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Thaksin Rules Out Serving Jail Term


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'Crushdepth' timestamp='1311062160' post='4568601'

I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Of course those pardons happen AFTER conviction and time served,

and don't necessarily reinstall election rights.

And they don't stop all PENDING legal trials and charges.

He clearly expect to have enough power for blanket immunity from EVERYTHING.

But somehow I doubt he has immunity from segments of the populace that fear

his return to his old form to carry on where he left off.

As JD said

"That very well be in 1-2 years IF PTP does a decent job, or never ...."

Ides of March maybe? Let's see how fast his ego swells after sis is in office.

If he plans on coming for the December wedding,

I hope to be far, far away from that party.

pardons in the USA :

A pardon is the forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty

That can be before time is served, too.

Very rare the second part, Nixon comes to mind, but that's it.

And he was impeached, AKA charged prior to this.

But good search on your part, I had forgotten.

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Somehow I think this posts illustrates clearly what I sometimes, perhaps unfairly, see as the typical poster from the group of 'red-leaning expats' and their achievement-level.

Or perhaps lack of achievement, coupled to ideology, and possibly inability to get basic facts right, yet perhaps be angered beyond acting reasonably in debate. We have heard the phrase Bad Losers before, but is perchance Bad Winner becoming a new category.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

No ... it's a cotton and oil republic


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I believe the reason Thaksin wishes to come back without going to jail is access to the wonderful cheap whey protein kindly and relevantly selected by Google and thoughtfully placed in this forum, to ensure the ongoing intelligent discourse.

I truly believe this entire debate relates either to whey protein.....where there's a will there's a whey. That's what William the Great said, and you can see why, it's pretty great.


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Of course those pardons happen AFTER conviction and time served,

and don't necessarily reinstall election rights.

And they don't stop all PENDING legal trials and charges.

He clearly expect to have enough power for blanket immunity from EVERYTHING.

But somehow I doubt he has immunity from segments of the populace that fear

his return to his old form to carry on where he left off.

As JD said

"That very well be in 1-2 years IF PTP does a decent job, or never ...."

Ides of March maybe? Let's see how fast his ego swells after sis is in office.

If he plans on coming for the December wedding,

I hope to be far, far away from that party.

I doubt that he is trying for a pardon which would be almost impossible to get. What he will get is either a new trial or a trial review. I was in fact talking to some people last week who believe that he will be back early next year and it seems that even the Yellow Shirts no longer have a big problem with that - not that they count for much any more.

What you have failed to grasp is the support that Thaksin has in Thailand. You have also failed to grasp that the chances are Phuea Thai will be in power for four years and most probably that will be followed by a further four years. You have also forgotten that the use of force using live ammunition (authorised by Abhisit, Suthep et al) resulted in 92 dead, 40 still missing and thousands injured. Do you really think that none of them are not going to stand trial? Because the support of the Red Shirts was/is conditional that they would stand trial.

Thaksin started the greatest change ever seen in Thai society and that change will gain momentum over the next 8 years and I think will be impossible to reverse.

I think you are right in that Thaksin is looking for a new trial or a trial review - but that will only help with his one conviction thus far. What about the rest? I know they were brought up by the coup makers, but there were calls from the public for investigations to start long before coup.

The other option, if he's really *lucky*, his cases will be dismissed due to "mistrial".

I must say that I also fail to grasp the support Thaksin has in Thailand. I have lived in the south (Suratthani, Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Krabi and Phuket provinces) for nigh-on 10 years now and, although the migrant Isaan populus in Samui and Phuket sing his praises, the honest-to-god truth is that Southerners believe he's a shyster - looking out for hims own interests foremost, not to be believed and certainly not in a position of authority.

I'm not sure you grasp how unpopular Thaksin is outside the areas that love him - which, admittedly, is a large portion, around half, of the country. Look at the colour-coded election map again; it was two areas, one big blue one and one big red one, and not much of anything else. It would be fair to assume that the centre of the red area really loves Thaksin and the centre of the big blue one really doesn't.

Having said that, having spent a few months in Udon Thani two years ago and five years ago, I can see how much open support there is for him there. But I got the feeling a lot of it was "brand recognition" stuff - shouting the loudest and all - because in the village I was staying in 2 years ago, a lot of people in debt were badmouthing Thaksin but the village VIPs (who looked very much the Bangkok elite we see on Thai soap operas!) were telling them to be quiet, Thaksin's a good man, he'll look after us, etc - not forcefully but indignantly.

