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Expats Who Just Stagnate In One Place


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I know of a guy who has lived in bkk for 15 years and has never even been to Samet, never leaves bkk.

Just got me thinking, what kind of a life is that? Is that not jsut an 'existance'? Where is the quality of life?

It is a rather strange idea that having been to Samet is "quality of life".

Besides that, some people are happy with a Leo, some need to climb Mt. Everest.

What is your problem again?

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Maybe the op ran out of mates down at khao san road to share his "travel" stories with.

Kinda like an ozzie I know that drones on about some cricket match from 3 years ago in the hopes that someone else saw it. ;)

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I'm not sure stagnate is the right word (but close), and it doesn't necessarily suit them. Some. it doesn't bother, but, for some, it's that their stuck or in a rut. It's depression, and lack of purpose. I think that's what you're getting at, but there's a variety of reasons for stagnation.

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SHOTIME - Definitely a lack of purpose....a guy I know drinks in Nana 7 nigths a week, that to some may sound like a great life but he told me when he gets home he wants to hang himself.

I've read all the posts on here and the little digs etc, but there is nothing nobody here can say that won't make convince me otherwise that li'ving' in bkk 365 days a year, year in year out is a very sad existance.

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SHOTIME - Definitely a lack of purpose....a guy I know drinks in Nana 7 nigths a week, that to some may sound like a great life but he told me when he gets home he wants to hang himself.

Uhmmm...obviously that guy is not happy with his life. Why does he live it? Can't imagine. Don't care. Too bad for him but seeing as his tragic circumstances are apparently self-imposed (presumably no one forces him to drink in Nana every night) he's pretty low on my list of people to worry about. And there are millions of peope living lives of "quiet desperation" all over the globe...

I've read all the posts on here and the little digs etc, but there is nothing nobody here can say that won't make convince me otherwise that li'ving' in bkk 365 days a year, year in year out is a very sad existance.

Speaking for myself; the idea of me wanting to convince you to have any particular position on the way someone else is living is even odder than you having a position on it -- which, to me, is very odd indeed.

edit for typo

Edited by SteeleJoe
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What's different is that a person has, presumably, not been satisfied with that, travelled to a foreign and very different country, settled there, and then done the same thing.

Because their whiole motivation to travel to thailand has/had nothing to do with seeing new cultures/different countries/new experiences....... it was to aquire a female

So what you are saying is they don't go past the first bar they visit? Living in HOPE or just a DOPE.

It is hard to believe that some people would travel thousand of miles just to do what they could have done in their own home town. I just see moving to another country as an opportunity to see as much as I can. But, that is just me...............

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What's different is that a person has, presumably, not been satisfied with that, travelled to a foreign and very different country, settled there, and then done the same thing.

Because their whiole motivation to travel to thailand has/had nothing to do with seeing new cultures/different countries/new experiences....... it was to aquire a female

So what you are saying is they don't go past the first bar they visit? Living in HOPE or just a DOPE.

It is hard to believe that some people would travel thousand of miles just to do what they could have done in their own home town. I just see moving to another country as an opportunity to see as much as I can. But, that is just me...............

Hard to believe, you can see it with your own eyes should you so desire.

Go and visit the farang ghetto that is Sukhumvit, take a look at the sexy/hansum man in Soi Cowboy or that piss stinking dump that is the NEP.

They travel thousands of miles because they cant get a piece of ass in their home town.

Luckily on arrival at Bkk they are turned into the charming witty converstionalists they couldnt be in their own country, so attractive they are beating the girls off with a shitty stick, rather than beating their meat back home.

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What's different is that a person has, presumably, not been satisfied with that, travelled to a foreign and very different country, settled there, and then done the same thing.

Because their whiole motivation to travel to thailand has/had nothing to do with seeing new cultures/different countries/new experiences....... it was to aquire a female

So what you are saying is they don't go past the first bar they visit? Living in HOPE or just a DOPE.

It is hard to believe that some people would travel thousand of miles just to do what they could have done in their own home town. I just see moving to another country as an opportunity to see as much as I can. But, that is just me...............

Hard to believe, you can see it with your own eyes should you so desire.

Go and visit the farang ghetto that is Sukhumvit, take a look at the sexy/hansum man in Soi Cowboy or that piss stinking dump that is the NEP.

They travel thousands of miles because they cant get a piece of ass in their home town.

Luckily on arrival at Bkk they are turned into the charming witty converstionalists they couldnt be in their own country, so attractive they are beating the girls off with a shitty stick, rather than beating their meat back home.

I suppose if I didn't have two brass farthings for a bar fine, I would try to heap scorn on them as well, to hide my jealousy.

Anyway, old people shouldn't have sex. The very thought of it disgusts me...

I think I will campaign to get those places closed down... no; here's a better idea. Let's not think about other people having sex, or, in fact, think about what ever they do, whether it be climb mountains or mispronounce foreign languages or wear shorts or sit in the same village twenty years...


To be fair, I can see the point of threads like "Why do sex tourists not shave their ear-holes?" because once one knows the reason, the phenomenon is usually much more tolerable...

