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Road Rage In Bangkok Ends In Fatal Stabbing


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I would suspect he was released on bail.

To be released on bail, means here (we will give you the chance to flee the country):lol:

Well, given he is a mid-level insurance employee with a wife and kid, it was probably assumed he wasn't a flight risk, a not uncommon assessment done in most courts around the world.

I must be missing something. I can see where it states he has a girlfriend. But I sure as hell can't see anything about a wife and child?


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i always carry a pocket knife on me. carrying one isn't premeditation of anything except having a handy tool in your pocket.

But remembering you have a "handy tool" in your pocket when you leave your car to argue with someone, getting it out, opening it and then stabbing the victim multiple times isn't the action of a reasonable, level headed person.

Who said most Thai drivers are "level headed"!

No one. :lol:


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I would suspect he was released on bail.

To be released on bail, means here (we will give you the chance to flee the country):lol:

Well, given he is a mid-level insurance employee with a wife and kid, it was probably assumed he wasn't a flight risk, a not uncommon assessment done in most courts around the world.

Thai authorities commonly make such mistakes - assuming a suspect in a serious crime is not a flight risk, and then find out that that person splits. Maybe it's not a mistake, maybe it's old-fashioned 'taking money clandestinely, to look the other way.'

What happened to the suspect in the near murder (by car) of the woman who was in a coma? My guess is, because the suspect is a military officer, that the powers-that-be will conclude there was not enough evidence, and it will devolve in to a 'mai pen rai' - as so many others in Thailand. Another reason suspects so often get free of serious charges here, is that investigative skills are abysmal here in Thailand.

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First, someone mentioned its illegal to shoot someone in one's own home in the US, this is a state by state issue and many have what is called the 'make my day law" or Castle law allowing the use of deadly force if someone is in your home.


As for the idea that murderers would not be released on bail in other countries, google search is your friend and yields stories from the UK, the US, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada. I stopped looking after the third page.


The fact I post this information does not mean I condone it, but sometimes a few facts are necessary.

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Charged with murder and released. Released into whose custody? His wife.? He cant because she ran off. I hope nobody toots their horn at him and starts another road rage incident this morning on the way to see the investigators.

This country has become a joke.

People charged with 2nd Degree Murder in USA can also apply for Bail and are set free until they have a hearing, many are bailed, many are not, probably down to how deep their pockets are to put up an appropriate Bail, same as Thailand.

Edited by GM1955
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Terrible story, but one that sounds almost stereotypical of life here.

Poor, aggressive driving.

Lack of self control.

Violent murder, presumably due to 'snapping' when confronted.

Charged with murder and released the same day, be it on 'bail' or whatever.

You're in The USA ?

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Unfortunately I have several farang friends who seem to love to blow their horn and get very angry at many Thai drivers. There is one that i refuse to even ride with as it seems a daily occurence and when he finally gets an unwanted response from a Thai I don't want to be anywhere near it. In my opinion having road rage in Thailand has to be one of the dumbest things a farang can ever do. Keep it up and sooner or later some pissed off Thai on yaba that doesn't like anyone much less an old retired farang cursing him will pull out his gun/knife/baseball bat and that will be the end of the farang road rage.

Personally I go out of my way to keep my anger under control when I drive. Yes it is easy to get pissed off but IS IT WORTH IT if you end up dead?

Thais drive the way they do. YOU are not going to change that. If you are going to live and drive in Thailand YOU had better learn to adapt and accept it. You may find you are not so "tough" as you think when the bullets and kvives start to fly.

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wow a bunch of farangs complaining that Thailand doesn't have the same laws and values as farangland. same same on TV today.

they were both wrong. one guy won the fight. that's a few years max prison in Thailand if it isn't deemed self-defense. the old guy did attack first. that is probably why the 'murderer' was released.

you guys complain about this country but wait until you get into <snip> legal bind. then u will be happy u aren't in the Nazi west..

Da__n, you're a funny guy. How long have you been working on that act -- or did you just come up with on the spot? Perfect parody. Especially like the "Nazi west" bit.