You're right, the support of the Red Shirt movement was/is dependent on bringing those responsible for justice. But, in my own humble opinion of course, the UDD's support depends on Thaksin. And without the UDD there to coordinate and finance, the Red Shirt movement is just a set of ideologies.

I do appreciate your use of language in describing the authorisation of a live-ammo response to paramilitary urban terrorism, as well as your amusing claim that all 92 of them rest at the feet of "Abhisit, Suthep et al". By the way, who's "al"? I do hope it's a pseudonym for one or two armed red shirts, as well as those who were calling for blood and fire.

Your last sentence may or not be true - but I shall hold my judgement as to whether this fabled change will benefit the Thai people.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Of course those pardons happen AFTER conviction and time served,

and don't necessarily reinstall election rights.

And they don't stop all PENDING legal trials and charges.

He clearly expect to have enough power for blanket immunity from EVERYTHING.

But somehow I doubt he has immunity from segments of the populace that fear

his return to his old form to carry on where he left off.

As JD said

"That very well be in 1-2 years IF PTP does a decent job, or never ...."

Ides of March maybe? Let's see how fast his ego swells after sis is in office.

If he plans on coming for the December wedding,

I hope to be far, far away from that party.

I doubt that he is trying for a pardon which would be almost impossible to get. What he will get is either a new trial or a trial review. I was in fact talking to some people last week who believe that he will be back early next year and it seems that even the Yellow Shirts no longer have a big problem with that - not that they count for much any more.

What you have failed to grasp is the support that Thaksin has in Thailand. You have also failed to grasp that the chances are Phuea Thai will be in power for four years and most probably that will be followed by a further four years. You have also forgotten that the use of force using live ammunition (authorised by Abhisit, Suthep et al) resulted in 92 dead, 40 still missing and thousands injured. Do you really think that none of them are not going to stand trial? Because the support of the Red Shirts was/is conditional that they would stand trial.

Thaksin started the greatest change ever seen in Thai society and that change will gain momentum over the next 8 years and I think will be impossible to reverse.

Quote: "Thaksin started the greatest change ever seen in Thai society and that change will gain momentum over the next 8 years and I think will be impossible to reverse"

I suggest it's the other way around: thaksin started the greatest ever nasty manipulation of millions of unaware people from his own country and the day will come when people finally realize what a nasty conman he really is.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

This is what I've been saying for ages now. An amnesty is of no use to Thaksin as he has been convicted (in abstentia) and the only way he can return to Thailand without having to serve time is with a royal pardon - and he just ain't gonna get one of them is he!!!! ;)

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Those pardoned are otherwise in compliance with the judicial system. I don't think a fugitive has ever been pardoned. One also has to admit they did something wrong. Certainly not (ever) the case here.

actually, not at all the case, here is just one example from the 90s (source wikipedia)

"Marc Rich (born December 18, 1934) is an international commodities trader.[1] He is best known for founding the commodities company Glencore. He was indicted in the United States on federal charges of illegally making oil deals with Iran during the late 1970s-early 1980s Iran hostage crisis and tax evasion. He was in Switzerland at the time of the indictment and has never returned to the U.S."

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If this guy is really serious, and wants to gain the confidence of the people, he should publicly resign from all his business interests. And make it offical , so the public will not worry about him going back to his old ways [using his position for personal financial gain of his business empire.]

If the government does not have an impeachment process available, then leaders can get [as he said above] too powerful. The PM position is meant to serve the people first, not himself and his personal interests.

Mr Thaksin, has alot of experience in growing business entities. If he would channel this knowledge towards government projects towards the betterment of the people and the nation, then he might be able to expunge the unwise choices that he made in the past.

People aren't so interested in political partys. They want whats best for the nation. And that is progress for it's citizens. Improving the standard of living for everyone. Giving people an education. And enhancing Thailands position within the world community.

I liked the guy when he came to power. Things were done. The main road to Isaan right from Bangkok to Nong Khai was bloody adysmal, people died in the huge unsignalled pot holes in 100km zones. It took a good 3 or 4 hours of extra driving even with good traffic...the heavy load of trucks destroyed the entire width of the main highway, huge resources wastage in burnt fuel, broken trucks everywhere but patched to some lesser standard again, the fumes were toxic all the way to Saraburi. Thaksin arrived and the thing was "fixed" to what is there today. He is a very good bussinessman.

But he is not a god nor a king or a holder of ultimate power. And that is what he was trying to be.