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Good to see some here can see where I'm coming from...why travel half way around the world just to have a pitful daily existance and to see adn experience less in 10 years than someone on a fortnights holiday...?

and can people please stop saying 'why do you care' I don't care, trust me all I 'care' about in this world is myself and my family, I was just curious to see if others share my same sentiments on the topic..as it turned out some do some don't...as I expected.

Carry on...

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What's different is that a person has, presumably, not been satisfied with that, travelled to a foreign and very different country, settled there, and then done the same thing.

Because their whiole motivation to travel to thailand has/had nothing to do with seeing new cultures/different countries/new experiences....... it was to aquire a female

So what you are saying is they don't go past the first bar they visit? Living in HOPE or just a DOPE.

It is hard to believe that some people would travel thousand of miles just to do what they could have done in their own home town. I just see moving to another country as an opportunity to see as much as I can. But, that is just me...............

Hard to believe, you can see it with your own eyes should you so desire.

Go and visit the farang ghetto that is Sukhumvit, take a look at the sexy/hansum man in Soi Cowboy or that piss stinking dump that is the NEP.

They travel thousands of miles because they cant get a piece of ass in their home town.

Luckily on arrival at Bkk they are turned into the charming witty converstionalists they couldnt be in their own country, so attractive they are beating the girls off with a shitty stick, rather than beating their meat back home.

I suppose if I didn't have two brass farthings for a bar fine, I would try to heap scorn on them as well, to hide my jealousy.

Anyway, old people shouldn't have sex. The very thought of it disgusts me...

I think I will campaign to get those places closed down... no; here's a better idea. Let's not think about other people having sex, or, in fact, think about what ever they do, whether it be climb mountains or mispronounce foreign languages or wear shorts or sit in the same village twenty years...


To be fair, I can see the point of threads like "Why do sex tourists not shave their ear-holes?" because once one knows the reason, the phenomenon is usually much more tolerable...

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The ones I find suspicious are those still clinging to the hope that wigan will get docked 12 points because their kit is so awful.

very good, I am one who is looking forward to a season or 2 in the championship thus clearing out all of our overpaid crap etc....:lol:

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The ones I find suspicious are those still clinging to the hope that wigan will get docked 12 points because their kit is so awful.

Let's hope we won't be needing that malarkey in a fortnight's time, but if we do, it seems like a fair claim to me.


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Define stagnation, I have been all over the world in my travels but for the last 3 years in the same place in thailand except for border runs and honestly dont care if i ever go anywhere else, been there done that and I aint missing shit. Its sad that so many people have fallen into the trap of thinking that your life has no meaning unless you are constantly on the move or experiencing something new (chasing the illusion), I hope someday you find your happiness and quit following what others define happiness to be. Life is what you make it no matter where you are.

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norrona - ah the 'I can't go back' line, heard that many a time and funny enough it's always from the same type of individual I'm talking about....I think it makes them feel they are a bit of a rebel, bless 'em.

Yep, totally agree B)

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Define stagnation, I have been all over the world in my travels but for the last 3 years in the same place in thailand except for border runs and honestly dont care if i ever go anywhere else, been there done that and I aint missing shit. Its sad that so many people have fallen into the trap of thinking that your life has no meaning unless you are constantly on the move or experiencing something new (chasing the illusion), I hope someday you find your happiness and quit following what others define happiness to be. Life is what you make it no matter where you are.

your first line makes you exempt from stagnation...gulliver :lol:

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Gulliver - So you don't think that living here for 10-15 years and seeing less in that time than a person on a fortnights holdiay is a bit sad?....would you not think it's a tad sad to return to ones home country after 15 years living overseas having only been to one place?

If you think not then I think you are a little fibber...:bah:

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Gulliver - So you don't think that living here for 10-15 years and seeing less in that time than a person on a fortnights holdiay is a bit sad?....would you not think it's a tad sad to return to ones home country after 15 years living overseas having only been to one place?

If you think not then I think you are a little fibber...:bah:

Why would it concern you what somebody else has seen or done within a period of time?

How does it effect you?

It doesn't. You see?

Let it go.

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Oh I see, so the new rules on thai visa now are only to discuss topics that concern you.

*makes mental note*

I think it would be sad if the person had wanted to travel, but been confined to one place for whatever reason.

I would be more sad if someone had travelled the world and still not found somewhere they wanted to live. More sad because not only would they be homeless, but they would be burning up our global warming limits with their pointless aimless wanderings - or their sophist 'mind-broadening' self-education - whichever you want to call it.


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Lived here 10 years,lived in the same house for 9 years(in the sticks)every now and again do a 8-9 hour drive down toPattaya with with the Wife,soon glad to get back home.

Any one who visits pattaya is glad to get back home after visting that SH@#hole !!

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Lived here 10 years,lived in the same house for 9 years(in the sticks)every now and again do a 8-9 hour drive down toPattaya with with the Wife,soon glad to get back home.

Any one who visits pattaya is glad to get back home after visting that SH@#hole !!

What a spectacularly ignorant comment. In my opinion.

Quite clearly, there are some people (within the class 'anyone') who save up all year for their trip to Pattaya, and start counting down the days till they get back on the van to Suvarnabhumi.

I think if you did not blindly limit yourself to the parts of Pattaya that you do not like, you might form a better opinion of the city.


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