Oops! Just realized I haven't read the whole thread. Didn't see the post above also praising the comedic value of that particular gem.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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...to have the forsight to put a lethal weapon in the car within easy reach shows a premeditated intent to use it in such circumstances, ergo it's first degree murder as far as I can see.

And then, as you get out of the car, to take it with you as you go to confront the face off the 63 year old guy -- very nearly 30 years older...

Say, Vahack -- trying to protect his family he needed to reach for his knife and get out of the car -- rather than stay in his car/drive away as and the police? Do you think the 63 year old man looked like he was likely to smash through the windows and attack the family before the 35 year old guy could stop him (even with the knife that he conveniently had with him).

Oh, and I have pocketknife with me as well. I'd never take it out and open it to get into a conflict with an unarmed elderly man. How 'bout you?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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this is another example of why you should always walk away from an argument with a local....they really just don't know when too stop...

nutters in my opinion.

Agreed. I get so angry when other drivers cut me off but I share your assessment of Thais so try to calm down. Whats especially annoying is where I'm queuing for a U-turn and and everyone has to wait thrice as long because of other drivers not waiting and cutting in at the last minute. I really think there's a market for a remote-operated gun hidden near the licence plate which squirts acid or paint stripper at the car in front. My ultimate fantasy is just ramming them which sounds like what this old man tried to do.

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He murdered a person (about twice his age) in cold blood and then gets released, and now wants to say "I am sorry." Something is wrong whistling.gif

Must be one of the only countries in the world where a murderer can be released after being charged..

I think some serious " tea money " involved here whistling.gif

Edited by johncat1
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Been here 13 years, and Thailand still finds a way to amaze me.

After over 16 years, I am not surprised or amazed.

The first question I asked myself after reading this was I wonder what caused a 63-year-old man who

had "just dropped some monks off at the Phra Ram IX Temple" to be in such a mental condition that he would soon

afterwards engage in " Some aggressive driving " and " quarrel " ?

But maybe that's a question for consideration in the section on Buddhism.

If you've spent more than just a few weekends in LOS & know anything about Buddhism, you'd know that Thais are so very hypocritical it's laughable.

who wouldn't stab a pensioner in the head, neck, shoulders, ear and stomach in such circumstances??

I seriously doubt an old fellow in LOS is drawing any pension, but I guess it is possible.

Som nai na. No sorries, no RIPs - just a clear stupidity. Lost a life for another car passed nearby...

&lt;deleted&gt; is "Som nai na" supposed to mean ?

or did you mean Som Nahm Nah = serves you right (deservedly) ?

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its called self-defense and its not punishable in a reality-based country like Thailand.

so what countries are NOT reality-based ?, France ?

it is the Buddhist way is it not, to avoid involvement?

I think you're confusing the Thai way with the Buddhist way.

they really just don't know when too stop...

too too true

After reading your posts you seem like a class act :huh:

I was thinkin' the same thing. Wonder what keeps him in the Kingdom.

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who wants all the hassel

or the Hoff


including hassel of parking

not to mention the Hoff of parking


Thus the benefit of having your own vechical is to make trips out of Bangkok.

I wish I had my own vechical too, but all I've got is an automobile, sometimes referred to as a vehicle.

There is one that i refuse to even ride with as it seems a daily occurence and when he finally gets an unwanted response from a Thai I don't want to be anywhere near it.

Sounds just like a menace to society named David. He drives like he owns the road then gets super-aggressive with anyone who will challenge him.

I've since also stopped riding with the guy.

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....the old guy did attack first.....

That's not how I read the news report that starts this thread. To me, it reads that the younger guy got out of his car first, followed buy the older man going against the wishes of his son.

Also, the original news report does not state which party caused the collision, only that a collision occurred.

Going on the limited amount of information in the news report, it looks like the older man may have only committed a verbal assault, which is quite different from a physical assault. If this were the case, it would not justify a stabbing, (to my Western mind).

Are there 63 year olds who are bigger, stronger, and better fighters than men half their age? Sure there are. The number of knife wounds sustained by the 63 year old in this case doesn't really point to him as being on the offensive, at least not at the time the wounds were inflicted. Why were there so many wounds inflicted? Maybe it took that many to get the old guy to cease a physical attack? Or, maybe the number of wounds could be attributed to a level of fear on the part of the younger man? Or, maybe the younger man, in addition to being hot tempered as described by his mate, is comfortable with resolving disputes in a cowardly fashion?