For me he should be left in exile for equal time under the current governance, and forewidth, (of an allowed democratic process that resembles closely the 97 constitution) to that time served to date under those that "didn't understand" him. Until that time he looks after his own affairs and not Thailand's. If he stayed out it would allow Pheu Thai to then deside if they can be the middle class party that can deliver change. They need to go forward minus the hardcore Red / Black fringe among them. The current PM Shinawatra can still give a very high honour to their family name on one call on the price of corruption. None of the thai guys to date seem to have them big enough to make that one call, one can only hope that the other gender has them. :jap:

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Removed one nonsensical post, one insulting post and about 10 who needlessly quoted them.

It's pretty clear to most members what is allowable and what is not. If you don't want your post deleted, don't quote one with an obvious flame. We don't have time to selectively edit every quote out of subsequent replies so any post quoting it goes in the trash.

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Hungry hippo posted:

snapback.pngarrowsdawdle, on Yesterday, 16:29 , said:

Would that be the same Isan people that have voted him and/or his party into office for 5 sequential elections, or is it 6 now? This is not a connection? Would you have us believe that you are more connected to Thai people than he is? It would appear so since you proclaim to know it all, which has ego ramifications of its own. It is interesting how many detractors there are for the removed PM and Bill Gates, typically by underachievers. Speaking of underachievers, hasn't it been two decades since the outgoing party won an election?

<<He's not some kind of underachiever the guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Were you even in Thailand when he was PM? If you were then you should know better what kind of person he was. Not only did he order the deaths of many people under the ruse of a "war on drugs" campaign he even publicly said that those provinces that didn't vote him in would receive tsunami aid last. Great for the Isan people too bad the rest of the poor provinces have to suffer because they didn't vote for him. This doesn't even account for his brutality in the deep south, lets also remember that in 2005 you wouldn't even hear about other parties except for his.

I don't really see how Bill Gates can even be compared to him unless you mean ethically. Bill Gates made his success by buying out the competition then burying them. You have to be very naive and know nothing about Gates to think he is some kind of saint but it's an insult to Bill to relate him to a flat out criminal like Taksin.

So really it's not interesting that many people hate Taksin. There are simply too many reasons to list why and you are ignorant of all of them.

This post has been edited by hungryhippo: Yesterday, 18:25>>

This is the best post I have read in many moons. Many forget the drug-dealer execution ruse Thaksin employed to literally bury his many opponents. Plant drugs, have a trumped-up trial and have his political opponents executed. Nice trick. Thacky ruled with an iron fist and he oughta be compared to Idi Amin since Thaksin has a thing for African leaders. The Tai Army put things right and ousted him in 2006 because they realized their heads would be next on the chopping block. A Tiger does NOT change his stripes, as Thaksin is scurrying to do, overnight. I think we are all saddened at the gathering storm clouds in Thailand. Thaksin is a gifted politician, knows how to get things done. Too bad he uses his gifts for personal gain at the expense of the rest. He's a sore loser. This is his downfall. Had he served his sentence, he would be already back in the saddle.

No way will the Tai army allow him back into Prathet Tai. They'd be slicing their own throats, placing their own noggin's under the guillotine. Blood will be coming to our beloved adopted homeland in the years to come, maybe on the order of the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot's Killing Fields? The chess pieces are arranging themselves, fueled by huge disparities between rich and poor. Thailand hardly has a lock on such antics. Conditions are more precarious in Greece, Italy, Ireland, USA, etc. than Thailand. Business conditions are quite decent in the Kingdom, at the moment. Much, much Japanese investment as they flee their poisoned homeland. At least the Red Shirts still have about 25% of the country's wealth. Not so in the above mentioned lands. Greater disparities between the average Greek and say, Goldman Sachs.

The real long term winners in any protracted civil war in Thailand will be the two bystanders, openly salivating at huge future unrest in Prathet Tai: China and Russia. Russia takes the lower half of Thailand demarcated at Hua Hin, China has the rest. The fecund growing area that is Thailand is too rich a plum for China to pass up. They have millions to feed and Thailand is actually underpopulated at 66 million. That would be a medium city in China.

And the Tai civil wars will bring the Chinese Army in, same as the Khmer Rouge slaughterings invited the Vietnamese army into Phnom Phen in 1979. Except, this time, I think the Chinese would just stay. Out of the box thinking for sure, but all this squabbling is debilitating to the overall fabric of "nationhood." The whole notion of "Thailand as a Nation" is quite brief, viewing the long scope of history. Siam/Thailand has endured many Chinese mass migrations (famine, war, etc.) They are bringing about the conditions for yet another visit from their neighbors to the north. The Chinese have already bought Laos and on a casino building spree in Cambodia. The Chinese are smart, patient and will pluck the low hanging fruit when the time is ripe.

