced)

3/ both companies were run by the board, same as before, same as after.

4/ if there are other shareholders in the company, and a major shareholder creates a highly remunerated position with no real duties for a family member, it is either FRAUD or some other form of malfeasance - syphoning off money which otherwise would have been distributed to the shareholders.

Do you think the position was advertised internally or externally? And which employee is going to point out her mistakes?

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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

"Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of thaksin" with that quote, you admit she is nothing but a puppet. she has nothing to prove because she will do whatever thaksin orders her to do.

"this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years" yeah we all believe you. abhisit was corrupt there is so much evidence and all his detractors are also saying that. or did you mean someone else?

after that all you said was blah-blah-blah...

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Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of Thaksin, not some biological laboratory experiment, she was voted into her position by fellow human beings, what is all this c_rap that she needs to prove she is not a clone, what a bunch of bull_shit.

Thailand needs to have a huge change, a restructure from within, this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years, weed out the money takers, liars, two faced politicians, that have disgraced the Thai people and the country in the eyes of the world.

Yingluck is a breath of fresh air for Thailand, lets let her get on with her "HUGE" job to rebuild, restructure, and renew Thailand as a country it should be, not the tit for tat bull_shit :jap: that the news media still allied with the Democratic policies, want to portray :angry:

"Yingluck has nothing to prove, she is the sister of thaksin" with that quote, you admit she is nothing but a puppet. she has nothing to prove because she will do whatever thaksin orders her to do.

"this is the first real change made in a corrupt Governmental regime for several years" yeah we all believe you. abhisit was corrupt there is so much evidence and all his detractors are also saying that. or did you mean someone else?

after that all you said was blah-blah-blah...

This really made me LOL thank you for giving me a chuckle :thumbsup:

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