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wow a bunch of farangs complaining that Thailand doesn't have the same laws and values as farangland. same same on TV today.

they were both wrong. one guy won the fight. that's a few years max prison in Thailand if it isn't deemed self-defense. the old guy did attack first. that is probably why the 'murderer' was released.

you guys complain about this country but wait until you get into <snip> legal bind. then u will be happy u aren't in the Nazi west..

Nazi west. Where exactly is that as I've not heard of it. Well not since the mid 1940s

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Released to run out in to the rice fields. It's very easy for a Thai to co-opt another identity in Thailand. Might have been a handsome pay-off.

Was the murderer drunk? (legal drug), .......as opposed to hemp which is an illegal drug, and can't get you high at all. Go figure.

Had he eaten a load of MSG? Everyone in Thailand has MSG in their blood - and MSG has been shown to contribute to jangled thinking. It's particularly bad for kids, who ingest the hyper salty stuff as much as their parents (MSG can actually kill brain cells by hyper activating them).

I'm not saying these mind altering substances were to blame, am just saying they could be contributing factors. Ultimately, people have to take responsibility for their actions. No excuses. No easing of repercussions due to excuses.

I'm not entirely sure your views on MSG are backed by science although it does have an effect on obesity.

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First, someone mentioned its illegal to shoot someone in one's own home in the US, this is a state by state issue and many have what is called the 'make my day law" or Castle law allowing the use of deadly force if someone is in your home.


As for the idea that murderers would not be released on bail in other countries, google search is your friend and yields stories from the UK, the US, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada. I stopped looking after the third page.


The fact I post this information does not mean I condone it, but sometimes a few facts are necessary.

It doesn't happen very often in the US, but on occasion, usually when there is some circumstance (i.e. mercy killing) when the judge believes there is at least a possibility that the facts will show it was justified (hard to imagine from the info posted here).

I think the reason it shows up on a Google search is that it is news when it DOES happen, so it gets news coverage, and therefor shows up on Google.

I just talked with a Thai lawyer friend of mine, who said it is also rare in Thailand. Who knows what goes through the Judge's mind in these situations. I just hope that when the dust settles and the facts are out, justice is done.

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First off, the way Thais act (when they're pissed off) and the way of Buddhism are two different things.

I was driving a pu truck with 2 farang men passengers (3 of us) on a highway in the north of Thailand. A large non-semi truck abruptly stopped in my lane, forcing me to slow quickly (I don't tailgate). When I passed him I gave him the finger (my mistake). A few minutes later, at a red light, the truck driver yelled at my truck, red-faced, while waving a large (2 foot) knife from his truck window, the door ajar. None of 3 us farang in the pu said or did anything, and the tense stand-off ended with no physical contact.

I agree that me 'giving the finger' was out-of-line, but it also hit home on how more offensive the finger can be to Thais than to westerners. A westerner gives and gets 'the finger' during the course of his life, and knows it's nothing more than a 'fuk-u' gesture. A Thai, on the other hand, gives it a lot more significance, particularly if he's prone to instant anger and other psychological problems.

Terrible story, but one that sounds almost stereotypical of life here. Poor, aggressive driving. Lack of self control. Violent murder, presumably due to 'snapping' when confronted. Charged with murder and released the same day, be it on 'bail' or whatever.

You're in The USA ?

made me chuckle, thanks.

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First off, the way Thais act (when they're pissed off) and the way of Buddhism are two different things.

I was driving a pu truck with 2 farang men passengers (3 of us) on a highway in the north of Thailand. A large non-semi truck abruptly stopped in my lane, forcing me to slow quickly (I don't tailgate). When I passed him I gave him the finger (my mistake). A few minutes later, at a red light, the truck driver yelled at my truck, red-faced, while waving a large (2 foot) knife from his truck window, the door ajar. None of 3 us farang in the pu said or did anything, and the tense stand-off ended with no physical contact.

