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Thai Food-No Thank You


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I like Indian food. I like Chinese food. I like Japanesee food. I like Vietnamese food. I have no great love for Thai food. Different people like different things. ;)

I have to agree with UG

(except for the "cracker with ketchup" LOL)

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I dont think I have ever met anyone who doesnt like Thai food or Italian food. I guess the world must be coming to an end.

You just met one now. Amen

Now two. Thai food is primitive and greasy. Better than British food but that's not saying much.

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I dont think I have ever met anyone who doesnt like Thai food or Italian food. I guess the world must be coming to an end.

You just met one now. Amen

Now two. Thai food is primitive and greasy. Better than British food but that's not saying much.

I struggle to imagine anything that could compare to a cold shortcrust mutton pie, or haggis, great chieftain o' the pudding race... or a deep-fried mars bar (just typing that gives me chest pains)

Or one of those micro-wave ready pizzas after its been in the frier a couple of minutes... oh my goodness, I need to sit down; I can scarcely breathe...


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I was watching an English language educational program on TV last week on PBS. The guest was a famous but controversial Thai chef. He was telling the two young hosts how Thai food is being prepared very badly now and how foreigners can now make better Thai food in many cases. When the host asked 'so are Thais not good at cooking?' I was amazed to hear him answer, in an exasperated tone, 'Thais are not good at anything!'. He's obviously been outside Thailand too long. :D

Thank you for that. It generated hysterical laughter that brought 'her that does the ironing' rushing in in a state of alarm. 5 minutes later and I'm still giggling like a schoolgirl.

At the age of 32 years my wife finally found out what chicken and pork tasted like after it being masked by chillies and other things in her Isan fare. She was amazed. She now prefers farang food including steak. Gets her out of cooking too. Papaya salad she won't abandon but strictly obeys my stricture that Barra (padaek? ) is not ever to be brought onto our property.

My ex wrote from the UK some time ago and told me about the plethora of Thai restaurants opening up. She said she fancied trying the cuisine out and asked what should she ask for. I suggested starting with something fairly neutral and innocuous and mentioned Cow Pat Guy. She decided on sticking to steak houses instead. :D

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  • 1 month later...

As far as Thai cuisine goes Isaan food can be described as basic / rustic / rough / simple, not that that's necessarily bad.

There are quite a lot of Thai dishes, particularly the Central Thai ones adapted from Chinese recipes that don't taste so in-your-face.

If you haven't completely written off Asian food then I recommend that you give the or Japanese or Chinese food in Thailand a try. . . Japanese food in particular has a lot of savoury flavours / 'proper' chunks of protein / no bits that you can't eat, solid / stodge similar to western food.

No I haven't written off Asian food completely. I've eaten Chinese food in Canada,not the same as China of course, but I like their fried rice, eggrolls,dry garlic spare ribs but wouldn't know where to go in Udon Thani for this or would it be Thai style chinese food that I would be eaten?

Lol - you are so precious. Chinese food in Canada, Western food in Thailand. cute lol

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I love offal and there's no shortage of it in Thailand. Americans and most brits generally stay away from it and will never eat fresh blood or weird organs and glands, which are the most nutritious and best eat in an animal, let alone the most delicious.

Lots of Americans and Brits eat sausages and hamburgers.

What do you think these are made from?

Might they be made from the penis, the testicles, the stomach linings, the miscellaneous bits of flesh which are removed from the carcass by high pressure water hoses?

Depends on where you shop.

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I dont think I have ever met anyone who doesnt like Thai food or Italian food. I guess the world must be coming to an end.

You just met one now. Amen

Now two. Thai food is primitive and greasy. Better than British food but that's not saying much.

I struggle to imagine anything that could compare to a cold shortcrust mutton pie, or haggis, great chieftain o' the pudding race... or a deep-fried mars bar (just typing that gives me chest pains)

Or one of those micro-wave ready pizzas after its been in the frier a couple of minutes... oh my goodness, I need to sit down; I can scarcely breathe...


Haggis, I hear they are finally legalizing it in the US :o

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Sitting here with stomach cramps for the second time in a month,I'm beginning to wonder if I've had my fill of it.There's some germs you simply cannot kill by trying to fry them to death.:(

Best to build up your immunity.

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Thai food: great ingredients, excellent recipes, poor cooking skills.

Fortunately, my wife was willing to learn.....

So i very much enjoy eating thai food.

And to be honest, yes, it is possible (but difficult) to find decent restaurants or even street food in thailand. Living in Chanthaburi helps.....

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Reading this thread has given me a good laugh but I can't help help feeling a bit sad for those of you who don't like / dare not try / couldn't be bothered to try REAL thai food. I have just returned from my fav restaurant in all of Thailand, a roadside stall on Sukhumvit soi 18 (just outside the Lexus showroom). The "gaeng omm" is the best I've ever had in Thailand and the ne-arr nam tok is only bettered by the restaurant opposite Health Land in Ekkamai because the beef quality there is better. This point yet to be confirmed because my pub owner friend in Patpong reckons the nam tok in Thaniya is the BEST in Thailand.

Isaan food actually tastes better in Bangkok than in Isaan itself (my personal opinion only, oh, and that of my misses who is Isaan born and bred).