Things do not bode well for the Kingdom. Is Thaksin taken out in Dubai or in-flight engine failure? Either way, we should all say our own prayers---in our own way---that things right themselves in the Kingdom. Yingluck develop a fierce backbone and block her brother, all the while implementing real reforms? Stranger things have happened. Stay tuned......

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If Thaksin wants any return to "public life" (to serve in parliament or as an MP) he cannot accept ANY jail time.

thats not his decision.its up to the thai courts he can say i don`t accept jail all he wants but that crook has no say if he returns.sure his sister might pardon him but in sure there will be trouble in the streets if that happens or another regime change

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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

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If you were here, for much of his time in office and knew his history better a post like this above would not be made.

As some might say 'Wake up and smell the coffee'. He need not have 'personally' done something to a particular individual for him to be loathed and feared by them. His legend is a facade that has been sold for 10 years to the credulous, it makes no difference if you criticize those who have seen through it for the fraud it is, because that changes none of the danger to Thailand he poses.

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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

Since you are obviously some kind of legal expert and rules lawyer, you are doubtless also aware that criticising court decisions is illegal. Why don't you educate yourself before telling people to shut their mouth? If you don't know what Thaksin has done that's *your* appalling ignorance (I take it you are a recent arrival). If you think a 3,000+ body count is nothing to be worried about and quite acceptable by international standards, well, not everyone is such a moral pygmy.

If you want "proof" of Thaksin's crimes you can start by reading the court ruling and decide for yourself, instead of passing uninformed judgement on propaganda.

On the subject of "dubious court rulings ran by dubious individuals", are you aware that Thaksin's lawyer was caught trying to bribe court officials with a snack box full of money? He was caught by a passing judge actually and did time for it. So tell me again, who's dubious?

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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

Some responses.

You said ".....dubious court ruling....." This is incorrect. He clearly broke the law, a law which had been in place for decades and should be there. Claims that he was victomized because he had to sign a document to allow his wife to buy land is just rubbish, that's a completely different issue and has absolutely nothing to do with why he was convicted. He broke the law - politicians are not allow to have dealings with the state, a law which is totally appropriate and exists in at least all developed countries. There is clear documentary evidence he broke the law. The fact that it a was an agency established by the results of the coup which brought the case to court is also irrelevant. State agencies which have existed for decades should have taken action, but they didn't. Why? Simple answer - they were far to afraid to confront the paymaster, who in his reign had seriously intimated many state agencies. It could even be said that the coup re-established some of the agencies which had become totally toothless. and

Yes there are many people who have broken the law and many of them are scaly politicians, and the same in many countries in the world. But it's also true that all people, all jobs, in all countries, who get into corruption do so at their own risk and they know this. They take this risk, they know that one day the axe will fall and it could be them. Suggestion that many have been involved in corruption and collusion (and in some cases the masterminds of asassinations, theft of large amounts of land from poor farmers, destruction of large amounts of property and more) therefore they should all be forgiven is total rubbish. If forgiveness for massive corruption etc., is sanctioned they surely every person in jail in Thailand should be released because their crimes are in the main much lesser than theft of billions from the common wealth of all Thais. Further, if there is forgiveness which creates highly undeseireable precedents then this just encouraging the nasties of Thailand to get involved in more corruption, collusion, etc, and ultimately is taking Thailand down the path of becoming a lawless country. Respect for the law is already unhealthy, why do things which make this even worse. I have a family here in Thailand, and I am totally committed to their growth, their safety and security and hapiness, and I will continue to speak out against slimy politicians who are nothing more than leeches and thieves who have no morals and no hesitation to manipulate very large sectors of the unaware of society for their own nasty immoral ends, and are deliberately stopping this country from developing.

You say there is no evidence in regard to the other cases against the paymaster - wrong, lots of evidence has been tabeled already.

Edited by scorecard
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Sell up and move out....while u still can. People are going to die and its not going to be pretty.

Biohazard say it best:

Armageddon, a new death is dawnin', I like the smell of napalm in themorning, four riders of the apocalypse descend from the north, a fear inmy eye, I behold a pale horse. Armageddon, no time to cry we all die asthe sky turns red, the missles start to fly

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Many forget the drug-dealer execution ruse Thaksin employed to literally bury his many opponents. Plant drugs, have a trumped-up trial and have his political opponents executed. Nice trick. Thacky ruled with an iron fist and he oughta be compared to Idi Amin since Thaksin has a thing for African leaders.