I agree that me 'giving the finger' was out-of-line, but it also hit home on how more offensive the finger can be to Thais than to westerners. A westerner gives and gets 'the finger' during the course of his life, and knows it's nothing more than a 'fuk-u' gesture. A Thai, on the other hand, gives it a lot more significance, particularly if he's prone to instant anger and other psychological problems.

Terrible story, but one that sounds almost stereotypical of life here. Poor, aggressive driving. Lack of self control. Violent murder, presumably due to 'snapping' when confronted. Charged with murder and released the same day, be it on 'bail' or whatever.

You're in The USA ?

made me chuckle, thanks.

I was cut up by a van driver, when I blew my horn at him, he tried to force me off the road, this on Viphawadi at about 08.30, in-order to avoid further incident I stopped the car in the middle of the road, he had a knife and but he didn't get out of his van when he saw get out of the car, I thought to myself if you are going to attack do so in broad day light and if I am going down you will be too. He didn't get out in the end. I suppose I was lucky that day, but had he attacked it was my intention to make it unlucky for both of us and especially him. Most drivers on the road here are reasonable but the idiots are just real idiots!

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Please provide the name of the Judge who granted his release. He should be immediately removed! This is unbelievable! Name of the cops as well. What idiot would allow the release into the public a cold blooded murder? Print the judges name in big letters for all to see. When are the Thai people going to wake the fuc_k Up!

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First off, the way Thais act (when they're pissed off) and the way of Buddhism are two different things.

I was driving a pu truck with 2 farang men passengers (3 of us) on a highway in the north of Thailand. A large non-semi truck abruptly stopped in my lane, forcing me to slow quickly (I don't tailgate). When I passed him I gave him the finger (my mistake). A few minutes later, at a red light, the truck driver yelled at my truck, red-faced, while waving a large (2 foot) knife from his truck window, the door ajar. None of 3 us farang in the pu said or did anything, and the tense stand-off ended with no physical contact.

I agree that me 'giving the finger' was out-of-line, but it also hit home on how more offensive the finger can be to Thais than to westerners. A westerner gives and gets 'the finger' during the course of his life, and knows it's nothing more than a 'fuk-u' gesture. A Thai, on the other hand, gives it a lot more significance, particularly if he's prone to instant anger and other psychological problems.

Terrible story, but one that sounds almost stereotypical of life here. Poor, aggressive driving. Lack of self control. Violent murder, presumably due to 'snapping' when confronted. Charged with murder and released the same day, be it on 'bail' or whatever.

You're in The USA ?

made me chuckle, thanks.

I was cut up by a van driver, when I blew my horn at him, he tried to force me off the road, this on Viphawadi at about 08.30, in-order to avoid further incident I stopped the car in the middle of the road, he had a knife and but he didn't get out of his van when he saw get out of the car, I thought to myself if you are going to attack do so in broad day light and if I am going down you will be too. He didn't get out in the end. I suppose I was lucky that day, but had he attacked it was my intention to make it unlucky for both of us and especially him. Most drivers on the road here are reasonable but the idiots are just real idiots!

I think you mean cut off, not cut up.

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I had a similar experience, I had a full PU with my young children,Mia, Mama and friend of Mama. A PU tried to overtake me what I felt was unnecessary on that short road to a traffic light and the Highway.

I was in 5th gear and just accelerated, on the end he went back behind me, there was no traffic, so nothing dangerous for him, but as we approached the red traffic light, the driver of the car stepped out of his PU and came to my door.

It was already nearly dark and my windows are dark to, but I could see he had a big piece of something in his hand, with the other hand he knocked on my car.

Same time I managed to drive to the left and drove off, I could see him running back to his car and he followed me.

I took the next U-Turn and drove fast, he did the same. I was, so I think lucky to loose him after some Kilometers.

In a city not always possible and the outcome can be seen in that thread.

Last year a German PU driver also above 60 was deadly stabbed near the Chalong circle Phuket island from a Thai Motobike rider. The German cut off the Motobike and wanted to discuss the as he thought crazy driving of the Motobikeman.

A fight envolved and ended with the deadly stabbed German.

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