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Yingluck's First Challenge: Prove You Are Not A Puppet


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Perhaps a politically correct modification of an extract from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" might be appropriate:

"What do you know about this business?"his Excellency said to Alice.

"Nothing"said Alice.

"Nothing whatever?"persisted his Excellency.

"Nothing whatever."said Alice.

"That's very important,"his Excellency said,turning to the jury.they were just beginning to write this down on their slates,when the White Rabbit interrupted:"UNimportant your Excellency means of course," he said in a very respectful tone.

"UNimportant,of course,I meant,"his Excellency hastily said,and went on to himself in an undertone,"important-unimportant-unimportant-important "as if he were trying which word sounded best.

Well there is at least one here that hasn’t swallowed the book of knowledge

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I would love to see her tell Big Brother that he can come back, but only if he serves his jail sentence. It's not like he would end up in a real jail.

I don't think anyone would have a legitimate gripe under these circumstances. If she grants him amnesty and ignores his crime completely, the opposition has room to complain. And yes, I know what amnesty means.

I would respect her to a certain degree if she handles the amnesty issue properly. Time will tell. My fingers are crossed.

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Is this the future of TVF? The group that led the "We hate Thaksinbrigade", became the "Yingluck can't win because she's a dumb corrupt Thai" and now has become the sore losers recovery group rehashing the same stories and allegations over and over. It's like picking a big scab that is their collective life.

Get over it. The election result is clear. Yingluck won the election. The PTP and its policies were endorsed by the people. The addition of the other 5 political parties into the government further endorses the PTP position. The people have spoken and your side lost. Have some class and quit with the cheap shots and snide remarks that denigrate the Thai PM designate.

If any of you feel so strongly on the issue please write to the PM designate and tell her how much you hate her. Be sure to include that you think she's an unedcated bimbo too. Don't hold back.

Is this the future of Thailand? Some smug self appointed "keeper of the truth" telling us what we can and can't post? A bunch of people calling for a newspaper to be shut down because it dares to print the truth about those who make up the government, and the fact that the country is still very much divided between north and south? Dissent will be crushed. The country is happy. It was a resounding success that less than half those who voted actually voted for the PTP. Anyone who doesn't like it, and doesn't agree with it should be quiet. Or else!

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

Who is running the country?

And Here is another 2 big criminals

Nelson Mandela Served 20 years

Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned 4 times

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

Who is running the country?

And Here is another 2 big criminals

Nelson Mandela Served 20 years

Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned 4 times

... who served their time.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

No-one is stopping you from starting a company and paying your workers more.

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Yingluck answered the clone and puppet questions very well. She says that a good idea is a good idea regardless of where the good idea comes from.

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

Who is running the country?

And Here is another 2 big criminals

Nelson Mandela Served 20 years

Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned 4 times

... who served their time.

Sir Respectfully, I would anticipate such comment from one who is more in contact with his animal instincts than his Spiritual intuition

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

You're missing the point here. She was the choice of *some* Thai voters. It's up to her to prove she's interested in uniting the country instead of dividing it, which was the PTP election platform. If they keep stirring the pot they will inevitably be shown the door, perhaps at gunpoint.

She was not the choice of *some* Thai Voters she was the choice of the majority of Thai Voters in a free, fair and closely monitored election - unlike Abhisit Vejajjiva who was installed as Prime Minister after the purchase of 40 PPP MPs by the Military/Amataya. Now, Abhisit Vejajjiva really had something to prove but all that he did prove was that he was an even more US Prime Minister than Chulemont the installed Prime Minister that he replaced. Abhisit presided over one of the most corrupt coalitions in Thai parliamentary history and has left the country more divided that at any time in its history. However, it's too early to write a political obituary for the man as the the criminal charges that he and others in his appalling government will have to face would have to be included.

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is a genious.

To the retarded people of average intelligence appear to be genii. Genius is normally associated with nuance and refinement as well as skill. Thaksin committed blatant acts of malfeasance and corruption knowing that others were well aware what he was doing - just a thug exercising his power, knowing that he could buy his way out of trouble if it came to that.

A genius would have stolen just as much, and left everyone thinking he was as pure as snow.

His politics are not genius either, they only work with a misinformed ill-educated electorate willing to swallow his wild promises. Try this sort of stuff in oz, the Uk or US and you would be laughed out of town.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

No-one is stopping you from starting a company and paying your workers more.

Many of the Scandanavian based companies offer better wages and benefits than is typical of the market. It is part of their responsible corporate governance. Need an example? Look at Securitas, one of the largest security firms in the world and Sweden based. It is a leader in fair employment working conditions. US and Canadian based companies in Thailand have similar employment equity policies to their operations in North America. I can assure you that even the very tall folks at Royal Dutch Shell will not hire women based upon age and weight, nor does it have a policy to pay women less. The Indian, Singapore and Korean based companies do not have the same outlook though. Not every foreigner is running a dingy beer bar pimping out young men and women. There are small foreign owned operations where the operators try to manage their operations in a manner that respects the workers and the locals.

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The Nation has been strongly anti Thaksin, anti-TRT, anti-PPP in the past. It has supported the Yellow and Multicolour shirts.

What the Nation staff or owners think matters not, they just lost the election - and I say that as they were in effect campaigning for the Democrats by their past actions.

The Nation should shut up and try reporting on real news like corruption in the army, and keep their noses out of politics.

What? They aren't allowed an opinion?

