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I Quit My Job Today!

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Jesse, you can ease up a bit on the attitude, as can most of the others before it becomes a flamefest.

Chon, I've had two PMs from spaniels accusing you of slandering their whole breed as being excessively violent. Please desist. :o


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You're all acting like I'm American or British :o I don't travel to get drunk and fight like the Brits and I don't try to force my foreign policy all over the world like the Yanks.

I'm not an arrogant ignorant whelp that's travelling to "get laid and party it up" I'm travelling to experience the unexperienced and open my eyes to the rest of the world. I live in Canada... so you could say I live in a sheltered world and I want to get to know the rest of the world. I want to go to India aswell. Open my eyes to how great I have it in Canada...

Wrong move there Jesse. Don't generalize the British and Americans or anyone for that matter. A few posters haven't been particularly kind to you but why come up with such a comment like this? In my opinion it just shows the imaturity of a nineteen year old using words he didn't think about.

Think before you post in future :D

... And prepare for many flames, you can dish out the dirt lets see how you respond to people giving you the dirt. Not with imature posts I hope Jesse.

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Gosh, people really need to think before they spew forth such filth.

If that was the case , we would never have the pleasure of reading your dimwitted self-rantings .

I predict you will act like an arse in Thailand and expect to hear your pubescant self-infatuated diatribe on how you were beaten to a pulp by a 7 year old Spaniel in the near future.


You're all acting like I'm American or British :D I don't travel to get drunk and fight like the Brits and I don't try to force my foreign policy all over the world like the Yanks.

I'm not an arrogant ignorant whelp that's travelling to "get laid and party it up" I'm travelling to experience the unexperienced and open my eyes to the rest of the world. I live in Canada... so you could say I live in a sheltered world and I want to get to know the rest of the world. I want to go to India aswell. Open my eyes to how great I have it in Canada...

Excellent response.

Act as disgracefully as you wish though, it is the prerogative of the young so enjoy while you can. But please remember, if you are not upsetting someone you are probably not doing it right !

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When I first saw the title of this thread "I quit my job today", my first reaction was 'you lucky bar-steward'. Then I read that you were only nineteen.

Have a great time travelling and experiencing new things, but, I don't envy you the feeling when you have to go back and start work again.

I have another two to five years before I can quit working, then, it'll be for good!

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Jessica, a lot of us here are are Brit or Aussie and we enjoy taking the piss out of one another. It's nothing personal just our sense of humour.

I'm a Brit and could not agree with you more about the behaviour of a lot of my fellow countrymen when abroad.

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Good luck to you. I do want to let you know others are of the same mind to just pack up and leave.

Now, let me tell you about a gent who is actually a little more intrepid. He claims that he visits thai love websites and states in his personal bio that he wants to live with a woman for free until he chooses to do something. Oh, and he wants the freedom to butterfly.

I don't believe him when he says he gets positive responses. Could you check into it.

I'll write a sample bio for you.

19 year old, seen all, done all, paid my dues. Seeks woman to shelter, feed and support me. I need my space so please don't nag me. I'll get back to work and make money when I'm good and ready. Must keep my bedroom spotless as I plan to have guests over. For the culture of course. If you have the NHL gameday ticket on cable, that is a plus.

ok, some attempt of humor is included :o:D

Seriously, let me know if this works.

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That was a slip...stand still it will curve  :D

What like boomerang, and whack you on the back of the head?


He is an American... :o

You mean he's got a gun?



Well... he is in the military service... :D

Hint: read his previous posts. :D

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I'm not arrogant and I've never been temporarily banned from posting in this forum. Shut up Dr Patpong  :D

Did i miss something? :o

I guess I missed it too... :D

That's your fault entirely. You should've stood still and watched it curve.


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Gosh, people really need to think before they spew forth such filth.

If that was the case , we would never have the pleasure of reading your dimwitted self-rantings .

I predict you will act like an arse in Thailand and expect to hear your pubescant self-infatuated diatribe on how you were beaten to a pulp by a 7 year old Spaniel in the near future.


You're all acting like I'm American or British :D I don't travel to get drunk and fight like the Brits and I don't try to force my foreign policy all over the world like the Yanks.

We Brits don't travel to get drunk and fight. We're quite capable of getting drunk and fighting without leaving home, thank you very much :D

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