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Magic - Someone Is Trying To Scare Me


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Seonai ..baby... listen to me please :D

its just bullshite ..just the way that the loser can't fix anything by himself so try to do more with nonsense way

sod it off

Bambi :D

ps ..if black magic was kosher , you would see

-no more wife VS mia noi (yes one of that girl must use black magic for make a passion with a guy (must have only 1 girl methinks is the winner)

-no have any weapon in this world .. they must use curse instead(cheaper..ehh?)

- No Bush, No Bin Laden, No Terrorist ( methinks people always curse them)

etc etc :o

Edited by BambinA
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i personally dont believe but also keep an open mind about these things...

a female friend of mines sister was apparently cursed by another girl at the bar where she worked after a row over a farrang man - she went crazy it seemed over night, screaming at nothing, acting very strange, not eating etc

after being in this state for about a month, a friend of hers called for her mother to come to bkk to collect and take her back to udon... she then had daily visits from a monk for a couple of weeks before returning back to her normal self.

the girl who had got, so say, witch doctor to perform the curse heard about what had become of this other girl and left bkk for patters.

very strange :o

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Me ex wife said sh`ed put a curse on me.

As I`m a little superstitious the following day I was walking down a street and there was a ladder leaning against a wall and I didn`t want bad luck so I decided not to walk under it but around it......at the time I was carrying a package of salt, and a mirror....

...suddenly a black cat walked infront of me and I slipped on a banana skin....broke the mirror and spilt the salt. I quickly threw a pinch of salt over each shoulder just in time to see a man walking under the ladder when a pot of paint

fell onto his head.

It`s more than 7 years since so the curse from the broken mirror should have gone....but now I keep a rabbit`s foot and a horse shoe in my pocket at all times....and whenever I see a parked ladder I rush across to the other side of the street.......and I always without fail make sure that ornamental elephants with their trunks raised are always pointing towards the door.

Curses....I don`t believe in `em :o

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<deleted> - black magic only works if you believe - purely psychological.

IMPNO (in my perhaps niave opinion) religions, etc rely heavily upon self fulfilling prophecies (sp). If you pray, if you believe you will generally behave in such a way that the result will concur with the prayer/curse.......etc

Go about your life as you normally would. Easy as that.

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if you believe you will generally behave in such a way that the result will concur with the prayer/curse.......etc

Absolutely right- kinda like reading the horoscope column in the newspaper.... you can always twist the horoscope into something that "fits" you, if you believe in it.

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A famous monk told my wife when she was 10 she'd marry a guy from very far away

She lived way up in the boonies. Her family laughed at the monk at the time.

When i showed up they saw me and remembered what he said.

Monk also said i die on motorcy :o

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I once appeared on stage with a very famous dark magician in the UK when I was 16.

His sorcery was fake. He pretended to hypnotize me and whispered in my ear. 'Pretend that you're in a trance and just act out my directions'.

The name of this sorceror was Paul Daniels.

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My ex husband of a long time ago says he's putting a curse on me. What do you guys think about this? He did it before and I went to a monk and the monk apparently took it away!!!!!! Is it rubbish or has anyone had experience otherwise?

If you went to see a monk the last time, you must believe it.

Then I'd say definately that you could be at risk.

Are you a Buddhist? Do you believe what the monks tell you and do to you?

If you don't maybe you should change religion.

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My ex g/f was being her usual self towards the end of the relationship - disappearing without trace for up to a month or so. It was generally known that she was going to Germany.

Anyway, one time she was "in Buriram" I asked the owner of my house to give it a good clean and change the bedding. When I got back later there was a school writing book on the dressing table, so I took a look through. There were attempts at improving her English, but the main section was written in Thai so I got three seperate friends to translate. Only one finished it. The other two wouldn't as they said it was "too bad".

Basically, there were two pages that were a prayer that she must have got from a monk asking that she be successful in playing the German and myself off against each other. She also asked that she would be able to get all our money.

I confronted her with it when she returned and she went beserk and tore the offending pages up and set them on fire.

I'm glad to say that she didn't get all my dosh - what there was of it at the time - and she's has been living in Germany for the past two years, fleecing the unfortunate over there, no doubt.

The thing is that whilst I paid little attention to it, she definitely took it seriously as did the other Thais.

I almost forgot. There were other things under the matress as well. Leaves and so on, I think. The owner threw them away before I saw them saying they were part of the overall plan.