Imagine what would have happened if a bunch of red shirt radio stations or magazines were shut down just because they were stating their opinion. No one would complain about that, would they?

The difference being, of course, is that this opinion isn't inciting people to violence or telling lies.

A bunch of Red Shirt stations have been shut down also thousands of anti government websites have also been shut down. Plus Red shirt publications have been banned using the LM laws as an excuse. Didn't you know?

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She can't possibly prove she isn't a puppet because of what was said already.

Well, there is one thing she could do that would show that she has stopped being a puppet.

She could announce her brother shall be banned from direct involvement in politics, and that the Thai government will pay his airfare so that he can serve his prison sentence.


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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is a genious.

To the retarded people of average intelligence appear to be genii. Genius is normally associated with nuance and refinement as well as skill. Thaksin committed blatant acts of malfeasance and corruption knowing that others were well aware what he was doing - just a thug exercising his power, knowing that he could buy his way out of trouble if it came to that.

A genius would have stolen just as much, and left everyone thinking he was as pure as snow.

His politics are not genius either, they only work with a misinformed ill-educated electorate willing to swallow his wild promises. Try this sort of stuff in oz, the Uk or US and you would be laughed out of town.

If that's your opinion of the Thai electorate perhaps you're living as a guest in the wrong country.

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Why do you have to have an unrealistic appraisal of the education level of a country to want to live there? It is a fact that Thailand has very low educational level when measured against international standards. Now of course educational level and native intelligence are not the same thing, but with poor education you get a country with low skill levels and poverty based on fundamental problems as much or more so than exploitation. I hope you get my point. I believe people are people, totally educable at the same level regardless of nation or race. The tricky part involves actually investing in that.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

No-one is stopping you from starting a company and paying your workers more.

Many of the Scandanavian based companies offer better wages and benefits than is typical of the market. It is part of their responsible corporate governance. Need an example? Look at Securitas, one of the largest security firms in the world and Sweden based. It is a leader in fair employment working conditions. US and Canadian based companies in Thailand have similar employment equity policies to their operations in North America. I can assure you that even the very tall folks at Royal Dutch Shell will not hire women based upon age and weight, nor does it have a policy to pay women less. The Indian, Singapore and Korean based companies do not have the same outlook though. Not every foreigner is running a dingy beer bar pimping out young men and women. There are small foreign owned operations where the operators try to manage their operations in a manner that respects the workers and the locals.

Thanks for agreeing with me. I work for a company that does that, offer better salaries and general benefits that any Thai companies. And I interview and hired another 5 developers this last month.

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Puppet or not.... she is one well-dressed woman! Kudos to her and her megawatts smile.

She is not even officially a PM and yet so many want her to prove something. It may take her months at the helm before one can fairly judge if she is a capable PM. Give her a break!

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

Do geniuses get caught?

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is a genious.

To the retarded people of average intelligence appear to be genii. Genius is normally associated with nuance and refinement as well as skill. Thaksin committed blatant acts of malfeasance and corruption knowing that others were well aware what he was doing - just a thug exercising his power, knowing that he could buy his way out of trouble if it came to that.

A genius would have stolen just as much, and left everyone thinking he was as pure as snow.

His politics are not genius either, they only work with a misinformed ill-educated electorate willing to swallow his wild promises. Try this sort of stuff in oz, the Uk or US and you would be laughed out of town.

Is that the definition given in the Oxford dictionary or your own book?

And yes it worked in the UK, kidding the uneducated masses her name: Margret Thatcher

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Puppet or not.... she is one well-dressed woman! Kudos to her and her megawatts smile.

She is not even officially a PM and yet so many want her to prove something. It may take her months at the helm before one can fairly judge if she is a capable PM. Give her a break!

Did the reds ever give Abhisit any break or any chance? Why the DOUBLE STANDARD?

Works both ways, doesn't it.

Personally, I don't think she is up to the job.

I'll guarantee you one thing though, the Thai democrat righteous opposition to Thaksin definitely won't be throwing RED BLOOD on her house. Sound fair?

Face it folks, the reds won for now, but nothing is solved. The deep divisions remain.

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

Your reply makes no sense. What is wrong with a family member being given the job of President of the company if she can do the job? How can you create the job of President and then dispence with it? Who would run the company? When all's said and done it's their company to run in any way that they want to.

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When was the Nation's office invaded by Bully Boys?

Probably this 'noble' lot! The caravan of the (not so) poor. The predecessors of the Red Shirt movement.

This was before the coup !See link:


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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

And make it her first act of Democratic freedom of speech eh!

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Love him or hate him he is a political genius

I think his money has more to do with his success than his "genius". He invests his money into hiring people who will serve his interests and also in the form of bribes.

It's safe to say that anyone who's made more than a billion dollars in his lifetime is a genius.

And don't believe that anyone has ever made more than a billion dollars without someone else suffering from it.

It's eat or get eaten in this world, wake up.

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We are slightly of topic here

The topic is can Yingluk prove she is not a puppet, we will have to wait and see, for sure all heads of state have their political and personal advisors, We can assume hers is going to be Taksin. Margret Thatcher had hers, He was a genius and so is Yingluks

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We are slightly of topic here

The topic is can Yingluk prove she is not a puppet, we will have to wait and see, for sure all heads of state have their political and personal advisors, We can assume hers is going to be Taksin. Margret Thatcher had hers, He was a genius and so is Yingluk's

Who advised Abhisit on the election? Suthep? Whoever did failed miserably.

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