Just to point out that, far from getting a "trumped-up trial", none of the people murdered during the 'War on Drugs' received any sort of trial at all, and the subsequent investigative-commission concluded that about half the dead were totally-unconnected with the drugs-trade, which a trial might have discovered before their being sentenced. B)

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Many forget the drug-dealer execution ruse Thaksin employed to literally bury his many opponents. Plant drugs, have a trumped-up trial and have his political opponents executed. Nice trick. Thacky ruled with an iron fist and he oughta be compared to Idi Amin since Thaksin has a thing for African leaders.

Just to point out that, far from getting a "trumped-up trial", none of the people murdered during the 'War on Drugs' received any sort of trial at all, and the subsequent investigative-commission concluded that about half the dead were totally-unconnected with the drugs-trade, which a trial might have discovered before their being sentenced. B)

Plus, there have been many 'suggestions' that his war on drugs was in fact not 'for Thailand', it was a personal vendetta because of a problem close to home. And approx. 2,500 Thais gunned down. He should have been taken to the international court in the Hague for crimes against humanity, also for the shocking and unbelieveable incident at Tak Bai.

Also galling is his photo op to make his big declaration that Thailand was now drug free or similar words. And, in his 'war', not one drug lord / not one influential person / not one policeman was touched, not one!

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Many forget the drug-dealer execution ruse Thaksin employed to literally bury his many opponents. Plant drugs, have a trumped-up trial and have his political opponents executed. Nice trick. Thacky ruled with an iron fist and he oughta be compared to Idi Amin since Thaksin has a thing for African leaders.

Just to point out that, far from getting a "trumped-up trial", none of the people murdered during the 'War on Drugs' received any sort of trial at all, and the subsequent investigative-commission concluded that about half the dead were totally-unconnected with the drugs-trade, which a trial might have discovered before their being sentenced. B)

Plus, there have been many 'suggestions' that his war on drugs was in fact not 'for Thailand', it was a personal vendetta because of a problem close to home. And approx. 2,500 Thais gunned down. He should have been taken to the international court in the Hague for crimes against humanity, also for the shocking and unbelieveable incident at Tak Bai.

Also galling is his photo op to make his big declaration that Thailand was now drug free or similar words. And, in his 'war', not one drug lord / not one influential person / not one policeman was touched, not one!

Of all the things that happened under Thaksin, I think Tak Bai is probably the most brutal and heinous. It's something that everyone needs to be aware of. If you can watch the video footage and tell me you still think Mr T should be welcomed back or allowed to escape his sentence, you're not human.

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When will Thailand realise what a true selfish prat this man is and sweep him away from the titular leader of the PTT party and put in somebody credible and honest as a true and world respected leader. Only then will PTT have worldwide respect and become a true peoples' party which is what I would love to see here for the good Thai folk and Thailand's future health.

1. Will the majority realise this? Never. They are too ignorant, too unsophisticated, too unimaginative and in may cases, too stupid. Many have a case in arguing that that is not their fault. Spread a thousand here, a thousand there, in some Isan village, ensure the every newspaper prints the fact with pictures and hey presto. Hail the Messiah.

2. Where in Thailand would you start to look for a credible and honest man? The whole damned country is corrupt, it is part of the Thai way of life, and many totally unashamed farangs like it that way. I can guess why that lot are here.

3. I don';t think the PTT give a rat's ass about what the rest of the World thinks. Certainly Reichsmarschall Thaksin didn't.

I share your hopes for the future of Thailand but I am not holding my breath, indeed I am besieged by forebodings..

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I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof?

Here is one to get you started: http://www.freerepub...s/1513802/posts

Mr Thaksin told a meeting of grassroots leaders that not all provinces could receive state assistance at the same time and provinces which supported Thai Rak Thai would receive special treatment.

``I'm not going to beat around the bush. The provinces which place their trust in us will be given special care,'' he said.

I don't really see the need for proof. If you were here when he was prime minister then you'd know yourself how bad it was.

It's really tiring however to constantly remind people of Taksin's past to people that just arrived in the country and only hear praises from their SOs about the guy. At least do some of your own reading up on the guy from independent sources.

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"...has ruled out serving jail term, saying he will have to "stand for justice" by not accepting 'unfair' legal action against him."

Just brilliant, I'll have to remember that if I'm ever in a legal tiffy. :lol:

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