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I would suggest a Farang only Marathon, with double pricing for Thais and Asians and exclude them from prizes...they wouldn't participate but so what. I am sure such an event would definitely get noticed...

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Why pull the race card? Dual pricing is an irritation. But, it's not proof of racism. Think of it as a reverse family discount. Citizens are family. Foreigners are not. Deal with it.

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a couple of years ago I competed in a surf lifesaving event here (3 golds, in case you wondered), at the evening prizegiving there were also extra prizes for the best Thai in the major events, ie may have placed 4th but got a prize for 'first Thai' plus a sponsor's voucher, some up to 15,000b in value.

Racist? Because I was not eligible for this prize? For f's sake , I am not a Thai!

A sponsor can sponsor whatever the f he/she chooses, in whatever category. They chose to support local talent, and good on them.

I think every event was won by Australian or New Zealand competitors. But we (the foreigners) were taking part for the fun of it, for enjoyment, and to promote the sport here, encourage local athletes, and there were certainly no whinges at the prizegiving for the 'Thai-only' prizes, in fact I sponsored one of them personally, 3000b for one of the top juniors. Great feeling presenting that one.

As for the whining about the extra 500b. Re-read your posts, they really are pathetic.

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My opinion on dual pricing is that it does not qualify as racism as such, rather it is based on the assumption that foreigners that visit Thailand, and other SE Asian countries, are, on average, more wealthy than the indigenous population. I consider it a variety of the "from each according to their means" philosophy rather than racism. When I visited Borodur temple in Indonesia I think I paid 4-5 times what the locals pay. Fair enough I reckon.


On average, Asians have shorter legs than foreigners and should be given a 5km head start. :whistling:

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It must be good to be a Thai I guess. I would quite like to go to London and only pay small charges whilst the foreigners coughed up the big money. I can just imagine it:

London Eye: British 75p

Others 15 pounds


British-Asian's, 7 and a half quid, a 50% reduction from the "others" category.

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A friend's wife won a trip away through a work sponsor. A weekend in Phuket I think it was. When she booked the names she was told that she couldn't go with the foreigner, that she'd have to go with a Thai. They guessed it was something to do with the the sponsor showing photos of them at the hotel in promotional material etc.

Or maybe they didn't want to spend money on a farang as farangs have too much money anyway and they certainly aren't going to give them anything for free. :D

Edited by hehehoho
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Pay and play…….or not, if it bothers you, do the only thing you can, don't participate! Show you disapproval by not getting involved….Up to you.

I think the mind set is no different for racism than it is for corruption; we ALL bitch about it, but near all to a man, (or woman) pick what we get excited about. As an example; corruption, most I think just pay the on the spot 'fine', say, 200Baht, (into BIB's pocket) as opposed to going to the police station, sit there half the day and pay 500 Baht.

IMHO most TV's are white western male's , not exactly used to racism or corruption before coming to Thailand……..OK, I know it's a bit of a generalization. Being a victim of racism is never an easy pill to swallow, but there's not a lot you can do.Personally, I would not run out of principle. Up to you!

Edited by Tonto21
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Exactly what "race" are foreigners? Dear OP, dual pricing exists everywhere in the world so get over it (or get Thai citizenship, and it can be done, if it means that much to you).

What a weird question?!? "Foreigners" are EVERY race, including Asians. Actually, there is no scientific basis for race, but it is a social construct that is so widely accepted that there might as well be. That's why I was wondering how the officials of the blatantly RACIST marathon (yes, it is) would deal with a totally Americanized "Asian" American winning the race. Prize money, or not?

Did you even read this thread, dude? Can't you see the big issue here is that the prize money only goes to so called Asians? Dual pricing, yes that is a rather tired topic, but this prize money restriction is a new twist.

Not really suggesting any kind of protest, but you have to admit it would be kind of cool if there was kind of ironic protest at the event, such as a bunch of people holding up signs saying


especially if the people holding up the signs were a rainbow of colors, INCLUDING Asians. Maybe next year?

