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Loy Kratong 2011


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I was looking for the exact dates of the different celebrations and it gets a bit confused...

The official day will be Thursday 10. What about the parade and everything else?

Do somebody knows when will be the MaeJo Lantern release? Some people says the 29th October, some other the 5th Nov...

We are planning a trip and we wonder if we should go the week end of the 5/6 and stay until the 11 in the morning, or if it's better to stay the following week-end (12 - 13 Nov)

Thanks for any information you may have!

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Probably gonna have to wait n see unless you contact someone from city events planning for the parades or Mae Jo about the lantern release. Have fun with that ! Though I bet City Life might give you a straighter

answer about who to contact specifically and a phone number - they know everything.

The traditional name for it is Prapenni Yi-Peng. Yi-Peng being the operative words - amounting to 'second moon' as in second full moon of the lunar month. Getting with your friendly Thai interpreter and looking at a traditional Thai (Buddhist) calendar you could probably figure out the exact week. Many calendars have not only the Buddha days, but also the waxing n waning moon signs on them.

Crap ! Just for fun I googled Yi-Peng 2011 before posting this, and found all kinds of specific date n celebration stuff. Have fun looking yourself. I think most of it is in accordance with each other too.

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I eclose the following which was supplied throught a moderator who passed it onto another person, here is his reply.

Loy Krathong, also known as Yee (Yi) Peng in Chiang Mai always falls on the full moon of the 12th Lunar month which for 2011 is Thursday November 10th. I verify the Buddhist holidays by using International charts on moon phases when I design the TV calendar.

Normally the day before, the 9th, is Loy Krathong Lek (small Krathong day) and the main day, the 10th, is Loy Krathong Yai (big Krathong day) and probably the 11th will extend the celebration as they did this year.

The Mae Jo Khom Loy, 1,000 Khom Fai (balloon) release, is normally the Saturday before the main Loy Krathong festival. This year though the CM government elected to hold it on the same weekend as Loy Krathong for the convenience of the tourists. So, it should be November the 5th (Saturday) or 6th (Sunday) next year but no guarantees what the government will decide for Khom Loy day but most likely the 5th.

I hope this is off help.:)

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The Mae Jo Khom Loy, 1,000 Khom Fai (balloon) release, is normally the Saturday before the main Loy Krathong festivals ,

Lizard2010 is right but I also found some information about Klom Loy (larntern) for this year (2 days) on 29th at 17:00-20:30 and 9th November (for foreigners) at same time, the place is Tudongkhasathan (Maejoe, San Sai) so I think may be this year possible will be different (no garantees ), you see the date of Royal Flora festival begin also on 9th November until 15th Febuary 2012, I do not know this can be the reason of changing Klom Loy date or not.

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This is what I found:

Yeepend Sansai on Sat 29th Oct 2011 at Tudongkhasathan Lanna

1-3:30pm Katina Ceremony (offering robes to Monks)

5pm Registration

6pm Pay homage to the triple gems, meditation, candle circumabulation

7:30pm Ceremony of light

8:30 end of ceremonies

Also heard that they are holding a tourists version on the 9th with tickets costing $100USD!

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Just searching on this.. Is this correct ?? 100 USD per person for a 'tourist version' ??? Sure seems like an ugly money grab on what is CM's most charming festival.


To have the normal large (free) event a full 2 weeks before LK means no one trying to come to visit CM for the period of LK are likely to make it, and to try to charge 100 USD and up, VIP ticket prices not yet announced.. (VIP how very appropriate for a meditative Buddhist practice !!) Just seems like a quick cash grab to me.

Its a shame as I was trying to advise some people who would come to visit CM and of course visitors = tourist money, but the separation of these events has a real possibility of them not bothering with either now.

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So will I have the chance to take those beautiful lanterns on the air? I will be only in CMai on the 9th Nov!

The Mae Jo Khom Loy, 1,000 Khom Fai (balloon) release, is normally the Saturday before the main Loy Krathong festivals ,

Lizard2010 is right but I also found some information about Klom Loy (larntern) for this year (2 days) on 29th at 17:00-20:30 and 9th November (for foreigners) at same time, the place is Tudongkhasathan (Maejoe, San Sai) so I think may be this year possible will be different (no garantees ), you see the date of Royal Flora festival begin also on 9th November until 15th Febuary 2012, I do not know this can be the reason of changing Klom Loy date or not.

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I saw this today.


NOVEMBER 1 - 30, 2011

NORTHERN THAILAND pink_arrow.gifNOVEMBER 5 - 10, 2011


Chiang Mai provincial centre

pink_arrow.gifNOVEMBER 5 - 10, 2011


Night of A Thousand Floating Lanterns

On the Mae Ping River (in front of Kittikhun Hall)

I hope to see it on The Mae Ping River. :)

Edited by Lizard2010
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OK I notice that doesnt give a specific day for the yee peng release just an inclusive 5 - 10..

The other site says 29th Oct for the real release and 9th for a tourist version..

Still none the wiser really.. Great for everyone booking flights !!

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OK I notice that doesnt give a specific day for the yee peng release just an inclusive 5 - 10..

The other site says 29th Oct for the real release and 9th for a tourist version..

Still none the wiser really.. Great for everyone booking flights !!

I agree.

We are due in Chiang Mai on the 9th, hope we do get to experience some of the activities. :D

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