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there is a word for curses that work because people believe them, can't remember what it is though. but for instance in voodoo-ism, if someone jinxes you and tells you about it, and you believe it strongly enough, it will come true. nothing to do with the voodoo, but your own brain manipulating things.

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Anyway, one time she was "in Buriram"...

Buriram is well known amongst Issanites for people exercising magic... :D

Outside of BKK and other major tourist destinations (Pattaya, Phuket etc) it has one of the highest concentrations of falung-Thai marriages anywhere in Thailand.

Gotta watch those girls from Buriram... they'll magic you... :o

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I paid a Thai witch a small fortune for a bottle of love potion.

After reading this thread I'm now beginning to think that it could be fake.

With just one dab of the potion on my cheek, I had a stage full of go-go girls throw themselves at me. I was covered in naked girls all trying to rip off my clothes and make wild passionate love to me......all for free too.

Now I'm really concerned. How can I explain to them that the potion may be fake? :o

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i personally dont believe but also keep an open mind about these things...

a female friend of mines sister was apparently cursed by another girl at the bar where she worked after a row over a farrang man - she went crazy it seemed over night, screaming at nothing, acting very strange, not eating etc

after being in this state for about a month, a friend of hers called for her mother to come to bkk to collect and take her back to udon... she then had daily visits from a monk for a couple of weeks before returning back to her normal self.

the girl who had got, so say, witch doctor to perform the curse heard about what had become of this other girl and left bkk for patters.

very strange  :o

If you have an open mind you will work out that it's RUBBISH!

People under estimate the chances of coincidence and look for incidents to support their superstitions.....

I heard of a "mystic" on Koh Samui that told a Swedish girl she would be going on a long journey! Amazed, she said "that's astounding! I'm going back to Sweden in a coupole of days!".........

Uh- huh? get a life!

Poster, you'll be fine, however, I predict the man in question will be going down the road to nowhere...

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I paid a Thai witch a small fortune for a bottle of love potion.

After reading this thread I'm now beginning to think that it could be fake.

With just one dab of the potion on my cheek, I had a stage full of go-go girls throw themselves at me. I was covered in naked girls all trying to rip off my clothes and make wild passionate love to me......all for free too.

Now I'm really concerned. How can I explain to them that the potion may be fake?  :o

For a Gay man that would have been sooo embarassing.....

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I paid a Thai witch a small fortune for a bottle of love potion.

After reading this thread I'm now beginning to think that it could be fake.

With just one dab of the potion on my cheek, I had a stage full of go-go girls throw themselves at me. I was covered in naked girls all trying to rip off my clothes and make wild passionate love to me......all for free too.

Now I'm really concerned. How can I explain to them that the potion may be fake?  :o

For a Gay man that would have been sooo embarassing.....


Was your comment a poor attempt at humour or are you inferring that I am gay?

If it was an attempt at humour, I suggest that you hone your apparent inadequate skills of mirth with a better choosing of your written words so that such comments are not misunderstood.

If you are inferring that I am gay, I can tell you that your unfounded assertion is not only totally inaccurate, but also slanderous.

Perhaps you would like to explain yourself and if you are a person of substance you will offer an appropriate written apology on this thread.

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I paid a Thai witch a small fortune for a bottle of love potion.

After reading this thread I'm now beginning to think that it could be fake.

With just one dab of the potion on my cheek, I had a stage full of go-go girls throw themselves at me. I was covered in naked girls all trying to rip off my clothes and make wild passionate love to me......all for free too.

Now I'm really concerned. How can I explain to them that the potion may be fake?  :o

For a Gay man that would have been sooo embarassing.....


Was your comment a poor attempt at humour or are you inferring that I am gay?

If it was an attempt at humour, I suggest that you hone your apparent inadequate skills of mirth with a better choosing of your written words so that such comments are not misunderstood.

If you are inferring that I am gay, I can tell you that your unfounded assertion is not only totally inaccurate, but also slanderous.

Perhaps you would like to explain yourself and if you are a person of substance you will offer an appropriate written apology on this thread.

I hope you are joking MM, otherwise I think you protest too much!!!

wehat's wrong with being gay anyway?

I thought it was quite a nice joke, didn't even realise it could be a remark aimed at you...but now you mention it, Mighty Mouse hmmmm :D

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