Apart from the usual cuisine, give a thought to the fresh seafood available, something very hard to come by in Europe and the UK. What can beat freshly grilled tiger prawns with the green spicy sauce and steamed soft shelled crab? How about fresh deep fried seabass? Or steamed and served in lime sauce? Or in thai spicy sauce with mimosa? Nothing accompanies a Scotch on the rocks better than the last dish.

Khatom or jok with 3 different kinds of fish in Charoen Krung. At Bht 250 a bowl, you can be sure that the fish is the freshest you would ever find.

Glass noodles with prawns, baked in a claypot - absolutely to die for.

I won't even go into menus containing intestines, liver, kidney because the average, typical farang is just not culturally inclined to sample such delicacies.

I do love steak (I get discount at Neil's Tavern due to my frequency there), lamb chops, Sunday Roast, F&C etc etc but my life is so much more complete because I also love Thai / Chinese / Japanese food. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones :)

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There are some things I won't eat eg, som tam, a soup I had that was like a clear broth with strips of pork fat, a dish of green beans in a sauce that tasted of rusty nails and fried chicken nugget things that seemed to be made of gristle only.

But plain old beef soup noodles is one of my favourite dishes on Earth, as is tom yum gung.

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I agree

i have never enjoyed eating Thai Food .

i havent tried everything but what i have tried i really dont like ,plus im not too keen on sharing food eating ala family buffett style as many thais do ,not that im greedy

i just like My dinner on My plate

It is hard in Thailand if you dont enjoy the cuisine apart from putting up with the know it all friends of mine who tell me about all these amazing flavours ,and how im missing out

i always felt if you need to add that much chilli /salt/suger to a dish after its been served it aint that tasty ,

also i dont like having foods with items i cant eat ie lemongrass ,galangall and thise little green peppers if i was a chef id be sieving them out

i shop in Villa Market more than anywere else and i can still eat cheaply i cook the same as my mum did when i was growing up

and i only eat in westernised restaurents /my friends are used to me now so if they are going to eat Thaifood ill eat before i meet them

Im not saying Thai food is bad i just really dont have the stomach for it .

Thank you Steve As i totally agree with what you say. I have lemongrass growing here in adbundance and my wife cuts it and sells it besides eating it but I can't stand the taste of it. When I go out with my Falang friends and their wives most of them readily eat and enjoy Thai food because it's inexpensive but wouldn't put the money out like i do for Falang food. Their stomachs can hack it and mind can't. Most of these Falangs come from Norway,Denmark and Holland and England. I miss eating a good medium well steak that can be almost cut with a fork with a baked potato along with a Caeser salad. Any Thai beef that I've eaten has been tough as nails as they don't age the meat just kill and eat the same day. I usually sit it out while everyone else eats and wait until I can get home to cook what I want. Thanks for answering.

Agreed about the normal Beef supplies in Thailand (tough as old boots),

except the Thai/French Beef which is properly hung,before selling and is pretty good,

apparently its bred in Sakon Nakon,from European Cattle Stock, and then distributed, there is a shop in Udon Thani,other than those 2 places I am not sure of,but also possibly Khon Ken?

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There are some things I won't eat eg, som tam, a soup I had that was like a clear broth with strips of pork fat, a dish of green beans in a sauce that tasted of rusty nails and fried chicken nugget things that seemed to be made of gristle only.

But plain old beef soup noodles is one of my favourite dishes on Earth, as is tom yum gung.

"nugget things" I think you are refering to the fried chicken tendons, popular as a snack while drinking, I pass on those also.

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As far as why do I live here then, I'm retired and didn't come here to change the way I have eaten for 65 years.

This is the way I see it too. I'm from England and I eat the same kind of food I've always eaten. Strangely enough this means I eat Indian food most weeks as it's so popular back in the UK.

I've eaten a couple of Thai red curry's over the years in Thai restaurants in Europe which were quite nice but that would be a rare exception for me. I didn't choose the restaurant on that occasion.

I ate a 'Chicken Penang' which was pretty nice a few years back, that's the only Thai food I've eaten in Thailand, that was quite nice and I'll probably order it again at some point. Strangely enough 'Penang' isn't in Thailand, it tasted similar to an Indian curry to me.

I'm not so adventurous when it comes to food. I ate some sushi on Tuesday and had a three/four day outbreak of what looked like major Acne all over my face and neck, it only really started to disappear yesterday and today it's completely gone. Maybe I'm allergic to something - I literally had hundreds of 'spots' all over my face, they went as quickly as they came, very strange ! I blame the sushi but of course I guess it could have been anything else that caused this. I've never seen anything like it before.

It's called "chicken Pa-Naeng" and has nothing to do with Pe-nang , Malaysia ! It's a red chicken curry with coconut milk, some cook it up very mild without many chillies, absolutely adorable yummy food !

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I quite like most Thai foods, apart from the smelly fermented fish guts stuff & mysterious meats that look like thay come from the stoneage. God knows, where I live, falong food is hard to come by.

Only thing that gets to me is that sometimes months pass without being able to produce anyting that resembles a solid turd. :huh:

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