I am sorry but Pattaya officials are always bringing lip service to the idea that Pattaya will be a WORLD CLASS beach resort city. Not a chance with this kind of officially sanctioned RACISM going on. Not a chance.

Edited by Jingthing
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"...I was wondering how the officials of the blatantly RACIST marathon (yes, it is) would deal with a totally Americanized "Asian" American winning the race. Prize money, or not?..."

Interesting query (but isn't that person an American to these folks?). "Asian..." In this case, I'm thinking they'll only award prize money to: an Asian person who resides in an Asian country (might be wrong).

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ah well at least the ladies are raicist in favour of us farnags, not like thai man want farang so something good to come out of the racism thing

Not so sure you got that one right, more like "i like farang he have big money"

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Good f'ing god. Get over it. If you don't like it here, geth the F out! The last thing I want to see here is a bout of "political correctness." Perhaps "racism" is nothing more than being able to be honest about how you feel.

As for dual pricing, I don't like it, but again, get over it. I don't have to buy/participate in anything for which I do not like the price. Americans are constantly whining that "foreingners" in America should not be allowed to have the same benefits as "real Americans," then they come here and bitch because this country has implemented some of the policies they advocate back home.

Like I said, if you don't like it here, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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Exactly what "race" are foreigners? Dear OP, dual pricing exists everywhere in the world so get over it (or get Thai citizenship, and it can be done, if it means that much to you).

What a weird question?!? "Foreigners" are EVERY race, including Asians. Actually, there is no scientific basis for race, but it is a social construct that is so widely accepted that there might as well be. That's why I was wondering how the officials of the blatantly RACIST marathon (yes, it is) would deal with a totally Americanized "Asian" American winning the race. Prize money, or not?

Did you even read this thread, dude? Can't you see the big issue here is that the prize money only goes to so called Asians? Dual pricing, yes that is a rather tired topic, but this prize money restriction is a new twist.

Not really suggesting any kind of protest, but you have to admit it would be kind of cool if there was kind of ironic protest at the event, such as a bunch of people holding up signs saying


especially if the people holding up the signs were a rainbow of colors, INCLUDING Asians. Maybe next year?

I am sorry but Pattaya officials are always bringing lip service to the idea that Pattaya will be a WORLD CLASS beach resort city. Not a chance with this kind of officially sanctioned RACISM going on. Not a chance.

You and others posters have a "weird" definition of racism. It is certainly is not text book. Strictly speaking to lump foreigners together as a "race" in the context of the OP is wrong. Do I agree that prize money should be limited to Asians?....No, but that is their choice and after all it is called the King's Cup ASIAN marathon. If you are a foreigner (let's say Farang in this case) AND an avid marathoner I bet you are happy to participate and could care less about ribbons, trophies and prize money.

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Perhaps "racism" is nothing more than being able to be honest about how you feel.

Err No its not ! Racism is depicable and should be denounced and confronted wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head.

I just don't consider dual-pricing a particularly good example of racism in Pattaya / Thailand / SE Asia.

However some bars / go-go's (e.g. Hawaiian Princess to borrow a pseudonym) that bar customers with darker skins should be avoided.

Fight The Power !


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Frankly, "racism" is almost impossible to define. Everybody has a little different idea about what it means. I have been accused of being an "insensitive racist" because I used the word "niggardly." <deleted>? Because I have a decent vocabulary and use a word that has no connection with race, I'm insensitive?

It's like trying to define "atheist." I've called myself an atheist, but then when I explain my position, my interlocutor cries, "Oh you're not an atheist; you're an agnostic." Others say I'm atheist hands down. So what is this label, exactly.

If I believe blacks, on average, are better basketball players that whites, am I a racist? If I believe Asians, on average, make better nuclear phyicists that blacks, am I a racist?

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Frankly, "racism" is almost impossible to define.

Agree with you 100%, but I know it when I see / hear / read it.

In response to the contents of your post I would answer: No - nothing wrong with a good vocabulary / agnostic and atheist do have different meanings / No and finally No but opportunities and cultural pressures during upbringing do impact the choices people make.


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